Homogenous Gaps, Seek Out Diverse Partners, Broaden The Audience View. I Would Analyzes

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Preetham 19CBBAD061
Imagine you are the HR manager of AAA Company Ltd

1) How would you work on HRP?

Ans: Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning ahead to
achieve optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset quality employees.
I would take four steps into consideration which are identifying the current supply of employees,
determining the future of the workforce, balancing between labor supply and demand, and
developing plans that support the company's goals. This steps needs to be taken in sequence in
order to arrive at the end goal, which is to develop a strategy that enables the company to
successfully find and retain enough qualified employees to meet the company's needs and
depending on all these I would make the planning accordingly.

2) How would you initiate the recruitment and selection process?

Ans: Recruitment & selection is one of the important aspects of human resource planning. First, I
would put together some recruitment sources which are: Advertising, social media sites, online
job boards. After this hiring manager will review resumes of qualified candidates to identify the
most appropriate candidates for interviewing. In the selection process the hiring manger will do
the interview and will be used to make a final candidate selection. Upon the selection of the final
candidate, the hiring manager and the HR department will collaborate to develop an appropriate
offer of employment. I would extend the verbal offer of employment to the candidate selected.
The HR department will prepare a written offer of employment that is contingent upon the
success completion of required background checks.

3) How would you handle Changes in Workforce Composition Increasing Workforce


Ans:   Equity in the workplace is vital if the company wants to reach its true potential. I would
take a few steps like Eliminate pay stub discrimination, Talk the equitable talk, Find the
homogenous gaps, Seek out diverse partners, Broaden the audience view. I would analyzes
the number of employees and their skills, but also factors such as workforce demographics in
relation to work and strategy. By providing different dimensions and data grains to workforce
information you have the capabilities to strategically position the organization to deal with
workforce shortages, gaps in relation to future business objectives, compensation challenges.

4) How would you conduct an induction and orientation program?

Ans: There would be an introduction about the company and there will be a induction and
orientation sessions. Where in induction it will talk about the mission, vision, objectives and
clients, Business verticals, management team and hierarchy and Business conduct guidelines. In
the orientation program there would be information of procedures and processes, information of
work assignment/ job, clients and introduction to team members and key contacts.

5) Steps taken to motivate employee satisfaction.

Ans: These are some of the I would take to motivate employees.

 Let Them Know You Trust Them

 Set Smaller Weekly Goals

 Radiate Positivity

 Motivate Individuals Rather Than the Team

 Reward Based on Feedback

 Have an Open-Door Policy

 Let them lead

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