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Rhiannon Emmons

Professor Jessica McKinley

COM 2206

11 February 2022

The Remarkable Race

The Remarkable Race is not just something that could potentially change my life, but

something I want to be a part of. Winning the grand prize money, and also having the amazing

experience of playing the game would be life changing. I believe I should be accepted to

participate in the Remarkable Race due to my unique characteristics and pathways that I present

in this paper. I hope that the committee considers my strong characteristics and pathways when

choosing the candidates for the show.

There are ten characteristics I consider to be part of my self-concept that are a crucial part

in winning the Remarkable Race. Self-Concept can be defined as “the relatively stable set of

perceptions each individual hold of herself or himself” (Alder G-6). The following are my self-

concepts because they are perceptions I have of myself. They include: listening, trusting nature,

goal-setting, forward thinking, athleticness, creating bonds, physical strength, height, leadership,

and competitiveness. These self-concepts will benefit me as they are strong assets in winning the

Remarkable Race

Gender is “the social and psychological dimensions of masculine and feminine behavior”

(Alder G-4). When describing gender as a pathway to self-concept it can describe the strength,

physical appearances, and the way a person presents themself. My appearance relates to the

gender pathway. As a woman, my height, and strength can be very different from men. For

example, if there is a challenge where you need to squeeze through something smaller, my height

will benefit me and help me win the Remarkable Race. My strength will also represent me as a

strong woman and benefit me in times of physical challenges.

Culture is “the language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and learn”

(Alder G-4). Culture can be represented by things a person may value. One example I would use

for myself would be my athletic history. Growing up I was raised in an athletic family and

played many sports. This is a custom of my family, as my parents played sports while growing

up. My culture of athletics will help me win the Remarkable Race because I acquire skills and

mindsets that unathletic people may not have.

Reflected Appraisal is “a mirroring of the judgments of other people; part of how the

self-concept develops” (Alder G-4). Reflected appraisal is how society forms, an example would

be school. There are classified groups of people that are called, “jocks, or nerds”. This represents

reflected appraisal. In the game, having bonds with certain people may put you at risk. For

example, if you are working with a person who is not liked by the whole group, you would be

more likely to go home. My ability to make bonds with people, but to know the right people to

connect with will help me win the Remarkable Race.

Social Comparison is “evaluating oneself in terms of or by comparison to others” (Alder

G-4). An example of social comparison would be judging the way I look compared to another

individual. I believe my competitiveness is a strong trait but also a weak one. I can feel like I am

not doing that good in competitions based on looking at people who are ahead of me. Although

this may be challenging, competitiveness is also a great trait to have. If I notice I’m falling

behind, my competitive nature will help me to push myself to get ahead and win.

Competitiveness is an essential characteristic to have when winning the Remarkable Race.


When mentioning my characteristics and pathways that represent me as a person, I feel

that I am the perfect candidate for this show. My gender, culture, reflected appraisal, and social

comparison are key pathways. My strong characteristics I present in these pathway include:

physical strength, athleticness, creating bonds, and competitiveness. These pathways and

characteristics will help me succeed in the game. Once again committee, make sure to analyze

my key points when making a decision. I could possibly be the next winner of the Remarkable


Works Cited

Ronald, Alder B. “Adler: Interplay.” Vitalsource Bookshelf Online,


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