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The Student Newspaper of Lawrence University Since 1884

VOL. CXLI NO. 20 Appleton, Wisconsin April 29, 2022

Changes to Community Advisor job delay hiring decisions

delayed, and applicants have pected average of current CAs changes. According to Clarke, Sucherman ascribed the the CA position].”
Joey Davis
Staff Writer been uncertain whether they and the new returning-student the changes were made with delay to an unexpected op- According to Sucherman,
will get the job or not. CAs. Sucherman gave the ex- the goal of bolstering the CA portunity to push through the impact to current appli-
The job of Community The new system will adopt ample of “open-door hours” as program and better compen- planned changes to the CA po- cants was weighed against the
Advisor on campus has been a hybrid approach, splitting the one of the new responsibilities sating employed students for sition before the next school potential benefits to students
undergoing changes this year, current CA position into two making up First-Year CAs’ in- their work. Clarke attributed year. According to Sucherman, and the CA program overall.
seeing a change in job descrip- new roles. According to As- creased work hours. the delay to the numerous ad- when the CA applications were One anonymous applicant
tion on April 15. The new posi- sistant Director of Residential The two-week training ministrative steps that had to opened in January, the plan spoke on their experience of
tions were announced Tuesday, Education Bonny Autumn Su- period for CAs before school be taken before the decision was to finish the selection pro- the situation. While the stu-
April 26. This change in job de- cherman, the position will fo- starts will be better compen- could be finalized. cess before Spring Break. dent liked the new arrange-
scription resulted in a delayed cus on first-year students while sated, up to $300 from $250 “These changes hope to “We honestly didn’t think ment because it makes the CA
CA selection process, which has the other will focus on return- last year, a change that current improve the CA experience and that these changes were going system fairer, the student was
affected applicants. ing students. CAs requested at the beginning the impact that our ResEd staff to come to fruition, which is frustrated by the delay and felt
The initial deadline to The CAs with a first-year of the school year. First-year can have on the lives of our why we moved forward with they had been kept in the dark
apply to be a CA was Feb. 28. focus will work exclusively with CAs will earn a $7,773 yearly residential community,” Clarke our process as is,” Sucherman about the situation.
From there, the selection pro- first-year students. While there stipend, and Upper-year CAs said. stated. “All of the sudden, very As an international stu-
cess was projected to only take is some overlap in responsibili- will earn $3,498, each divided Sucherman added that far into that planned timeline, dent, the uncertainty about the
a few weeks. However, because ties, first-year CAs are expected up into biweekly payments. the changes also aim to better we were hearing that we should position has delayed their pro-
of the changing job descrip- to work an average of 20 hours Chris Clarke, Dean of foster distinct first-year com- pause our process and that we cess of booking plane tickets
tion, the selection process was a week, which is twice the ex- Students, commented on the munities. had the opportunity [to update
See page 2

Lawrence’s environmental
organizations collaborated to
host a series of environmentally
themed events to celebrate Earth
Week from April 18-24. Some
key moments from the week are
highlighted here.

(TOP LEFT) Junior Matvei Mozhaev draws an aluminum can near

Memorial Hall for Chalk Fest, hosted by the LU Environmental Org.
Photo by Adam Fleischer.

(TOP RIGHT) Sophomore Matthew Pavlik makes smoothies with a

bike-powered blender for Earth Fest.
Photo by Adam Fleischer .

(BOTTOM LEFT) Sophomores Anders Hanhan and Bella Goland

and first-year Lillian Thompson perform at Earth Fest.
Photo by Adam Fleischer.

(BOTTOM RIGHT) President Laurie Carter signs the carbon

neutrality pledge
Photo by Adam Fleischer.

Sports Variety Features A&E Op-Ed


Men’s Baseball: A List of Those We Don’t Local Government Winners of Concerto SAASHA Informed:
Vikings take final... Expect To Miss Feature: Vered Meltzer ‘04 Competition perform... Know your rights...
2 NEWS April 29, 2022

Changes to Community...
continued from page 1
and has subsequently cost
them money as ticket prices in-
crease. They hope that more con-
sideration will be given to the
specific situation of international
students in the future, particularly
in communication about the spe-
“I just hope in the future that
they’re aware that a lot of CAs
are international kids and […]
we need to know stuff way in ad-
vance.” said the applicant.
Another anonymous student
spoke on how the delay has im-
pacted them. The delay has caused
the student to second-guess if they Appleton District 2 Alderperson Vered Meltzer speaks at the rally. Students and community members show off various signs in support of trans rights.
Photo by Adam Fleischer. Photo by Adam Fleischer.
still wish to be a CA. The student
feels that the delay does not bode
well for how future issues will be Lawrence students and community members rally for
trans rights in response to anti-transgender legislation
handled while on the job. They
were also frustrated with how the
delay has left them unsure wheth-
er they need to find a roommate
for next year or not. Jacob Deck gender identity discrimination care to their minor children icans are decent people who Jean Warren.
Clarke lamented the unfortu- Staff Writer and gay conversion therapy would be investigated by the care about equality and social People from outside the
nate timing, altering of the selec- within city limits. state’s Department of Fam- justice, who want to live in a LGBTQ+ community also at-
In response to the pas- “But, at the same time, ily and Protective Services society that is free and healthy. tended the rally.
tion timeline and limited commu-
sage by state legislatures of we see a lot to be worried for potential child abuse, al- This is a culture war, and we “I came out here to
nication as details were finalized.
several anti-transgender bills about around the country right though this executive action are winning.” support my friends and
Still, he is hopeful that the changes
in recent weeks, the Lawrence now,” Meltzer said. was recently halted by a court Many students on Main people from the LGBTQ+ com-
will enable a more student-cen-
University Gender, Sexuality In addition to the Florida injunction. Hall Green who did not attend munity,” said junior Taeen Ji-
tered focus for employees and
and Diversity center in con- legislature’s recent passage of According to the United the rally as well as drivers trav- daan, an SDS member. “I feel
junction with Appleton SDS, the so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ States Public Broadcasting eling down College Avenue ex- like their voices aren’t being
hosted a Rally for Trans Lives bill, which bans the discussion Service, a raft of further anti- pressed their support. Urban heard and that me being there
on the steps of Memorial Cha- of homosexuality and gender gay legislation is sitting in was pleasantly surprised at shows that they matter.”
pel on Saturday, April 23. identity in K-3 classrooms, the legislative dockets around the the generally positive recep- Event organizer Jonnie
Appleton City Council legislatures of Iowa, Oklaho- country, and many more states tion to the event, saying that Urban reflected on the event.
Member Vered Meltzer from ma, Arizona, Indiana and Utah still have anti-gay laws sitting participants at previous such “I feel like just talking
District Two, the first openly recently passed bills banning unenforced on their books dat- events have been subject to about the bills and regurgitat-
transgender person elected to transgender athletes in K-12 ing back to the 1980s AIDS harassment. Other attendees ing information about them
office in the state of Wisconsin, and college sports from com- panic or earlier. described similar past experi- isn’t really as productive as
spoke to attendees. He praised peting on teams that match Meltzer remained hope- ences. hearing stories from trans
the concrete actions the city their gender identity. ful that this wave of legislation “I came out here because people,” said Urban. “I feel like
of Appleton has taken to pro- The governor of Texas, would not discourage advo- I have seen and faced that [an- that’s a bit more humanizing.”
tect LGBTQ+ people since his Greg Abbot, also announced in cates pushing for trans rights. ti-trans harassment in Apple-
election to the City Council in February that parents provid- “We will win,” he de- ton],” said Appleton resident
2014, including bans on both ing gender-affirming health- clared. “The majority of Amer- and rally participant Adria

COLORES to host drag show and pride prom

Nathan Wall will start at 8 p.m. Pride Prom drag performers include Melee said Sankey. and have queens of all shapes “Lawrence is the first
News Editor will be hosted the following the Queen, Amethyst Von Trol- According to Sankey, the and sizes,” said Sankey. place I’ve ever been that I can
night, also in the Esch Hurvis lenberg and Anya Knees Thun- drag show began as an idea to First-year Celia Carillo, PR fully express myself as a queer
COLORES will host a drag Room, with food served in the derkat. The hosts will be Glu- uplift Black and brown queer Representative and Secretary person,” said Carrillo. “We
show in the Esch Hurvis Room D&IC at 6 p.m. and the event tonni Sinn and Easton Boyd. people. Sankey added that for COLORES, is looking for- need a night to let loose, have
of the Warch Campus Center starting at 8 p.m. Although the event is mainly COLORES booked drag per- ward to being a part of Pride fun, love one another and love
on Friday, April 29. Starting at According to senior Justin for queer students, allies are formers with a variety of differ- Prom. Carrillo expressed ex- being queer.”
6 p.m., food will be available in Sankey, the former treasurer of welcome, but hateful speech ent body types. citement about having a space
the Diversity and Intercultural COLORES, who remains semi- from any student will result in “We also wanted this for LGBTQ+ people to exist to-
Center (D&IC), and the show active in the organization, the being removed from the event, show to be very body-positive gether in an affirming space.
April 29, 2022 SPORTS 3

The curious case of Everton

the biggest clubs in England. They appointment of poor managers. They a rich club, and so had to buy smartly Billionaire Farhad Moshiri
Sean McLaughlin haven’t played outside of England’s began the season with Rafa Benitez in the transfer market, and get the bought the club in 2016 and imme-
Sports Editor
______________________________ top division since 1955, a run of 67 as the new hire, which on the surface most out of players with limitations. diately set about solving the issues in
Relegation is simply a part of years. They have been a top-half is quite a good move. After all, Rafa They were almost a workman-like top the squad in all the wrong ways. Not
professional soccer. In every nation side in the Premier League since has extensive European experience, side, built around unfancied talents a football man, he attempted to just
outside of the United States, where well before I began watching Pre- having managed multiple Champions that gelled together to serve the club’s buy success by buying talent. In came
the professional game is modeled af- mier League games, and for much of League and Europa League-winning iconic manager, David Moyes. big money names that weren’t nec-
ter American football and baseball, that time, they were in the hunt for sides, as well as big sides like Real Moyes built his teams around essary, like Gylfi Sigurdsson for £44
relegation occurs at the end of the Champions League football via a top Madrid, Napoli and Inter Milan. He players like Leon Osman, Leigh- million, Alex Iwobi for £28 million
season as teams who finish at the four finish. But results have begun to had also previously managed in the ton Baines, Steven Pienaar and Tim and Yannick Bolasie for £26 million,
bottom of every division dropping slip in recent years, as the club last Premier League with Newcastle and Howard. These players would not among others. All were overpriced
down to the division below, while finished in the top six, much less top Chelsea, and–infamously–Liverpool. have gotten a sniff at a team like as clubs took advantage of Everton’s
the top are able to ascend up a step four, in 2013-14. They slipped to 11th This normally wouldn’t be an issue, Manchester United or Chelsea, but newfound riches, while the squad
of the football pyramid. “Yo-yo clubs” in the next two seasons, before climb- except that Liverpool and Everton are when put into Moyes’ hard-working cohesion got worse. By 2017-18, the
as they are known, are common in ing back to seventh in 2016-17, but bitter rivals. system, focused on winning the ball squad was incredibly bloated. Ever-
many countries. In the English game, that’s as good as it has gotten. Two Benitez may have been a world- high up the pitch, staying compact ton had four high-profile attacking
Fulham and Norwich have developed eighth place finishes, a 10th place fin- class manager, Toffees fans were not defensively and shuffling the ball midfielders in the form of Sigurdsson,
their reputations as in-betweeners, ish in mid-table and now a relegation very welcoming to Benitez after his wide to create chances from crosses, Davy Klaasen, Tom Davies, and Niko-
not good enough to stay in the top scrap that sees the Toffees, as they seven-year stint in charge of the club it worked-very well, actually. The is- la Vlasic, all of whom underwhelmed
flight while also being far too good for are affectionately known by fans, sit- they hate most. It also didn’t help sue arose after Moyes left. The mo- while eating up massive amounts of
the second tier. ting in 18th place. The bottom three that Benitez had previously publicly mentum carried into 2013-14 after money in wages. The same could be
In Italy, Benevento have been teams (18th-20th places) are relegat- called Everton a “small club” while Roberto Martinez took over, but by said about the front line, as Wayne
up and down multiple times in recent ed to the Championship, the English leading the reds. So when results be- 2014-15 the momentum had run out. Rooney, Cenk Tosun, Oumar Niasse
years. Germany has seen Hannover second tier, at the end of the season. gan to turn sour over the winter peri- Martinez had tried to put in place a and Dominic Calvert-Lewin scored a
96 undergo a similar case, always to- All year, the narrative has been that od, including an eight-match winless more expansive system that did not measly 28 goals between them in the
ward the top of the 2. Bundesliga, but Everton will surely stay up, this is just run, the fans turned on him. Benitez cater to the squad at hand. Some Premier League, despite making a to-
going straight back down upon pro- a poor season, and they’ll have plenty was replaced with Frank Lampard, players like Ross Barkley and Gerard tal of 98 appearances.
motion. But for every side that is ex- of quality to avoid the drop. But with but with little experience to build on, Deulofeu thrived, which carried the This season also saw the for-
pected to go down, or at least to battle two points between them and Burn- much less in relegation battles, he team through the previous high of ward-thinking Ronald Koeman re-
the drop, there exists another who is ley in 17th with just six games to play, has been useless. Systemically, the 2013-14. But when their form dipped placed by Sam Allardyce, notorious
seemingly safe before the season even things are looking bleak. So what has issues stretch back much further at in 2014-15 and beyond, the team suf- for his cagey style and stifling of
begins. Fans of these teams are disap- gone wrong? Everton. Put simply, the club doesn’t fered. When Martinez left in 2016, creative nature in his players. Thus
pointed when a season ends without a The issues have been building have a unified vision of who they are the squad was divided between older, the squad, bloated in attacking tal-
trophy; they never even consider life at Everton for quite some time now. as a club anymore. Between 2007 and hard-working talents from the Moyes ent, was now being run by the worst
as a second-tier supporter. And yet Looking first at this current season, 2013, the club never finished below era and expansive players from Mar- possible coach for the job. Returning
that is exactly the position Everton there are a host of factors that have eighth place because there was a uni- tinez’s tenure. The result was a loss of to the current state of Everton, their
supporters find themselves in. played into Everton’s potential de- fied idea behind the way the club con- identity, which they never got back. relegation battle is perhaps not as
mise. The elephant in the room is the ducted business. Everton were never See page 11
Everton are regarded as one of

Men’s Baseball: Vikings take final with dominating start over Monmouth
few strikeouts, sophomore pitcher In the top of the sixth, however, Law- comeback; after a one-out walk from to pull out a comeback, and the game
Gannon Flynn Quinn Berglin was able to stave off a rence would find an offensive outlet senior Spenser Ross, Knoll returned ended 4-3, with Lawrence winning the
Staff Writer
_____________________________ Monmouth lead by throwing some of once again in the efforts of first-year with a massive triple that scored two series finale in the conference. The Vi-
To finish out the Midwestern his own. outfielder Parker Knoll. Knoll man- runs on one play. With the lead now 4- kings are now 18-19 overall and 13-4
Conference series finale, the Vikings The Vikings were the first to cap- aged a single to get out onto the field, 0, Monmouth attempted a comeback in the Midwestern conference, where
baseball team pulled out an incred- italize in the fourth inning – sopho- and was able to move to second base, that was nearly successful. Justin Bost Monmouth falls to 12-18 and 6-1, re-
ible offensive outing against Mon- more Zach Leslie scored a double at using the timing of an error by Scot of Monmouth was able to score off his spectively. This coming weekend,
mouth College, putting up four runs the top of the inning, and was able pitcher Jeff Garrett. He was then able own single and walks from teammates the Vikings will look to bolster their
before the Scots could answer. For to pick up a run off of his teammates’ to steal third from underneath Mon- Raul Guillermo and Jack Kuethe. strong conference lead to 14-4, where
the first three innings, Lawrence and groundouts on the following plays. mouth, and took the run back home n Keuthe was able to score alongside they will travel to Beloit college and
Monmouth were stuck in a scoreless Lawrence would not put up points on a single from Leslie. Bost, and Guillermo advanced quickly challenge the Buccaneers at home.
stalemate. While the Vikings had a the board, as the Scots and the Vikings The seventh inning stole what- on a wild pitch. Despite the massive
traded strikeouts on the fifth inning. ever chance Monmouth had of a seventh inning, the Scots were unable

UFC 274: Card to watch

Antionio Gonzalez The losses are nothing to scoff at as shot. nas has been fighting the elite of the fighters among violent fighters. With
Staff Writer all those fighters sit within the top The co-main event is a historic division for a long time, it will be hard never a shred of effort left behind,
five of the division. With those losses one for the strawweight division as for Esparza to compare after not hav- Gaethje is one o fthe most entertain-
On May 7, two champions will
though, the topic of Ferguson never the two fighters faced off before for ing faced the same level of competi- ing and hardest hitting strikers in the
put their belts on the line against top
returning to form and his possible the inaugural strawweight belt back tion that the champion has. Namaju- UFC. Having suffered his only defeat
contenders in a main event filled with
retirement come to mind. With that in 2014. Carla Esparza bested Rose nas in two. in four years to the former champion
other world class fighters and legends
said, this fight determines the mo- Namajunas at the end of the Ulti- The main event of the evening Khabib Nurmagomedov, Gaethje
of MMA. Taking place in Phoenix,
mentum for any chance of returning mate Fighter and became the first is between two entertaining and has only improved upon rocky en-
Arizona, UFC 274 will see women’s
to title contention as Ferguson is now ever strawweight champion in the most elite level lightweights, Charles trance into the UFC when he suffered
strawweight champion Rose Namaju-
38 years old and a bit past the time- UFC. Esparza would lose the belt Oliveira and Justin Gaethje. Oliveira, back-to-back losses against former
nas and men’s lightweight champion,
when he was one of the most feared a year later and Namajunas would after defending his belt for the first champions Eddie Alvarez and Dustin
Charles Oliveira try to keep their gold
fighters on the planet. His opponent later find herself as the champion time against Dustin Poirier last De- Poirier. Gaethje’s last two wins saw
against some of their toughest oppo-
Michael Chandler finds himself on in 2017. Namajunas would also lose cember, has been a dominant force him give Tony Ferguson his first ever
nents to date. Alongside the two main
the same path. Chandler has lost his her belt, this time in 2019, but would as champion. Taking out Michael knockout loss in Ferguson’s 11-year
events are legend packed fights as we
last two fights to Justin Gaethje and reclaim it in 2021 after a swift vic- Chandler to earn his belt and sub- UFC career and turn Michael Chan-
see long time UFC veterans Donald
Charles Oliveira after a stunning UFC tory against Weili Zhang. Now the mitting Poirier in his first defense dler into a walking zombie in the fight
Cerrone, Tony Ferguson and “Sho-
debut back in 2021. Unfortunately, Ultimate Fighter rematch is set to has proved Oliveira has the means of the year for 2021. Gaethje’s high
gun” Rua go to war. This card will be
Chandler spent his prime years hav- take place with Namajunas, the cur- to hang with the top contenders and level D1 wrestling background makes
stacked with fan favorites and likely
ing absolute wars in the Bellator as rent champion, defending her belt finish his fights. Boasting the record him a nightmare on the ground as
some of the most exciting fights of the
the three-time lightweight champion against the first champion. Esparza for most submission wins in UFC his- he cannot easily be held down. Even
there. I do highly recommend watch- has found herself on a five-fight win tory (14) along with the most finishes with a great wrestling background,
Covering only the last three
ing his Bellator highlights. Although streak after going 8-3 since losing her overall (18), Oliveira is a danger on Gaethje has always been one to stand
fights of the night, we start off with
his defeats came from the current belt, climbing her way to the #2 con- the ground with his elite jiu jitsu and and bang with his opponents. His
the lightweight bout between the leg-
champion and top contender, mo- tender spot just behind Weili Zhang. on the feet with his technical striking striking speaks for itself with his dev-
end and former interim champion,
mentum and age would play a big fac- The current champ has now defended and long reach. Being on a 10-fight astating leg kicks and thunderous
Tony “El Cucuy” Ferguson, and the
tor for his hopes of a title shot. For her belt once against Weili Zhang in winning streak, with only his fight hands earning him 19 knockouts in
former Bellator lightweight cham-
both fighters, age, damage sustained their immediate rematch fight at the against Tony Ferguson going to de- 23 victories across his MMA career.
pion turned UFC title contender,
over their careers, and future title end of 2022 and now seeks to avenge cision, Oliveira has proven himself The two fighters are finishers first and
Michael Chandler. Since entering
contention make this fight an urgent her loss in a fight that has been eight to be king of the lightweight division foremost and I truly doubt this fight
title contention at the start of 2020,
one for either to win. This should years in the making. Both are ever thus far, and a victory over Gaethje will see the end of the fifth round.
Tony Ferguson has found himself
be a great fight to watch as both are confident in their abilities to claim would greatly cement his status as This fight will be anything but boring
on a three-fight losing streak against
known for their durability and ability gold by the end of the fight, and given one of the best lightweights of all come May 7 and I for one cannot wait
the elite in the lightweight division,
to never have a boring fight. The win- the recent form of both fighters, they time. But Justin Gaethje is no slouch to see who will come out on top.
suffering losses to Justin Gaethje,
ner of this fight would likely be one are right to think so. It will be tough and never has been. The “Highlight”
Charles Oliveira and Beneil Dariush.
to two more fights away from a title for both fighters, but given Namaju- Gaethje is one of the most violent
4 VARIETY April 29, 2022

The Cows Have Eyes Goosepimples

By Jeff Mason By Madeleine Corum
Lawrence University Creative Writing Club Spring Serial Story: Part 3 Song of the Week: "Days by too. If I walked much more than Even now, typing this, I’m
The Drums" that though I’d probably get light thinking about how I’m going
Day 3: Saturday 4/16, headed and start breathing heav- to turn this into the Lawrentian
Everyone in Potterfield knows days. Food poisoning,” he blub- 11:42am ily, which would just make me and it’s going to be a super cool
everyone in Potterfield. You can bered. When he wiped his tears I got here two days ago, and cough more. diary journal thing of my life with
hardly take a breath without think- away, he got ketchup in his eyes. it’s been kind of a blur. Yesterday I’m also not doing home- Covid-19 in quarantine. But at the
ing about which of your neighbors He screamed, “Ah! I’ve poisoned went by so fast. I’m super sick and work. But what homework do I end of each day, all I can really
inhaled that oxygen already. There’s myself! They’re gonna get me!” I’ve been just lying around basi- even have that I need to do? One do is sit and lie down and eat and
comfort in that for some people, I “Calm down,” I told him. “No cally watching TV all day, which of my professors said if I don’t do sleep. Maybe nothing good has to
guess. Not for me, though. I begged one is out to get you. Now tell me is restful and I guess what you’re any of the assignments I won’t get come out of this. Maybe my body
my mom and dad to move away what—” supposed to do when you're sick, points off. And when I stare at an healing and recovering is the only
from here in middle school — I’d I stopped short as I noticed but it doesn’t feel very good. I assignment or a reading and do good thing that can come out of
just read this great book called several other members of the crowd feel like I need to be making art try to work I get tired and frus- this.
“The CIA Document of Human I didn’t recognize. Tough guys, try- or writing, or watching a really trated and dizzy and confused. It I don’t know about you, but
Manipulation,” so I guess you could ing to blend into a town where good movie, or calling my friends would not be helpful, or produc- I’ve been taught my whole life
say I was in need of an outlet. everyone knew each other. I handed and having facetime/zoom par- tive to try to slog my way through that the only thing that makes me
But then I came back. I don’t the cook some napkins and went ties. Why do I feel like I have to that all weekend. I wouldn’t fin- worthy of living, of existing, is the
know. Being an EMT flips the world inside the bathroom. do that? I have this deadly dis- ish, and I also wouldn’t retain work that I do, what I put into
on its head. I just thought it would I didn’t immediately remember ease and I can’t even walk outside probably any of it. the world, what I can produce.
be worth it to see Potterfield in a the name of the man Pete found in without infecting and possibly We were just wasting time, Be that an art project, or home-
different light. the stall, but a few minutes later I killing people, and it’s super shitty we were just wasting time. And work for a class, or even a better,
Thursday was slow, as most realized it was Henry Elliot. He was and I feel physically and mentally now days go by. more sculpted and aesthetically
days at the clinic are. It’s this old, a businessman who’d been staying terrible all the time, and I can’t Since I have all this free time pleasing body. Are these really the
wooden place that might as well be at the Bellarose house — rumors feel satisfied just taking care of because I’m not working, I feel things that I want?
a saloon — even the desk downstairs were circulating that he and Celia my body. like I should be creative. Write What do I really want?
where they check patients in looks Bellarose were having an affair. And I worked so hard, and I a song, make a cool quarantine Right now, in this moment,
like a bar. Old Martha had nothing The body was certainly dead, but it killed myself, and you broke my short film, write a book, or a cool I just want to not have to think
to do at the mortuary, so she came wasn’t even pale and it didn’t look bones, and I sold my soul. short story about someone going about how I can’t breathe through
over. She skipped up the stairs to like there was a scratch on him. I feel bad that I’m not work- crazy in a locked hotel room. Or my goddamn nose and to just pass
the second floor. She must be at The smell was god-awful, but not ing out because it feels like I’m just color and draw on the back the time until my alarm goes off
least 60 but she always dances up because the body had decomposed. not being healthy or taking care of my paper delivery bags. I feel so I can take more cough syrup. I
the stairs with a grin on her face. I agreed with the fry cook — food of my body. Why, though? Why like I’m wasting time not being just want to sit on my ass and for
Then she turned a chair around and poisoning must’ve been involved. is resting while you’re sick not creative and making something it to be Tuesday already so I can
sat bent over the back. We played “Let’s get him back to the mor- taking care of your body? Would out of my experience. How fucked stop being sick and go home and
cards for a while. Her elbows kept tuary,” Pete said. “Autopsies aren’t trying to do pushups every morn- up is it that I have this deadly see my friends again.
slipping off the back of the chair, exactly like riding a bicycle, and ing between blowing my nose and virus that has killed millions of —
and she dropped about a dozen Martha could use some work.” hacking up loogies really be any people and I’m coughing and con- And now days go by, and I
cards. Lately, I’ve noticed that her My old middle school social healthier than just lying in bed? gested and feverish and still first never needed you.
left arm keeps tensing up. She studies teacher was outside of the It’d honestly probably just make and foremost thinking about my Aside from my fever, I didn’t
always plays it off like something bathroom and kept giving us a hard me nauseous and dehydrated. I self-worth in terms of my ability get chills while I was in quar-
startled her. time. Since I’d left, he’d apparent- could be walking up and down to make something to prove that antine. I just got sick, a little
She asked me how the job was ly had a mental breakdown. Mr. the room to get my legs moving, my time was spent efficiently and depressed, and bored out of my
treating me. I told her about this Marlin was now Detective Marlin, get my steps in. I feel like I’m productively? mind. Eleven days, a box of tis-
one story I wouldn’t tell anyone but apparently. He wouldn’t let me or not getting enough steps in. Does Mmm. sues, two bottles of cough syrup,
her: A month ago, Mr. Bellarose fell Pete leave the scene until I dragged walking 20 feet from the door to I just feel like after all that’s and three positive tests later, here
down a flight of stairs and broke his him off to the side and told him the window over and over again happened, something good has to I am, finally back home in my
foot, and the family insisted that the council had to pass an eviction count? I get up from the couch come out of this. It can’t just be dorm, and getting ready to go
a bodyguard I’d never seen before notice or something like that. “The and walk to the bed and lie there seven days alone in a hotel room back to in person class tomorrow.
ride in the ambulance with me. The body has to stay in there a few for a while before walking back. I that go by in the blink of an eye. After all of that, just being home is
bodyguard had something off about more days,” I lied, while Pete load- do that maybe 3 or 4 times a day. But maybe that is all it has to a good enough thing.
his eyes. He told me to take special ed the stretcher. I panicked when And to the bathroom, that’s easy be, all it can be.
care of Mr. Bellarose and not get too Mr. Marlin asked about the covered

Edgar & Poe

nosy. All that week, I swore there stretcher being wheeled out — I
was a car following me. told him it was a “red herring.” He
Martha said it was nothing. looked at me like he’d just had an
“The town gets claustrophobic for epiphany and ran off.
everyone,” she told me. I drove the ambulance back. By
Just then, my pager buzzed.
Downstairs, a yell. “Enough
of the cards, Derek!” said Pete
this time, it was dark. I noticed along
the way that there was a black car
tailgating me, right on my bumper,
By Isabella Thompson
Hubbleman, the paramedic I run which really threw me off. Driving
with. “We’ve got work!” an ambulance is pretty stressful,
We were called out to Lonny believe it or not. So I was a bit pre-
Cranston’s farm, where a few of his occupied already when Pete told
cows were sick with something. A me, “This guy’s got lipstick all over
veterinarian from a few towns over his neck! Guess those rumors about
was there, too. He told me it wasn’t him and Ms. Bellarose were true,
mad cow disease, or BSE as he huh?” But all I could think of was
called it. But that wasn’t the reason one month ago, inside the ambu-
we were called out. Turns out, one lance, lipstick on Mr. Bellarose’s
of the sick cows was giving birth, lips that I hadn’t told anyone about,
and since it wasn’t BSE they didn’t the awful glare from the man rid-
want to put down the cows, so the ing in the ambulance with me, like
veterinarian needed help delivering threatening death, as he wiped the
this thing. Farmer Cranston said he lipstick off Mr. Bellarose’s lips. I
didn’t even know the cow was preg- remembered the strange man’s eyes
nant. We spent a good hour helping clearly — deep brown into black,
it give birth to a stillborn calf. with the biggest pupils you ever
But trouble in Potterfield saw, barely any space for fleshy-
always comes in twos. Not more pink whites.
than a few minutes after the calv- All the sudden this animal ran
ing, me and Pete were called out out onto the road. It looked kinda
to the diner. It was early afternoon like a dog, but skinny and clumsy,
when we got there. A small crowd like it barely knew how to walk.
had gathered inside, with one fry It was soaking wet, too, slimy and
cook standing towards the front. rabid-looking. I didn’t have time to
He looked almost catatonic. Pete hit the brakes and swerved instead.
went into the restroom, the scene of The car behind me swerved, too,
the crime, while I talked to the fry drove off the road, disappearing
cook, whom I’d gone to elementary into one of Farmer Cranston’s fields
school with. I couldn’t remember of corn. I drove faster, knowing we’d
his name. be called back out for an injured
“What happened?” I asked driver as soon as we’d dropped off
him. the body, but we never got a call.
“He’s been in there a few
April 29, 2022 VARIETY 5

Weekly Crossword Hungry Creatures 3

By Kelly Foy By Mara Logan

Answers to last
week’s crossword:
1. bottle 5. currency
2. ring 6. apple
3. bowtie 7. potsticker
4. smelly 8. dots

Bad Lawrence “I thought seniors got better

Poetry #2 Ha Ha
No singles.
By Kelly Foy Didn’t you hear? Oh, poor guy.
Is there a Plantz hall back home?

The Real Reason UNO Wasn’t On the First-Year Studies

Honk Honk Honk No.
The geese are here Where else is there such ambi-
For spring. ence?

Or was the Such light.
Honk Honk Honk More light?
From College Avenue? No hot plates or candles in dorm
A symphony of horns, a
Charcuterie of radios.
Say no warmth, light is alright.
By Jeff Mason
Plantz Hall, The light in Main Hall is The following is a work of satire.
a dartboard for The light in Warch is
Whatever the next toyota throws. The light in Hiett is
The bullseye is the screaming on Each year, the works featured draw 4? good, but studies have shown that
It’s warm.
the weekends. on the First-Year Studies syllabus Class remains silent. people who play UNO with physi-
These lights are warm.
I think. are announced, and each year these PROF: What does the “cumu- cal cards are far more likely to
These places are home.
I’ll live in Plantz next year. works are scrutinized to no end — lative” rule say? understand the deeper meanings
No hot plates. No candles.
Your housing number is one. except for Plato’s Republic, which PEER 2: It says that if you get of the game and have a retention
No home?
One million and twenty five. keeps alive Lawrence’s century- a +4 card, but you have a +4 card rate almost double that of people
I’ll drive home.
I heard laughing from number long tradition of pain and suf- in your hand, you can play that and who use the online game. It’s a little
Past Lawe street.
seven, fering. Every other work, how- give the total to the next player. more paper waste, but the trees
Honk Honk Honk.
As they heard my number ever, goes through rigorous debate PROF: This is a power struggle. who died to make this deck for you
before it is added to the curriculum. We don’t want that extra burden of died proud.
But Lawrentians may be surprised drawing +4. When we try to divert PEER 3: Why not just use the
A List of Those We class, picking his nails with the
same precision he put into
to hear that a short list of syllabus our own problems, sometimes it classic rules? It’s a lot easier to win

Don’t Expect to Miss his

word choice. He would praise
candidates go through trial runs.
Every spring term, a select mgroup
works, but sometimes it blows up in
our faces. Time and time again, we
when there aren’t all these other
rules that you have to follow that
of first-year students take a univer- will see Mattel™ daring us to take make you draw more cards.
By Mikayla Henry your diction whenever you sity course to participate in class risks. We have to ask ourselves, is PROF: You’re missing the
crafted a simile discussions of the proposed First- it worth taking risks to reach salva- point. What is a win in UNO worth
While I normally critique
Year Studies works. These students tion? Yes, question? if you only follow the easier rules?
and discuss the writings of others but then leave class without are also required to sign a non- PEER 3: Will our own person- The point of the game isn’t to win
in my column, “The Book Club” looking back. There was also disclosur agreement. al games for the homework count — it’s to hold the weight of your
in our Arts and Entertainment the weathered café employee Many works have been pro- towards our final grade? failures in your hand and to discard
section, I have decided to start who got to know your order posed, but over the last ten years, PROF: C’mon, let’s be serious them, one my one. It’s about over-
publishing some of my own work by heart – her voice, which the popular card game of UNO™ here. Let’s move onto the hand size. coming despite the weight of loss.
as part of The Lawrentian as well. called has gained the most traction. Seven cards seems like a pretty PEER 3: The point of any game
In this column, I will be posting for an iced chocolate chai, with a But students caught up in this small hand size compared to the is to win. That’s literally the whole
some of my poetry each week and hint of almond and a shot of strategic masterpiece’s grassroots number of cards we will likely end point of a game.
explaining the background sur- espresso movement may be disappointed to up drawing. Show of hands: how PROF: What does the word
rounding them, whether it be the
hear it has been banned from future many of you during the homework “game” really mean? Define it.
process I used to create them or still calls you to a time you can- considerations. While all decisions at some point had a hand size of PEER 3: A task where you win
what inspired me to write them to not return to. Today you about the curriculum are made over 20? Over 30? Okay, a few. or you lose.
begin with. I don’t normally share still hesitate behind closed doors, a recent leak Good. Question? PROF: Oh, so if I just — let me
my poems with others, so this is a to crack your knuckles, in fear has revealed classified audio files PEER 1: In my game, we got see your deck for a moment? Oh,
rather big step for me. that your harsh childhood to the Lawrentian. These leaked pretty close to drawing the whole you didn’t bring it to class? That’s
This first poem focuses on piano tutor will scold you documents show the case study deck. Is it worthwhile to use a sec- convenient. Who came to class pre-
those in our lives we meet for a and make you repeat the C Major responsible for Lawrence’s decision ond deck? pared today? Great, thank you. If
brief period, whether it be for a scale, the hammer making to ban UNO from the First-Year PROF: Absolutely. There’s this is all just a simple game to
few fleeting moments each week the strings vibrate Studies curriculum. Names have an excellent memoir by famous you, how about I give you a game?
or for a few months, and how
been removed for privacy. Reader online UNO player SoftBelch37 Let’s not play UNO. No, let’s play
it can feel to lose them despite under your fingertips. There discretion is advised: in which he describes growing up 108 card pickup, how about that?
never truly knowing them. When were coworkers you spent PROF: Before we get started, playing with two decks. He and [The professor opens up the deck of
I was thinking of people I would days I want to make sure everyone has his brother would each play with cards and spills them on PEER 3’s
eventually miss once I graduated, with, cracking jokes and perfect- the correct copy that I’ve put on the two hands, which meant they had desk.] Go on, pick them up.
a lot of the people that came ing customer service perso- syllabus. Is there anyone who does to draw cards from the deck with PEER 3 asks PEER 2 if he
to mind were classmates who nas – who suddenly didn’t not have the UNO Classic Edition? their mouths. He describes tasting can borrow her UNO deck. He
weren’t quite friends, and I real- show Not Retro Edition, not UNO Flip! the sweat on the cards, knowing reaches into the deck and reveals a
ized they most likely wouldn’t for their next shift, and a new or UNO Attack! Alright, as long as what he had drawn before he saw “Reverse” card, then hands it to the
think about me years down the face came to replace them to everyone has the correct transla- it just based on the texture. That’s professor. PEER 3 starts to talk but
road. This got me thinking about pack the paper grocery bags tion, let’s start with the footnotes. also why I wanted us to start with a is interrupted. Sounds of a scuffle
all of the people we see from
There are additional rules that have physical deck. and an UNO Attack! machine fir-
day to day, whether it be the at the end of your lane. The list been added to the traditional game The class takes notes vigor- ing can be heard over the next
classmate who always sits in the of people you don’t expect over time. Did you guys look at the ously. three minutes of audio. Then the
desk next to you or the restau- to miss additional rules? PEER 1: I also didn’t quite get recording stops.
rant worker who has been taking grows longer each day – like now PEER 1: I was a bit confused why we weren’t using the online Lawrence administration has
your order for years. This poem is you recall the boy in the about the “challenge” rule? version. Wouldn’t it be easier to yet to release an official statement
dedicated to all of those we don’t blue jacket with the zipper PROF: Let’s clarify. Does remember the rules and hold all the on why UNO has been banned from
expect to miss one day. wide open, someone want to explain that? Why cards if we used the online version? the First-Year Studies curriculum.
who ran past you, coffee in hand, can’t the next player always just PROF: The online version is
There was the boy who sat next most Tuesdays on your way
to you in poetry to poetry class.
6 FEATURES April 29, 2022

Historical Photo Feature: Snapshots of

Lawrence’s changing landscape

The concert hall (circa 1910-1940) and front entrance (circa 1910-1959) of Peabody Hall of Music, which used
to stand where the Appleton YMCA is now located.
Photos and information provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Above: ARC2013-072; Right: ARC2009-135

The dean’s studio (1913) and street view (1910) of Peabody Hall of Music.
Photos and information provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Above: ARC2009-131; Right: ARC2009-132

The razing of Peabody Hall (1959) and interior of the concert hall (circa 1910-1959).
Photos and information provided by Lawrence University Archives.
Above: ARC2009-131; Right: ARC2009-132
April 29, 2022 FEATURES 7

Local Government Feature:

Nathan Wall
Vered Meltzer ‘04
backgrounds. He feels that being from a mar- important for people to visibly show that trans Meltzer also discussed the growing num-
News Editor
________________________________ ginalized community gives him awareness and people are competent, trans people are brilliant, ber of anti-LGBTQ+ laws being passed in vari-
education about what it’s like to be oppressed, trans people are great leaders.” ous states; he did not feel that the individuals
Appleton Common Council member Vered and he added that those who have lived shel- As a Lawrence graduate, Meltzer feels that promoting these bills deserve a response, but
Meltzer ‘04, from District 2, is the first openly tered lives can’t represent diverse groups of his alma mater needs to do a better job support- wants others to understand that they are terror-
transgender person to hold elected office in the people. Specifically, he feels that it is important ing transgender and nonbinary students. izing families.
state of Wisconsin. He was elected in 2014 and Although he’s angry about these bills,
ran unopposed in the April 5, 2022 election. he feels hopeful seeing children in the United
As a council member, Meltzer serves on States standing up against them. It is his strong
the Utilities Committee, the Finance Committee belief that social media and the internet have
and the Board of Health. He is proud of his influenced younger generations to be more in
record as chair of the Utilities Committee, pro- tune to injustices. He feels that Generation Z
moting the use of gases produced by food and is compassionate, tolerant and will make the
waste as an energy source and getting the prop- world a better place.
er permits for Appleton to move forward with “The world will get better,” said Meltzer.
a biosolids composting program. He has also “How bad it is now is just the exciting dragon
worked with the Board of Health to support the we get to vanquish.”
coordination of COVID-19 vaccines, testing and He also feels hopeful seeing unionization
tracing, which he believes saved lives. in the private sector in the wake of the public
“I think our death toll was much lower sector union-busting done by people like former
than it could have been,” said Meltzer. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, who, accord-
Meltzer is also proud of defending the ing to CNN reporter Lydia DePillis, targeted
Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator position unions during his three terms as governor.
from being defunded and working with council Meltzer praised the Lawrence students who are
members Alex Schultz and Denise Fenton on fighting for higher wages, recalling being paid
creating the Taskforce on Resiliency, Climate $6.25 an hour, about $10 adjusted for 2022, as
Mitigation and Adaptation, which released a a student worker.
Climate Action Plan Proposal in December Meltzer graduated from Lawrence in 2004
2021. with a major in philosophy, which he believes
Outside of the city council, Meltzer serves has helped him understand and articulate the
on the board of directors of Rainbow Over problems facing our world. As a religious stud-
Wisconsin, which puts on the main pride event ies minor, societal systems are a key area of his
in Northeast Wisconsin every year, and volun- attention, with a particular focus on the impact
teers with Diverse and Resilient, an organiza- of Christian institutions, which he believes have
tion in Wisconsin that fights violence against played a role in spreading hate.
queer people and has an office in Appleton. “So many Christian institutions are not
He worked with council member-elect and remotely Christ-like,” said Meltzer. “Anything
Assistant Professor of Biology at Lawrence that has to do with not godly. There
Israel Del Toro on No Mow May, which delays is not a single perspective of God out there that
lawn height enforcement until June 1, promot- endorses hate.”
ing pollinator activity, and is also the former Although he criticizes the religious estab-
treasurer of Marigold Mile, which is a volunteer lishment, Meltzer is a spiritual person who
effort to plant marigolds mainly along Oneida practices Daoism, considers himself a mystic
Street. and believes in tikkun olam, the Jewish concept
Meltzer is Jewish as well as being trans- of making the world a better place before you
gender, and talked about how these identities die.
influenced him, recalling how learning about Although he feels there are a lot of issues
the Holocaust and growing up as a queer per- in the world, Meltzer emphasized his optimism
son gave him a feeling of the injustices in the for the future throughout the interview.
world. Vered Meltzer ‘04. “An unsustainable system cannot main-
Photo by Rachel Crowl.
“I grew up with a sense that there are tain,” said Meltzer. “It will be over sooner or
things that are broken,” said Meltzer. to have transgender people in public office. “It’s very disappointing that this continues later.”
As one of a small handful of transgen- “The role model of a trans elected official to be an issue,” said Meltzer. “The issue has to
der elected officials, Meltzer understands the is so important, [there is] so much vilifying of be somewhere in the administration because it’s
importance of electing people from different trans people today,” said Meltzer. “It’s really not in the technology. This is egregious.”

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April 29, 2022

Winners of Concerto Competition

perform at orchestra concert
Helen Panshin entered with the light and charming cello’s range; twice, after rising to the level of excitement and grandiosity sounded out in alarm several times,
Staff Writer theme upon which the seven varia- top, the cello fell chromatically to a appropriate for a grand finale. The and then drums entered, evoking the
tions were based. lower register, where its trills resem- crowd thanked Logan for their per- marching of soldiers.
The highlights of the Lawrence The woodwinds made a reply to bled an insect’s buzzing. Between formance with a standing ovation The violin took on a sweet melo-
Chamber and Symphony Orchestras the theme before the cello led the way these displays of range, the cello and more cheering, and then violinist dy, contrasted by a dark and forebod-
Concert on Friday, April 22 were into the first variation. This variation became dancelike. Perhaps my favor- Gabe Roethle was received with equal ing orchestral accompaniment, then
performances by sophomore cellist was fairly brief and was characterized ite moment in the work came at the eagerness as he entered. started to cry out weakly, as if in
Thomas Logan and junior violinist by a bouncy childlike joy. The same end of this movement, where the cello Roethle played the first move- grief. The violin’s solo chromatic fall
Gabe Roethle, co-winners of the 2021- woodwind reply as before signaled made several calls to the orchestra ment of Bartók’s Violin Concerto No. was met at the bottom by an orches-
2022 Lawrence Symphony (LSO) that it was time for the second varia- that went unanswered. Logan made 2, which is marked allegro non troppo, tral entrance that created the effect
Orchestra Concerto Competition. tion. the humor of these moments clear by accompanied by the LSO. This concer- perhaps of a bomb crashing to the
The orchestras were conducted by Here the cello became bolder, looking around with feigned confu- to movement could hardly have been ground.
Kimberly-Clark Professor of music charging ahead fearlessly, and mak- sion, as though expecting a response, more different from the lighthearted In trying to rise from these
and Director of Bands Andrew Mast, ing virtuosic displays of ability. before continuing on their own. Rococo Variations that preceded it. depths, the violin floundered repeat-
who is filling in during Mark Dupere’s Interacting with the strings section, The cello trills that finished out From the violin’s first entrance, edly, attempting to find its way, but
sabbatical. the cello seemed to taunt them or the fourth variation continued into the piece conveyed an eerie warn- repeatedly found only the same dis-
In the first half of the concert, challenge them to a sort of race as it the fifth, creating a seamless transi- ing of impending doom. Bartók com- sonant chord, as if stuck. When it had
the Lawrence Chamber Orchestra increased in speed and technicality. tion. Here, the flutes, rather than the pleted the composition in 1938, while freed itself, the violin took on a sense
performed works by José Lezcano, Like clockwork, the woodwinds indi- cello, played the theme. While they still living in his native Hungary. He of urgency and insistence to which the
George Walker and Edward Elgar, cated another transition, though not a did so, the cello’s trills steadily rose was gravely concerned about the rise orchestra joined, before the move-
ranging in mood from adventurous to new variation yet; the cello completely in pitch, and the cello plunged alone of fascism in Europe and the danger ment came to a close with everyone in
dancelike to nostalgic. shifted moods, taking on a somber from these heights when the flutes of Hungary surrendering to the Nazis. unison, as though sharing a common
After the intermission, the sec- quality. When joined by the strings, finished the theme. A full orchestra- Though WWII had not yet officially purpose.
ond half began with Tchaikovsky’s they together painted an image for tion of the theme, without cello, fol- begun, Bartók’s music unambiguously It is surely a testament to
Variations on a Rococo Theme, op. 33, me of glimmers of light shining on the lowed, then an improvisatory cello hinted at what was to come. Roethle’s interpretive skill and that of
played by the LSO and cellist Thomas surface of water. passage. The flutes again took over At the very beginning, the LSO that even before I had discovered
Logan. The variations were written as In the third variation, wood- the theme, this time accompanied by orchestra, most noticeably pizzicato the backstory of this piece, its allu-
an homage to Mozart, and while those winds and pizzicato strings created pizzicato strings. The cello concluded strings, mimicked the hum of every- sions to war were clear to me. Though
familiar with rococo architecture a dreamlike atmosphere around the this variation dramatically, ending on day life before Roethle’s violin entered the piece is deliberately unpleasant to
would not have been disappointed cello. Gradually, the cello seemed to a low, mournful note. with a stark contrast in mood, like listen to, these musicians did not shy
by the elaborateness of the music, awaken and grow more adamant in its The sixth variation began with a lone dissenter or prophesier. The away from the painful and distress-
Tchaikovsky himself focused on a dif- statements, receiving encouragement a touching duet between cello and orchestra soon descended into rhyth- ing themes that were so crucial for
ferent angle of rococo, describing it as from the orchestra. As the accompa- clarinet that was easily another of my mic and harmonic chaos, over which Bartók in expressing his reaction to
“a carefree feeling of well-being." niment fell away, the cello sank to favorite moments in the piece, and the violin was still heard. the state of Europe at the time of this
As Logan joined the LSO on the bottom of its register, but as the which evoked a sense of retrospection At times the violin seemed to imi- composition.
stage, they were given an enthusias- orchestra rejoined it, the cello rose to or regret. It ended with a daringly, tate a siren, while at others it seemed The concert was concluded by
tic greeting of applause and cheer- the very top of its range, making some impossibly high cello phrase that was fearful or uncertain. As the orchestra LSO’s performance of Copland’s
ing. The Rococo Variations opened trills along the way. finished by the orchestra before the assumed a bleaker and more subdued Outdoor Overture, a piece which was
with a peaceful introduction played by The cello began the fourth varia- cello could reach the top. texture, the violin sang out as if from curiously composed in the same year
woodwinds and strings and proceeded tion with playful ease. This variation The seventh variation was brim- the wreckage of destruction. As the as the Bartók, but which had a much
to a mysterious and expectant-sound- also traversed to the extremes of the ming with energy and contained a violin solo rose, the full orchestra brighter and more cheerful attitude.
ing French horn solo. The cello then

Lawrence Symphony Orchestra play Aaron Copland’s “An Outdoor Overture” to close the concert.
Photo by Rongyan Song.

Junior Ami Hatori performs Piano Sonata no.1, op.11.

Photo by Rongyan Song.
Concerto Competition co-winner junior Gabe Roethle performs Bartok’s Violin Concerto
No. 2.
Scrrenshots from the online sivestream.

Concerto Competition co-winner sophomore Thomas Logan performs Tchaikovsky’s “Variations on a Rococo Theme.”
Scrrenshots from the online sivestream.

“Memoria” Review:
A subdued art house Tour de Force
Levi Homman Made in collaboration with British The loud sound appears more feels like a stranger watching from the latter half of the film Apichatong
Staff Writer actress Tilda Swinton, who stars and than a few times after those open- afar, unfamiliar with the details of the uses takes that seem to last forever,
also served as an executive produc- ing moments, and it quickly becomes characters’ backgrounds or intrica- creating an environment of meditative
“Memoria”, 2021, directed by er, “Memoria” is a film that watches clear that it is something happen- cies. This is emphasized even more soundscapes and colossally immov-
Apichatong Weerasthakul — 5/5 scenes from afar, poses monumental ing exclusively inside her head; it’s strongly when characters step out of able spiritual concepts. It’s a one-
stars questions and places the viewer in not something anyone else can hear. view or when sources of sounds are of-a-kind experience that’s absolutely
It’s not very often that we beautifully constructed landscapes, This initial premise is illuminated by not seen. In one moment, Swinton worth seeing in a theater, and those
find films that are so endlessly lay- both sonically and visually. Apichatong’s real-life experience; he sits in chair just out of frame, and who do may, if they let themselves,
ered, skillfully crafted, and stylisti- Within the first moments of the struggled with a condition known as while her presence is still relevant in come out of it with some new sense of
cally unique as “Memoria.” Director film, which are shrouded in near- “exploding head syndrome,” a pain- the scene and the dialogue continues, understanding and acceptance of the
Apichatong Weerasthakul isn’t exactly darkness, a colossal, booming noise is less psychological disorder that causes her face cannot be seen, making the unknown.
renowned or even especially prolific — heard. It’s truly a frightening sound, its victims to hear extremely loud viewer acutely aware of the role of the “Memoria” is a piece of art that’s
he’s only directed seven feature length akin to a meteor striking the earth noises at unexplained times. While sound and the camera’s limitations. difficult to describe and even harder
films in the past two decades — but his or a cannon being fired. The sound is this partially helps explain some of An already disjointed plot to watch — it’s a journey that may
work has become extremely popular so startlingly loud and so stunningly the film’s structure — Jessica slow- becomes increasingly peripheral as excessively bore some, but may be
with very specific audiences, notably brief it sends the viewer into a daze. ly learns to come to peace with the Jessica seeks out more explanations an epiphany for others. The methods
critics on the international festival This daze will last for the entirety loud noises that plague her mind — for the sounds she hears. As time goes it uses aren’t completely new to the
circuit. His films consistently earn of the film, especially as it becomes “Memoria” is very far from the kind on, the film’s dialogue delves further industry, but executing them on such
an award at the Cannes Film Festival continually disjointed and concep- of film that ever wants to be fully into ideas about faith, death and con- a beautifully high-concept level, one
in France, and his 2010 film “Uncle tual. The film’s protagonist Jessica understood. nection to the natural world. Imagery that creates such a moving experience,
Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past (Swinton) acts as a disoriented vessel The film’s visual style can imme- of decaying human skeletons and bru- is an astonishing feat. “Memoria”
Lives” won the Palme d’Or at Cannes for the viewer, granting the audience diately be identified as unorthodox, talist cement architecture are coun- is currently screening in extremely
that year. His most recent project, omniscience into her perception of the with nearly every shot throughout tered with lush jungles and beautiful, select theaters nationwide.
the dense, abstruse and sometimes world as she tries to make sense of the focusing on wider scenes without ethereal skies that envelop the viewer.
painfully slow “Memoria”, is easily fear, confusion and unease she feels a hint of motion from the tripod- It’s truly a poetic film that asks a lot of
one of the best films of the past year. throughout the story. mounted camera; the lens almost its audience, notably for patience. In

The Book Comic Character Spotlight:

Club Poison Ivy
Mikayla Henry there. “Where the Crawdads Sing” is Kat Girod to a drastic mutation in her appear- Joker, for the first time as she locates
Copy Editor set to come out in theaters July 15. Columnist ance and result in her hospitalization. the blonde among the debris and
_____________________________ _____________________________
One of the more controversial After dropping out of school, Poison tends her back to health. After, the
When it comes to books being adaptations expected to come out Welcome to this week’s Comic Ivy’s abilities flourish and evolve into two become inseparable best friends
adapted for the screen, the results this year is “My Policeman”, which is Character Spotlight! Harley Quinn a plethora of plant and poison infused and allies. The friendship between
usually end up being either huge suc- based on the book by Bethan Roberts. was the first character highlighted superpowers. Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy differs
cesses or major misses – they rarely The book takes place in Brighton in by this column, so it only felt natural In later issues of the series, from other villain alliances as theirs
tend to fall in the middle. Some screen the 1950s and focuses on Marion as to revisit the DC Extended Universe Poison Ivy unveils one of the primary is based on true love and friend-
adaptations haunt the readers of the she falls for her best friend’s broth- through looking at my personal favor- motivations behind her crime is to ship, rather than the manipulative
original book series, such as the origi- er and eventually marries him, only ite love interest for the bubbly blonde. garner enough profit to secure a place and unhealthy bonds often shown
nal movie adaptions for “Eragon” or to realize her marriage isn’t what it Today we'll be looking at DC's favorite where she can live at peace with her between other villains.
“Percy Jackson.” Others become just seems. Her husband, Tom, is dat- half-plant, half-human beauty, Poison plants, away from the disturbances of 2016 finally saw the release of a
as beloved as the book series, despite ing Patrick, a museum curator and Ivy. humanity. She temporarily succeeds solo comic book series for Poison Ivy
their differences, such as the “Harry the second narrator of the book. Since her debut in 1966's at this goal, as she finds an island that entitled “Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and
Potter” film series. With the raging However, in an age where homosexu- “Batman,” Poison Ivy, made by Robert she is able to transform into her own Death” by Amy Chu. As Chu sought
success of Netflix’s recently released ality is still condemned, Tom is forced Kanigher and Sheldon Moldoff, has nature-adorned paradise. However, to expound more on Ivy’s charac-
TV adaptation of “Heartstopper,” to stay with Marion, as that is the been a popular foe within the Batman this land is destroyed as a result of ter, the series saw the return of her
based on the graphic novels by Alice safer option. The book follows this comics. She is a unique villain, as her a US corporation using the location human persona Dr. Pamela Isley
Oseman, I decided to take a look at complex love triangle as the two lov- motivation is grounded in a clear love to test their weaponry. Infuriated as she worked at Gotham Botanical
other book-to-screen projects that are ers share Tom, until eventually the for the earth and a continuous attempt by humans who carelessly tarnish Gardens. Focusing on Ivy’s intui-
in the works. relationships reach a breaking point. to stop those who would trample on lush and green lands, Ivy returns to tive side, throughout the series she
One of the adaptations com- A lot of the controversy sur- it. She utilizes her enhanced physi- Gotham to deal with the perpetra- is shown investigating the murders
ing out this summer is “Where the rounds the LGBTQ+ representation cal capabilities and mystifying control tors. Despite being apprehended by of her colleagues. Her maternal and
Crawdads Sing,” based on the book in the book, as it is very surface-level, over plant life for the purposes of Batman, Ivy is filled with a renewed caring features are also illustrated as
by Delia Owens. The book has been despite being one of the driving points ecoterrorism - violence for the sake of determination to reside in Gotham she raises genetically engineered and
one of Reese Witherspoon’s Book of the plot. This is mainly since a lot environmental preservation. Her love until she can make it a safe haven for rapidly growing plant-human hybrids
Club picks and has been flying off of the LGBTQ+ elements, such as for nature is depicted in the “Gotham plants. - Rose and Hazel.
the shelves in recent months as one the trauma of being a gay man in the Girls” episode “Pave Paradise” (2000), Despite much of her motiva- Although Poison Ivy has been a
of the popular titles on “BookTok.” 1950s, is viewed through the eyes of as she works to prevent Gotham's tion being centered around plant life, staple in DC comics since the 1960s,
The story follows a girl, Kya, who a straight woman, which just doesn’t mayor from demolishing a park. Poison Ivy’s has been shown to extend she has not been introduced to the
was raised in the wilds surrounding a sit well to those in the LGBTQ+ com- In Neil Gaiman’s short story her care to others on varying occa- live-action DC Extended Universe.
small fishing town. She lives off of the munity. Nonetheless, despite some of “Pavane” (1966) Poison Ivy’s power sions. After Gotham City is wrecked Fans are eager to see the superhuman,
land in solitude, outcasted from the the controversy, many still find it to is traced back to the environmental and rendered desolate by an earth- vine entangled beauty and force of
rest society, but once the murder of be a beautifully tragic read and are force dubbed “green” which gifted her quake, Ivy converts Robinson Park nature grace the big screen in a future
a local girl is brought to light, Kya is looking forward to the film adaption. with great power. However, this story into a lush, foliage-filled location. Her DC film. However, the wait for her on-
the first name on the suspect list. The However, while the book itself hasn’t is altered in the 1988 comic series nurturing side is also unveiled as she screen debut may continue for years.
book is both a small-town mystery been super popular by any means, a “Secret Origins” as she is revealed to cares for 16 children who were left Thankfully she has been brought to
and coming-of-age story rolled into lot of the hype for the film is due to be a Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, studying homeless after the devastation of the life through animation such as within
one, as Kya tries to not only clear her its star actor – Harry Styles. Styles botanical biochemistry at university. earthquake. the HBO Max television series “Harley
name but also tries to warm up to the has been well-loved for years for his Her professor, Dr. Jason Woodrue, This earthquake also leads Quinn” (2019) that features the posi-
other locals. The film adaptation has music and has been slowly working seduces Ivy and injects her with dan- Poison Ivy to meet Harley Quinn, tively devious sapphic relationship
been widely anticipated, as it stars his way to the big screen, starring in gerous toxins that subsequently lead abandoned and almost killed by the between Harley and Ivy.
Daisy Edgar-Jones, who is known for films such as "Dunkirk” and having a
her roles in the movie “Fresh” as well brief cameo in Marvel’s “Eternals.” In
as the TV show “Normal People.” And “My Policeman,” Styles will be playing
it is supposed to feature a soundtrack Tom, the complicated love interest
by Taylor Swift as well, which is excit- of Marion and Patrick. The film is
ing news for all of the “Swifties” out
See page 11
April 29, 2022

How to pick elective courses

Miri Villerius walk with me through these differ- connections with. This could lead to ing courses of interest outside of your recommend strongly to go light on
Copy Chief ent ponderings! The important thing research positions, tutoring opportu- major as early as possible. You'll never your degree makeup. Don't double
_________________________ to center your coursework shopping nities, or other projects that profes- know if a casual interest could bloom degree, major, or minor just for the
around is what you actually find use- sors lead with students. into a career path or lifelong passion ego boost or because you think it will
Advanced course registration
ful or enriching. For some of us, elec- Another important question that and taking things as early as possible look impressive on paper. All any of
opened this past Tuesday morning
tives might be an opportunity to make many of us might honestly think about gives you room to take more course- these signify is that you've taken a
and I, like many of us, had been fever-
our skillset versatile, or open up new is how much work we honestly want to work if you do spark a new passion. specific set of classes. The impres-
ishly thinking for a week or more
knowledge pathways in our brains. do. Courses are leveled from 100-600 Always be on the lookout for siveness of anything written on your
about what courses I’d want to fill next
For some of us, the learning aspect levels for a reason: lower levels are courses that both spark interest and degree will, in my opinion, undeni-
year (which is my last year!). I'm the
is really what's most valuable; we're generally less work as they are entry- fulfill general education or degree ably be superseded by the experiences
epitome of the indecisive liberal arts
going to college for the knowledge first level or "gateway" courses for sub- requirements! These courses, in my you gain at college. We all generally
student running around like a chicken
and foremost. jects. The reality is that sometimes, opinion, are the lifeblood of a liberal take 3 full classes per term, and each
with her head cut off having switched
Some of us are interested in the we just want a relaxed time with our arts education. A bit cringe, I know, class can be impressive on its own and
from a double degree to just my BA and
most unique group experience you elective space and that's okay, even but I try to embrace the spirit of liber- spark new opportunities or be valu-
with majors moving between English,
can have, creating lasting memories recommended in most cases! al arts even though I do have extreme- able experience. Stressing yourself out
Religious Studies, Music Education,
of camaraderie in provocative classes. There are so many things to do ly mixed feelings about it. I recognize and contorting your schedule, poten-
Music Theory and ideations of many
You might consider scheming with with a college experience, for many that some people come to college and tially missing out on experiences just
other majors and self-designing. In
your close friends about what cours- people investing hours of hard work just know what they want to do and to write an extra word or two next to
my schedule scheming, I've run into
es you could have fun taking. Also into extracurriculars, activism, a don't need to sift around, but in any "B.A." is not worth it.
so many crises of identity and career
to think about is the group experi- social life or part-time jobs is what case the random requirements we Take the courses and make the
path as I've racked my brain tender
ence that professors can often create makes the experience meaningful. I have can make us choose classes with experiences that you will be happy to
and cried myself senseless to figure
through their particular courses which beg you not to overload (literally or intrigue that intersect with other top- feel at the core of your person; things
out what the best decisions for class
can promote a passionate environ- figuratively) on difficult classes unless ics we'd never even consider learning you can bring with you in your toolbox
selection are. If anything, window-
ment of creative collaboration. These this is really what strikes passion in about, but end up loving! everywhere you go. The words on your
shopping for coursework is my ideal
courses you kind of just have to pick you above all else. The "Lawrence To circle back around, I think it's diploma will come up minimally in
of capitalism.
up on through campus discourse and Busy" and famed "Lawrence Stress really important to think deeply about your life, but the things you learn and
I'm going to walk through a ton
word-of-mouth interactions. You also Olympics" are not your friend or mine. what you sincerely want and not what the experiences you make stick with
of different thought processes. Some
might consider if there are particular Especially when thinking about your social anxieties want. Unless it's you for a lifetime if you make them
may ring true or feel relatable, some
professors you want to form deeper gateway courses, I recommend tak- going to be crucial for your career, I count.
won't at all. Feel free to browse and

SAASHA Informed: Know your rights and resources

Tee Karki they have access to until any one of Title IX coordinator is Allison Vetter you with support when a violation depending on the case and therefore
Guest Writer their rights has been violated. We and her office is located in Brokaw has occurred. They are not gener- can vary in result and timeline as well.
_________________________ at SAASHA feel it is imperative we room 93. While she provides direct ally required to report to the Title IX To connect with any of these resourc-
change this and notify the campus legal support and can help with cases, office and can be a great supportive es, check out SAASHA’s Instagram (@
One of the most helpful ways
body of the ways to connect to and she also puts out information through measure. Non-confidential resources lu_SAASHA) or go to the Title IX page
we are able to protect ourselves and
find support in your rights to better the website, through meet-and-greets are ones that will directly move for- on the Lawrence University page.
others is by knowing our rights. By
protect yourself and others. and other events to help educate the ward with information and report it There are resources both on
knowing what rights protect you and
The Title IX office is a legal office student body more about the logistics to the Title IX office, these are people and off-campus available, and these
provide you with both support and
at Lawrence University. It focuses on of Title IX. Title IX policy here on whom you’d reach out to when you resources help provide support both
resources, you will be much more able
violations of Title IX laws, which are campus, though adapted and adjusted are ready to file a complaint or report. for one’s wellbeing and one’s legal
to secure access to a stable and safe
as follows, “Title IX of the Education by the university, is not flexible due to With that being said, a report noti- rights. Knowing this information can
environment in which your legal lib-
Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) pro- the fact that it has to abide by federal fies the Title IX coordinator of sexual help you in making the best possible
erties are protected. With that being
hibits sex (including pregnancy, regulations. misconduct. These are not formally choice for what you need whenever
said, being a college campus, outside
sexual orientation, and gender iden- Another set of resources are the investigated unless they highlight any you do need it and prevents added
of the protection of your legal rights,
tity) discrimination in any education confidential and non-confidential forms of patterns, predators, threats, layers of stress and conflict by provid-
there are also resources located here
program or activity receiving fed- resources on campus. The confiden- violence or weapons. It also helps con- ing you with connections to help find
that provide additional support and
eral financial assistance”. The office tial resources are ones that, as the nect individuals to resources of sup- exactly what is appropriate for you in
protect your general wellbeing as
is meant to protect your rights and name suggests, are confidential. This port as needed. On the other hand, a those moments.
well. Many people do not know what
provide legal support if any of these means these resources on campus are complaint is made to launch an inves-
protects them and what resources
rights have been violated. The current here to help listen to you and provide tigation. The investigation will vary
April 29, 2022 OPINIONS & EDITORIALS 11

A better parking lottery system

Evan Ney for more resources to be allocated to trail off. Should the lottery be receives need based financial aid, and think it would be much better than
Opinions and Editorials Editor towards athletics at this school even more like the housing lottery, where one asking whether the student has the current system, which seems like
_________________________ during my time on a varsity sports seniors get to pick first? This seems or plans to get an off campus job. it was something like a placeholder
As we approach the time of year team, but this is one case in which like an obvious choice, and is done Students who click all three boxes will till a more thoughtful system could
when the housing lottery, a much prioritizing athletes makes complete at nearby schools like UW Oshkosh, be assigned spots first, then students be put in place, especially compared
bemoaned Lawrence tradition, occurs, sense. Alex is too far to reasonably but other than the tired clichés about who click two, then students who to how other schools do things. Have
I feel it’s apt to remind you all that expect athletes to walk to, especially why seniority matters, I can’t think click one, in the order in which the any adjustments or criticisms? Drop
there’s a far more dysfunctional lot- in the winter, and the shuttle doesn’t of many good reasons to do it this categories are listed above. After all them in a letter to the editor, and I’ll
tery system on campus that we can run during all the times students need way. One could make an argument these students are assigned spots, any publish them as a response. Do you
change easily, and mostly for free: the it to; even during times when it is related to financial reasons- maybe remaining spots are determined by like this idea? Tell your friends in high
parking lottery. scheduled to run, it is notoriously people with off-campus jobs should seniority. places. Till then, good luck parking –
The problems with the parking inconsistent. Simply put, each sports get to have cars on campus like at Would this be a perfect system? you’ll need it.
lottery are fairly well documented team needs a critical mass of play- UW Madison, or maybe students with Pretty much! Just kidding. But I do
among those who’ve participated in it ers who can drive other players to need-based financial aid should have
before, but the main issue is this: in an practice and games under the current priority since parking off-campus is
attempt to give everyone a fair chance system. (Side note: if it were up to me, slightly more expensive.
at a parking space on campus, the lot- there would be a robust shuttle system From here it gets even more
tery gives everyone an equal chance. such that no person or team would complicated. Should students with
These are not the same thing. The lot- need anyone to drive to practice, for compact or hybrid cars get priority,
tery should be designed to prioritize a variety of reasons, and teams that to increase the amount of spaces in
spaces on campus for the people who don’t carpool would be banned from parking lots or to incentivize cleaner
need them most. having cars on campus at all, but this running models? Should there be a
In my mind, this includes at least is the topic of another op-ed.) series of small lotteries for each indi-
two groups of people. The first seems Even if it’s reasonable that ath- vidual dorm, so that people only get
the most obvious, in no small part letes should have cars, why does this spots near where they live, and so
because they are already exempt from mean that they need them on cam- that the lottery could incentivize liv-
the lottery: people with disabilities pus? This is a fair question. In addi- ing in a dorm like Plantz which has
or other medical issues. This makes tion to needing a car the most, a a bigger lot than Hiett despite pretty
perfect sense, and is one of the only functional lottery system would pri- much everything else about it being
elements of the current lottery system oritize students who use their cars the worse? And does it really make sense
that does. Even still, the official policy most often, and anyone who knows to prioritize all athletes rather than
makes it very clear that “Lottery over- any athletes here knows that sports just a few on each team? It’s hard to
ride for medical or physical need does teams practice or lift approximate- say. If it were up to me, here’s how I
not guarantee a spot in the lot of your ly 879 times a week. Many of these might do it:
choice,” which strikes me as odd. If a practices are as early as 6:30am or The first people to be assigned
person in a wheelchair lives in Plantz later than 9:00pm. This alone can lottery parking spaces are people with
and has to travel to Hiett or Colman have some catastrophic effects on ath- disabilities or medical reasons, all of
to get to their car, what difference is letes’ mental health, and adding a 15 whom get to park in the lot closest
there between that and parking in a minute walk to the Banta Bowl or a to where they live, or wherever they
church lot or at a ramp downtown? In downtown ramp can push that even want to be. If there are more people
practice, I imagine this rarely comes earlier, or later, not to mention the in this category than parking spaces
up, since there seem to me to be more potential safety issues at play when in one such lot (for example, if there
parking spots in each lot than disabled potentially forcing students to walk are 75 parking spaces in Colman and
people who are likely to need access back home, often alone, late at night 80 people who have medical reasons
to them, but it still seems like an odd through downtown Appleton. As a to have a car there), the housing staff
stipulation that should be removed. major benefit to students participat- can arrange to move students so that
The other group of people who ing in a directly Lawrence related they can have a car nearby.
seem to me to have a greater need activity that effectively requires a car From there, everyone else will
for on campus parking - and it makes to get to, allowing athletes priority in be assigned spots. On the applica-
me sick to my stomach that I’m writ- the parking lottery makes good sense. tion form, there will be three boxes:
ing this - is athletes. If you know me, After these two people, my ideas one asking whether a student is an Parking on campus without a permit can have serious consequences.
Photo by Alana Melvin
you know that I have never advocated for who should benefit more begin athlete, one asking whether a student

The Curious Case of... surprising as matched to the interests of a cas- that further purchases will result in ments this term, and I won’t be
we have thought. The squad is cade of contradictory managerial ap- financial sanctions from surprised in the slightest if Ever-
continued from page 3 packed with overpaid, underperform- pointments, while the UEFA. Couple this catastrophe ton are playing Championship foot-
ing talent mixed and board has overspent to the point with the poor managerial appoint- ball next season.

The Book Club fall. when their favorite books hit the big Disney+ series, since I was an avid upcoming screen adaptations make
While some of the newer film screen, as many past adaptations have fan of the books as a kid. But the films readers happy. And, if either of these
continued from page 9 and TV adaptations have exceeded been downright horrible. Personally, had left a rather horrible taste in my titles piqued your interest, it wouldn’t
expected to come out this upcoming expectations, such as “Heartstopper,” I’m rather excited yet nervous about mouth, making me leery for this show. hurt to brush up on the source mate-
it’s hard for readers to get excited the upcoming “Percy Jackson” Nonetheless, I sincerely hope that the rial before their film release dates.

The opinions expressed in The Lawrentian are those of the students, faculty and community members who wrote them. The
Lawrentian does not endorse any opinions piece except for the staff editorial, which represents a majority of the editorial
board. The Lawrentian welcomes everyone to submit their own opinions. For the full editorial policy and parameters for sub-
mitting articles, please refer to the masthead, which is located on the back of each edition.
12 COMMUNITY April 29, 2022

Photo Poll
— Editorial policy is Editors-in-Chief:
Adam Fleischer determined by the editors. Alex Freeman
Taylor Hughes
Staff Photographer Any opinions that appear
unsigned are those of the Copy Chief:
majority of The Lawrentian’s Miri Villerius
What is your favorite Wii sports game? Editorial Board.
Managing Editor:
— Letters to the editor are Amber Gu
encouraged. The editors
reserve the right to edit for News Editors:
Sophia Schultz
style and space. Letters must Nathan Wall
be emailed to:
lawrentian@lawrence. Variety Editor:
edu. Submissions by email Amir Zarandi
should be text attachments.
Sports Editor:
— All submissions to edito- Sean McLaughlin
rial pages must be turned in
Features Editor:
to The Lawrentian no later Lucian Baxter
than 5 p.m. on the Monday
before publication. Arts & Entertainment Editor:
Shirley Xu
— All submissions to the
editorial pages must be Opinions & Editorials Editor:
“Boxing.” “Fencing, knocking Wii characters “Tennis, it’s goofy.” Evan Ney
accompanied by a phone
— Audari Tamayo around was a very cathartic — Gabe Reyes
number at which the author
experience for 8-year-old me.” Photo Editor:
can be contacted. Articles Alana Melvin
— Daniel Crook
submitted without a contact
number will not be pub- Web Manager:
lished. Elizabeth Rienstra

— The Lawrentian reserves Copy Editors:

the right to refuse to print Mikayla Henry
Rebecca Page-McCaw
any submissions received Rose Williams
after the above deadline
Layout Editor:
— Letters to the editor will Paola Saldana Galvan
be edited for clarity, decen-
cy, accuracy and grammar.

— Letters to the editor

should not be more than 500
“Boxing, because it’s cathartic.” “Tennis!” “The island flyover.”
— Greta Thoresen — Iris Cobb — Jacob Hanekamp
Members of
the Associated

“I’ve never lost at tennis.” “Bowling.” “Bowling, even though I’m awful at
— Jonah Sharp — Kianni McCain it.”
— Maddy Tevonian

Unedited Board Jamie Dong, Alana Melvin

Staff Photographer, Photo Editor

Mikayla Henry, Amir Zarandi, Amber Gu,

Copy Editor Variety Editor Managing Editor

“Close tie between table tennis and “Bowling.” “Badminton for sure!”

@TheLawrentian /Lawrentian @the_lawrentian

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