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Please Faculty of Education Bor Merritt ‘check below to indicate that the Portfolio of Documented Evidence includes evidence of achievement of the following leaming outcomes: v1 Actively engage in the work of the school and classroom to understand the role ofall stakeholders in creating and sustaining an engaging, inclusive, safe and equitable environment; Demonstrate a professional manner in keeping with the Ontario College of Teachers ‘Standards of Practice and Ethical Standards htps:/\wwnw. oct ca/public/professional= standards; Develop professional relationships with students, teachers, other teacher candidates, school staf, parents and others; Actively engage 100% ofthe day in the work of the school to support student learning; ‘and Reflect on how the school structure (physical environment, committees, extra-curricular activities, etc.) impacts student learning Reflect critically on the links between theory and practice in Ontario schools; Investigate leaming from a micro-level perspective in support of small groupandior individual student learning, NNN NAN W WN JObserve the impact of Ontario Ministry of Education policy andlor documentation on leamers and on the school's leaming environment (2.9. Safe Schools Act (2000), First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education Framework (2007), Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010), Supporting Minds: An Educator's Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and Well-being (2013), and more. JObserve and reflect on the impact of strategies and resources on learners (teacher talk, text books, technology, manipulatives, transitions, success criteria, timing, planning, assessment, etc). Please provide conferencing notes thal are clear, specific, and meaningful to support improved learning and achievement in the upcoming term. Please type here Shirin was a pleasure to have in the classroom, She created a very positive relationship with both the students inthe classroom as well as with other teachers, Shirin actively partcipated in student learning by culating the classroom to provide support and working one-on-one with students ‘When given the opportunity to teach poetry, Shri readily accepted. She introduced the key concepts and provided several examples of poems that were appropriate for their age and abilly, ‘Shirin gave them lots of opportunity to write poems and read them aloud tothe class, | was impressed that Shirin created a website to present the information and images for her portfolio. The layout and organization of her work was well one and demonstrated 21st century learning which will benefit her as a future teacher ‘While reviewing her portfolio, we examined the limitations that Covid had on bringing members ‘of the community into the school (e.. members ofthe Black community) We also discussed how teachers are able to use technology to bring community into the classroom (e.g. Mississauga Fire Department ive presentation and Q&A, Nav Bhatia live interactive talk and Q&A) ‘Within her portfolio, she collected los of evidence of student leering and we discussed how pictures can be used to help support student assessment, achievement. as well as how they ean be used to support communication with parents and quardians, Extra-curicuiar activities within the school were limited, however, she took intiatve to play language games with students during nutrtion breaks to help improve their vocabulary and, literacy. Students were excited and actively participated. We discussed ways that language ‘centered games can be used inthe class to help encourage and help students learn new subject specific vocabulary (e.9, new science and math words) | wish her al the best towards achieving her goals of becoming a teacher. TC Name:Shirin Manjra TC Signature: phir Manjra cies eve _— MT Name:Matthew Kuehn W. MT Signature:_@ /

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