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Both patient F’s parents are still alive. Her mother is 52 years old while her father 55
years old. They are both physicians. They live in San Francisco, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. She
has two brothers. She is the eldest among her siblings, followed by his two brothers, M1 aged 20
years old, and M2 aged 15 years old. Patient F and his brothers are living with their parents in
San Nicolas. Tracing back from the paternal and maternal sides, her grandfather on both sides,
died from MI and stroke. On her paternal side, her grandmother was diagnosed with stage 3
breast cancer. However, she is unable to recall the year/date when she was diagnosed, the name
of the physician, and the hospital. While on her maternal side, her grandmother was taking her
maintenance for hypertension and arthritis. However, she is unable to recall the name of the
Patient F, have a family history of cancer on the paternal side, while hypertension is on
both sides. Her father and mother had COVID-19 last January 2022. With undetermined
exposure. Luckily patient F and her siblings did not acquire the disease. Her parents isolated in
their house for days. Her father was asymptomatic but he has fever. According to patient F, her
father took Paracetamol 500mg as his medication. While her mother experienced a fever, cough,
and headache. According to patient F, her mother took Paracetamol 500mg for her fever and
Molena Capsules 200mg. Her father has never been hospitalized, with no history of accidents, or
injuries but he has maintenance and taking Amlodipine 2.5mg and Nebivolol 2.5mg for
hypertension, while her mother is taking vitamins in the morning which is Bewell-C and she has
a history of hospitalization when she was still a medical student in Manila, the cause of
hospitalization was flare because of her shoulder pain. However, patient F can’t recall the name
of the physician, hospital, and the reason for the shoulder pain.
Patient F stated that his second brother was diagnosed with asthma. He is taking
salbutamol and combivent. He has no history of accidents, injuries, or allergies. However, she
was unable to recall the year when he was diagnosed, the name of the physician, and the hospital.
Her youngest brother is also never been hospitalized, with no history of accidents, injuries, and
According to patient F, her family has no childhood diseases and they often experienced
common illnesses. Whenever they got sick, they usually suffer headaches, coughs, and fever. For
headaches and fever, they use paracetamol 500mg. For cough, they usually managed it by water
therapy and used mucotuss forte. Patient F stated that they don’t use any traditional practices.
Patient F claimed that her family had completed vaccines. Patient F claimed that her
brothers received childhood immunization such as 3 doses of MMR, OPV and DPT from a
private clinic and received the COVID-19 vaccine which is Pfizer and a booster shot from RHU.
Her father received his 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine of Sinovac while her mother
received her 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine of AstraZeneca, both of them received
their booster shot which is Pfizer from the RHU.
Her father had allergies to dairy and seafood and he is taking Loratadine 10mg. Her
mother and siblings had no known allergies. Both parents don’t smoke and don’t drink alcohol.
Their usual diet is moderate eating and is composed of meat and vegetables.


Patient F claimed that she had complete such as 3 doses for OPV and 3 doses for MMR,
3 doses for HBV and 3 doses for DPT from private clinic. Under common ailments, she usually
suffers cough, headache, cold and fever. For cough and colds usually managed it by water
therapy and calamansi juice for 2-3 times a day, for mild headache and fever usually used
Paracetamol 500 mg for every 4 hours or depend on pain. Under childhood disease she
experienced german measles when she was in grade 9 all over in her upper extremities, for her
measles what they did was she only take paracetamol for fever and she calimed that there’s no
superstition done. In 2005, patient F suffered from hyperflexia syndrome both feeth and hands.
She also got it from her father because he also has this kind of syndrome. Patient F, said she
wore braces for less than one year to stabilize her joints until now she can still extend her joints
both hands and feet, in 2015, that she was diagnosed for 4 years of PCOS (polycystic ovary
syndrome) she was consulted a doctor and was given an YAZ medication for every day and night
time routine. Patient F, had no known allergies to foods and as well as to drugs so far.


Patient F is feeling constipated after drinking chucky. Patient F experienced no bowel movement
for almost a week. Her parents are both doctors, so her mom is the first one to palpate her
abdomen, but she wasn’t sure about what’s happening to her. Patient F’s mother told her to go to
their hospital to get some test. When she was at Ranada hospital they did an ultrasound and CBC
to patient F. They also prescribe her a laxative called (Dulcolax). They also found out that there
is a 10 cm mass on patient F’s ovary.

Patient F went to Black Nazarene Hospital for 2nd opinion. Her diagnosis is dermoid cyst due to
vague abdominal pain. They ordered an emergency operation at Mariano Marcos Memorial
Hospital & MC on September 26, 2020. Patient F’s doctor is Dr. Feraris. After the surgery, Dr.
Guerero did a second ultrasound and found out another mass in her ovary after the OP. They
called Dra. Alfonso to confirm what’s on her right ovary. Dra. Alfonso confirmed that it is a
tumor and she immediately ordered an operation on the next day September 27, 2020.Patient F
was discharged last October 01, 2020. The diet of patient F is no processed food allowed. Patient
F started her first chemotherapy on October 17, 2020. She has 4 cycles per chemo session and
after 10 days she has chemo treatment. But, at the second chemo of patient F her WBC went very
down so her doctor decided to remove the chemo treatment after the 4 cycles. Her last
chemotherapy was January 2021.

Patient F developed an allergy during her chemo. She has allergy to chicken, egg, seafoods, and
gluten. Her allergy reacts trough eczema on her right and left foot. She takes Zincast for her
allergy. She also suffers from nosebleeds due to stress. Her last nosebleed was on March 16,
2022. In prior to that, patient F has also Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). She takes Yaz pills.
Patient F enjoys eating fast foods and drinking soda. She spends a lot of time using her phone
and surfing the internet. Patient F takes vitamins such as Cixtor-Z 500 mg.

Patien S has no history of drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking. As of now, she is
taking Cixtor-Z 500 mg for her vitamins, Zicas for allergy, and Yaz pills. In her spare time, she
used to make journals, paper making, 3D diamond paintings, and watch ASMR and TikTok
videos. She is a BS Psychology student at Ateneo de Manila. As a student, she also experiences
major stressors in her daily life. One of these is her school’s academic, in terms of submission of
requirements, deadlines, and social media, especially about the election. In order to cope and
manage these stressors, especially in her school academics, she takes a nap or cries to ease the
stress. In terms of the home environment, she stated that sometimes it causes her a little bit of
stress when her parents are fighting, and this sometimes can’t be prevented. They have adequate
living conditions, their spaces are not overcrowded, they are clean and tidy, and they are safe for
them. In her travel history before the pandemic, she went to Coron, Palawan with her family for
a vacation. Other than that, she has no history of traveling outside the country. In terms of roles
and relationships, she has been in a relationship for five years. She is a member of 2 committees
in the Commission of Mental Health and also a member of projects and events and Pear Support.
She is also a volunteer for the Leni and Kiko campaign. When she needs emotional support, she
always opens up to her boyfriend. As much as she likes to open up with her friends, she can’t
because they also all have their own problems, “AYOKO NALANG DUMAGDAG,” as
verbalized by the patient. In terms of economic status, all of the expenses for food, medicine, and
home bills are enough to cover everything. She is a Catholic, and there are no restrictions with
regard to health.

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