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COMMUNITY PROFILING • Other economic characteristics

3. Physical Characteristics
Community Profile
• Community centers/activity centers
The community profile is a summary of the history • Infrastructure (e.g., roads, transit, and water
and present conditions of a community. It provides and sewage systems)
a detailed demographic, economic and cultural • Public services and facilities (e.g., schools,
information of the community. It gives an overview police, fire, libraries, and hospitals)
or series of snapshots of the area and is used as a • Land-use plans and zoning
basis for identifying its potentials. • Special areas, historic districts, and
• Businesses
The Community Profile includes: • Housing
1. Narrative text that describes community • Planned and approved future development
characteristics, such as population • Community focal points or informal meeting
demographics, economic and social history places (e.g., places of worship,
of the communities, the importance of playgrounds, hair salons, and laundromats)
various facilities. 4. Health Status
2. Tables or graphics that summarize
important data or conclusions, such as • common and endemic diseases
population demographics or employment • disease causes and management
trends. • maternal and child-care practices
3. A visual map or maps that depict physical • sources of water, waste and disposal
characteristics, such as neighborhood • dietary patterns
boundaries, land uses, public facilities, and
commercial centers. 5. Access to Service

• groups and agencies that are providing

service, and the type and frequency of the
Community Characteristics service they provide
The following are examples of the types of data to 6. Community Organizations
collect and incorporate into a community profile.
• organizations in the barangay, their
1. Population and Demographic Characteristics projects, activities, and organizational set-
• Trends in population growth and up
• Ethnicity and race
• Age and gender distributions
• Income levels
• Educational attainment
• Employment status
• Special population subgroups, such as
disable persons
2. Socio-Economic History/Characteristics

• Community historical background and

• Population of indigenous groups
• Community values and issues (e.g., security
and solitude)
• Economic base/livelihood
COMMUNITY PLANNING People should undertake planning for three
basic reasons:
◼ Development in the community does not
happen by chance. It is the result of 1. Planning provides direction.
deliberate and concerned efforts by citizens
who see the need for planned changes. • If a person has a plan, he knows just where
Unless the community residents are united he is heading and rarely gets lost or
in this endeavor, little or no progress can be confused in the rough-and-tumble of
seen. everyday life
2. Planning ensures economy of time, effort and
Community Planning
• Planning proves to be economical as it
Each and every one of us at some point helps save time, effort and financial
plans and implements a project. Whether you are a resources.
student finishing a homework, an engineer • The more effective people are in planning,
designing a plan, an event coordinator organizing the more economical they become in terms
for a friend’s wedding or a director shooting a of the three factors –time, effort and money
movie- whatever field or profession you might
choose, it can be safely said that it is imperative for 3. Planning reduces risks
us to be familiar with the steps involved in planning • If a person has a plan, he knows just where
and preparing for a project.
he is heading and rarely gets lost or
confused in the rough-and-tumble of
everyday life.
◼ Planning is a process of determining what is ACTION PLANNING
to be done, when and where it should be ◼ ACTION-ORIENTED
done, who should do it and how it should be

◼ IN SHORT, IT IS DETERMINING THE • Meant to address the immediate

OBJECTIVES AND HOW TO problems of the locality
◼ It highlights very specific activities and
◼ As a function of the community worker or strategies; hence, it is expected that outputs
any manager/leader for that matter, desired will be accomplished
planning is continuous.Even while the plan
is being implemented, the implementer
keeps planning/strategizing as he seeks to What is a plan?
correct/improve certain aspects of the
projects/activity-implementation. In effect, it “An outline which consists of strategies and specific
is cyclical. actions or steps to be undertaken in order to reach
the goals. “
◼ Developing a plan is said to be the first
critical step in ensuring a project’s success.
Through the process of planning, the
persons involved collaborate and determine
the best possible way of achieving the
established goals within a given time frame
at the least possible cost.
WHO DEVELOPS A PLAN? Project Boundaries
◼ These key persons may include the Specifies the limit of the project
Ex. This project will only include the
◼ COMMUNITY MEMBERS DIRECTLY demonstration of the steps in making tote bag but
AFFECTED BY THE PROBLEM (e.g. will not provide the participants the materials to be
youth, mothers, workers, etc.) used free of charge.
COMMUNITY (community leaders, elected
Project Location
or not)
The place where the project will be
community organizers)

Project Beneficiaries
WHAT ARE THE STEPS IN DEVELOPING A Who will benefit from the project
Project Duration
Be Specific.
The project will start from what date and end in
Be Realistic. what date
Project Methodologies
Procedure or step by step completion of the
❑ TIME FRAME project from the planning up to the evaluation
The detailed expenses of the project
Proposed Project Plan

• Front Page - Cover Page (Title of the “Chance favors only the prepared minds.” – Louis
Project and Names of the members of the Pasteur
• Second page – up
• Project Title: Write the project title
• Project Objectives
➢ 2 – 3 Objectives (It should follow
▪ S – Specific
▪ M – Measurable
▪ A – Attainable
▪ R – Realistic
▪ T – Time bound
THE PROJECT  Keep the mind alert through rapidly
paced sessions.
Projects, as defined by the Webster’s Dictionaries
 Develop preliminary ideas
are planned undertakings.
• Other authors used design instead of 3. Research and Generate Ideas
project, and on this purpose they mean the  Conduct interviews with those
same thing. affected by the problem.
 Research solutions that may already
exist; identify shortcomings and
What is Design? reasons why they aren’t appropriate
to a given situation.
The word “design” is often used as a  Compile ideas and report findings to
generic term that refers to anything that was the team.
made by a conscious human effort.
4. Identify Criteria and Specify
Design is also a process that is used to
systematically solve problems.
 Identify what the solution should do
and the degree to which the solution
will be pursued.
What is a Design Process?  Identify constraints (i.e., budget and
A design process is a systematic problem- time are typical considerations).
solving strategy, with criteria and constraints, used  Draft the Design
to develop many possible solutions to solve or
satisfy human needs or wants and to narrow down 5. Explore Possibilities
the possible solutions to one final choice  Consider further development of
brainstorming ideas with constraints
• Example 1: Design Process and tradeoffs.
 Explore alternative ideas based on
1. Identifying problems and opportunities
further knowledge and technologies.
2. Framing a design brief
3. Investigation and research
6. Select an Approach
4. Generating alternative solutions
 Review brainstormed information
5. Choosing a solution
and answer any lingering questions.
6. Developmental work
 Narrow ideas down through a voting
7. Modeling and prototyping
process, or by use of a decision
8. Testing and evaluating
9. Redesigning and improving
 Decide on final idea, usually through
group consensus
• Example 2: Design Process
7. Develop a Design Proposal
1. Define a Problem  Explore the idea in greater detail
 Receive a problem to solve from the with annotated sketches.
client.  Make critical decisions such as
 Gather information. material types and manufacturing
 Be inspired through media exposure methods.
of a current problem and take action.  Generate through computer models
detailed sketches to further refine
2. Brainstorm the idea.
 A group problem-solving process in  Produce working drawings so the
which each person in the group idea can be built
presents ideas in an open forum.
 Generate and record ideas.
8. Make a Model or Prototype Project Target Beneficiaries
 Make models to help communicate
• For which group is the project and who
the idea, and study aspects such as
would benefit from its implementation is
shape, form, fit, or texture.
addressed by this element.
 Construct a prototype from the
working drawings, so the solution Project Duration
can be tested.
• Planners must decide upon a particular
9. Test and Evaluate the Design using schedule when the project will be executed
Specifications and up to when it shall be implemented.
 Design experiments and test the Project Methodologies
prototype in controlled and working
environments. • What techniques or procedures shall be
 Gather performance data; analyze used by the group to deliver the project is
and check results against clarified in this element.
established criteria.
Project Cost
 Conduct a formal critique to flesh out
areas of concerns, identify • This element will be based on the expected
shortcomings, and establish any expenses your class shall incur in the event
need for redesign work. that the project is implemented.

10. Refine the Design

 Make design changes; modify or THE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT CYCLE
rebuild the prototype.
 Make refinements until accuracy and • Projects may be differentiated according to
repeatability of the prototype’s its purpose, objectives, target beneficiaries,
performance results are consistent. duration and scope. However, all projects
 Update documentation to reflect are subject to undergo a similar process.
changes. This process is referred to as: The Project
 Receive user’s critique to provide Development Cycle.
outside perspective to help
determine if established criteria have
During this phase in the project
been met
development cycle, the “planners” undergo the
process of searching for potential projects directed
11. Communicate Processes and Results
to achieve their goals.
These projects usually possess various
elements which can be categorized namely as:
Once a particular project has been agreed
Project Objectives upon, the next step would be to involve the
planners to determine how and when the project
• This element tries to answer what your will be implemented.
project aims to do and what the project is
Finally, the plans are executed during this
Project Boundaries stage. The project is carried-out by the assigned
• This element specifies the scope and persons for the target beneficiaries during the set
limitations of your project. schedule.


Sometime after the project has been
• Specifies where the project will be implemented, an evaluation is usually conducted to
implemented. determine whether the project objectives has been
realized, and if so, to what extent.

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