Identification and Quantification of Estrogen Receptor Agonists in Wastewater Effluents

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Environ. Sci. Technol.

2001, 35, 3620-3625

2). “Endocrine-disrupting” compounds have been defined

Identification and Quantification of as exogenous agents that interfere with the “synthesis,
Estrogen Receptor Agonists in secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural
hormones in the body that are responsible for the mainte-
Wastewater Effluents nance of homeostasis, reproduction, development, and/or
behavior” (3). It has been hypothesized that such compounds
may elicit a variety of adverse effects in both humans and
wildlife, including promotion of hormone-dependent can-
cers, reproductive tract disorders, and reduction in repro-
ductive fitness (1, 4-10). Much of the concern has focused
Department of Zoology, National Food Safety and on compounds that are estrogen receptor (ER) agonists. These
Toxicology Center, and Institute for Environmental
compounds have been variously referred to as “estrogenic”,
Toxicology, Michigan State University,
“estrogen-like”, “environmental estrogens”, or “xenoestro-
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1311
gens”. ER agonists and antagonists have the ability to mimic
or block the functions of endogenous estrogen. Effects
consistent with exposure to ER agonists have been observed
See for options on how to legitimately share published articles.

Total concentrations of several known xenobiotic estrogen in fish exposed to municipal wastewater treatment plant
effluents (11, 12). Nonylphenol (NP), nonylphenol poly-
receptor (ER) agonists and natural and synthetic estrogen
ethoxylates (NPEs), octylphenol (OP), and synthetic and
were measured in water by use of a combination of natural steroids were targeted in this investigation because
instrumental and bioanalytical approaches. Samples from
Downloaded via UNIV OF PADOVA on April 21, 2022 at 14:16:17 (UTC).

they are known to be present in wastewater effluents and

3 municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in have been implicated as ER agonists that can cause adverse,
south central Michigan (upstream and effluent); 4 point population-level effects in aquatic organisms (11, 13-16).
source locations on the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River, Methods for identifying and quantifying ER agonists in
MI; and 5 locations in Lake Mead, NV were analyzed. environmental samples are needed in order to assess the
Organic compounds were extracted from 5 L water samples potential for adverse effects through an ER-mediated mech-
using solid-phase extraction disks and separated into anism of action. This need was underscored by recent
three fractions based on polarity. Whole extracts and legislation mandating that chemicals and formulations be
screened for potential to cause estrogen-like biological
fractions were tested for ER agonist potency using the
responses before they are manufactured or used in certain
MVLN in vitro bioassay. ER agonist potency was characterized processes (Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1995 -
by comparing the magnitude of induction elicited by the Bill Number S.1316; Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 -
extract or fraction to the maximum induction caused by 17β- Bill Number P.L. 104-170).
estradiol (E2). The greatest concentrations of ER agonists Halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (HAHs) and poly-
were associated with the most polar fraction (F3). cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known to cause a
Instrumental analyses and further fractionation were used wide range of adverse effects, including mortality, wasting
to identify specific ER agonists associated with bioassay syndrome, hepatotoxicity, immunotoxicity, reproductive
responses. Bioassay data were compared to extract impairment, and carcinogenicity (16-19). Some of these
concentrations in order minimize variability associated effects are mediated through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor
with the extraction procedure. Concentrations of endogenous (AhR) (17); however, some of these compounds can modulate
the ER as well. HAHs, such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p-
estrogen, E2, and the synthetic estrogen ethynylestradiol
dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs),
(EE2) ranged from nondetectable to 14.6 ng/mL extract and some polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), have been
(nondetectable to 3.66 ng/L water) and represented from reported to act as ER agonists in vitro (20, 21). PAHs have
88 to 99.5% of the total estrogen equivalents in the water been reported to be both ER agonists and antagonists in
samples analyzed. Concentrations of alkylphenols (APs) vitro (22-23).
ranged from nondetectable to 148 µg/mL extract (nonde- Although instrumental analyses can be used to identify
tectable to 37 000 ng/L water). In general, alkylphenols and quantify known ER agonists and antagonists in waste-
contributed less than 0.5% of the total estrogen equivalents water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, in vitro bioassays
in the water samples. Both bioassay-directed fractionation provide useful information that can complement instru-
results and comparison of ER agonist concentrations, mental analyses to provide a more comprehensive charac-
adjusted for their known relative potencies, support the terization of a sample’s potential to modulate the ER and
conclusion that E2 and EE2 were the dominant environmental result in estrogenic responses. In vitro bioassays provide an
integrated measure of the total potency of complex mixtures
estrogens in water samples from mid-Michigan and Lake
to induce particular biological responses. Thus, in vitro
Mead, NV. bioassays can account for both unknown compounds and
potential nonadditive interactions among compounds. This
study is based on a bioassay-directed fractionation approach
Introduction to identify compounds able to modulate ER-mediated gene
Some compounds released into the environment by human expression. Furthermore, bioassay-based estimates of total
activities can mimic or modulate endogenous hormones and ER agonist potency were compared to estimates based on
have been termed “endocrine-disrupting” compounds (1, analytical concentrations of known ER agonists and their
relative potencies (REPs) in a potency balance analysis (24,
* Corresponding author phone: (702)567-2317; fax: (702)564-7222; 25) to determine whether the compounds quantified could
e-mail: Current address: Southern Ne- account for the magnitude of ER-mediated bioassay response
vada Water Authority, 243 Lakeshore Road, Boulder City, NV 89005. observed.
3620 9 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY / VOL. 35, NO. 18, 2001 10.1021/es001254n CCC: $20.00  2001 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 08/14/2001
FIGURE 1. Luciferase induction in the MVLN cell bioassay (estrogen responsive) elicited by water extracts. Response magnitude presented
as percentage of the average maximum response observed for a 1000 pM 17β-estradiol standard (%-E2-max). Horizontal lines represent
( 3 SD from the mean solvent control response (set to 0%-E2-max): a. Michigan WWTPs; b. Trenton Channel; c. Lake Mead (April); and
d. Lake Mead (September).

Materials and Methods

Sample Collection and Fractionation. A detailed description
of the analytical methodology used in this study was
published previously (26). Briefly, 5 L water samples were
extracted at each field site using solid-phase extraction (SPE)
Empore disks. Organic extracts from these SPE disks were
separated into three fractions based on polarity using normal-
phase high-pressure liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) (26).
In some cases, ER agonists of interest were isolated from F2
and F3 by fractionating these again with reverse-phase HPLC
(RP-HPLC), with fractions collected approximately every 3
min (Supporting Information, Figure 1). NP-HPLC and RP-
HPLC separations were accomplished using silica and C18
analytical columns, respectively. Quality assurance and
quality control measures included replicate samples, field
and laboratory blanks, and spike-recovery experiments,
which were described in detail previously (26). FIGURE 2. Fine fractionation of LV Wash, Lake Mead (April), F3
Cell Culture and Bioassay. An MCF-7 human breast extract using RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection followed by
luciferase induction in the MVLN cell bioassay (estrogen responsive)
carcinoma cell line, stably transfected with an ER-controlled
by the corresponding fractions. Response magnitude presented as
luciferase reporter gene construct (MVLN or MCF-7-luc cells),
percentage of the average maximum response observed for a 1000
was developed and characterized by Dr. M. D. Pons, Institut pM 17β-estradiol standard (%-E2-max). Horizontal lines represent
National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (27). MVLN ( 3 SD from the mean solvent control response (set to 0%-E2-max).
cells were cultured in 75-cm2 disposable polyethylene tissue
culture flasks (Corning, Corning, NY) containing 20-25 mL
of Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) with Hams use of a hemacytometer. MVLN cells were diluted in
F-12 nutrient mixture (Sigma D-2906; St. Louis, MO) supple- hormone-stripped medium [DMEM with Hams F-12 nutrient
mented with 10% defined fetal bovine serum (Hyclone, Logan, mixture, supplemented with 10% dextran-coated charcoal
UT), 27.3 I.U. insulin (Sigma I-1882)/L, and 1.0 mM sodium filtered fetal bovine serum (Hyclone), 27.3 I.U. insulin (Sigma
pyruvate (Sigma). I-1882)/L, and 1.0 mM sodium pyruvate (Sigma)] to a
In preparation for bioassay, cells were trypsinized from concentration of approximately 1.5 × 105 cells/mL. Cells were
flasks or plates in which cells were 80-100% confluent. The seeded into the 60 interior wells of 96-well flat bottom
number of cells per mL was determined microscopically by microplates (Packard Instruments 6005181; Meriden, CT) at

125 µL per well (15 000-20 000 cells per well) using a predictions (29). To make an accurate comparison, it was
repeating pipet. To ensure homogeneity, the cell solution necessary to address the potential for antagonistic and
was continuously mixed during seeding. The 36 exterior wells synergistic interactions. This was done by the fine fraction-
of each microplate were filled with 125 µL of medium. Cells ation of samples, by which compounds known to be
were dosed after an overnight incubation to allow for cell antagonistic to the measurement of EEQ were separated from
attachment. Extracts or fractions were dissolved in stripped the active compounds.
medium to yield a final concentration of 1.0% extract. A 3-fold
dilution of each extract or fraction was also prepared, yielding Results and Discussion
a concentration of 0.33% extract. Test wells were dosed with ER Agonist Activity. None of the F1 fractions induced a
125 µL 1.0% or 0.33% extract in medium to yield final in-well significant response in the MVLN assay (Figure 1). Nonpolar
concentrations of 0.50% and 0.165% extract. Solvent control compounds such as PAHs, PCBs, and most organochlorine
wells were dosed with 125 µL of medium spiked with 1.0% (OC) pesticides, if present, would have been contained in F1
of the appropriate solvent to yield a final in-well concentration (Figure 1) (26). Certain OC pesticides and PAHs such as
of 0.50% solvent. Blank wells received 125 µL of the chrysene, benz[a]anthracene, and benzo[a]pyrene have been
appropriate media. Each plate tested included a minimum reported to cause weak ER-mediated responses in vitro (23,
of three solvent control wells, three blank wells, and three 31). Based on the method detection limit (MDL) for E2 in the
replicates of each fraction tested (at both 0.50% and 0.165% MVLN assay, concentrations of ER agonists were present in
levels). Dosed cells were exposed for 72 h at standard F1 at a concentration less than 0.55 ng EEQ/mL. These results
incubation conditions. support the conclusion that concentrations of nonpolar ER
Each test plate was inspected visually and differences in agonists in the surface waters and effluents examined were
cell numbers and condition relative to control wells and small.
conditions normally observed during routine culturing were Weak ER agonists such as NP and OP were present in F2
noted for each well. Culture medium was then removed, and (26). No F2 extracts elicited a significant response in the
each well was rinsed twice with phosphate buffered saline MVLN assay (Figure 1), despite the confirmed presence of
(PBS) supplemented with 1.0 mM Ca2+ and Mg2+ using an NP and OP (Table 1). These results suggest that the
eight channel vacuum manifold. Plates were inspected for compounds present in F2 contributed less than 0.55 ng EEQ/
cell loss during washing. Following inspection, 75 µL PBS mL. ER agonist potencies of NP and OP, relative to E2, for
supplemented with Ca2+ and Mg2+ was added to each well, luciferase induction in MVLN cells have been reported to be
followed by 75 µL Luc-lite reagent (Packard Instruments). 1.25 × 10-5 and 1.9 × 10-5 for NP and OP, respectively (25).
Each plate was incubated for 10 min at 30 °C and then scanned When concentrations of NP and OP present in the samples
with an ML 3000 microplate reading luminometer (Dynatech (Table 1) were multiplied by their corresponding relative
Laboratories, Chantilly, VA). Following the luminometer scan, potencies and summed, it was concluded that these two
125 µL of 1.08 mM fluorescamine (Sigma) in acetonitrile compounds contributed less than 0.075 ng EEQ/mL for 15
(ACN) was added to each well, and plates were assayed for of the 16 samples tested. Thus, the general lack of significant
protein after a 15 min incubation at room temperature (28). induction of the MVLN cells was consistent with the known
Plates were scanned using a Cytofluor 2300 (excitation 400 concentrations of ER agonists (alkylphenols) present in F2.
nm, emission 460 nm), and responses were compared to a The BV-effluent sample extract contained approximately 1.90
standard curve consisting of six concentrations of bovine ng of EEQ/mL, which would correspond to approximately
serum albumin (BSA) (Sigma) ranging from 1.5 to 50 µg per 8.5 fmol EEQ/well in the MVLN bioassay. Based on regression
well. against an E2 standard curve, this dose could have elicited
All data were collected electronically and imported into a response as great as 53% E2-max. However, F2 extract of
a spreadsheet (Excel 7.0, Microsoft Inc., Seattle, WA) for data BV-effluent failed to induce a significant response in the
analysis. Protein content per well was calculated by regression MVLN bioassay (Figure 1a). This suggests that F2 of the BV-
against the BSA standard curve. Protein data were used as effluent sample might have contained interfering compounds
an index of cell number to detect outliers that were not that suppressed the ER agonist potency of NP and OP. The
apparent by visual inspection. Relative luminescence units F2 extract was fractionated further, and fine fractions were
(RLU) were not adjusted for protein. Sample responses in analyzed in the MVLN bioassay (Supporting Information,
RLU were expressed as a percentage of the mean maximum Figure 2). No significant ER-mediated responses were
response observed for standard curves developed on the same observed in the fine fractions. Thus, the hypothesized
day (% E2-max) (29). The greatest response of the two extract interfering compounds, if present, must have properties
dilutions was reported. However, for each significant re- similar to NP. The same fine fractionation was applied to the
sponse, the greatest response came from the greater extract F2 extract from Black Lagoon (Supporting Information, Figure
concentration (0.5% in the well). 3). Once again, no significant estrogen-like activity was
Potency balance analyses were conducted by comparing observed. In general, responses of MVLN cells to F2 samples
observed bioassay response magnitudes to those predicted were in agreement with the potency expected based on the
based on the concentrations of known ER agonists present known concentrations and relative potencies of these
in an extract (30). Instrumentally determined concentrations compounds.
of individual compounds were multiplied by their assay- F3 samples caused the greatest magnitude of ER agonist
specific relative potencies. The sum of the products for all response in the MVLN bioassay. Six of the 16 F3 samples
target compounds present in an extract provided an estimate elicited significant ER-mediated responses in the MVLN
of the 17β-estradiol equivalents (EEQ) in the extracts. Linear bioassay (Figure 1). The greatest magnitudes of response for
regression against a 17β-estradiol (E2) standard curve was F3 extracts (≈80% E2-max) were observed for samples
used to predict the bioassay response magnitude for the collected from the LV Wash and LV Bay in April 1997 (Figure
sample. Variability in the predicted bioassay response 1c). However, samples from LV Wash and LV Bay collected
magnitude was estimated based on the 95% confidence band in September of 1997 did not elicit significant responses in
for a first-order polynomial fit to the E2 standard curve (PlotIT, the MVLN assay (Figure 1d). The samples collected in
Scientific Programming Enterprises, Haslett, MI). Compari- September 1997 were obtained after a large storm event,
sons were predicated on the assumption that EEQs would which diluted the wastewater entering LV Wash and LV Bay
behave as if they were 17β-estradiol in the bioassay. Violation (26). The difference in bioassay responses for April and
of this assumption may have resulted in some error in the September samples was paralleled by decreases in EEQs in

TABLE 1. Extract Concentrations and 17β-Estradiol Equivalents (EEQs) (ng/mL)c
location date NP OP NPE E2 EE2 NP/OP-EEQa E2/EE2-EEQb
Lake Mead
LV Wash 4/30/97 4560 172 36000 10.70 1.92 0.061 10.9
LV Bay 4/30/97 3000 108 19400 8.84 2.08 0.040 9.05
9/5/97 640 ND 12710 0.752 1.01 0.008 0.86
LV Marina 9/5/97 ND ND ND 1.08 ND NA 1.08
Saddle Island 4/30/97 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA
Callville Bay 9/5/97 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA
Trenton Channel
WWTP 8/30/97 1916 20 21600 4.26 ND 0.024 4.26
Chem. 8/30/97 3450 60 29200 3.64 ND 0.044 3.64
B. Lagoon 8/30/97 3740 264 34700 5.18 1.44 0.052 5.30
M. Creek 8/30/97 4740 324 71260 4.24 ND 0.066 4.25
BV-upstream 10/8/97 ND ND ND 2.50 ND NA 2.50
BV-effluent 10/8/97 148000 2350 1160000 14.6 3.04 1.90 14.9
MA-upstream 10/8/97 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA
MA-effluent 10/8/97 2065 64 19400 3.62 1.43 0.027 3.77
ER-upstream 10/8/97 ND ND ND ND ND NA NA
ER-effluent 10/8/97 680 ND ND 1.90 ND 0.009 1.90
a Nonylphenol and octylphenol-derived 17β-estradiol equivalents. NP/OP-EEQ ) (NP
relative potency(REP) × NPconcentration) + (OPREP × OPconcentration).
NPREP ) 1.25 × 10-5. OPREP ) 1.9 × 10-5. A REP estimate was not available for NPE; therefore, it was not considered when deriving EEQ estimates.
b Estradiol and ethynylestradiol-derived 17β-estradiol equivalents. E2/EE2-EEQ ) (E2
REP × E2concentratration) + (EE2REP × EE2concentration). E2REP ) 1.0.
EE2REP ) 0.10. c ND ) not detectable; NA ) not applicable

TABLE 2. Extract 17β-Estradiol Equivalents (EEQs) (ng/mL) and

Predicted MVLN Responsese
NP/OP- predicted E2/EE2- predicted
location date EEQa responseb EEQc responsed
Lake Mead
LV Wash 4/30/97 0.061 0 10.9 92
LV Bay 4/30/97 0.040 0 9.05 88
9/5/97 0.008 0 0.86 35
LV Marina 9/5/97 NA NA 1.08 41
Saddle Island 4/30/97 NA NA NA NA
Callville Bay 9/5/97 NA NA NA NA
Trenton Channel
WWTP 8/30/97 0.024 0 4.26 71
Chem. 8/30/97 0.044 0 3.64 68
B. Lagoon 8/30/97 0.052 0 5.30 76
M. Creek 8/30/97 0.066 0 4.25 71
FIGURE 3. Fine fractionation of LV Bay, Lake Mead (April), F3 extract
using RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection followed by luciferase WWTPs
induction in the MVLN cell bioassay (estrogen responsive) by the BV-upstream 10/8/97 NA NA 2.50 59
BV-effluent 10/8/97 1.90 53 14.9 99
corresponding fractions. Response magnitude presented as per-
MA-upstream 10/8/97 NA NA NA NA
centage of the average maximum response observed for a 1000 pM MA-effluent 10/8/97 0.027 0 3.77 68
17β-estradiol standard (%-E2-max). Horizontal lines represent ( 3 ER-upstream 10/8/97 NA NA NA NA
SD from the mean solvent control response (set to 0%-E2-max). ER-effluent 10/8/97 0.009 0 1.90 53
a Nonylphenol and octylphenol-derived 17β-estradiol equivalents.
the samples (Tables 1 and 2). The ER agonist potency of EE2 NP/OP-EEQ ) (NPrelative potency (REP) × NPconcentration) + (OPREP × OPconcentration).
relative to E2 for luciferase induction in the MVLN assay NPREP ) 1.25 × 10-5. OPREP ) 1.9 × 10-5. A REP estimate was not available
previously has been reported to be approximately 0.1 (25). for NPE; therefore, it was not considered when deriving EEQ estimates.
b MVLN bioassay response magnitudes predicted based on regression
Based on the concentrations of E2 and EE2, and their of NP/OP-derived EEQ against a 17β-estradiol standard curve. Units are
corresponding relative potencies, samples collected from LV %E2-max. c Estradiol and ethynylestradiol-derived 17β-estradiol equiva-
Wash and LV Bay in April 1997 were estimated to contain lents. E2/EE2-EEQ ) (E2REP × E2concentration) + (EE2REP × EE2concentration).
10.9 and 9.05 ng E2/EE2-derived EEQ/mL, respectively. These E2REP ) 1.0. EE2REP ) 0.10. d MVLN bioassay response magnitudes
predicted based on regression of E2/EE2-derived EEQ against a 17β-
concentrations should have yielded doses of approximately estradiol standard curve. Units are %E2-max. e NA ) not applicable.
50 and 41 fmol EEQ/well in the MVLN bioassay. Based on Note: total EEQ ) NP/OP-EEQ + E2/EE2-EEQ. Predicted bioassay
regression against an E2 standard curve, such doses would response magnitudes are not additive.
be expected to yield responses of approximately 92% and
88% E2-max, respectively. Based on the range of uncertainty fractionation of the F3 extracts from LV Wash and LV Bay
in the predicted responses (Table 2) and the variability of the revealed that all of the ER agonist potency was associated
observed bioassay responses (Figure 1c), the responses with the fine fractions (FFs) 3 and 4, which equate roughly
observed for the samples collected from LV Wash and LV to the retention times of E2 and EE2 (Figures 2 and 3). FFs
Bay in April 1997 were not markedly different from predicted 3 and 4 from the F3 extract of the LV Wash sample were
responses. Thus, the known E2 and EE2 composition of F3 collected, combined, and fractionated again by RP-HPLC
of the samples collected from LV Wash and LV Bay appeared using a slower flow rate and solvent gradient to separate E2
to account for all the ER agonist potency observed. Additional and EE2 (Figure 4). ER agonist potency was observed in fine
fractions where E2 and EE2 elute, and the magnitude of
1). In five of the six cases, the whole extract response was
slightly less than the response elicited by F3. This suggests
that F1 and F2 may have contained some interfering
compound(s) or ER antagonists that modulated the potency
of the known ER agonists in the samples. However, no
significant ER antagonist responses were observed (Figure
1). Because the decreases were slight, however, the results
suggest that the bulk of potential interfering (antagonistic)
compounds were present in F3. The extract of BV-effluent
was the only sample for which the whole-extract response
was greater than the corresponding F3 response. It was also
the only sample for which the concentrations of NP and OP
in F2 were predicted to yield significant ER agonist activity.
NP and OP accounted for 11% of the total EEQ calculated for
the BV-effluent extract. Thus, although F2 of the BV-effluent
sample failed to elicit a significant response, NP and OP may
have contributed to the response of the whole extract, such
FIGURE 4. Further fractionation of LV Wash, Lake Mead, F3 extract that the total extract response was greater than the F3
using RP-HPLC with fluorescence detection followed by luciferase response. In general, however, NP and OP accounted for less
induction in the MVLN cell bioassay (estrogen responsive) by the than 1% of the total concentrations of sample EEQs present
corresponding fractions. Response magnitude presented as per- in samples.
centage of the average maximum response observed for a 1000 pM
17β-estradiol standard (%-E2-max). Horizontal lines represent ( 3 No significant ER activity was observed for blank samples,
SD from the mean solvent control response (set to 0%-E2-max). including field blanks, laboratory blanks, and solvent blanks.
Dashed line shows chromatography of E2 and EE2 standards with Water concentrations of these compounds have been de-
no corresponding bioassay results. scribed previously (26).

induction was consistent with that predicted from EEQs Summary

calculated from the measured concentrations of E2 and EE2
and their relative ER-agonist potencies (Table 2). The greater The potency balance calculations based on instrumental
ER agonist potency of the water extracts from LV Wash and analyses and bioassay-directed fractionation support the
LV Bay was most likely due to increased concentrations of conclusion that E2 and EE2 were the dominant environmental
E2 and EE2 as a result of WWTPs discharging into the Las estrogens in the samples. Interfering compounds or ER
Vegas Wash serving a larger population of humans. antagonists present in samples (predominantly in F3) may
Significant ER agonist potency was also associated with have acted to mask or dampen the potency of the known ER
F3 extracts of water from three locations on the Trenton agonists in the MVLN bioassay. All observed responses in
Channel of the Detroit River (B. Lagoon, Chem., and WWTP) the MVLN bioassay were either less than, or approximately
and BV-effluent (Figure 1). From E2 and EE2 concentrations, equal to, responses predicted based on the measured
B. Lagoon, Chem., WWTP, and BV-effluent samples were concentrations and relative potencies of known ER agonists.
estimated to contain 5.30, 3.65, 4.25, and 14.9 ng EEQ/mL, NP and OP generally contributed less than 1% of the total
respectively (Table 2). Based on regression against an E2 EEQs. Furthermore, sample fractions containing NP and OP
standard curve, these concentrations of EEQ were predicted did not elicit significant activity. For most samples, fractions
to yield responses of 76%, 67%, 71%, and 99% E2-max, containing E2 and EE2 elicited responses slightly greater than
respectively (Table 2). Observed MVLN cell responses for the responses of the corresponding whole extracts. Thus,
these F3 samples were, however, less than predicted (Figure among the ER agonists detected in the samples E2 and EE2
1). Further fractionation and bioanalysis of F3 extracts from appear to be responsible for the bulk of the activity. The fact
BV-effluent and B. Lagoon indicated that all of the observed that observed responses were generally lower than predicted
ER agonist potency was contained in FFs 3 and 4 (Supporting suggests the presence of interfering compounds. MVLN
Information, Figures 4 and 5). However, the magnitude of responses for whole extracts were only slightly less than those
induction of the FFs was markedly different from that of the for F3 samples. This suggests that the interfering compounds
corresponding total F3 extract. This suggests that interfering may have been present in F3. Because there were few
compounds and/or unidentified ER (ant)agonists present in instances where MVLN responses were greater than those
F3 might have modulated the potency of the known ER predicted based on concentrations of EEQs present in the
agonists. extracts, the known composition can account for the
The potential presence of interfering compounds and/or magnitude of response observed. It is unlikely that there
unknown ER (ant)agonists was also suggested by the lack of were additional ER agonists of significant concentration that
significant response for several samples. Based on concen- were not identified.
trations of E2 and EE2, six additional F3 samples should There are insufficient data to explain differences in
have elicited significant responses in the MVLN bioassay. bioactivity among the locations investigated. It should be
Concentrations of EEQs calculated from concentrations of noted that samples from the Trenton Channel of the Detroit
EE2 and E2 in samples collected from LV Bay (Sept. 1997), River in Michigan received less effluent from municipal
LV Marina, M. Creek, BV-upstream, MA-effluent, and ER- WWTPs relative to the volume of the receiving water
effluent were estimated to range from 0.85 to 4.25 ng EEQ/ compared to the other sites. Also, the population served by
mL. Regression against an E2 standard curve would result in the WWTPs varied greatly among sites. Further investigations
predicted responses of 35-71% E2-max in the MVLN assay would be necessary to determine the actual loading of
for these samples. Thus, the responses were less than bioactive compounds as a function of population density.
predicted for these samples. The reason for this observation Without knowing the available fractions and bioaccumulation
is unknown at this time. potential of the various compounds and dose-response
MVLN responses for whole extracts were similar to those relationships for target species, it is not possible to predict
for F3. In those cases where F3 elicited a significant response, the potential effects of the observed concentrations of ER
the whole extract also elicited a significant response (Figure agonists on biota.

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