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Seismic Assessment of Casa Arones

(Current Condition), Peru

Federica Greco, Paulo B. Lourenço

Report 2016-DEC/E-08

This work has been carried out by request of Getty

Conservation Institute (Seismic Retrofitting Project)

Date: June 2016

No. pages: 75
Keywords: Earthen construction, Casa Cuzqueña, Seismic vulnerability, Pushover analysis

TecMinho, P-4800-085 Guimarães, Portugal - Tel. +351 253 510 200 - Fax +351 253 510 217 - E-mail

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 3

2 EVOLUTION OF THE “CASA CUZQUEÑA” ................................................................... 4

3 DESCRIPTION OF CASA ARONES .................................................................................. 7

3.1 Walls and arcades .......................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Foundation and base course ......................................................................................... 13
3.3 Horizontal diaphragms ................................................................................................. 13

4 DAMAGE IDENTIFICATION........................................................................................... 21
4.1 Alterations ................................................................................................................... 21
4.2 Main structural damage ................................................................................................ 22

5 MATERIAL PROPERTIES AND INELASTIC BEHAVIOR ........................................... 28

5.1 Adobe masonry ............................................................................................................ 29
5.2 Rubble stone masonry .................................................................................................. 30
5.3 Fired bricks masonry .................................................................................................... 30
5.4 Stone masonry ............................................................................................................. 31
5.5 Stone ............................................................................................................................ 31
5.6 Timber ......................................................................................................................... 31

6 CONTRIBUTION OF THE HORIZONTAL DIAPHRAGMS .......................................... 32

7 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF CASA ARONES .............................................................. 41

7.1 Finite element model .................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Structural nonlinear analysis under dead load .............................................................. 42
7.3 Pushover analyses ........................................................................................................ 43
7.4 Sensitivity analysis....................................................................................................... 47

8 CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CAPACITY OF THE ROOF TIES ............................. 49

8.1 Experimental approach ................................................................................................ 49
8.2 Design approach .......................................................................................................... 51
8.3 Introduction of the failure of the ties in the numerical model ....................................... 55

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9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................. 58

10 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 61

ANNEX 1 - CALCULATION OF THE WEIGHT OF THE FLOOR ................................... 63

ANNEX 2 - CALCULATION OF THE WEIGHT OF THE ROOF .......................................... 64

ANNEX 3 - CALCULATION OF M1 WITH LIMIT ANALYSIS ........................................ 67

ANNEX 4 – RESULTS OF YM MODEL .................................................................................. 68

ANNEX 5 – RESULTS OF TR MODEL ................................................................................... 69

ANNEX 6 – RESULTS OF WT MODEL .................................................................................. 70

ANNEX 7 - TENSILE FORCES ON THE TIMBER TIES ....................................................... 71

ANNEX 8 – RESULTS OF VM MODEL .................................................................................. 74

ANNEX 9 – RESULTS OF FM MODEL .................................................................................. 75

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1 Introduction
This report addresses the structural performance and the seismic assessment of Casa
Arones, in Cusco, Peru, which is one of the four buildings involved in the Getty Seismic
Retrofitting Project ([1]), under the auspices of the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI). Casa
Arones is a representative example of the traditional houses or “Casa Cuzqueña” (Section 2),
located in the historical center of Cusco.

The aim of this work is to reproduce the existing structural damage in the building using
advanced numerical analysis and to conduct a safety assessment of the structure in its current
condition. These tasks are challenging due to the complexity of this historic building and to the
unknowns regarding its morphology and material properties. As it will be discussed in Section 4,
currently the structure is in a precarious condition, summarized by the following: (a) it
experienced several important alterations during the time; (b) it is abandoned, apart from a room
that is not connected to the rest of the structure, and is accessible from the exterior; (c) part of the
structure is used as a storage space; (d) there is an extensive presence of propping in the internal
volume of the building and the patio; (e) reconstruction restarted in the rear-collapsed area, but
seems currently suspended.

The geometry considered in the numerical model was based on the information available
from [1]. Due to the reasons listed above, one of the challenging aspects has been the morphology
of the building considering also the fact that the structure experienced numerous changes during
its life.

The building was inspected and in situ tested during the survey conducted by the
University of Minho on May 2015 [2], together with a team from the GCI. In particular, sonic
tests were used in order to characterize the material properties of structural materials. As it will
be described in Section 5, the current condition of the building made it unsuitable for dynamic
identification tests. When in situ tests in the building were not available, the material properties
were gathered from previous experimental campaigns [3] or were based on the considerations
made in the study of Ica Cathedral [4] and Kuño Tambo [5].

The numerical model was constructed using MIDAS FX+ for DIANA software [6].
Nonlinear static under gravity loading and pushover analyses will be addressed in Section 7. The
analysis adopted a macro-modeling approach of the structural parts, with a total rotating strain
crack model, allowing considering specified compressive and tensile softening behavior, based
on fracture energy concepts. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the structure in order to
understand the influence of selected parameters in the global behavior. Finally, Section 8 presents
a methodology to evaluate the maximum capacity of the timber ties of the roof.

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2 Evolution of the “Casa Cuzqueña”
The Casa Cuzqueña (also named casona) is a category of buildings whose architectural
composition is directly related to the radical transformation of the urban pattern, which developed
during the Spanish Viceroyalty period over the Incas urban settlement [7]. The superposition of
architectonical and decorative elements representing the evolutions of the architectural styles
during the centuries makes dating of these buildings arduous. Some experts suggested a
methodology that considers the dating of the relevant architectural and ornamental elements found
in the casonas, i.e. portals, paintings, balconies and arcades, as best approximation of the
building’s period of construction. However, other experts expressed their uncertainties on the use
of this method as sometimes the houses contain architectonical elements dating from different
centuries. Moreover, in the majority of the cases, these houses underwent several reconstructions
due to earthquakes or others factors, which modify the original shape [7].

Experts consider three architectural periods of the Casa Cuzqueña during the time, as
shown in Table 1. It has to be noted that, taking into consideration the table, this classification is
usually more related to the architectonical elements composing the house than the real buildings’
date. In general, the first architectural period of the Casa Cuzqueña refers to the years between
the arrival of the Spanish in Cuzco in 1533 and 1650, when an earthquake with magnitude 7.7 [8]
destroyed the majority of the city, resulting in a massive reconstruction of the civil and religious
architecture. The houses belonging to this first interval were named Casas tempranas (early
houses) and the remaining examples in Cusco are shown in Fig. 1. These include also transition
houses, with Mudejar influence as well as Renaissance, Mannerist and Plateresque influence [7].

Table 1 - Historical developments on the architectural styles of Casa Cuzqueña

Year Architectural influences on the Casas Cuzqueñas
Casas tempranas (early Houses): transition houses; Mudejar,
Renaissance, Mannerism and Plateresque influences
1650-1800 Baroques influence
Republican style; neoclassicism, art nouveaux, art deco influences on
the late stage

The transition houses represent the expression of the first ten years of the Spanish
Viceroyalty. They are characterized by the so-called muros de transición (transition walls) on
their façade or, at least, on the part of the façade around the portal. These walls have been built
following the Inca’s technique of the treatment and the arrangement of the stones for composing
the masonry. Opposite to the Inca’s technique, where the walls were inclined, the muros de
transición are built perpendicular. Two stories probably characterized the part of the house where
the portal is located, whereas the distribution of the volumes of the rest of the house is difficult to
assess due to the subsequent modifications experienced by these old examples.

The class of houses with Mudejar influence finds the most relevant element to be the
patio. The volume develops from the interior patio, which represents the access to the different
viviendas. The importance of this element can be seen also in the attention to some constructive
details as, for instance, the pavement finishing or the bricks drainage system. The houses are
composed by two stories arcades, which were usually symmetric on the two floors, i.e. with the
same number of arches. The construction technique for the timber roof named “par y nudillo”
(raised tie truss) also belongs to this period, which usually includes the presence of timber sill
plates and anchored ties. Additionally, the roof tiles on top of the covering system seem to be a
contemporary introduction. The Casa Cuzqueña has a private conception, where the majority of
the spaces face the interior patio. If on one side this can be attributed to the Mudejar influence,
also the pre-colonization Canchas Incaica (likely residential architecture from the Inca period,
consisting of grouping of small, one-room houses sharing a common patio) was surrounded by an

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external wall with a single access from the outside, highlighting an even higher level of
privacy [7].

Fig. 1 Location of the Casas tempranas in Cusco [7]

The houses with Renaissance, Mannerist and Plateresque influence can be identified by
their stone portals, which usually are conserved. These can have different features depending on
the architectural influence. For instance, the Renaissance portals are the most sober, with
dimensions proportioned to the façade. On contrary, the Mannerist portals are characterized by
their monumentality and usually they extend until the second floor. Finally, the Plateresque
portals can be identified from the important decoration above the door itself as heraldic shields
and statues [7].

The disastrous earthquake on March 31, 1650, marked the beginning of the second
architectural period of the Casa Cuzqueña, which ended in the year 1800. This period is
characterized by the Baroque influence in the religious as well as civil architecture. Indeed, the
most representative expression of the Cuzco Baroque style is in the post-earthquake
reconstruction of the religious architecture (Fig. 2). Compared to the Renaissance period, the
Baroque style is mainly characterized by an extensive decoration, which finds its best expression
in the portals and in the timber carpentry, i.e. windows, doors and balconies. High reliefs and bas-
reliefs with different decorative pattern as flora, fruits, flakes that convert the balconies, rooms,
door and balustrades in masterpieces. The adornment on the pillars of the portals is done with
flora and fauna elements. The typical patio from this period can have galleries on the four sides
and, in contrast to the preceding houses, the arcades of the second floor are asymmetric in relation
to the ones of the main floor. This feature confers a more ornamental aspect to the patio.

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(a) (b)
Fig. 2 Religious building built during the Cuzco Baroque period: a) La Compañía Church;
b) Convent of La Merced
Another feature of the architecture of this period is the so-called popular Baroque, which
refers to the reinterpretation of the central houses of the upper class for the buildings belonging
to the lower class in more suburban areas. These houses usually have a smaller dimension. The
patio is composed by galleries on the two or maximum three sides and it is characterized by wider
selection of the architectonical and decorative elements [7].

The third architectural period was from the year 1800 until the first decade of the 20th
century. The characteristics of this period, named republican, are related with the political and
social changes of the independence years. One of the most relevant addition of this period is the
arco rebajado (depressed arch), which replaced the lintels on top of the portals and arcades. The
typical Baroque stone masonry arcades became framed galleries, supported by timber or stone
pillars with square section. The staircase is now opened to the patio. The extensive Baroque
decoration on the carpentry, balustrades and doors disappeared, opening the way to iron elements

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the new economic development of the “first
modernization” of Cusco, the architecture was influenced by the European trends as the Art
Nouveau, Neoclassicism and Art Deco. The entrance door, the balconies and the balustrades
belonging to the previous period were substituted with new ones with typical ornaments from this
period such as high relief of grapes, lion’s head, lyre and medallions [7].

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3 Description of Casa Arones
Casa Arones is a representative example of a two stories casona (large house) located in
the heart of Cusco at the corner between Calle (Street) Arones and Calle Nueva Alta (Fig. 3). It
is thought to have been constructed at the end of the 16th century or beginning of the 17th century
[1] and it can be observed in the city plan of 1643. Belonging to the group of Casas tempranas,
the original shape of the building presents several elements referring to the mudejar influence, as
shown in Fig. 1. Originally, it was constructed as a residential building with ground floor
commercial spaces, but it has been significantly altered over time, becoming a multiple residential
building (Fig. 4). As shown in Fig. 5, the building is located on slope having two levels of
inclination: Calle Nueva Alta goes downhill towards the city center and Calle Arones goes
downhill towards east.

San Francisco’s Square Cusco’s Cathedral

Fig. 3 Location of Casa Arones

Fig. 4 View of Casa Arones

Calle Arones

Calle Nueva Alta

Calle Nueva Alta

Calle Arones
Fig. 5 Difference in height of the ground level

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The main volume of the building develops on an L-shape, with two arcades on the two
sides parallel to Calle Nueva Alta, an interior patio and a longitudinal wall opposite to Calle
Arones, which is the only remaining of the rear-collapsed area (Fig. 6). The access is provided
from a portal surrounded by well-carved stones on Calle Arones (east side), which leads to the
interior patio through a masonry arch. Currently, two different sub-volumes compose this side:
one is facing the street and the other one the patio. The external slope of the street defines the
floor level of the rooms facing the street. Therefore, the last two rooms on the south side are
located on a lower level. These rooms were used for commercial activities as is typical of that
time. The connections existing between the rooms at the level of the patio and the ones on the
street side result very uncomfortable due to the significant difference in height. On the second
story, the second sub-volume facing the patio is accessible through a timber-cantilevered balcony
connecting the south to the north side of the patio. Together with other evidence, which will be
discussed in Section 4.1, this led experts to think that the sub-volume facing the patio was a later


Fig. 6 Plan views: (a) main floor; (b) second floor

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On the north side (Calle Nueva Alta), the building is composed by an asymmetric arcade
with wider brick masonry arches at the main floor and thinner stone masonry arches in the first
floor. The three rooms on this side are accessible from the patio and, in turn, the majority of their
volume is located at a lower level than Calle Nueva Alta. The south side is also characterized by
an arcade symmetrical to the one on the north side, providing circulation for the patio. The
staircase was part of the collapsed west side, leaving its mark within the longitudinal walls
supporting the cantilevered corridor.

The space development of the second patio is independent from the rest of the building
[7]. Despite the collapse of the majority of this part, it is still possible to identify the independent
entrance located in Calle Nueva Alta, which was leading to a two stories volume with an open
staircase and a cantilevered balcony.

The geometry considered in the models takes into account the results of the surveys
conducted by the GCI [1] and by the University of Minho [2]. The main structural parts will be
addressed in Sections 3.1 to 3.3.2. It has to be noted that the current condition of the building and
the complex geometry made more challenging the understanding of the details of the structure.
Some assumptions were considered in the geometry of the numerical model, which are believed
not to affect the global behavior of the structure of Casa Arones.

3.1 Walls and arcades

The structure of Casa Arones is made of load-bearing mud brick masonry walls. The
designation of the walls and arcades shown in Fig. 7 will be adopted in order to simplify the
understanding of the report.

Fig. 7 Floor plan with the assigned designation of adobe walls and arcades
The thicknesses of the walls at the top assumed in the geometry of the numerical model
are specified in Table 2. In has to be noted that: (a) when the difference between the first and the
second floor wall thickness was significant, it was represented in the numerical model, as for
instance in wall 7, which experiences a reduction of its thickness of 30% between the two stories;
(b) when the thickness of the walls provided by drawings was not consistent in height, an average
value was considered. In Calle Arones side, walls are approximately 5 m high in the first floor
and around 4 m high in the second floor, whereas in the other locations they reduce their height
due to the existing natural slope. The surveys performed [1] assessed the condition of the
connections between the masonry walls. It is to be noted that the second floor is characterized by
rooms with large spans due to the lack of transversal walls. The walls also present several
openings, usually not aligned in the main and the first floors.

Four brick masonry arches about 0.4 m thick were observed during the surveys. Two of
them are located in the two floors at the connection between wall 9 and wall 2 (Fig. 8). The other
two brick arches can be found between the entrance hall and arcade 1, as shown in Fig. 6.

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Table 2 – Thickness of the main adobe walls at the top (m)
Wall Arcade
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2
a 0.97 a 0.91 a 0.86
1.1 1.06 1.04 1.3 0.64 0.85 0.96 0.3 0.26
c 1.4 b 0.89 b 1.0

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 8 Brick masonry arches: a) view of the two arches connecting wall 2 and wall 9; b) detail of the main
floor arch between wall 2 and wall 9; c) view of the arch in the access to arcade 1
The two arcades present a similar structure with wider arches on the main floor and
smaller span arches on the first floor. At their ends, the arcades were considered to be supported
by stone columns embedded in the adobe masonry, as evidence of some columns was found
during the surveys [1]. Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 shows the geometry of the model for arcade 1, with
arches of two different materials. Four brick masonry arches with a thickness of 0.4 m compose
the main floor. On the first floor, the eight arcades and the parapet are characterized by 0.3 m
thick stone masonry. The stone columns of the main floor have a diameter of 0.3 m, becoming
0.2 m in the first floor.


Fig. 9 Arcade 1: a) location; b) materials composing the structure

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(a) (b)
Fig. 10 Arcade 1: a) external view from the patio; b) interior view of the arcade and corridor
Arcade 2 has a more elaborated structure, as shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. The possible
alterations experienced during the years made more challenging the understanding of the real
structure behind the numerous additions, openings alteration and materials change. The main
difference from the arcade 1 is that, in the first floor, arcade 2 turns into an adobe wall when
approaching the main volume of the house. This thin wall presents two openings, one of which
represents the access to the corridor. Another visible alteration concerns the presence of a room
extracted from an arcade space, closed with a quincha transversal partition and infilling the last
arch of the arcade with adobe masonry. The embedded arch and the corresponding columns were
included in the geometry of the model. In this side, both arcades were built with cut stone masonry
with a thickness of 0.3 m and 0.2 m in the main and first floor, respectively. The stone columns
have a diameter of 0.3 m in the main floor and 0.2 in the first floor.


Fig. 11 Arcade 2: a) location; b) materials composing structure;

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(a) (b)
Fig. 12 Arcade 2: a) external view from the patio; b) view of the subsequent quincha partition
Some of the internal partitions perpendicular to the main walls are made of quincha. The
thickness of these partitions is usually around 30 cm and their location is marked in green in Fig.
13. The quincha frames are not structurally connected to the lateral mud brick walls, except from
the fact that the tops of the posts are attached to a roof tie beam, with ends embedded in the walls
[1]. Due to the weak connection and ductility of these partitions, they are assumed not to
contribute to the global behavior of the structure and, thus, they were neglected in the numerical

A 0.20 m high lintel is considered above every opening. These elements are assumed to
be embedded in the adobe wall for 0.25 m and 0.5 m for windows and doors, respectively (Fig.
14). In addition, the embedded opening in arcade 2 and another embedded door in wall 9 were
considered in the geometry of the model. It was not possible to obtain a detailed characterization
of all niches, which were included in the model just when their size was considered notable.

(a) (b)
Fig. 13 Quincha partitions: a) identification of the walls (green); b) structure of the walls [1]

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(a) (b)
Fig. 14 Timber lintels visible during the survey: a) a lintel in the interior; b) view from Calle Nueva Alta

3.2 Foundation and base course

The adobe walls rest on a base course and foundation made of rubble stone masonry. In
some parts, this base course was built above the remnants from the Inca civilization. In the past,
this area was characterized by several waterworks, used by the Incas for agricultural purposes
through a system of terraces. The height of the base course and the depth of the foundations were
gathered from the information obtained from the three inspections available [1]. As shown in Fig.
15, the foundation exhibited significant changes in its characteristics depending on the location.
The base course height ranges from 2 m to 0.25 m in the two adjacent walls inspected in IS1 and
the foundation level varies from 0.25 m to 0.95 m (Table 3). The scatter in the information
obtained from the inspections makes more challenging the identification of the morphology of
the foundation and base course for the building. After studying the site slope and morphology of
the building, and its possible alteration during time, a uniform height of foundations and base
course was considered where possible. In particular, 0.8 m of foundation and 0.5 m of base course
were assumed throughout the buildings. Finally, discontinuous foundations were considered
under the columns of the arcades, with dimensions equal to 0.6 x 0.7 x 0.6 m3.

Table 3 – Characteristics of the inspected foundations and base courses [1]

Inspection Base course
Rubble stone foundation Foundation of Incas stones Total
IS 1 2 m / 0.25 m NO / 0.25 m NO NO / 0.25 m
IS 2 1.19 m 0.45 m 0.5 m 0.95 m
IS 3 0.55 m 0.6 m NO 0.6 m

3.3 Horizontal diaphragms

A study on the effect of the connection between the timber structure of the horizontal
diaphragms and the adobe walls on the behavior of such building will be presented in Section 6.
Several factors control the structural behavior of masonry buildings and the floor-to-wall and
roof-to-wall connections, and the stiffness of the horizontal diaphragms, play an important role
on their seismic performance. The presence of horizontal diaphragms, with adequate stiffness and
properly connected, contributes in the prevention of the brittle out-of-plane failure of the masonry
walls. In general, floors properly connected eliminate local effects in the masonry walls [9].

Due to the lack of documentation regarding the characterization of floor connections,

nonlinear pushover analyses were performed on representative models, which consider different
geometrical connections for the flooring system and roofing anchor ties. The results of these
analyses together with the information available from literature were considered in the definition
of the geometry of the horizontal diaphragms, as it will be presented in the next sections.

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(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 15 Inspections at the floor level [1]: a) IS1, inspection at the connection between wall 2 and 5; b) IS2,
inspection at the south corner between wall 4 and 6; c) IS3, inspection on one of the transversal walls 8

3.3.1 Flooring system

Several different materials installed directly over the ground composes the main floor [1],
which therefore was not considered in the geometry of the model. On the contrary, the horizontal
diaphragm of the first floor is representative of a typical timber structure of the casonas. The
information available from the previous surveys were considered [1] and completed considering
the general construction system characterizing the casonas discussed during the December 2015
meeting in Peru. In particular, D. Torrealva from the PUCP introduced the team from the
University of Minho to the restoration project of Casa Paniagua, which is another example of
casona in Lima [10].

In general, the floors of the casonas are made of a system of parallel timber joists
(viguetas) embedded in the masonry wall. These joists rest on the main walls of the structure, so
that the additional vertical weight can offer a contribution to the stability of the walls. Moreover,
good connection with the masonry wall is realized in order to prevent the out-of-plane movement
of the wall and to allow a better distribution of the stresses to the adobe wall. The diameter of the
joists is usually between 0.10 m and 0.15 m and the spacing can be around 0.4 - 0.7 m. The
embedment of the floor can be estimated usually about 0.3 m. Often, in case of important spans
or when phenomena of bending appear during the lifetime of the structure, a main timber beam
(viga-madre) spans the transversal direction (ϕ = 0.17 - 0.2 m). The patio is normally
characterized by a cantilevered timber floor (pasadizo en voladizo) composing the two corridors
connecting the arcades. The timber joists in this part have a smaller dimension between 0.07 m
and 0.1 m. On the other hand, the same system of parallel timber beams can be found on the two
sides of the patio housing the arcades. In this case, an adobe masonry wall supports the timber
joists on one side whereas, on the other side, they rest on the stone or brick masonry of the arcades.
The spacing is usually around 0.5 m.

The isometric view of Casa Arones (Fig. 16) available in literature [1], provides an
architectonical description of the distribution of the timber joists throughout the building. On the
side of Calle Arones, the two main longitudinal walls support the floors. A viga madre occurs in
every room of this side, with the exception of room A-103 in the southeast corner, where two
main transversal beams have been found (Fig. 17). On the contrary, the floors of the building on

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Calle Nueva Alta lay on the transversal walls. The two volumes of the arcades of the patio and
the second volume on Calle Arones facing the patio are covered by a system of timber joists
always perpendicular to the patio. Moreover, two cantilevered floors represents the connections
between the arcades at the second level.

Fig. 16 Isometric view of Casa Arones

Fig. 17 View of the ceiling of room A103

The flooring system is shown in Fig. 18 and is composed by numerous layers, which
result in a quite heavy floor. The top layer of sand and lime is resting on 40 cm of soil and lime,
which in turn is laying on 30 cm of mud and straw. These layers are resting on a net of
Chachacomo (an evergreen shrub) trunks of 1.5 cm of diameter covered by a gypsum finish coat.

The joists of the floor (ϕ = 0.15 m) have been represented in the geometry of the model,
see Fig. 19 The weight of the layers resting on the beams was considered as a density increase of
the beams, as shown in Annex 1. The timber beams were embedded in the adobe masonry for
30 cm. The uncertainties related to the embedment of the timber joists in the adobe masonry were
addressed by studying the effect of the different connections through the thickness on the global
behavior of the building, as it will be shown in Section 6. In particular, it is assumed that some
sort of connection between the joists and walls exists, which was represented in the model as a
discontinuous sill plate of 0.4 m connected to each beam and embedded in the wall for 0.3 m. It
has to be noted that considering a continuous sill plate in the model would have significantly
increased the out of plane capacity of the masonry due to bending, whereas, considering the beam

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simply embedded in the adobe masonry would generate important stresses at the connections due
to the very low material properties of the adobe and the point load introduced in combination with
the heavy weight of the floor.

(a) (b)
Fig. 18 Flooring system [1]: a) layers composing the floor; b) view of the inspected area

Fig. 19 Characterization of the flooring system in the model

3.3.2 Roofing system

The different parts composing the roofing system are presented in Fig. 20. The L-shape
volume of the building is mainly characterized by the typical pares y nudillos system, which
extends externally for about 1.66 m in Calle Arones and 0.66 m in Calle Nueva Alta, as a form of
rainwater protection for the masonry. The two arcades and the second sub-volume on Calle
Arones present a single gable roof directly connected to the pares y nudillos structure. On the
west and east side, the roof extends with the same slope until the two cantilevered corridors. The
materials and the thicknesses of the layers characterizing the covering system are shown in Fig.
21. Several layers compose the covering system: the Andean roof tiles cover a layer of mud and
straw, which in turn rests on top of a net of kur-kur, or canes, straw and mud joined with leather
straps (Fig. 22).

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(a) (b)
Fig. 20 Roof of Casa Arones: a) identification of the different roofing systems; b) section D [1]
As shown in Fig. 20, the pares y nudillos system covers the L-shape volume of the
building in the two orthogonal directions. This covering system consists in raised tie trusses
spaced 1.1 - 1.2 m on the center, composed by two principal rafters and a collar beam connected
with leather straps [1], as marked in red in Fig. 21. The rafters marked in red, are resting on
discontinuous timber plates. In between the trusses, there are typically two secondary rafters
(green). Finally, a tie beam of 10 cm of diameter occurs every 3.5 m. The rafters are connected to
the adobe wall through a sill plate as shown in Fig. 22. For this reason, the action of the roof can
be applied to the numerical model in terms of its vertical pressure and the horizontal thrust on top
of the adobe walls, calculated as shown in Annex 2.

On the other hand, timber ties with 0.1 m of diameter were included in the geometry of
the model. These were considered anchored outside with vertical keys. The characteristics of the
keys of the pares y nudillos system were assumed from the inspection performed on one key on
wall 2 (Fig. 23) [1]. In particular, keys with 0.06 m of diameter and 0.80 m of length were
considered in the geometry. Due to the lack of information related to the exact location of the tie
beams, they have been spaced 3.5 m (as seen in the survey [1]) and adjusted based on the location
of the transversal walls as shown in Fig. 24.

Fig. 21 Elements composing the pares y nudillos system: principal rafters (red) and secondary (green) [1]

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(a) (b)
Fig. 22 Pares y nudillos system: a) roof on Calle Arones side; b) sill plate below the rafters
The single gable roofs are resting on two parallel walls with different height (Fig. 25).
They have been considered in the model as a vertical pressure on top of the adobe walls as
presented in Annex 2. Under the covering layers, principal and secondary rafters compose the
structure. The horizontal timber ties are anchored on the exterior with timber keys, as shown in
Fig. 26. The ties (ϕ= 0.1 m) occur on top of every pillar of the arcades, whereas the spacing of the
rafter was considered the same as the one in the pares y nudillos roof. In fact, previous surveys
pointed out the direct connection existing between the arcades rafters of the main roof and the
one of this part [1]. The characteristics of the anchor keys were gathered directly from the pictures.
In general, anchor keys of 0.06 m of diameter and 0.8 m of length were considered (Fig. 24). Due
to geometrical reasons, the keys on the arcades were considered 0.4 cm long. The same solution
was adopted for the keys on the wall 2 coming from connecting the arcade 1. In this case, the wall
is characterized by ties in the two directions and some geometrical issues appeared due to the
different level and spacing of the ties. A symmetrical solution was preferred, where the
dimensions of the anchor keys of the two different groups of ties was considered equal to the
chracteristics of the keys in the other extremity of the ties.

(a) (b)
Fig. 23 Anchor keys: a) sketch of the anchor key inspected from [1]; b) view of the key inspected [1]

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Wall 2

Fig. 24 Location of the roof ties in the model

Fig. 25 Sketch of the structure of the single gable roof [1]

Finally, the structure of the corridors is very light and negligible in terms of global
behavior of the building (Fig. 27). Their structure is composed by a timber floor embedded in the
adobe walls with timber columns supporting the end of the roof. The model takes into account
the contribution of this part of the building in terms of vertical pressure on the adobe wall
(Annex 2).

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(a) (b)
Fig. 26 Single gable roof: a) view of the roof of the north arcade; b) identification of the location of the
anchor keys

Fig. 27 Timber corridor

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4 Damage identification
The Nazca and South American tectonic plates meet near the Peruvian coast and
earthquakes due to thrust faulting make Peru a seismic zone. Casa Arones experienced numerous
earthquake during its life as shown in Table 4, which together with the lack of maintenance and
the several alterations result in its current significant uncertain conditions. The most important
alteration and the results of the damage identification will be addressed next and mainly refer to
the information provided by the GCI [1].
Table 4 – Earthquake experienced by Casa Arones
Year Location
1687 Lima earthquake (Mw 8.5) (possibly)
1746 Lima earthquake (possibly)
1650 Cusco earthquake
1913 Abancay earthquake
1943 Yanaoca earthquake
1950 Cusco earthquake (Mw 6.0)
1986 Earthquake: extensive damage. The second patio collapsed.

4.1 Alterations
Being a relevant historical building in Cusco, Casa Arones was studied by experts in order
to understand the evolution and alterations of the building during the centuries. The archeological
survey identified two different construction phases of Casa Arones. As shown in Fig. 28, the
L-shape volume on the street sides was identified as the most ancient part of the building. The
portal accessing the original building was located on Calle Arones. The entrance hall would lead
to the arcade through a typical brick arch. The staircase was unusually located at the end of the
north side, creating an independent third volume.

Fig. 28 Original plan of Casa Arones

This first constructive phase experienced several alterations, as shown in Fig. 29. On the
east side (Calle Arones), a wall was added in the entrance hall dividing it in two parts and creating
a new narrow room. The introduction of this element was probably due to the failure of the brick
arch, which was presumably of the same size of the span of the corridor in the arcades. In order
to ensure the right support to the weight of the second floor, a transversal wall was inserted and
therefore the span of the arch accessing the patio was divided in half.

Furthermore, the infilled arch detected at the end of the north arcade and the previously
mentioned connection of the two sub-volumes on the east side lead the experts to think that also
this side of the building was characterized by arcades. These were most probably closed for

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creating a second internal volume on this side. In addition, the roof of this part shows evidences
of alterations made for extending it until the end of the cantilevered balcony. The parapet of the
last arch of the north and south arcades was removed in order to create the access to the
cantilevered balcony.

Fig. 29 Evolution of Casa Arones during time

On the north side (Calle Nueva Alta), it is possible to see two arches (one of adobe and
another of brick masonry) in the adobe wall facing the patio. Their presence is most likely related
to structural purposes and experts could not figure out whether the arches were part of the original
structure or a subsequent addition.

On the west side, the archeological survey was able to reveal the general features of the
structure, which is almost entirely collapsed. In particular, there were two walls adjacent to the
staircase, apparently built without ensuring a proper connection on the edges with the existing
ones. Furthermore, the space under the staircase was modified to create a passage to the rear patio.
This last alteration, together with the new openings created subsequently on the upper part of the
wall, contributed to the fast deterioration of the staircase.

Finally, the south side was created for closing the patio. It is composed by a two stories
asymmetric arcade, which has just an aesthetics function, as it does not represent the access to
any room. In the second floor, part of the arcade was subsequently closed for creating another

4.2 Main structural damage

The complex geometry and the conditions of Casa Arones made the survey and the tests
carried out during the testing campaign by University of Minho rather difficult. As shown in Fig.
30, in the rear area collapsed there are reconstruction works initiated on the volume behind the
west wall. Part of the building has been used as storage for construction materials and this together
with the abandoned condition of the structure lead to several problems. These along with the
extensive use of temporary supports for structural purposes hamper the usability of the building
and create difficulties to carry out tests.

The foundation showed extensive damage due to humidity in the soil and foundations and
rising damp. This phenomenon is more severe in Calle Nueva Alta side, where there is a visible
important erosion and loss of the base course stones, as shown in Fig. 31. Moreover, in this side
the short dimensions of the eaves of the roof leave the adobe wall more exposed to the atmospheric
agents resulting in the erosion of the external face.

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(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 30 Current condition of Casa Arones: a) reconstruction works initiated; b) abandoned; c) presence of
extensive temporary shoring; d) used for storage; e) partly collapsed

(a) (b)
Fig. 31 Damage identification on Calle Nueva Alta side: a) view at the cross of the L-shape
volume; b) damage plan from [1]

The horizontal diaphragms have been found in precarious conditions due to the lack of
maintenance during the years. The structure of the roof (Fig. 32 a) shows several types of damage
in terms of large deformation, loss of material and disintegration of the timber elements. These
allows the water to enter inside the building and to arrive to the top of the adobe walls causing
local damage. On the other hand, the majority of the floors is significantly deformed,
compromising the access and the usage of the rooms (Fig. 32 b).

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Several important cracks were detected during the survey of Casa Arones, as shown in
Fig. 33. An important crack pattern was detected at the connection between the external wall on
Calle Arones (wall 4) and the transversal walls 6a and 6b. The cracks develop in a diagonal
direction in the transversal walls, as shown. These can be most likely associated to the out of
plane movement of the external wall. Probably due to the poor conditions in which the south wall
was found when the adjacent University was built, five steel keys were used to support this wall
connecting it to the new structure [1], as shown in Fig. 34. Currently, the wall has several vertical
cracks as shown in Fig. 33a. Shear cracks were found on the west transversal wall of Calle Nueva
Alta, which are visible from the collapsed area. These can be related to the out of plane movement
of the longitudinal wall connected. Finally, the part of the longitudinal wall along Calle Arones
approaching the corner is also affected by several cracks, which are visible from the inner and
outer sides as shown in Fig. 33b.

(a) (b)
Fig. 32 Damage in the horizontal diaphragms: a) view of the damage in the pares y nudillos roof from the
bottom; b) view of the deformation of the second story floor on Calle Arones

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(a) (d)


(b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 33 Main cracks detected

Fig. 34 Steel ties connecting the south wall to the university adjacent
The bricks of the arcades have been found deteriorated as shown in the damage map in
Fig. 35 and in the global view of the patio presented in Fig. 36. On the other hand, the stone blocks

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are in good condition but the joints suffer a significant loss of mortar. Due to the significant out
of plane displacement observed in the past, the arcades required the installation of a temporary
shoring system. The west end of both the arcades seems to be the most unstable with cracking
and separation between the stones, as shown in Fig. 37 and Fig. 38. This may also be due to the
displacement of the west wall brought on by the collapse and demolition of the adjacent
construction [1].

Fig. 35 Example of damage map of the arcades [1]

(a) (b)
Fig. 36 Damage identification of the arcades: a) view of the arcade from the exterior ; b) global view of
the patio facing north

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 37 Damage identification of arcade 1: a) crack on the parapet approaching the north side; b) cracks
on the second floor arch on the north side; c) important out-of-plane deformation of the column

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(a) (b)

Fig. 38 Damage identification of arcade 2: a) cracks on the top of the last arch on the north side; b) cracks
on the openings of the adobe masonry part; c) important crack on the parapet on the north side

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5 Material properties and inelastic behavior
The main materials used in Casa Arones are shown in Fig. 39, including adobe, stone and
fire brick masonry, and timber. The nonlinear compressive and tensile behavior is described in
the numerical model through the Total Strain Rotating Crack material model, which is available
in the DIANA software [6]. This model has been used to characterize adobe masonry, rubble
stone masonry, fired brick masonry, stone masonry and stone. As already explained in prior
reports ([4] , [5]), this constitutive model uses an implicit shear term that provides co-axiality of
the rotating principal stressed and strains. The input values to describe this material include basic
properties such as specific weight, Poisson's ratio or Young’s modulus, but also the behavior of
the model in tension and compression, defined independently. In this model, tensile softening is
defined by an exponential curve based on fracture energy. Similarly, the compressive behavior is
defined by a predefined parabolic function that is also dependent on fracture energy. This material
model is graphically represented in Fig. 40 [11].

(a) (b) (b)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 39 Identification of the structural materials in Casa Arones: (a) adobe masonry, in the walls of the
structure, (b) rubble stone masonry, in the base course foundation of the walls; (c) fired brick
masonry, in the first level of the arcade facing Calle Nueva Alta and in the internal arches;
(d) stone masonry, in the arcades of the patio; (e) stone, in the columns of the patio;
(f) timber, in the lintels above the openings and in the floor and roof structures.

Fig. 40 Stress-strain diagram showing the uniaxial behavior adopted in the numerical model for masonry

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The results of the sonic tests, performed during the experimental campaign in the spring
of 2015 [2], are presented in Table 5 in terms of dynamic Young’s modulus Ed with the associated
coefficient of variation (CoV).

Table 5 - Results of the sonic testing in Casa Arones

Sonic test averaged results Ed (GPa) CoV(%)
Stone 10.23 11
Adobe masonry 0.99 18
Stone masonry 1.91 8
Columns 3.00 6

Due to the low number of in situ tests and the absence of other experimental results, the
material properties used for the numerical model were gathered considering the results of the
previous experimental campaigns performed on the other buildings involved in the Seismic
Retrofitting Project of the Getty Conservation Institute. National technical building standards and
other literature have also been used. Table 6 and Table 7 present the properties of the materials
considered in the model. The following section gives a detailed explanation of the methodology
and reasoning behind the material properties selected. The values were adopted also in agreement
with the ones already used in Kuño Tambo [12] and Ica Cathedral [4].

Table 6 - Density, Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus of the materials considered in the model
Density Poisson’s ratio E
Structural materials
kg/m3 - MPa
Adobe masonry 1900 0.2 83
Rubble stone masonry 1900 0.2 300
Brick masonry 1900 0.2 340
Stone masonry 1900 0.2 2340
Stone 2500 0.2 10000

Table 7 -Tensile and compressive capacity and fracture energies of the materials considered in the model
Compressive Tensile Fracture energy
Structural materials capacity capacity (tension)
MPa kN/m MPa kN/m
Adobe masonry 0.45 1 0.045 0.01
Rubble stone masonry 0.6 1.5 0.06 0.01
Brick masonry 1.7 3.5 0.1 0.01
Stone masonry 3 4.8 0.2 0.05
Stone 30 20.4 3 0.2

5.1 Adobe masonry

The mechanical properties of the adobe masonry were gathered from the compression
tests performed on adobe walletes constructed with adobe units from the Ica Cathedral as a part
of the experimental campaign [3]. The results of these tests are seen in Table 8, where E indicates
the modulus of elasticity.

The mean values of the Young’s modulus and compressive stress obtained from the tests
were adopted for the adobe masonry to be used in the numerical model. Thus, a compressive
strength of 0.45 MPa and a modulus of elasticity of 83 MPa are adopted. The tensile strength to
compressive strength is assumed to be 0.10 [3], even if it usually does not apply to masonry.

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5.2 Rubble stone masonry
The value of the compressive strength was taken from the range prescribed by Italian
Technical Building Norm in Table 11.D.1 of OPCM 3431.2005 [13] for rubble stone masonry.
The assumed value is 0.6 MPa.

Table 8 - Results of compression tests performed on adobe wallets from the Ica Cathedral [3]
Dimensions Compressive Strength Young’s modulus
a b h (mm2) Load Stress Avg. Stress E* Avg.E
(mm) (mm) (mm) (KN) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
200 150 435 30000 14 0.468 104
IC 200 150 430 30000 14 0.479 0.46 95 98
250 150 435 30000 13 0.443 93
200 145 520 29000 12.171 0.42 74.914
HC 0.392 67.6
200 145 520 29000 10.568 0.364 60.321
*The values of the modulus of elasticity E reported in the table are calculated from the slope of the stress
strain curve taking into account values up to one third of the ultimate stress achieved in the tests
The Young’s modulus was assumed in agreement to the value proposed for Ica Cathedral
and Kuño Tambo considering the follow linear relationship:

α∙ Eq. 1

This equation relates the young modulus to the compressive strength of the masonry (fc)
through a coefficient α. The literature proposes different value for this coefficient: according to
the Eurocode 6 the value of α is 1000 [14], FEMA 306 suggests a value of 550 [15], while
Tomazevic proposes a value of α that ranges from 200-1000 [16]. Considering an average value
of α equal to 500, the modulus of elasticity of 300 MPa was adopted.

A ratio of 0.10 is assumed between the tensile strength and compressive strength and the
tensile strength is calculated as 0.06 MPa.

5.3 Fired bricks masonry

The tests performed on the masonry wallets extracted from Hotel el Comercio [3] were
considered for the designation of the mechanical capacity of the fired brick masonry of Casa
Arones (Table 9). Thus, a value of compressive strength of 1.7 MPa was adopted. Considering
the scatter in the results of the tests, the modulus of elasticity has been calculated with the formula
shown in Eq. 1, with α chosen to be equal to 200, closer to the lower limit of the recommended
values. Thus, a value of Young’s modulus of 340 MPa was adopted. In agreement with the
consideration already made for Ica Cathedral [4] and Kuño Tambo [5], a value of 0.1 MPa was
adopted as tensile capacity of the fired brick masonry.

Table 9 – Results of the compressive tests on the adobe wallets extracted from Hotel el Comercio [3]
Dimensions Compressive strength
Specimen Average
a b h Load Stress E*
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm ) (kN) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
2 130 300 378 39000 47.12 1.208 169.28
3 150 300 370 45000 65.4 1.453 58.53
4 140 300 385 42000 63.67 1.516 1.7 370.62
5 160 300 265 48000 87.82 1.83 124.24
6 140 300 254 42000 103.75 2.47 326.35

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5.4 Stone masonry
The value of the compressive strength and Young’s modulus of stone masonry were taken
from the range prescribed by Italian Technical Building Norm in Table 11.D.1 of OPCM
3431.2005 [13] for regular-coursed ashlar masonry. The assumed values corresponds to a
compressive strength of 3 MPa and a modulus of elasticity of 2340 MPa. A mean value of
0.2 MPa was considered as tensile capacity of the stone masonry.

5.5 Stone
Due to the lack of information on the type of stone used to construct the columns, the
properties of a low quality granite stone have been considered. Fig. 41 shows the relationship
relating the Young’s Modulus to the compressive strength proposed by Vasconcelos [17].
Assuming a compressive strength of 30 MPa, the resulting modulus of elasticity has been assumed
equal to 10 GPa. A ratio of 0.10 is assumed between the tensile strength and compressive strength
and the tensile strength is calculated as 3 MPa.

Fig. 41 Relationship between compressive strength and modulus of elasticity [17]

The fracture energy in compression has been calculated using Eq. 2 [18], in which the
average ductility index is related to the value of the compressive capacity of the material. The
fracture energy in tension can be calculated by using Eq. 3. For granite stones, a non-linear
relation given by Eq. 4 is available in literature [19], where du is expressed in mm and ft in N/mm2.

, , ∙ 12 , 1.6 Eq. 2

∙ Eq. 3

. Eq. 4
0.239 ∙

5.6 Timber
Timber elements can be found in the model in three locations: in the lintels above the
openings, in the system of beams characterizing the floor and in the anchor ties of the roof. As
there is no information available on the species of the timber in Casa Arones the timber lintels are
assumed to be constructed in Huarango (as seen in [4] for Ica Cathedral). The timber members
of the joists were assigned a higher material density in the numerical model to account for the
weight of the floor as shown in Annex 1.

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6 Contribution of the horizontal diaphragms
The characteristics of the roofing system and flooring system have already been
addressed in Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 respectively. In order to understand the influence of the
presence of the floor and tie beams of the roof, and the effect of the connections on the global
behavior of Casa Arones, different possible configurations were tested by a set of representative
models with dimensions and material properties referring to Casa Arones. Starting from a
reference model, five other models were created, in which different wall-to-floor and wall-to-roof
(tie beams) connections were assumed (Fig. 42). Nonlinear static analyses were performed on the
models in the XX direction, which corresponds to the direction in which the horizontal
diaphragms can offer their contribution.

The dimensions of the reference model (Model 1) are presented in Fig. 43. It consists in
a two storey building which is 9 m tall and has a height of 1 m in rubble stone masonry foundation.
The adobe walls, whose thickness corresponds to 1 m for the longitudinal ones and 0.7 m for the
transversal ones, define a 5 x 7 m in plan space. The masonry is modeled using four node linear
tetrahedron elements, with a mesh size of 0.3 m. The roof is assumed to transfer loads to the
longitudinal walls and is defined in the form of a vertical pressure assumed equal to 5.6 kN/m2
and a horizontal thrust of 3 kN/m2. All nodes are pinned at the base and nonlinear properties are
specified for the masonry according to Section 5.

Fig. 42 Representative models considered in the study (Geometry and mesh)

Fig. 43 Dimensions of the reference model (m)

It is interesting to show how this study can be approached with limit equilibrium analysis
with macro-blocks, following the kinematic approach without the need of any software, just to

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provide some boundary values of the structural response. This method, allows to evaluate the
horizontal action that activates the kinematism, defining the collapse mechanism, assuming the
following: (a) no tensile capacity of the masonry; (b) infinite compressive capacity of the
masonry; (c) no sliding between the blocks [13]. The hypothesized kinematism is given by a
rotation of the whole wall around a hinge. A horizontal loading in the XX positive direction of
Model 1 will result in the out-of-plane failure of the longitudinal wall. The characteristics of this
failure mechanism depend on the quality of the connection between the walls. When a good
connection between the perpendicular walls is ensured, the out-of-plane movement of the
longitudinal wall will involve the stabilizing contribution of the transversal walls. The amount of
this contribution depends on the geometrical features and on the mechanical properties of the
masonry. On the other hand, if the connection is not guaranteed, the out-of-plane failure will
involve only the longitudinal wall, with crack formation in the connection.
It is possible to take into account the compressive strength of masonry considering the
position of the hinge to be located as shown in Fig. 44. The distance of the hinge from the edge
(t) can be determined by Eq. 5, assuming a rectangular distribution of stresses.

Eq. 5

 l, is the length of the wall;

 Wi, is the vertical weight of volume i of the structure (i = 1, n), assuming that n
masonry volumes exist;
 σm, is the compressive capacity of the masonry.

If the material is continuous along the entire height, the failure should appear at the base
and the position of the hinge is ruled by the compressive capacity of the material. In this case, the
wall is composed by a foundation and a wall of different materials, both the level of the foundation
and the level of the interface between the two materials should be verified. In fact, due to the
lower compressive capacity of the adobe masonry, the hinge shifts inwards to a larger extent,
resulting in a more unfavorable configuration for this material.

Based on these considerations, four cases will be considered as shown in Fig. 45: the first
two cases will consider a poor connection between the two walls with the hinge formation at the
base (LA_1) or at the lowest adobe section (LA_2); the last two cases consider the contribution
of the transversal wall, again with the hinge forming at the base (LA_3) and at the lowest adobe
section (LA_4).

(a) (b)
Fig. 44 Position of the hinge: a) triangular distribution of stresses; b) rectangular distribution of stresses

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(a) (b) (c) (d)
Fig. 45 Four out-of-plane mechanisms considered in the macro-block analysis of the out of plane of the
longitudinal wall: a) LA_1, no connection and hinge formation at the foundation level; b) LA_2, no-
connection and hinge formation at the lowest adobe masonry section; c) LA_3, connection and hinge
formation at the foundation level; d) LA_4, connection and hinge formation at the adobe masonry level
The multiplier α0 is obtained applying the Virtual Work Principle. The kinematism is a
simple rotation and, therefore, the Virtual Work Principle is reduced to the equilibrium of the
horizontal and vertical forces around the hinge. The equilibrium is satisfied if:

, , , Eq. 6


- n, number of weights corresponding to the several blocks;

- m, number of vetical loads for each block;
- p, number of external forces applied to the blocks, not related to the masses;
- Pi, self weights of the blocks, applied in the center of the masses;
- Pj, vertical loads brought by the blocks (self loads and overloads of floors and roofs, other
masonry elements not considered in the structural model);
- δx,i, virtual displacement in x corresponding to the self weights Pi;
- δx,j, virtual displacement in x corresponding to the vertical loads Pj;
- δy,i, virtual displacement in y corresponding to the vertical loads;
- Fh, internal forces;
- δh, virtual displacement corresponding to the internal forces.

After the evaluation of the collapse multiplier 0, the corresponding seismic spectral acceleration
a0* is given by:

∗ Eq. 7


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 Pi, are the weights transmitted at the selected macro-element by floors or roof
and the dead weights of the elements involved in the mechanism;
 M*, is the effective participating mass, defined by Eq. 8;
 δx,i are the displacements of the points of application of the forces Pi.

∑ ∙ ,
Eq. 8
∙∑ ∙ ,

The results of the calculations for the four mechanisms evaluated are presented in Table
10 in terms of position of the hinge (t) and spectral acceleration of the activation of the
mechanism, α0* (g). The maximum lateral load that can be applied to the numerical model in the
XX direction is 0.02g and 0.03g in the models without connections between transversal walls.
When a good connection is ensured the capacity of the wall increases enormously as shown in
Fig. 46, with a spectral acceleration of 0.16g. The contribution of the transversal walls is
fundamental in terms of capacity of the structure. It is to be noted that the interlocking of the
adobes is ruled by the low strength of the material and therefore will break without providing the
connection needed. In order to have this failure mechanism in adobe, additional elements should
be inserted in the masonry in the form of stones or timber keys inserted in the corner of the walls.

Table 10 – Results of the limit analysis for Model 1

Model t (m) α0* (g)
LA_1 0.20 0.03
LA_2 0.24 0.02
LA_3 0.20 0.16
LA_4 0.24 0.16

Fig. 46 Comparison between the capacities of the four mechanisms considered for Model 1
Model 2 and Model 3 (Fig. 42) are based on Model 1 with the addition of a timber tie
beam at the roof level, either externally anchored or anchored in the middle thickness of the wall.
The geometrical characteristics of the tie are the same as the ones specified for Casa Arones in
Section 3.3.2. In particular, the beam has a diameter of 0.1 m and it is anchored to the walls with
a timber key (ϕ=0.06 m) of 0.8 m. The dimensions of the sections of the timber elements and the
length of the timber key are the same for all the models considered. Model 2 considers the tie
beam anchored outside, whereas in model 3 the anchoring is at 0.5 m, which corresponds to the
middle of the span of the wall.

The maximum lateral load that can be applied to Model 2 in the XX direction corresponds
to 0.27g (Fig. 47) demonstrating a significant increase in the capacity of the structure due to the
tie beam at roof level. As expected, the capacity of Model 3 is slightly lower, corresponding to
0.25g. In particular, the presence of a well-connected tie beam increases the capacity of the model

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by 40% with respect to the Model 1 with transversal wall connected (considering an average
between the capacities of Model 2 and 3).

The results are presented in terms of total displacement in Fig. 48 and principal crack
width at the peak and post peak in Fig. 49 (Model 2) and Fig. 50 (Model 3). The presence of the
timber tie beam changes the failure mechanism transferring part of the weight of the front
longitudinal wall to the back longitudinal wall. This is then resisted by shear of the transversal
walls. At peak, the results are difficult to compare as Model 2 achieves the maximum capacity of
a displacement of 9 cm. The low properties of the adobe masonry are responsible of the weak
connection between transversal walls, which at peak develop a crack at the corners. It is possible
to notice that at this stage the tie beams are not yet activated. Model 3 is reaching the peak for
20 cm of displacement. For this horizontal load an initial vertical crack opens at the connection
of the façade with the longitudinal walls, but the tie beams starts to contribute to the stability of
the structure. In fact, vertical bending cracks appear at the midspan of the longitudinal wall around
the tie and strain concentration emerges in the transversal walls. The maximum tensile force in
the tie in Model 2 and Model 3 is the same at peak and post peak (for a displacement of 0.5 m),
corresponding to values around 45 kN and 60 kN, respectively.

Fig. 47 Response of Models 2 and 3 in terms of load-displacement diagrams, compared with the results
obtained from Model 1 and the limit imposed by the NTE. E30

(a) (b)
Fig. 48 Response of the pushover in XX positive direction in terms of total displacements at peak:
a) Model 2; b) Model 3

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(a) (b)
Fig. 49 Results of the pushover XX on Model 2 in terms of total crack width at the peak (a) and at the
post peak (b)

(a) (b)
Fig. 50 Results of the pushover XX on Model 3 in terms of total crack width at the peak (a) and at the
post peak (b)

Model 4, 5 and 6 (Fig. 42) were built with the same geometry as Model 2 with the addition
of the flooring system with anchoring at 0.3 m, middle of the wall or externally, respectively. The
floor is represented by a series of joists (ϕ=0.15 m) spaced 0.5 m apart, partly or fully embedded
in the masonry. These are fully connected with a transversal beam (viga madre) spanning in the
perpendicular direction, embedded in the transversal walls (ϕ=0.2 m). The timber beams were
modelled by 1D two-node beam elements (Class I). A discontinuous sill plate was considered at
the ends of the joists as described in Section 3.3.1. The weight of the floor was introduced as an
increase in the density of the timber joists.

The difference between the three models lies in the depth of the embedment. Model 4
considers an embedment of 0.3 m referred to the axes of the sill plate whereas in Model 5 the
joists were inserted until the middle of the thickness of the wall corresponding to 0.5 m. Finally,
in Model 6, the floor is supposed to be anchored outside with timber keys, which have been
considered to have the same dimensions as that of the sill plate. Although it is known that this
model is not representative of the real structure of Casa Arones, since no floor keys are visible
from outside, it is interesting to study the extreme case in which the floor is given the best possible

The different connections influenced only marginally the capacity of the models, as
shown in terms of the load-displacement diagram in Fig. 51. The maximum capacity of the three
models increases compared to Models 2 and 3, reaching 0.32g for Models 4 and 5 and 0.33g for
Model 6. The failure mechanism of Model 4, 5 and 6 is presented in terms of total displacement
on the deformed mesh in Fig. 52. Although the capacity of the models is not so sensitive to the
type of wall-to-floor connection, the increase in the nonlinear rigidity of the structure provided

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by the different connections influences the failure mechanism in the post peak phase. Fig. 53
(Model 4), Fig. 54 (Model 5) and Fig. 55 (Model 6) show the results in terms of the principal
crack width.

Fig. 51 Response of Models 4, 5 and 6 in terms of load-displacement diagrams, compared with the results
obtained from Model 1 and the limit imposed by the NTE. E30
As in the case of the tie beams of the roof, the presence of the floor changes the load
transfer in the structure for seismic loading in the XX direction. This creates a second level of
connection between the longitudinal walls, which will compress the rear longitudinal wall,
provoking the shear failure of the transversal walls. In fact, Model 4 still shows vertical bending
cracks in the longitudinal wall and an inclined crack along the transversal walls. Model 5 and
Model 6 seem to increase the shear in the transversal walls getting closer to a global rocking
mechanism of the structure at failure. The coordinated movement of the two longitudinal walls is
proved also by the tensile forces in the ties at the peak and at the post peak. In particular, as shown
in Fig. 54, the connections of Model 4 are still not providing enough constraint for the combined
movement of the two walls, whereas the lower tensile forces in the ties obtained for Model 5 and
6 prove that the structure is moving together closer to a rigid body mechanism.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 52 Response of the pushover in XX positive direction in terms of total displacements at peak:
a) Model 4; b) Model 5; c) Model 6

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(a) (b)
Fig. 53 Results of the pushover XX on Model 4 in terms of total crack width at the peak (a) and at the
post peak (b)

(a) (b)
Fig. 54 Results of the pushover XX on Model 5 in terms of total crack width at the peak (a) and at the
post peak (b)

(a) (b)
Fig. 55 Results of the pushover XX on Model 6 in terms of total crack width at the peak (a) and at the
post peak (b)
Table 11 – Maximum tensile force in the roof tie beam
Model 4 Model 5 Model 6
Peak 15 kN 21 kN 17 kN
Post peak (0.5 m) 50 kN 19 kN 6.2 kN

The results obtained from the pushover analysis in the XX direction of the six models are
presented in Fig. 56 in terms of load-displacement diagram. The tie beams in the roof are mostly
responsible for the increase in the capacity of the structure (Fig. 57), around 40%, when compared
to Model 1with well-connected transversal walls. The addition of a connected timber floor
contributes less with an increase in the capacity by around 20% (considering the average value
between Models 4, 5 and 6). As discussed before, the floor represented in Model 5 and 6 seems

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to ensure the full combined movement of the two longitudinal walls. This behavior seems to be
too optimistic for adequate representation of the performance of a historical structure, taking into
account also the assumptions that made in the modeling. Therefore, Model 4, was adopted as
representative for the modelling of the horizontal diaphragms of Casa Arones.

Fig. 56 Comparison between the load-displacement diagrams of the simple representative models


Fig. 57 Comparison between the maximum capacities of the models: a) Model 1 and Model 2 - 3 (red);
b) Model 1, Model 2 - 3 (black) and Model 4 - 5- 6 (red)

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7 Numerical analysis of Casa Arones
7.1 Finite element model
A 3D finite element (FE) model of Casa Arones in its current condition was constructed
in Midas FX+ Version 3.3.0 Customized Pre/Post processor for DIANA software. The geometry
considered in the numerical model is presented in Fig. 58. The model includes the main L-shape
volume of the building, the two arcades and the longitudinal wall next to the collapsed area, the
timber system of beams of the floor, and the timber anchor ties of the roof. The pressure of the
roof in terms of vertical load and horizontal thrust was applied to all the nodes on top of the
masonry wall, apart from the two free extremities on Calle Nueva Alta.

The presence of the neighboring university building and, consequently, its stiffening
effect on the south wall was not taken into account. In fact, the confining action of the adjacent
building depends on its morphological characteristics, which were not available, and would
complicate the analysis largely. For these reasons, as it will be seen in Section 7.3, the case in
which the horizontal loading is applied towards the south direction will be neglected.

The FE mesh is composed by isoparametric linear elements TE12L for the different types
of masonry, the stone and the lintel. This is a four-node, three-side isoparametric solid tetrahedron
element. It is based on linear interpolation and numerical integration. The timber elements of the
horizontal diaphragms were modeled with “Class I” beam elements. The total number of nodes
of the model is equal to 112 451. With regard to the boundary conditions, every node at the base
of the model was considered pinned: all the nodes have their translational degree of freedoms in
the three principal directions of the numerical model restrained. The intersecting walls are
assumed to be fully connected. The same assumption is also made between the rubble stone base
course and the adobe masonry walls. It is also important to note that the timber elements in the
horizontal diaphragms are assumed to be connected to the walls, as discussed in the previous

Fig. 58 Views of the FE model of Casa Arones

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7.2 Structural nonlinear analysis under dead load
As a starting point to understand the structural behavior of Casa Arones, a nonlinear
analysis is performed for vertical loading considering the vertical pressure and horizontal thrust
coming from the roof. The deformed shape of the structure and distribution of vertical
displacements is seen in Fig. 59. The maximum displacement is detected in the longitudinal wall
on Calle Arones. The maximum value of displacement observed is about 1 cm.

Fig. 59 Distribution of total displacement under self-weight (including roof) on the deformed mesh and
location of maximum vertical displacement
The distribution of principal crack width can be seen in Fig. 60. The highest value of
crack opening in the structure observed is negligible (approximately 1 mm). It can be seen that
the weakest points appear to be located at the connection between the arcade 2 and wall 9 and at
the connection between the adobe masonry of arcade 2 and the first arch near the openings. In
fact, the difference in stiffness between the arcades and the adobe masonry walls contributes to
the initial deformation of the arcades, which seem to support the adobe structure showing higher
concentration of strains at the edges of the second floor (Fig. 62).

Fig. 60 Nonlinear analysis with the self-weight and the weight of the roof: a) total displacement on the
deformed mesh; b) principal crack with on the deformed mesh

Fig. 61 Total deformation under self-weight and roof weight on the deformed mesh of the arcades

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7.3 Pushover analyses
The capacity of the structure under lateral loading is evaluated by mass proportional
pushover analysis. The different analyses helped to evaluate not only the capacity of the structure
under lateral loads in terms of load-displacement curves but also the progression of the damage,
and corresponding failure modes. These are identified in terms of maximum capacity of the
structure in the load displacement diagram and high value of principal tensile strains.

The recent modification of the Peruvian code (E.030) [20] considers the territory divided
in four zones as shown in Fig. 62. For each zone, the code establishes the maximum ground
acceleration with a probability of 10% to be exceeded in 50 years (Table N°1 of [20]). Cusco
belongs to the Zone 2 to which is associated a peak ground acceleration of 0.25g.

Fig. 62 Seismic zones for the Peruvian code

The capacity of the structure will be compared to the one requested by the code. The
analyses were performed in the XX axis of the numerical model in both positive and negative
directions. On the contrary, in the YY axis the numerical model analysis were performed just in
the positive direction, due to the presence of the adjacent university building on the other
direction. The YY negative direction was not investigated as the behavior of the structure would
be directly related to the university building, whose morphology, constructive technologies and
characteristics were not available.

When possible, the validity of the model is evaluated in terms of crack correlation
between the in situ observations (Section 4.2) and numerical models under mass proportional
horizontal loading.

7.3.1 XX positive direction

The capacity of the structure under horizontal loading in the XX+ direction of the model
is presented in Fig. 63 in terms of the load-displacement diagram. The maximum load capacity is
equal to 0.33g, which is higher than the limit fixed by the Peruvian code [20]. The results,
expressed in terms of total displacement and principal crack width at peak and post-peak, are
presented in Fig. 64.

The failure mechanism consists of the out-of-plane movement of the longitudinal external
wall on Calle Arones (wall 4). With the increase in the horizontal load, the deformation of this
wall triggers the parallel longitudinal wall (wall 5) due to the presence of the ties. This, in turn,
transfers part of the horizontal load to the other parallel wall (wall 7). The compression of the rear
longitudinal walls will generate shear failure at the post peak of the transversal walls, as shown
in Fig. 64d. Vertical cracks develop along the height of these longitudinal walls at the connections
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with the transversal walls. The most relevant cracks of around 1 cm at peak and 2.5 cm at the post
peak appear at the connection between wall 4 and the transversal walls, as detected during the
survey of the building, see Fig. 33 in Section 4.2. In arcade 2, the adobe masonry part and the
stone masonry arcade will separate due to the high difference in stiffness between the two

Fig. 63 Response of Casa Arones in the XX+ direction, in terms of load-displacement diagram

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 64 Response of the reference model in XX+ direction: a) total displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement of the deformed mesh at the post peak
(around 0.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the post peak

7.3.2 XX negative direction

The capacity of the structure under horizontal loading in the XX- direction of the model
is summarized in Fig. 65 in terms of load-displacement diagram. The maximum load applied is
0.25g, which corresponds to the value defined in the Peruvian code. The numerical model enters
post peak behavior after this load is applied, with a large value of displacement (Fig. 66) recorded
on the free wall on the west side adjacent to the collapsed area (wall 9).

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Due to the out of plane movement of this wall, vertical cracks developed along the height
of the wall at the connections with the arcades and at the edges. In particular, at the post-peak the
damage in the arcades seems to be concentrated in the first arch on the north side. When the
maximum load is applied, the most relevant crack appears at the connection between the free wall
(wall 9) and the south wall (wall 10). The precarious condition of this wall lead the constructor
of the adjacent building to tie the wall up to the university structure as shown in Section 4.2. In
the post peak, the maximum crack width is registered at the corner connection between wall 9 and
wall 2. This part of the structure was not covered in detail during the damage assessment survey
since this area was connected to the collapsed staircase volume. After reconstruction, this
vulnerability of the building is also likely to be eliminated.

Fig. 65 Response of Casa Arones in the XX- direction, in terms of load-displacement diagram


(c) (d)
Fig. 66 Response of the reference model in XX- direction: a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at
the peak; b) incremental displacement of the deformed mesh at the post peak (around 0.6 m);
c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak (max 2 cm); d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the post peak (max 3.7 cm)

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7.3.3 YY positive direction
The capacity of the structure under horizontal loading in the YY+ direction of the model
is summarized in Fig. 67 in terms of load-displacement diagram. The maximum load applied is
0.37g, which is above the value defined by the Peruvian code.

The numerical model enters post peak behavior after this load is applied with very large
value of displacement (Fig. 67) recorded on the south wall adjacent to the university building
(wall 10). The failure mode consists in the out-of-plane movement of the south wall. It is to be
noted that significant displacements out-of-plane also occur in arcade 1 and in the external wall
in Calle Nueva Alta. Vertical cracks appears on the south wall at the connection with the
transversal walls, as detected during the survey (Section 4.2). However, a relevant crack pattern
is detected on the north part of the building on Calle Nueva Alta side: the out of plane movement
of the longitudinal walls connected by ties beams generate the shear failure of the transversal
walls. This is more intense in the longitudinal wall on Calle Arones (wall 4) and in the last
transversal wall adjacent to the collapsed area, as shown in Fig. 33 in Section 4.2. It is to be noted
that the brick arches connecting the free wall (wall 9) to the longitudinal wall on Calle Nueva
Alta also experience relevant in-plane deformation.

Fig. 67 Response of Casa Arones in the YY+ direction, in terms of load-displacement diagram

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 68 Response of the reference model in YY+ direction: a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at
the peak; b) incremental displacement of the deformed mesh at the post peak (around 1.5 m); c) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the post

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7.4 Sensitivity analysis
A key point in the study of historical building is to know the influence of the geometry,
material and loading parameters on the structural response. In contrast to the study of new
construction, the approach to the structural evaluation of historical structures involves a number
of assumptions on parameters linked to the level of knowledge of the building in terms of
historical evolution, structure, materials and constructive technology. The study of how the
uncertainty in the output of a mathematical system can be referred to different input parameters
is called sensitivity analysis. This chapter shows the results from a sensitivity study of the
structure of Casa Arones with respect to three main parameters: (a) the Young’s modulus of the
adobe masonry; (b) the horizontal thrust from the pares y nudillos roof; (c) the roof tie beams.

The load-displacement diagrams presented in Section 7.3 show very large values of
displacements, with extreme case for the results of the pushover in the YY direction. In fact, the
structure already shows significant displacement in the elastic range. The unrealistically high
values of displacement are due to the very low value of Young’s modulus of the adobe masonry,
assumed equal to 83 MPa. As seen for Kuño Tambo and Ica Cathedral, the calibration of the
models with the results of the dynamic identification tests [2] produces a higher value of modulus
of elasticity. In particular, 270 MPa and 220 MPa were considered as Young’s modulus for Kuño
Tambo [5] and Ica Cathedral [4] respectively. Based on these considerations, an average value of
modulus of elasticity of the adobe equal to 245 MPa was adopted in the model of Casa Arones.
The new model will be denoted as YM, while the previous model (or reference model) will be
denoted RM.

In order to understand the effect of the roofing system on the structure of Casa Arones,
two parameters were considered. In particular, the effect of the thrust of the pares y nudillos roof
on the structure of Casa Arones was investigated by applying the total horizontal pressure
obtained from the calculation shown in Annex 1 on the top surface of the walls. Hence, this model
named TR will consider the double the value of the horizontal thrust, in comparison with the
reference model RM. Finally, the effect of the presence of the tie beams of the roof was studied.
In this context, a model was considered without the presence of the roof ties simulating the
conditions where there are no beams or their connection is absent. Subsequent evaluation on the
maximum capacity of the ties will be addressed in Section 8.

The results of the pushover analyses in the XX positive and negative direction, and in the
YY positive direction are presented in Fig. 69, in terms of load-displacement diagrams compared
to the results of the reference model RM. The results of the pushover in terms of maximum
displacement and principal crack width at peak and at post peak are shown in Annex 4 for YM,
Annex 5 for TR and Annex 6 for WT. The stiffness of the structure is rather sensitive to the
material properties of the adobe (YM) with a reduction of the amplitude of the displacement of
one order of magnitude. The only change in maximum capacity is obtained when the structure is
loaded in the XX positive direction. In particular, the structure has a maximum capacity of 0.4g
compared to the 0.33g of the reference model. The failure mechanism resulted to be insensitive
to the change in the material properties of the adobe (YM) as shown in Annex 4. Although the
principal crack width presented cannot be visually compared due to the different displacements,
it is clear how the reference model experiences a more distributed damage due to the lower
stiffness of the structure.

The capacity of the structure under horizontal loading is slightly sensitive to the
horizontal thrust of the roof and very sensitive to the presence of the roof ties when the structure
is loaded in the XX positive direction. In particular, Fig. 69 presents the comparison between the
reference model and the TR model, where the only difference is in the maximum capacity
achieved, which is equal to 0.3g for the TR model and 0.33g for the reference model. After that,
the curves converge to the same post peak behavior. The failure mechanism is not sensitive to this
parameter as shown in Annex 6. Due to the increased thrust, larger cracks will open at the

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connection between the longitudinal wall on Calle Arones (wall 4) and the transversal walls.
When the structure without the roof ties is considered (WT), the model presents a significantly
lower stiffness already from the linear elastic range due to the lack of constraint provided by the
ties. The maximum lateral load applied is 0.16g while for the reference model it is 0.32g. The
numerical model enters post peak behavior after these loads are applied with high value of
displacements recorded in the longitudinal wall on Calle Arones. The deformed shape of the
numerical model is presented in Annex 6. The failure mechanism still consists in the out-of-plane
failure of the external longitudinal wall on Calle Arones, but compared to the failure of the
reference model, the movement of the longitudinal walls is more uniform along the span due to
the absence of the restraint provided by the ties. In is noted that there is no contribution of the
back longitudinal wall and transversal walls, which activation is prior to the presence of roof ties.
Extensive tensile damage can be observed at the connection between the longitudinal walls and
the transversal walls, with the development of cracks up to 5 cm. Due to the characteristics of the
failure mechanisms, the capacity of the structure under horizontal loading in the XX- and YY+
directions of the model without ties is kept unchanged. The failure mechanism in the pushover in
the XX negative direction is still characterized by the out-of-plane failure of the west wall but, in
the model at the peak of the load-displacement diagrams, the crack opening at the connection
between with the collapsing walls have a smaller width. It is interesting to notice how in the post
peak the pushover analysis in XX negative directions of the WT model has a slightly better
behavior in terms of ductility, when compared to the reference model. This can be related with
the increased level of confinement given by the connection at the edges with the transversal walls.
In fact, the absence of anchors ties reduces the stiffness of the volume in Calle Nueva Alta and
the South one. In the YY+ direction, the absence of ties induces higher displacement of the
longitudinal wall on Calle Nueva Alta. Therefore, the failure mechanism, presented in Annex 6,
seems to include also the out-of-plane failure of the longitudinal wall on Calle Nueva Alta,
together with the failure of the south wall (wall 10).

XX positive direction XX negative direction YY positive direction




Fig. 69 Results of the sensitivity analysis on Casa Arones compared with the results obtained with the
reference model

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8 Characterization of the capacity of the roof ties
As seen in the previous section, the ties increase significantly the out-of-plane capacity
of the walls, giving an important contribution in terms of lateral capacity of the structure mainly
in the XX+ direction. The results presented until now were obtained considering the timber as a
linear elastic material. Although this is believed to be correct for the material assigned to the
lintels and to the flooring systems as their behavior is less relevant or the global performance of
the building (resulting in possible localized damage), an evaluation of the capacity of the ties
should be done, given their relevance on the global behavior of the structure.

Therefore, the capacity of the ties of Casa Arones, with the characteristics addressed in
Section 3.3.2, should be calculated. It must be noted that the dimensions of the anchor keys of the
ties were estimated from the inspection photos of one of the ties of the building. In Section 8.1,
the results obtained from the pull out testing campaign performed by the PUCP on a timber tie on
an adobe wall will be presented [3]. Although the dimensions of the timber tie correspond to the
one in Casa Arones, the keys in the test have a much larger cross section. Due to the differences
in the geometry of the elements, the unknown about the timber species used in Casa Arones and
the impossibility to relate these results to the tie beams supported by the arcades together with the
adobe walls, a more generic procedure was adopted. This second approach, presented in Section
8.2, considers the capacity of the tie as the lower tensile force obtained from evaluating the
possible failures of the system. The calculations were done using the mean values of the timber
properties, considering a Class B timber as specified in the Peruvian code (Section 8.2.1).

Finally, the maximum capacity obtained was assigned in the model adopting the Von
Mises failure criterion for the ties, as described in Section 8.3. It is important to clarify that this
model is not representative of the mechanical behavior of the timber, but it was used in order to
limit the stress in the ties.

8.1 Experimental approach

The PUCP developed a testing campaign [21] on the anchoring of timber tie beams on
the adobe walls (Fig. 70). Nine adobe walls of 1.5 m x 1.9 m were built with three different
thicknesses (0.26 m, 0.54 m and 0.83 m). The test consisted in pulling out the timber tie anchored
in the wall with a timber key (Fig. 71). It is important to mention that the tie beams were round
Eucalyptus trunks of 17.5 cm diameter and the anchor keys were composed by a 0.55 m long
round timber element, with 10 cm of diameter. The connection between the tie beam and the
timber key consisted in three nails about 12 cm long and it was tied with a cow skin strap named

In general, the results identified punching shear as the main failure mechanism of the tie
beams when subjected to a pull out force. Fig. 72 presents the trend line obtained experimentally,
which shows a good correlation between the load capacity and the thickness of the wall, which in
turn allows extrapolating the results for walls with different thicknesses. The same image reports
the values of the capacity of the ties for the thickness of the walls of Casa Arones where the ties
are resting. Considering that the ties connect walls with different thicknesses, the capacity to
consider for each set of ties should be based on the wall with the lower thickness, as shown in
Fig. 73.

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(a) (b)
Fig. 70 Testing campaign from PUCP: a) view of the masonry sample with the tie beam;
b) anchoring system

Fig. 71 Pull-out test

90 y = 0.6247x
Results of the tests
Maximum load (kN)

50 Wall2
40 Wall4
30 Wall5
20 Wall7
10 Wall10
0 50 100 150
Adobe wall thickness (cm)

Fig. 72 Results of the pull out tests in terms of maximum load vs thickness of the wall, with the
identification of the capacity of the ties for the thickness of the walls involved (as depicted in Fig. 73)

y = 0.6247x
80 Results of the tests
Maximum load (kN)

External ties of Calle
60 Arones
50 External ties Calle
40 Nueva Alta
Internal volume of
30 Calle Arones
20 Ties on the south side
0 50 100 150
Adobe wall thickness (cm)

Fig. 73 Evaluation of the capacity of the ties in each area of the building based on the results of
the pull out tests

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Despite the quality of the results of this testing campaign, the test setup results are
probably not very representative for the case study of Casa Arones. In fact, the case study presents
ties with a circular cross section of 10 cm [1] and anchor keys with a diameter of 6 cm, 80 cm
long (Fig. 23). Due to their smaller dimensions, the anchor keys seem to be the most vulnerable
part of this system and, for this reason, their capacity has been considered for the definition of the
maximum tensile capacity of the ties. Moreover, the comparison with the results of the tests is
relevant just in case that the ties are supported by adobe masonry, whereas they do not provide
any information on the capacity of the ties supported by the arcades.

8.2 Design approach

8.2.1 Material properties of the timber
In order to understand the contribution of the roof ties in the global behavior of the
building, the mean mechanical properties of timber were considered, starting from the values
available in the Peruvian Code [22]. As there is no information available on the species and
mechanical characteristics of the timber of Casa Arones, the analysis will be done considering the
timber members belonging to class B (Table 12). It is possible to obtain the characteristic values
of the stresses (esfuerzos basicos) considering the following relation (Table 14):

. . . .
Eq. 9
. . . . .

Where the coefficients F.C., F.T., F.S. and F.D.C. are specified in the Peruvian Norm [22] as
shown in Table 13. The norm does not give any coefficient for the tensile capacity parallel to the
grain, which is considered to be 70% of that of the one in bending.

Finally, the mean values (μ) can be obtained from the characteristic ones (Rk), considering
the Gaussian distribution represented by Eq. 10. Table 15 shows the average values obtained
considering the characteristic value as 5% of the fractile (k=1.64) and the coefficient of variation
(δ) for the timber equal to 15% (Eq. 11) [23].

Eq. 10

Eq. 11

Table 12 – Admissible stresses according to the Peruvian Code (MPa) [22]

Compression Compression Tension parallel
Class Bending Shear
parallel to grain perpendicular to grain to grain
A 20.6 14.2 1.5 3.9 14.2
B 14.7 10.8 1.2 2.7 10.3
C 9.8 7.8 0.8 1.5 7.3

Table 13 - Coefficients considered for calculating the admissible stresses according to Peruvian Code [22]
Bending Compression Compression
Coefficient Shear
parallel to grain perpendicular to grain
FC 0.8 1 1 1
FT 0.9 1 1 1
FS 2 1.6 4 1.6
FDC 1.15 1.25 1 1

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Table 14 - Characteristic capacities according to Peruvian Code (MPa)
Compression Compression Tension
Class parallel to Shear perpendicular parallel
grain to grain to grain
A 65.81 28.40 6.00 6.24 46.06
B 46.96 21.60 4.80 4.32 32.87
C 31.31 15.60 3.20 2.40 21.91

Table 15 – Mean stresses (MPa)

Compression Compression Tension
Class parallel to Shear perpendicular parallel
grain to grain to grain
A 87.28 37.67 7.96 8.28 61.09
B 62.28 28.65 6.37 5.73 43.60
C 41.52 20.69 4.24 3.18 29.06

8.2.2 Calculation of the capacity of the anchor ties

Following a more general approach [24], normally used for the design of the anchor ties,
the capacity of the ties can be evaluated as the minimum of the three contributions shown in Eq.
12, where: Tt is the tensile capacity of the tie beam itself, Tm is the capacity of the masonry and
Tc is the capacity of the key.

min , , Eq. 12

The maximum tensile force that the tie beam can stand can be calculated as:

∙ Eq. 13

- ft is the mean tensile capacity corresponding to 43.6 MPa (Table 15);

- Ay is the area of the section of the tie beam (φ=0.1 m).

As already mentioned, considering this verification performed at the ultimate limit state, the mean
values of timber in class B will be considered for the calculations, obtaining a value of 340 kN.

The capacity of the masonry (Tm) can be evaluated as the minimum between its tensile
and shear capacity:

min , , , Eq. 14

The tensile capacity of the masonry (Tm,a) can be calculated as:

, 2∙ ∙ ∙ 2 Eq. 15

- a is the length of the key equal to 80 cm and 40 cm for the arcades;

- b is the thickness of the key assumed as simplification squared and with the entire section
in contact with the tie (6 cm);
- ft is the tensile capacity of the adobe and stone masonries, as defined in Table 7;
- t is the thickness of the masonry wall.

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Table 16 shows the tensile capacity of the masonry walls and arcades that are connected
to the anchor keys, obtained using Eq. 15.

Table 16 - Tensile capacity of the masonry walls supporting the ties

Tensile capacity (kN)
Wall Wall Wall 2 Wall Wall Wall Wall Arcade Arcade
1 2 (arcade) 4 5 7 10 1 2
303 284 246 275 405 123 206 127 118

The shear capacity of the masonry (Tm,t) can be found resolving the integral presented in
Eq. 16, with fvd is the shear capacity of the masonry and A is the lateral detached surface of the

, Eq. 16

The integral can be simplified considering that the shear capacity can be defined as the
sum of the contributions: one without vertical load (fvd0) and the other one activated by the friction
(n·σ0). In case of longitudinal anchor keys, the integral becomes:

, 2∙ ∙ ∙ 2 ∙ ∙ cos ∙ Eq. 17


- t is the thickness of the walls;

- θ is the horizontal inclination of the key, which in Casa Arones was considered 90°;
- fvd0 is the shear capacity of the masonry, which was considered as the tensile force
specified in Section 5 multiplied by 1.5;
- n is the coefficient of internal friction that can be assumed equal to 0.4;
- σ0 is the vertical pressure on the considered section considered until the axis of the tie as
shown in Fig. 74;
- a is the length of the key equal to 80 cm or 40 cm;
- b is the width of the key equal to 0.06 m.

The results obtained for the walls in relation with the anchor keys are shown in Table 17.

Table 17 - Shear capacity of the masonry walls connected to the anchor keys
Shear capacity (kN)
Wall Wall wall 2 Wall Wall Wall Wall Arcade Arcade
1 2 (arcade) 4 5 7 10 1 2
129 124 67 122 152 75 112 83 72

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Fig. 74 Analytical assumption for the longitudinal key
Finally, the capacity of the linear anchor key (Tc) can be evaluated in terms of maximum
bending and shear resistance. The bending capacity has been calculated considering the model
shown in Fig. 75. The key was assumed as a one-dimensional element clamped at the connection
with the tie, on which a distributed load is acting (a triangular distribution of stresses was
assumed). Knowing the dimension of the key (h = 0.06 m) and the mean tensile capacity (Table
15), it is possible to calculate the maximum moment and the tensile force that the tie can apply
on the key:

Eq. 18

, 2 Eq. 19


- p is the maximum value of the triangular distribution of load on the key;

- l is the length of the key equal to 85 cm and 40 cm;
- b is the side of the cross section equal to 0.06 m.

Fig. 75 Model adopted for the calculation of the moment on the anchor key
The tensile force in the tie which causes the bending failure of the key is equal to 50 kN
for 80 cm long keys and 100 kN in case of 40 cm keys.

The shear capacity of the timber perpendicular to the grain (τ) can be considered the same
of the timber parallel to the grain [25], which is defined as shown in 8.2.1. The maximum shear
capacity of the section of the key can be calculated as:

2 ∙ ∙
Eq. 20

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, 2∙ Eq. 21

Fig. 76 Distribution of shear stresses for a rectangular section

The tensile force in the tie which would cause the shear failure of the key is equal to
30 kN. It is possible to conclude then, that the first failure mechanism activating corresponds to
the failure of the keys. Annex 7 presents the results of the models presented until now in terms of
tensile force on the ties at the peak and at the post peak. Table 18, Table 19 and Table 20 report
the roof anchor ties that exceed the limit of 30 kN and shows the maximum tensile force
experienced. It is seen that the maximum capacity is achieved in some of the ties during the
pushover analyses, without exceeding it significantly. For this reason, a limit in the capacity of
the ties will be introduced in the model, as it will be presented in the Section 8.3.

Table 18 – Results of the pushover in the XX positive direction in terms of tensile force over 30 kN on
the roof tie beams
CA_1 52 54 58
CA_2 51 55 50
CA_3 44 48 48
CA_4 31 35 48
CA_5 32 41 47
Table 19 – Results of the pushover in the XX negative direction in terms of tensile force over 30 kN on
the roof tie beams
CA_1 - - 55
CA_2 50 - 52
CA_3 42 - 45
CA_4 - - 55
CNA_2 - - 34
Table 20 - – Results of the pushover in the YY positive direction in terms of tensile force over 30 kN on
the roof tie beams
CA_2 39.7 35.2 49.1
CNA_1 40.9 45.6 45
CNA_2 - - 31.8
CNA_4 42.2 40.6 40.5
CNA2_7 37.01 30.3 34.9

8.3 Introduction of the failure of the ties in the numerical model

In order to be able to introduce the failure of the anchor ties in the model, the Von Mises
criterion was specified only for this category of timber elements. Fig. 77 shows a bounding surface
in a 3-D principal stress coordinate system where the von Mises stress is a constant value. The

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criterion consists in considering that any principal stress state can be compared to the domain. In
particular, if the resulting principal stress points in the coordinate system is inside the cylinder,
then the material has not yielded. If it is on the surface, then the material has yielded. Considering
the results of Section 8.2.2, in the model a yielding stress of 3.8 MPa was assumed for the timber

(a) (b)
Fig. 77 Von Mises criterion: a) 3D representation; b) 2D representation
The results are presented in Fig. 48 in terms of load-displacement diagram and in Annex
8 in terms of maximum total displacement and principal crack width at peak and post peak. The
introduction of a limit in the tensile capacity of the timber ties does not change the failure
mechanisms of the structure, which still involve: (a) the out-of-plane failure of the rear wall (wall
9) when the structure is loaded in XX negative direction: (b) the out-of-plane failure of the south
longitudinal wall (wall 10) when the structure is loaded in YY positive direction; (c) the
out-of-plane failure of the longitudinal wall on Calle Arones (wall 4), when the structure is loaded
in the XX positive direction. Results show how the pushover analyses in XX negative and YY
positive direction do not present differences in terms of maximum horizontal capacity when
compared with the reference model. For the post peak behavior, the softening phase seems to be
more pronounced due to the plasticity imposed to the timber ties. As mentioned before, in the XX
positive direction the model is more sensitive to the presence of the roof ties. The maximum
horizontal capacity of the VM model decreases of around 22% to a value of 0.28g showing a more
ductile behavior.

XX positive direction XX negative direction YY positive direction


Fig. 78 Comparison between the response of the model VM and reference models in the pushover
analyses in terms of load-displacement diagram
Based on the results obtained and on the consideration of several parameters, a final
model was chosen (FM). This is considered to be the most representative model, which would
represent the best estimate of the real behavior of the structure. In particular, the final model (FM)
assumes a Young’s Modulus of 245 MPa (see Section 7.4) and considers a limit in the tensile
capacity of the timber roof ties as shown in Section 8.3. As shown in Table 19, in the pushover
analysis in XX negative direction of the YM model the maximum tensile capacity of the ties was
always lower than the limit considered. Thus, the behavior of the final model in this direction will
correspond to the results of the YM analysis.

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The results of the final models are presented in Fig. 79 in terms of load-displacement
diagrams and in Annex 9 in terms of maximum horizontal displacements and principal crack
width at crack width at peak and post peak.

As shown in Fig. 79, the response of the final model in the YY direction matches the
results obtained with the YM models as in this direction the effect of the constraint of the ties is
minimum. On the other hand, in the XX positive direction the final model presents a lower
capacity equal to 0.36g reached for a larger displacement as the structure seems to decrease the
stiffness while approaching the peak. Differences between the two curves can be noticed in the
post peak behavior: the softening of the YM model after the peak is more pronounced. The post
peak behavior of the YM is more pronounced after the peak and changes its trade only when the
curve approaches the around 10 cm of displacements, assuming the same gradient as the final

XX positive direction YY positive direction


Fig. 79 Comparison between the response of the model FM and YM models in the pushover analyses in
terms of load-displacement diagram

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9 Conclusions and recommendations
Nonlinear static mass proportional analyses were carried out on Casa Arones in order to
study the seismic behavior of the building, considered as a prototype of the typology of large
housed present in many historical centers in Peru. The analysis was carried out based on the
information provided by the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and on the results of the survey
conducted by the University of Minho. The approach adopted for the numerical modeling
considers a representative model where several assumptions were made. Subsequently, a
sensitivity analysis on the parameters considered most relevant was performed in order to assess
the sensitivity of the structure to the assumptions made.

In order to understand the influence of the horizontal diaphragms on the earthen

construction an analysis of different types of connections was considered and the results show
how well connected timber diaphragms can significantly improve the capacity of the structure
against out-of-plane failure mechanisms. Due to the deformations generated by this type of failure
mechanism, the tying effect is more significant oat the roof level. It was also possible to notice
that the structure studied was not much sensitive to the embedment length of the connection of
the timber floor within the adobe wall.

The lack of maintenance that Casa Arones experienced over time is considered the main
cause of its current damage condition. The results in terms of capacity of the nonlinear analyses
performed on the reference model are higher than the values given by the Peruvian code. A
sensitibity analysis was performed in order to assess the influence of some parameters on the
global behavior. In particular, a different Young’s modulus for the adobe masonry was considered
(YM), the double of the thrust of the pares y nudillos roof was applied (TR) and consideration
were dome on the effect of the absence of the timber ties (WT) and on their capacity (VM).
Finally, a fina model was considered (FM). The results in terms of capacity of the pushover
analyses performed are higher than the values given by the Peruvian code, with the exception of
the case in which the action of the ties of the roof is not considered in the pushover in XX positive
direction, see Fig. 80. Therefore, these ties have to be ensured.

The main vulnerabilities of Casa Arones are characterized by the out-of-plane movement
of several vertical elements with long span and with lack of transversal constraints. In general,
the analysis in the XX- and YY+ directions resulted to be slightly sensitive to the modeling
assumptions. Instead, the maximum horizontal capacity of the building in XX+ direction seems
to be sensitive to the parameters considered. In particular, when the effect of the earthquake in
the XX direction is considered, the constraint effect of the tie beams plays an important role for
the maximum capacity of the structure, which is reduced about 65% if the ties are removed. This
important decrease of capacity is also due to the lack of transversal walls in the two rooms on
Calle Arones.

In the XX- direction, the capacity of the structure is at the limit required by the Peruvian
code. The collapse mechanism consists in the out-of-plane failure of the free rear wall. In order
to increase the capacity in this direction the outward movement of this wall should be restrained.
In this context, reconstruction of the collapsed area is required. The new structure should be
characterized by good wall-to-floor, wall-to-roof and wall-to-wall connections with the existing

In the YY+ direction, the structure showed a capacity higher than the one required by the
Peruvian code. The failure mechanism involved the out-of-plane collapse of the south wall. It is
interesting to notice that steel anchor ties were used to connect this wall to the adjacent university
building. If the ties are working, the capacity of the structure in this direction is likely to be

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Fig. 80 Capacity of the models of Casa Arones.
Although a seismic retrofitting intervention aimed at increasing the global capacity of the
structure seems not to be needed in Casa Arones, the building needs local repairs and the
reconstruction of the roof and floor structures. The repairs should be carried out in agreement
with the conservation restoration principle addressed in the Venice charter [26], which involves
concepts such as the minimum intervention and respect of the authenticity of the building.
Moreover, whenever possible, the interventions should help in ensuring the best seismic behavior
of the building [27].

The damage identification of Casa Arones shows several problems related to: (a) water-
related damage; (b) unclear condition of the connections between walls and horizontal
diaphragms; (c) floors and roofs deterioration; (d) weak collaboration among structural elements;
(e) large deformation of the structural elements; (f) lack of integrity; (g) lack of maintenance. This
damage in masonry construction was faced in the past and Fig. 81, Fig. 82 and Fig. 83 present
solutions available for solving this problem ([16] [28] [29] [30]).

As mentioned before, due to the low material properties of the adobe masonry a proper
connection between transversal walls should be ensured by the presence of connectors on the
corners in order to ensure the contribution of the perpendicular walls. The interventions can be
local as, for instance, the insertion of corner keys or more generalized, involving the entire span
of the walls.

The significant deformation of many floors requires their replacement. During this
replacement, it will be possible to inspect the existing connections and to build new connections
for the new floors, which would ensure an adequate seismic behavior of the building. In order to
do there are solutions available also for earthen constructions, including timber sill plates inserted
in the wall or local connections provided for each joist. As the main vulnerabilities are related to
the out-of-plane failure of the adobe walls, a continuous sill plate would provide a better level of

The structure of the roof should be studied in detail in order to understand if it is possible
to reuse some of the elements present. During the intervention, it is recommended to check the
connections of the tie beams to the adobe walls, in terms of presence and size of the keys, as well

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as condition of the keys and of the connections. Considering the importance of these elements in
the global structural behavior of the building, the conservation project should ensure a proper
connection between the timber keys and the adobe wall, possibly with the increase in the size of
the keys.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Fig. 81 Solution for connections: a), b), c), d) and e) tying walls; f), g) and h) connection between walls at
corners or intersections

(a) (b)
Fig. 82 Example of horizontal connections: a) Floor stiffening (top), Concrete topping in an existing
timber floor (bottom); b) anchor ties in a building in Cusco, Peru

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 83 Ring beam which acts as a roof support: a) importance of the location of the beam; b) importance
of the quality of the masonry below; c) alternative design solutions

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10 References
[1] C. Cancino, S. Lardinois, D. D’Ayala, C. Fonseca Ferreira, D. Torrealva Dàvila, E.
Vicente Meléndez, and L. Villacorta Santamato, “Seismic Retrofitting Project :
Assessment of Prototype Buildings,” Los Angeles, 2012.

[2] F. Greco, G. Karanikoloudis, N. Mendes, and P. B. Lourenço, “Experimental in situ testing

campaign on adobe historic structures in Peru, within the Getty SR Project - Report 2015-
DEC/E-30,” 2015.

[3] GCI & PUCP, “SRP Testing Modelling Report Testing Chapter III_20140315_V5_review
PUCP&GCI, Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute.” 2014.

[4] P. B. Lourenço, S. Sharma, M. P. Ciocci, and F. Greco, “Seismic Assessment of Ica

Cathedral (Current Condition), Peru - Report 2015-DEC/E-34,” 2015.

[5] P. B. Lourenço and G. Karanikoloudis, “Seismic Assessment of Kuño Tambo (current

Condition), Peru - Report 2015-DEC/E-41,” 2015.

[6] TNO DIANA, “[Online] Available at:” 2014.

[7] Luis Nieto Degregori editor, El ombligo se pone piercing. Identidad, patrimonio y cambios
en el Cuzco. 2009.

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[9] N. Mendes and P. B. Lourenço, “Seismic vulnerability of existing masonry buildings :

Nonlinear parametric analysis,” Seismic Assessment Behavior and Retrofit of Heritage
Buildings and Monuments. pp. 139–164, 2015.

[10] D. Torrealva Dàvila, “Project of Casa Paniagua.” 2015.

[11] P. B. Lourenço, “Computational strategies for masonry structures - PhD thesis,” Delft
University of Technology, Netherlands, 1996.

[12] G. Karanikoloudis and P. B. Lourenço, “Preliminary Seismic Assessment of Kuno Tambo

Church, Peru - Report 2015-DEC/E-13,” 2015.

[13] OPCM 3431, General criteria for the seismic zonation of the national territory and
technical normative for buildings in seismic zones. Ordinanza P.C.M. n. 3431 del 3
Maggio 2005. Modifica dell’ordinanza n. 3274 del 20 Marzo 2003.

[14] EN1996-1-1, Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures- Part 1-1: General Rules for
reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures. European Committee for
Standardization, 2005.

[15] FEMA 306, Evaluation of earthquake damaged concrete and masonry wall buildings -
Basic Procedures Manual. Applied TechnologyCouncil (ATC-43 Project). Redwood City,
California, 1998.

[16] M. Tomaževič, Earthquake-Resistant Design of Masonry Buildings. London: Imperial

College Press, 1999.

[17] G. Vasconcelos, “Experimental investigations on the mechanics of stone masonry:

characterization of granites and behavior of ancient masonry shear walls - PhD thesis,”

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Universidade do Minho, 2005.

[18] M. Angelillo, P. B. Lourenço, and G. Milani, “Masonry behaviour and modelling,”

Mechanics of Masonry Structures, 2014.

[19] G. Vasconcelos, P. B. Lourenço, C. A. S. Alves, and J. Pamplona, “Experimental

characterization of the tensile behaviour of granites,” Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., pp.
268–277, 2008.

[20] S. Especial, Decreto supremo que modifica la norma técnica E.030 “Diseño
Sismorresistente” del Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones, aprobada por Decreto
Supremo N°011-2006-VIVIENDA, modificada con Decreto Supremo N° 002-2014-
VIVIENDA. Peru, 2016.


[22] III.2 E.010, Reglamento nacional de edificacion (parte de las Estructuras, capitulo sobre
la madera). Peru, 2006, pp. 320696–320731.

[23] F. Laner, Il limite della dispersione: controllo e sperimentazione dei componenti edilizi.
Franco Angeli, 1993.

[24] M. Vinci, “I tiranti in acciaio nel calcolo delle costruzioni in muratura.” Dario Flaccovio,

[25] CEN European Committee for Standardization, Eurocode 5, 2004. EN 1995-1-1:2004:

Design of timber structures - Part 1-1: general - common rules and rules for buildings. .

[26] ICOMOS, “International Charter for the conservation and restoration of monuments and
sites (The Venice Charter 1964),” in IInd International Congress of Architects and
Technicians of Historic Monuments, 1964, pp. 1–4.

[27] E. L. Tolles, E. E. Kimbro, and W. S. Ginell, Planning and Engineering Guidelines for
the Seismic Retrofitting of Historic Adobe Structures. 2002.

[28] G. Minke, Construction manual for earthquake-resistant houses built of earth. GATE-
BASIN (Building Advisory Service and Information Network), 2001.

[29] J. Bothara and S. Brzev, A tutorial: Improving the Seismic Performance of Stone Masonry
Buildings, no. July. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, 2011.

[30] Indian standard. Improving earthquake resistance of low strength masonry buildings -
guidelines. 1993.

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Annex 1 - Calculation of the weight of the floor
In order to facilitate the understanding of the present report, each floor has been identified
with a number as shown in Fig. 84. The weight of the floor was considered in the model as an
increase in the density of the timber joists (Eq. 22). The total force acting on the joists (Rtot) can
be calculated as the sum of two contributions (Eq. 23): the self-weight of the timber beam (Rb)
and the weight of the layers composing the floor in the representative area (Rw). The material
properties of the covering layers is presented in Table 21. The final value of density obtained for
each floor is shown in Table 22. Considering the small scatter, the mean value corresponding to
56 kN/m3 was adopted in the model.

Fig. 84 Plan view with the assigned designation of the floor

Eq. 22

∙ ∙ ∙ Eq. 23

Table 21 – Weight of the covering layers

Thickness Spacing (l) w
Specific weight
(m) (m) (kg/m)
Floor with sand and lime 0.040 1800 kg/m3 36
Subfloor with soil and lime 0.040 1800 kg/m3 36
Mud and straw layer 0.030 1600 kg/m3 0.50 24
Chachacomo trucks
0.025 10 kg/m2 0.13

Table 22 - Weight of the floors

Embedment Length of
Span Spacing Rw Rb Rtot ρ' Mean ρ'
Floor (2 sides) the joists (l)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN/m3) (kN/m3)
1 5.3 5.9 5.09 1.03 6.13 58.76
2 2.6 3.2 2.50 0.56 3.06 54.10
3 2.6 3.2 2.50 0.56 3.06 54.10
4 2.3 0.6 2.9 0.5 2.21 0.51 2.72 53.04 56
5 5.35 5.95 5.14 1.04 6.18 58.81
6 3.45 4.05 3.32 0.71 4.02 56.24
7 4.6 5.2 4.42 0.91 5.33 58.02

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Annex 2 - Calculation of the weight of the roof

Pares y nudillos roof

Structural models of the raised tie roof can consider different types of supports, which
can vary from the simply supported or fully fixed condition. The difference between these
assumptions is in term of horizontal thrust transferred from the roofing system to the wall: the
simply supported roof is representative of the situation in which, due to the movement of the wall,
there will be no transmission of horizontal forces to the wall; on the other hand, maximum values
of horizontal thrust comes from fully fixed conditions. It has to be mentioned that the pares y
nudillos structure is also composed by a collar beam, which can provide some contribution, even
if it seems to be strongly damaged. Assuming the par y nudillos system as a simplified isostatic
three-hinge structure (Fig. 85), it is possible to calculate the vertical pressure and the horizontal
thrust on top of the adobe walls, as the maximum value, neglecting any contribution of the raised
tie. Half of the thrust will be applied initially, assuming an intermediate situation.

Fig. 85 Structural assumption for the pares y nudillos system

Table 23 presents the thickness and the characteristics of the covering layers as specified
in [1]. The weight of the part of the roof resting on each rafter composing the trusses of this system
results to be about 170 kg/m. The results are shown in Table 24. The transversal walls are
considered supporting half of the tributary area resting on each principal rafter (Table 25).

Table 23 – Weight on the principal rafter of the pares y nudillos system and of the single gable roofs
Covering Thickness Spacing of the rafters p
Specific weight
layers (m) (m) (kg/m)
ceramic tiles - 90.00 kg/m2 108.0
mud and straw 0.03 1600.00 kg/m 57.6
Kur Kur canes 3 1.20
0.03 10.00 kg/m 0.3
0.15 400.00 kg/m3 7.5
p tot (kN/m) 1.73

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Table 24 – Vertical and horizontal pressures on top of the walls supporting the pares y nudillos system
Room Height of Spacing of
Eaves Vv Vh
span the roof the rafters
(m) (m) (m) (m) (kN/m ) kN/m2)

Wall 5 - 3.60 4.85

5.3 1.2 1.2
Wall 4 1.66 6.80 6.06
Wall 1 - 4.26 4.06
5.4 1.7 1.2
Wall 2 0.7 5.37 4.21

Table 25 – Vertical pressure on the walls transversal to the pares y nudillos structure
Vertical pressure
Transversal walls
Wall 1 0.79
Wall 6a 1.91
Wall 6b 1.06
Wall 3a 0.62

Single gable roof

The covering system of the single gable roofs presents the same layers and material properties as the one
of the pares y nudillos system shown in Table 23. In this case, the structure was represented as shown in
Fig. 86, assuming that this system will just transfer vertical load to the underlying structure, as it is
unclear is anchor keys are provided. The vertical pressure on top of the walls is shown in Table 27.

Fig. 86 Structural assumption for the single gable roof system

Table 26 - Vertical pressure on top of the walls supporting the single gable roof
Room Spacing of the
Height Vv
span rafters
(m) (m) (m) (kN/m2)
Wall 5 0.91
2.3 0.85 1.2
Wall 7 1.85
Wall 2 1.11
2.6 0.85 1.2
Arcade 1 3.93
Wall 10 1.21
2.6 1.4 1.2
Arcade 2 4.46
Table 27 - Vertical pressure on the walls transversal to the single gable roof
Vertical pressure
Transversal walls 2
(kN/m )
Wall 10 0.90
Wall 8 1.06
Wall 9 1.02
Wall 7 1.35

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Cantilevered roof

The weight of the covering system of the cantilevered roof is shown in Table 28, where
in this case the spacing of the rafters was considered around 0.6 m. Assuming the roof to be a
cantilevered element, the vertical pressure obtained is reported in Table 29.

.Table 28 - Weight on the principal rafter of the cantilevered roof

Spacing of
Thickness p
Covering layers Specific weight the rafters
(m) (m) (kg/m)
ceramic tiles 90.00 kg/m2 54.0
mud and straw 0.03 1600.00 kg/m3 28.8
Kur Kur canes 0.60
0.03 10.00 kg/m3 0.2
0.10 400.00 kg/m3 3.3
p tot (kN/m) 0.86

Table 29 - Vertical pressure on top of the walls supporting the cantilevered corridors
Length Vv
(m) kN/m2
Wall 9 2.62 4.43
Wall 7 1.70 3.82

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Annex 3 - Calculation of M1 with limit analysis

Geometry (m) Density Pressure Force Ms Mr δ P i*δx,i P i*δx,i
3 2
α 2
M* e* α0 * α0 * (g)
xa,r,f -t 0.30 Ya 5.5 kN/m kN/m kN kNm kNm m kNm kNm
b 1 hf 1 Pa 19 - 1436 434 7900 0.55 790.02 434.511
Depth 8.4 Yf 0.5 Pf 19 - 160 48 80 0.05 7.98 0.399
0.03 151 0.90 0.31 0.03
h 10 t 0.20 Vr - 5.6 47 14 470 1 47.04 47.04
Hr - 3 25 - 252 - - -

Geometry (m) Density Pressure Force Ms Mr
3 2
xa,r,f-t 0.26 h 9 kN/m kN/m kN kNm kNm
b 1 Ya 4.5 Pa 19 - 1436 377 6464
Depth 8.4 t 0.24 Vr - 5.6 47 12 423 0.02
Hr - 3 25 - 227

Geometry (m) Density Pressure Force Ms Mr δ P i*δx,i P i*δx,i
3 2
α 2
M* e* α0 * α0* (g)
xa,r,f-t 0.30 h 10 kN/m kN/m kN kNm kNm m kNm kNm
b 1 Y0 6.81 Pa 19 - 1436 434 7900 0.55 790.02 434.51
b0 5 Ya 5.5 Pf 19 - 160 48 82 0.05 8.25 0.43
b0f 0.5 hf 1 P0 19 - 658 1709 4484 0.68 448.42 305.42
0.15 214 0.93 1.55 0.16
x0 -t 2.60 Y0f 0.67 P0f 19 - 3 3 2 0.07 0.22 0.01
x0f-t 0.92 Yf 0.52 Vr - 5.6 94 28 941 1.00 94.08 94.08
Depth tran. 0.7 Depth 8.4 Hr - 3 25 - 252 - - -
t 0.20

Geometry (m) Density Pressure Force Ms Mr δ P i*δx,i P i*δx,i
3 2
α 2
M* e* α0 * α0 * (g)
xa,r,f -t 0.26 h 9 kN/m kN/m kN kNm kNm m kNm kNm
b 1 Y0 6 Pa 19 - 1436 377 6464 0.5 718 359
bt 5 Ya 4.5 P0 19 - 599 1454 3591 0.67 399 266
0.15 204 0.98 1.54 0.16
x0 -t 2.43 Depth tran. 0.7 Vr - 5.6 47 12 423 1 47 47
t 0.24 Depth 8.4 Hr - 3.0 25 - 227 - - -

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Annex 4 – Results of YM model
YM Reference model YM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 87 Comparison between the response of the model YM and the reference model in XX+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement of the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak (max
6.7 mm); d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the post peak (max 2.3 cm)

YM Reference model YM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 88 Comparison between the response of the model YM and the reference model in XX- direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.3 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak
(max 9.4 mm); d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak (max 1.8 cm)

YM Reference model YM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 89 Comparison between the response of the model YM and the reference model in YY+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.8 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

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Annex 5 – Results of TR model
TR Reference model TR Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 90 Comparison between the response of the model TR and the reference model in XX+ direction: a)
total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed mesh
at the post peak (around 0.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

TR Reference model TR Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 91 Comparison between the response of the model TR and the reference model in XX- direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.6 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

TR Reference model TR Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 92 Comparison between the response of the model TR and the reference model in YY+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak (around 1.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

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Annex 6 – Results of WT model
WT Reference model WT Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 93 Comparison between the response of the model WT and the reference model in XX+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak (around 0.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

WT Reference model WT Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 94 Comparison between the response of the model WT and the reference model in XX- direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak (around 0.6 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak
(max 1.5 cm); d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak (max 2.3 cm)

WT Reference model WT Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 95 Comparison between the response of the model WT and the reference model in YY+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak (around 1.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

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Annex 7 - Tensile forces on the timber ties
The results obtained in terms of maximum tensile force on the timber ties for the pushover
analyses on XX+, XX- and YY+ directions are presented below. The results refer to the maximum
capacity of the structure at peak and for the post peak.

(a) (b)
Fig. 96 Results of the pushover in XX+ direction of the reference model (Section 7.3.1): a) peak; b) post
peak (around 0.5 m)

(a) (b)
Fig. 97 Results of the pushover in XX- direction of the reference model (Section 7.3.2): a) peak; b) post
peak (around 0.6 m)

(a) (b)
Fig. 98 Results of the pushover in YY+ direction of the reference model (Section 7.3.3): a) peak; b) post
peak (around 1.5 m)

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(a) (b)
Fig. 99 Results of the pushover in XX+ direction of the YM model (Section 7.4): a) peak; b) post peak
(around 0.5 m)

(a) (b)
Fig. 100 Results of the pushover in XX- direction of the YM model (Section 7.4): a) peak; b) post peak
(around 0.3 m)

(a) (b)
Fig. 101 Results of the pushover in YY+ direction of the YM model (Section 7.4): a) peak; b) post peak
(around 0.8 m)

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(a) (b)
Fig. 102 Results of the pushover in XX+ direction of the TR model (Section 7.4): a) peak; b) post peak
(around 0.5 m)

(a) (b)
Fig. 103 Results of the pushover in XX- direction of the TR model (Section 7.4): a) peak; b) post peak
(around 0.6 m)

(a) (b)
Fig. 104 Results of the pushover in YY+ direction of the TR model (Section 7.4): a) peak; b) post peak
(around 1.5 m)

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Annex 8 – Results of VM model
VM Reference model VM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 105 Comparison between the response of the model VM and the reference model in XX+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

VM Reference model VM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 106 Comparison between the response of the model VM and the reference model in XX- direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.6 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

VM Reference model VM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 107 Comparison between the response of the model VM and the reference model in YY+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak (around 1.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

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Annex 9 – Results of FM model
FM Reference model FM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 108 Comparison between the response of the model FM and the reference model in XX+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

FM Reference model FM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 109 Comparison between the response of the model FM and the reference model in XX- direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the post peak (around 0.6 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak;
d) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

FM Reference model FM Reference model

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 110 Comparison between the response of the model FM and the reference model in YY+ direction:
a) total displacement on the deformed mesh at the peak; b) incremental displacement on the deformed
mesh at the peak (around 1.5 m); c) principal crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak; d) principal
crack width on the deformed mesh at the peak

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