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Why is it that we always have to pursue happiness?

Why is it that we work so hard for it,

we cry for it, we yearn for it and yet happiness, always seems to be just out of reach? Is
happiness really that difficult to attain?

Well, studies show that happiness is in your hands, it is your state of mind. If you are able
to overcome your worries and focus on the present, you shall create happiness. But how
do you prevent barriers to happiness? Help is on its way! 

Tune-in for A LIVE session

"Mind Hacks for a Happier You"

by Ms. Priyanka Manchanda, Psychologist 

When: Wednesday, 23rd August | 3:00 PM 

Where: Zoom Video Conference


If you have further queries/concerns, please know that help is only a click away.

Standing with you,

Team YourDOST

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