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Brandman University

Early Childhood Education

Inquiry Exploration Plan Template for ECED 304

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Overview of the Inquiry Exploration I will be doing the sink or float activity with my students because they have been really
What kind of inquiry will be undertaken, why it is interesting interested in water. In the last activity I did with them a couple of weeks ago, they
to children? Provide a brief description of what will be enjoyed the water sensory bin more than the other sensory bins.
explored and how it will be explored. Also, briefly explain
how this will be both a science and a math inquiry.

Target Age Range and Context 2-year-olds

The age range of the children
The context of the setting
Learning Foundations – 1.
List one Science and one Math Foundation or Standard you Domain: Cognitive Development (science)
are planning to address during the exploration.. List the Strand: Cause-and-Effect
domain, strand, sub-strand and foundation from the Substrand: The developing understanding that one event brings about another
California Preschool Learning Foundations, Vol 1, Vol 2, or Foundation: At around 36 months of age, children demonstrate an understanding of
cause and effect by making predictions about what could happen and reflect upon
Vol 3, (CDE, 2008, 2010, 2012) or from the California
what caused something to happen. (California Department of Education [CDE] 2005
Infant/Toddler Learning and Development Foundations (CDE,
2009) 2.
Domain: Cognitive Development (mathematics)
Write the foundations like this example (but do not use this Strand: Classification
one unless it is relevant): Substrand: The developing ability to group, sort, categorize, connect, and have
Domain: Science expectations of objects and people according to their attributes
Strand: Physical Science Foundation: At around 36 months of age, children group objects into multiple piles
Substrand: 1.0 Properties and Characteristics of Nonliving based on one attribute at a time, put things that are similar but not identical into one
Objects and Materials group, and may label each grouping, even though sometimes these labels are
Foundation: 1.1 (48 months) Observe, investigate, and overgeneralized. (36 mos.; Mandler and McDonough 1993)
identify the characteristics and properties of objects and
of solid and nonsolid materials (size, weight, shape, color,
texture, and sound).
Objectives– Objective 1 Science.
State two objectives in terms of what the children will learn Children will interpret what happened to the object when placed in the water.
in measurable terms. Objectives should be aligned and
connected to chosen foundations or standards
For example: Objective 2 Math.
1. The children will learn to sort leaves and plant parts Children will learn to sort the objects in the tray according to if they sink or float.
according to differences and similarities they
2. The children will suggest 3 ideas of further inquiry
about trees.

3rd Foundation and Objective For Week 7 Only Week 7 Additional Foundation
Science and Math inquiry explorations are also integrated Domain: Language Development
with other areas of learning. State one foundation and one Strand: Receptive Language
objective aligned with that foundation from a domain Substrand: The developing ability to understand words and increasingly complex
OTHER than science or math, (e.g. Language and Literacy or
Foundation: At around 36 months of age, children demonstrate understanding of the
Visual Arts). Explain how this learning
meaning of others’ comments, questions, requests, or stories. (By 36 mos.; American
Academy of Pediatrics 2004, 307)
Week 7 Objective related to Foundation above
Children will choose at least one object to place in the water.

Explain why you choose this particular foundation and objective, why it is important,
and how you will integrate it:
I chose this foundation and objective because the activity requires them to understand
comments, questions, and requests. I will ask the children if they can choose an object
to place in the water. The children will understand the request by doing the objective.
This objective is the main thing to do in order to see if the object is going to sink or

Assessment – How will you know whether the children have Assessment of Objective 1:
learned the objectives you set out and whether they are I will know if the children have learned the objectives by doing anecdotal notes on
moving toward the foundations? what they are saying during the activity. They will move toward the foundation when
they start describing what happened when they dropped the item in the water.
Describe in specific detail how you will assess the children’s
progression towards your stated objectives for the week. For Assessment of Objective 2:
example, while exploring a collection of leaves, the children I will know if the children have learned the objective by observing the children sort
will be able to sort the leaves into piles by size (or other the objects. I will take pictures as my documentation.
characteristic of their interest.) I will record their work with
Assessment of Objective 3 (Week 7 only):
I will know if the children have learned the objective by following my request. As my
documentation, I will record the children choosing an object and placing it in the

Week 6 only- Guiding Principles and Environmental ● Provide opportunities for exploration
Strategies ○ I will integrate this strategy by looking for interesting items children
can explore, some that they are familiar with and some that are not.
What principles and strategies will you use to create an ● Allow ample time for children to make sense of experiences
atmosphere of constructivist inquiry, name at least two and ○ I will integrate this strategy by increasing time for children, allowing
describe how they will be integrated. (Hint: there are guiding them to take their time to explore, problem solve, make discoveries,
principles and environmental strategies at the beginning of and test their idea.
each domain chapter in the CDE Frameworks - also check the
articles and Charlesworth.)
Week 7 only - Data Collection- One method of data collection I will use with the children is to do a tally mark chart. I
Explain one method of data collection you will use with the would encourage the children to count the materials in each tray. With the tally mark
children and how you will organize and present the data information I will use it to create a bar graph and show the children. I would ask
collected. (See Charlesworth Chapter 9 for data collection and them which graph is taller or I would explain to them why one graph is taller than the
presentation ideas.) other.
Materials Needed – a list of all materials needed to do the Materials
activity, (and where to obtain them if they are unusual.) Write ● clear container
this in a bulleted or numbered list format. ● water
● 2 trays
Preparation/Set-up: Briefly describe what materials will need ● tape for labeling
to be ready, where and how they will be set up. ● a writing utensil
● random objects
1. label the trays; one float and one sink with pictures
2. add water to the clear container at least halfway
3. set out the random items on the table
Lesson Procedures Anticipatory Set
This is a script. Anyone should be able to pick up your lesson I will gather children during circle time away from materials and show them the
plan and teach it exactly how you would teach it. Be specific container filled with water halfway. I will ask children if they heard the words sink
about the questions you will ask, etc. and float and allow them to share ideas of what they mean. I will encourage them to
brainstorm ideas of things that float or sink. I will then demonstrate with an object if
1. Anticipatory Set – how you will introduce and engage the it sinks or floats and how to sort it out. I will then explain to the children they will be
children in the exploration. How will you introduce the exploring with random items to see if they sink or float and will have them sort them
exploration in a way that promotes inquiry? out on trays. I will remind them to make predictions before they place the item in the
2. Step-by-step description of how to execute all the water.
procedures that are part of your activity, how to interact Step-by-step description
with the children during the activity, and any instructions 1. place materials on table
for ending the activity. Be sure to include what the 2. one clear container of water per table of groups of no more than 4
teacher does and what the child does. 3. one child at a time will pick an item
4. the child will predict what will happen to their item
5. the child will place it in the container of water
6. that child will observe and communicate if it sinks or floats
7. the child will place the item on the labeled tray
8. repeat with the rest of the children
Strategies and Interactions – The California Preschool Domain: Cognitive Development
Curriculum Frameworks Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3 (CDE, 2010, 2011, Strand: Guiding principles
2013) and the California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Substrand: Guiding Principles
Frameworks (CDE, 2012) list teaching strategies and Strategy: Give appropriate encouragement for problem-solving and mastery
interactions within each Sub Strand section. Include at least
How I will implement: I will implement this strategy by giving encouragement to
two strategies from the appropriate age range and
children when they are making predictions and decisions.
appropriate domains (one from Mathematics and one from
Science Write them like this example:

Domain Science
Domain: Cognitive Development
Strand Scientific Inquiry
Substrand 1.0 Observation and Investigation Strand: Guiding Principles
Strategy: Encourage children to describe their Substrand: Guiding Principles
observations (CDE 2019, p. 156) Strategy: Allow ample time for children to make sense of experiences
How I will implement: Describe how you will use this How I will implement: I will implement this strategy in my activity by allowing
strategy specifically in your activity. children to take their time exploring, making predictions, and making decisions on
whether the item sinks or floats to sort them on the trays.

Vocabulary/questions 1. heavy
List three science or math vocabulary words you will use and 2. light
emphasize in the inquiry exploration. 3. results
Also, provide two open-ended inquiry based questions could
you ask to encourage children to think more deeply. (Hint: 1. Tell me what happened to the item when you place it in the water.
access course materials, including the Exemplars, 2. Why did you predict that this item floats/sink?
Frameworks, to get ideas)
Strategies for working with Dual Language Learners 1. Home Language
Refer to the Preschool English Learners (CDE, 2009) a. Use scaffold communication
Choose 2 different stages (e.g., home language, and 2. telegraphic/formulaic
telegraphic/formulaic) and one strategy for each. a. Use repetition
Accommodations An accommodation for a child with ADHD is to allow the child to stand while doing
Include at least one accommodation for a child with the activity.
exceptional needs. Include the child’s identified need and the
accommodation. Remember that the accommodation should Another accommodation for a child with Sensory processing disorder (SPD) is to use
make a given lesson or activity accessible to the child. a ladle to scoop out the item from the water.

Literature – Williams, Rozanne. (2017). What Sinks? What Floats?

In order to practice integrating literature as a way to engage
children in science and math, choose one children’s book. I will use this book during circle time to introduce the activity. This book is about
Explain how you will use the book. Write the book reference students learning what sinks or floats in the fish tank. This will get the children
in APA format.
engaged and get an idea of the activity.
Family Engagement/Cultural Integration – 1. To extend the inquiry at home is to encourage families to help make a drink
Give two suggestions on how you would extend your inquiry with their child(ren). While making the drink ask the child to make
to the home and integrate the families’ backgrounds and predictions if the ingredients are going to sink or float and test it out.
cultures. (Tip: Family engagement strategies are listed in each a. Example: when making chocolate milk, ask the child if the chocolate
subsection of the sub-strand section of California Preschool
powder mix or chocolate syrup is going to sink or float, or maybe try
Curriculum Frameworks, Volumes 1, 2, and 3)
them both.
Be very specific, thoughtful and detailed. Try to truly engage
the families in your work for the week. 2. Another way to extend the inquiry at home is to bring the activity to the
bathtub. Allow the child to bring items in the tub and encourage them to
make predictions if it's going to float or sink.

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