Zomato 10 Minutes Delivery Plan Survey Questionnaire

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Research Methodology Assignment

Topic: Zomato 10-Minutes Delivery Plan

Submitted By: Shiuli Bhattacharjee

Title: A Systematic Survey On Zomato 10-Minutes Delivery Plan

In today’s fast-moving world, we juggle between work and personal life and often
struggle to strike a balance between the two. In doing so, we depend on various
external factors. One such example of these external factors is the dependency on
food delivery apps. With the advancement in technology and the shortage of time,
nowadays, people highly depend on various food delivery apps which serves as an
instant relief to satiate hunger in between heavy workload at office or home, mid-
night cravings and the likes. Keeping these factors in mind, the food delivery giant,
Zomato, has come up with an all-new plan which is a “10-Minutes Delivery Plan”
or “Zomato Instant”. The core idea behind launching this plan was driven by the
fact that the current 30-minutes plan is becoming too slow considering the high
speed by which things operate in today’s world and that it might very soon become
The company is planning to set up small hubs or food-stations where popular
dishes from different restaurants and brands will be aggregated. These hubs will
function as mini kitchens and the order fulfilments will be targeted within a radius
of 1-2kms. With advanced technological infrastructures and delivery optimization
techniques, the company believes that this plan will do justice and serve the sole
purpose of launching it.
This idea is a well-planned strategy which is initially going to be aimed at serving
people in densely populated urban areas. Zomato will target to serve the low
“Average Order Value” products which consumes less time in preparation and
delivery. Consumer preference was a driving force behind pushing the company to
venture into this new model of food delivery. The increasing demand for quicker
solutions to customer needs and their attitude of “no planning” and “no waiting” is
the main reason for venturing into such plans and ideas. Zomato have observed
over the time that the most commonly used feature in their app is the sorting of
restaurants by fastest delivery time. To serve these needs and the sole purpose of
Zomato Instant, the company plans to use advanced techniques such as “Dish-
Level Demand Prediction Algorithms” and “Future-Ready In-Station Robotics”.
This will help in ensuring the sterility and freshness of food when it is picked up
by the delivery partner.
The company is planning to list the best seller dishes from different restaurants and
brands which are famous among its customers based on “demand predictability”
and “hyperlocal preferences”. Posting of staff to different delivery hubs and food
stations is a tedious task as it needs deep operational and last-mile logistics
expertise. IoT machines will also be used for making this model work.
Even though this model looks promising enough in meeting customer needs, it has
certain negative aspects as well. The 10-minutes super quick delivery can actually
risk the lives of the delivery executives. Also, in order to meet the deadline,
restaurants may compromise on the quality of food. While catering to the impulse
purchases of customers sounds good enough, this could put a limit on the offerings
being provided by the company.
Profile Section Of Respondents:
The profile section of this survey will have questions related to income,
occupation, location, age and gender of the respondents. These parameters have
been selected for this survey as it is important to know that what percentage of
respondents are working professionals or students, which income bracket do they
fall under as it is an important aspect as far as expenditure on ordering food is
considered. Location is also an important parameter as it will help us to know
which area is highly dependent on food delivery systems and also their
accessibility. Age and gender will again help in understanding the different clusters
that can be formed based on these parameters.

Sample Frame:
Our sample frame will be aimed at interviewing working professionals and
students who fall in the age bracket of 16 to 45 years keeping in mind the “no
planning and no waiting” attitude of people nowadays. The age group has been
kept compact considering how comfortable are they in dealing with such food
delivery apps. As far as the gender is considered, it will be aimed at both males and
females thus helping us eliminate any gender bias. This survey is not aimed at any
particular area but the population will be those based out of Kolkata in order to
keep it compact and the sample size will be limited to 50 respondents considering
the time required for data collection and analysis of data.
1) How old are you?
 Below 16
 Between 16 to 25
 Between 26 to 35
 Between 36 to 45
 Above 45

2) What is your gender?

 Male
 Female
 Others

3) What is your occupation?

 Working Professional
 Student
 Home Maker

4) What is your monthly income? (If Any)

 Below Rs.10,000
 Between Rs.10,000 to Rs.50,000
 Between Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,00,000
 Above Rs.1,00,000
 Others

5) Where do you stay? (In Kolkata)

 North Region
 South Region
 Central Region
 East Region
 West Region
6) Do you use online food delivery apps?
 Yes
 No

7) How often do you use online food delivery apps?

 Less than once in a week
 Once in a week
 More than once in a week
 Less than once in a month
 Once in a month
 More than once in a month
 Never

8) Which is the most commonly used online food delivery app that is used by
 Zomato
 Swiggy
 Uber Eats
 Others (Please mention) ______________________________

9) How satisfied are you with the service of the online food delivery app that is
most commonly used by you?
 1 – Extremely Dissatisfied
 2 – Dissatisfied
 3 – Neutral
 4 – Satisfied
 5 – Extremely Satisfied

10) Are you aware about the Zomato 10-minutes delivery plan which is
Zomato Instant?
 Yes
 No
11) What are your thoughts about this new plan?

12) Do you think this plan is likely to become successful?

 Yes
 No
 Not Sure

13) Do you think food delivery in 10 minutes is possible within a distance

of 1 to 2 kms?
 1 – Impossible
 2 – Neutral
 3 – Possible

14) Do you think that the idea of 10 minutes delivery will do justice to the
quality of food being delivered? Please explain.

15) How likely are you to use Zomato Instant if it is successfully rolled
 1 – Very Unlikely
 2 – Unlikely
 3 – Neutral
 4 – Likely
 5 – Very Likely

16) Do you think this plan will impact food delivery partners? Please
17) Will Zomato be able to meet customers’ expectations with the new
plan? Please share your thoughts about the same.

18) Do you think Zomato should compensate for food being delivered
after 10 minutes with the new plan in action?
 Yes
 No
 Not Sure

19) Do you agree that this plan will face hindrances considering the heavy
traffic in most of the cities in India?
 1 – Strongly Disagree
 2 – Disagree
 3 – Neutral
 4 – Agree
 5 – Strongly Agree

20) How likely is this plan going to create a rift between the delivery
partner and the customer in case of delayed delivery?
 1 – Very Unlikely
 2 – Unlikely
 3 – Neutral
 4 – Likely
 5 – Very Likely

21) Do you think that this plan will help Zomato make extra profit as
compared to the existing 30 minutes plan? Please share your thoughts about
the same.
22) What is your take on the benefits that restaurants and brands
associated with plan will gain?

23) Do you agree that highly advanced technology plays an important role
in the execution of such new and innovative plans?
 1 – Strongly Disagree
 2 – Disagree
 3 – Neutral
 4 – Agree
 5 – Strongly Agree

24) How likely is this plan to create a competitive advantage for Zomato
in comparison to other food delivery apps?
 1 – Very Unlikely
 2 – Unlikely
 3 – Neutral
 4 – Likely
 5 – Very Likely

25) Do you have any suggestions which you would like to share about
Zomato Instant?

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