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Name: Christian San Nicolas

Student ID:

BeWell Assignment #3 (52 points)

Complete the template and Save AS a .pdf file with YOUR NAME on it.
Upload your typed BeWell#3 by the due date to Canvas. Handwritten assignments =0
We cannot accept emailed assignments.
Late assignments will be penalized as stated in the syllabus.

STEP 1: STAGES OF CHANGE (Transtheoretical Model: See chapter 1)

Answer each question in the table in detail about your stage of change.
Nutrition Physical Activity Sleep Mental Wellbeing
A) List your stage of Contemplation Contemplation Action Action
change from BeWell
#1 for nutrition,
physical activity (PA),
sleep, and mental
wellbeing behavior.
*if you listed an
incorrect stage in
Bewell #1, be sure to
update to a correct
stage of change

B) List your current stage Action Action Maintenance Contemplation

of change for
nutrition, PA, sleep,
and mental wellbeing

C) Was there a change in Yes, I started Yes, I started to Yes, I was able to No, I recently got
your stage of change committing take action on my start on my sleep jumped, and its
for your towards my plans for physical schedule. What’s been hard for me
nutrition/PA/sleep/ schedule of activity. This also been helping me to focus on my
mental wellbeing
eating on time, helped keep my stay on track is mental health. I
behavior over the
and healthily. sleep schedule on my physical relapsed and am
term? Explain in a
minimum of 2 I’ve been able to track. activity helping currently struggling
sentences why or why implement my me get better to manage my
not. work schedule sleep stress load
with my eating

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Question 2: Your Responses

I will not take the elevator to my room, and instead use stairs
A) State your 1-2 SENTENCE SMART GOAL from as an alternative till June 10th. I will achieve this every time I
previous BeWell assignments: enter and exit my building where I live. I will measure this
*Be sure you have incorporated your through scheduling the number of times I have to leave my
TA/instructor’s feedback from previous assignments building a day on a calendar. I am setting this goal because I
to revise your SMART goal with all 5 SMART need to improve my overall physical health.
components in one-two sentences.

B) SMART GOAL PROGRESS FINAL UPDATE: Your I’ve been sticking to this goal very well. I can look back in my
SMART goal (above) was supposed to be completed calendar and notes and compare the amount of times I’ve
near the end of the term. tallied to the amount of times I’ve needed to take the stairs,
In 2 sentences minimum, describe your progress on and I’m at a higher number
achieving this SMART goal.

To show skill mastery in goal setting, write a new goal using all of the SMART components.
Be sure you make your new goal significantly different than your previous goal.
C) NEW 4-6 WEEK SMART GOAL I will commit towards eating one serving of fruits and
Using the SMART goal format, create a NEW 1-2 vegetables a day. I will achieve this by incorporating it into my
sentence SMART goal that you will work towards middle of the day snack or lunch. I will measure this by creating
for the next 4-6 weeks. This goal should be a checklist every day to ensure I have fulfilled my set
nutrition, physical activity, sleep, or mental requirements. I am setting this goal to improve my physical
wellbeing-related. wellbeing


This term, you have learned about nutrition, physical activity patterns, sleep, and mental wellbeing strategies and
identified how it relates to your personal health and wellness. Now let’s plan for the future by explaining HOW and
WHAT you will do for each of those areas plus one more area of your choice (for example: social, financial, spiritual,
intellectual, etc.) IMPORTANT: A strategy is a careful plan of action, be specific on what action you will do.

Describe ONE strategy/habit/behavior/plan of action for each component PLUS pick one
additional area that you will personally use to maintain (or improve) starting
NOW and for the next 3-6 months.
Your Responses (Minimum 2-3 sentences for each response)
For example: I will work on my sleep consistency for the next 2 months (until 2/11) by setting a regular bed
Sleep time and wake up time. I will wake up between 730 and 8am every morning. I will set 2
bedtime alarms; one for 1130pm to start getting ready for bed and the second for 12pm
when I will be in bed and hopefully asleep by 12:15. This will be during weekdays and the
weekends. I will also let my roommate know about this change to get their help and support
with my sleep consistency. I will reflect each week to see how it’s going and adjust as needed.
I will work on incorporating good foods and leaving out unhealthy foods till the end of next
Nutrition term by creating a healthy eating schedule. I will incorporate foods in my diet based on the
nutritional guidelines released by the USADA. I will let my roomates in on how I’m eating,
and invite them to join in on a planned dinner schedule. I will check in on my progress by
reflecting on my previous week’s eating schedule, and meal plan for future weeks.

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I willl work on incoporating better exercises throughout my day to ensure I am working all
Physical Activity aspects of my body till the end of next term. I will do this by creating a workout schedule,
which changes everyday and focuses on different muscle groups. I will schedule workouts
after work at 4pm-6pm everyday. I will let my friends in on my workout schedule and
workout with them. I will reflect on this through talking with my friends after every workout
and ask for advice on whether or not I am improving.
I will work on going to bed at a consistent time till the end of the term. I will do this by
Sleep setting a consistent alarm at 11pm to sleep, to fall asleep at 11:30, and another at 7pm to
wake up. This will be everyday to help keep my body on a consistent schedule. I will let my
roommates know my change in sleep schedule so they can help make sure I can sleep and
wake up at the same time. I can check up on this by reflecting on my progress and time at
the end of the week and make adjustments if needed
I will work on connecting with and consistently going to therapy with on campus resources
Mental Wellbeing till the end of next term. I will do this by connecting with campus resources, specifically
CAPS, and create a consistent schedule of visiting with a therapist. I will let my friends know I
have another thing on my plate, but hopefully this will help unpack my traumas. I will be able
to check on consistency by showing up to my appointments without fail. If I’m a no show,
change my schedule to better adjust going to therapy
I need to work on balancing my leisure and work time till the end of next term. I will do this
One additional area by creating a schedule down to the minute to equally balance schoolwork and social time
of your choice: with friends through a new calendar through google calendar. I will measure this through
staying consistent with my times. If I go off the calendar, I will change as needed. I will talk to
my friends and let them know of my plans so they can work around my new schedule, and
adjust if needed for their schedules.334`

Final Instructions: Save as a .pdf (recommended).

Upload your assignment to Canvas by the due date.
Double-check your uploaded document on Canvas for errors.

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