Lisa'S Song by Lesley Thompson Dominoes: Class 1 PROYECT A: A Song Review

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Class 1
PROYECT A: A song review
Write the name “Michael Jackson” on the board. Ask sts if the know him, and go to
page 24 to look his photograph, while listening to a short extract of “Thriller”, his
most famous song.
Read the song review and complete the information in the box.
Do a survey and ask for their favourite song. Choose one that they all know and like
to do a Song review as homework.

Class 2
Look at the book cover, describe what they can see and speculate about the boy.
Look at the title and speculate about Lisa. Who is she?
Read the back cover to find out who is Lisa.
Look at the characters and do the “before reading” activities.
Look at the photo on the 1st page and ask sts to describe it. Then, read it and ask
some questions: How old is Al? Where does he live? Have they got a lot of money?
Are they happy?
Look at the photo on the next page and ask sts to describe it.
Homework: Read page 2 and do the reading check.

Class 3
Look at the picture on page 2 and ask: What is the name of the band? Who are the
kids on the band? Who writes the song? Where do they play?
Guess what happen in the next chapter (p3)
Look at the pictures on chapter 2 and speculate about the story.
Homework: Read chapter 2

Class 4
Go back to page 3 to check if they guesses were correct.
Ask: Is Al happy? Why?
Do the Reading check activities
Guess what: chapter 3
Read chapter’s 3 title and ask why do they think his friends are angry
Homework: Read chapter 3
Class 5
Ask sts: Why are Al’s friends angry? What does Emma do? What does the band
Do the Reading Check activities.
Look at the picture on page 12 and guess what happen. Why Al’s mum is crying?
Do the Guess what activity, page 11
Homework: Read Chapter 4 and do the Reading check activity.
Class 6
Ask some questions about chapter 4: What happen to Lisa? What does she need?
Where? How does Al feel? What is jack’s idea?
Do the Guess what activity and check with the pictures from Chapter 5
Homework: Read Chapter 5
Class 7
Ask: Does Al come back to the band? What is Emma’s idea? Where does he put the
information about the gig? Who is at the gig?
Guess if the money is enough. What happen in the next chapter?
Homework: Read Chapter 6
Class 8
Is the money enough for the operation? What’s Ben’s idea? What happens to Jack’s
Do the Reading check activity
Guess what happens after the story ends

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