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Raynan Reyes

Ms. Steiner

English Period 6

20, February 2020

We are all Slowly Killing Ourselves

Climate change is life threatening and people aren't seeing the bigger picture of

how it is affecting us. Although it can be argued that there is still hope to reverse climate change,

however climate change has reached the point of no return because of the effects on weather,

natural disasters, and the economy.

Climate change and weather link together very well and the results that are

coming are concerning to many people. Climate change is causing the weather to change

drastically and it is affecting us greatly. Due to climate change affecting our weather so badly

and it also leads to our ecosystem getting shifted in a dangerous way. According to Hsingchun

and Chou and their article “Natural Disasters caused by Climate Change and Agricultural

Products Loss in Cross-Strait Industry- An Input-Output Analysis”, farmers are losing crops due

to change in humidity (Hsingchun & Chou 56). This shows that since climate change has

affected the weather, it affects our resources greatly as well. Crops and food are getting more

complicated to grow due to changes of humidity in certain areas, this will worsen throughout the

years which would result in resources to dissipate. When the humidity changes, crops tend to get
too much humidity or not enough humidity, this makes the crops harder to treat which also puts

more stress on the workers

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because this is their job and they can’t proceed to finish their crops because they aren’t growing

properly. The weather doesn’t just affect food resources, but it also harms our water resources.

To add onto this, in Alice Hill and Leonardo-Martinez Diaz’s article “Preparing for the

Inescapable Effects of Climate Change” heat waves have been so damaging until now and

droughts are greatly affecting the water supply especially near Southwest of America (Diaz &

Hill 108). This shows that heat waves are getting so dangerous that it’s higher than it’s ever been,

heat waves generally cause an array of problems and if it gets higher the problems can worsen. In

addition to this, heat waves affect the water supply because humans need water to survive and

due to the loss of water, it can become scarce. (Heat waves are also affecting our water supply

which is a major problem because we need water to survive and due to loss of water we can start

to be scarce in water if this continues) Droughts also don’t just affect water & crops but it also

affects our animals greatly. If animals don’t have resources to live then they will slowly start to

die, this is a serious issue because animals play important roles for the planet. Some of the roles

could be … (we need some animals because some play an important role for our planet.)

Another way climate change can harm people is by killing them due to natural disasters.

Climate change results in natural disasters happening more often, these disasters can come from

typhoons, tornadoes or heavy storms. According to Hsingchun and Chou in their article “Natural

Disasters caused by Climate Change and Agricultural Products Loss in Cross-Strait Industry-An

Input-Output Analysis” climate change also kills people by natural disasters like typhoons which
result in floods and landslides killing a plethora of people, it also affects the drinking water for

people there (Hsinchun and Chou 1). This shows that climate change takes

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lives as well, and this can greatly affect families that lose a relative in natural disasters.

Landslides and floods are extremely dangerous to the public and cause plenty of damage to the

cities that have been hit with these terrifying natural disasters. Due to the natural disasters

causing a lot of water flow everywhere, it can mix with dangerous fluids and could contaminate

with the cities drinking water which can cause health problems for everyone that drinks the

water. To tie this together, in the article “Tackling Natural Disaster, Climate Change '' these

natural disasters harm the development of a cities infrastructure, it hurts people in poverty, and it

can greatly affect the ecosystem. This shows that natural disasters can harm a cities growth

drastically and this is a bad thing because cities need to grow so people could find a place to live

at. For the people in poverty this harms them in the worst way because they already don’t have

the things they need which would result in having to find shelter or else they will not survive out

in the raging floods. Natural disasters also harm our ecosystem because the storms affect our

trees by just ripping them out of the ground.

Climate change doesn’t just hurt people physically but it can hurt them economically.

Climate change requires a lot of changes in cities to counteract with the drawbacks that it brings

to them. According to Deady in his article “New Evolutions in the Law of Climate Change and

Sea-Level Rise” due to sea levels rising the concern for flooding has been brought up as well,

some cities even had to raise stormwater storage (Deady 57). This shows that cities have to pay

more money to be able to survive climate change due to the rise in water. If these changes
weren’t made, serious flooding would occur. Climate change is causing cities to pay money to

raise their stormwater storage, this money could go into medicines or repair in other things rather

than increasing stormwater storage. Since flooding also happens, it can affect cities due to repairs


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houses, and the cities infrastructure overall. To tie in with this, Diaz and their article “Preparing

for the Inescapable Effects of Climate Change” Climate change hurts people a lot economically,

almost $500 billion is being spent every year to help slow climate change (Diaz 107). This

proves that people spend a lot of money to try to counteract climate change, but climate change

is only getting worse so they are going to have to pay more money to help slow it down. This

money is also used to slow climate change, it will not fully bring to an end, and it only slows

climate change by a very little amount. This is a yearly thing and $500 billion is a lot of money,

money like this can be spent on the military but instead it’s spent on things to slow climate


Although some say climate change can be reversed because it hasn’t hit its peak, however

it can’t be reversed because according to Wan, Tian, and Xiong their article “Climate Change

Scenarios and Implications for Marine System Sustainability” global warming is something that

is caused from humans and the Co2 that we all produce at once (Wan, Tian, Xiong 55). This

shows that not much can be done about it anymore because humans produce so much Co2 that

we cannot reverse it. The amount of Co2 that is produced isn’t healthy for the Earth and knowing

the vast amount of humans, it will be extremely hard to stop climate change.

Climate change will not be able to be reversed, and the weather, natural disasters, and
economic problems will always be there because climate change will always be here. Climate

change is taking a humongous toll on the world and there isn’t much to do at this point, we just

have to live our best lives while we have it.

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Works Cited

Deady, Erin L. “New Evolutions in the Law of Climate Change and Sea-Level Rise.” Florida Bar Journal,
94, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 55–58. EBSCOhost,

Fengting Wang, et al. “Climate Change Scenarios and Implications for Marine System Sustainability.”
Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 94, Sept. 2019, pp. 55–59. EBSCOhost,

Hill, Alice, and Leonardo Martinez-Diaz. “Adapt or Perish: Preparing for the Inescapable Effects of
Change.” Foreign Affairs, vol. 99, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 107–117. EBSCOhost,

Lin, Hsingchun, and Lichen Chou. “Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change and Agricultural
Loss in Cross-Strait Industry: An Input-Output Analysis.” Journal of Coastal Research, vol. 96,
Nov. 2019, pp. 1–4. EBSCOhost, doi:10.2112/SI96-001.1.

“Tackling Natural Disaster, Climate Change.” Nation (Nigeria), 4 Sept. 2019. EBSCOhost,

Lin Hsingchun and Lichen Chou. “Natural Disasters Caused by Climate Change and Agricultural
Products Loss in Cross-Strait Industry: An Input-Output Analysis.” Journal of Coastal

Research, vol. 96, Nov. 2019, pp. 1-4, EBSCOhost, doi:10.2112/SI96-001.1.1.

“Tackling Natural Disaster, Climate Change.” Nation (Nigeria), 4 Sept, 2019.



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