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Assalamu Alaikom and Good day.

We are the reporters of “Making IMs using Open-ended tools in

teaching language units” Let me first review and introduce to you, the two important factors in this topc
the IMS AND Open-ended tool. So, What is IMs? Instructional materials are the content or information
conveyed within a course. These include the lectures, readings, textbooks, multimedia components, and
other resources in a course. These materials can be used in both face-to-face and online classrooms;
however, some must be modified or redesigned to be effective for the online environment. The best
instructional materials are aligned with all other elements in the course, including the learning objectives,
assessments, and activities.
There are types of Instructional materials (read ppt)

The Instructional material is important in teaching and learning for it provide the core
information that students will experience, learn, and apply during a course. They hold the power
to either engage or demotivate students. This is especially true for online courses, which rely on
a thoughtful and complete collection of instructional materials that students will access, explore,
absorb, and reference as they proceed in a course. IN short Provides facts, Engages students and
teachers, it Supports learning content, and Evaluates Knowledge.

Therefore, such materials must be carefully planned, selected, organized, refined, and used in a
course for the maximum effect. The planning and selection of instructional materials should take
into consideration both the breadth and depth of content so that student learning is optimized.
Here are the characteristics of good instructional materials:

1. Being Adaptive (flexible in any different areas)

2. Focuses on Concepts and Principles (It focuses on meaningful learning)

3. Considering the student’s ongoing cognitive activities (an educator takes note of patterns
of his/her student’s learning process in order to customize their teaching.)

Instructional materials have a goals:

1. Educate readers without overwhelming them

2. Keep students engage

3. Be easy to read and understand

4. Be written at the appropriate level for the target audience (it should be aligned to the
student’s grade and capabilities)

5. Get to the point and be concise

Benefits of IMs:

1. Enhances the learning abilities

2. It gives clear understanding

3. Acquire meaningful experiences and ideas

4. Lessons become interesting

5. Improve the quality of learning and teaching

6. Helps determine the students’ weakness and strength

7. Good learning outcomes

Moving on to the open-ended tools

(The role of this tool is vital because it helps meet the demands of the learners in the 21st century. As
described by Palmer, teachers need to demonstrate 21st characteristics to be able to meet the
demands of the 21st century learners.

 Open-ended tools enables the teachers to access it freely. These tools are used to build, to
create, or combine to make a something new. Basically, these tools are the digital tools,
software and application that could be used and accessible for both teachers and the students.
Okay so the question is how are we going to use open-ended tools in making instructional
materials. So, here is an instructional materials, which is an visualization illustrative grahic or
also known as Infographic, this infographic is for an English class and an infographic of
awsarnerr. An infographic is a representation of information in a graphic format, designed to
make the data easily understandable at a glance. With an infographic, it is easy to scan,
absorb and retain the information. We or teachers utilizes infographic To provide a
quick overview of a topic, To explain difficult concepts, To
summarize a procedure or important ideas, or to make the learning
fun through visualizing. ADDITIONALLY, students will learn if the
subject matter is presented in a concise manner and with a little bit
of creativity. So basically, the infographic can help the teacher in
delivering a lesson and assessing the students.2One of the apps or open-
ended tool that you can utilize in making infographic is canvas. Teacher can make a lesson
plan and other instructional materials. What makes these app unique is you can search
different themes and all you have to do is edit it. It is easy, convenient and free.
Another example of Instructional material that I made is this worksheet, I made this
worksheet with Microsoft word.This can be printed out aand give it to the students who can’t
access the internet or those who don’t have laptop and gadgets or you can send the file to the
students who are privileged which they edit it and answer the questions.

Accordingly, there are four types of open-ended tools These are the word processing software, slide
presentation software, electronic reference materials, tablet and cellphone apps. My co-members will
introduce that along with their own formulated instructional materials using infographics.

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