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J Nondestruct Eval

DOI 10.1007/s10921-011-0109-5

Acoustic Emission Characterization of Failure Modes in GFRP

Laminates Under Mode I Delamination
V. Arumugam · S. Sajith · A. Joseph Stanley

Received: 26 April 2011 / Accepted: 21 June 2011

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract In order to design structural components using Keywords Acoustic emission · GFRP laminates · Mode I
composite materials a deep understanding of the material delamination · FFT and STFFT
behaviour and its failure mechanisms is necessary. To create
a better understanding of the initiation, growth and interac-
tion of the different types of damage, damage monitoring 1 Introduction
during mechanical loading is very important. To this direc-
tion, AE is a powerful non destructive technique for real Composite materials are nowadays used widely because of
time monitoring of damage development in materials and its high strength/Stiffness, light weight and corrosion re-
structures which has been used successfully for the identi- sistance properties. Hence the knowledge of the damage
fication of damage mechanisms in composite structures un- behaviour and the transition of damage from a subcritical
der quasi static and dynamic-cycle loading. In this present stage to a critical stage are of considerable interest in the
work, pure resin plate and GFRP composite laminates with case of composite materials [1]. Many NDT techniques are
stacking sequence of [00 ]6 , are fabricated using Hand lay-up used for the characterization of the damage mechanisms
method. During the layup a Teflon tape of width 45 mm is in composite structures. AE is one of the powerful non-
kept in the mid plane of the laminate which serves as an ini- destructive techniques for real-time monitoring of damage
tiator for delamination during loading. As per ASTM STD development, in materials and structures under quasi-static
D5528 01 DCB (Double Cantilever Beam) specimens are as well as dynamic loading conditions [2]. AE monitoring
cut out from the laminates and are subjected to tensile test in offers a solution to these experimental and theoretical prob-
the transverse direction along with acoustic emission moni- lems by the characterization of the failure modes on micro-
toring. While loading, Markings are made on the sides of the scopic scales, by classifying the mechanisms involved and
specimen to track the crack front using a magnifying lens. by quantifying the extension of damage zones [3–8]. Most
Parametric analysis is performed on the AE data obtained studies so far have used AE descriptors such as counts, am-
during crack propagation to discriminate the failure modes.
plitude, energy and also multi parameter method to charac-
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) enabled the calculation of fre-
terize the development of failure mechanisms. In this way,
quency content of each damage mechanism. Further STFFT
Siron et al. [9] used AE waveform parameters to investigate
analysis is performed on a portion of the waveforms repre-
damage indicators which are related to the physical dam-
senting the dominant frequency content pertaining to each
age of the composite. Ramirez-Jimenez et al. have applied
damage mechanism.
the frequency method to identify the failure modes in glass
polypropylene composites [10].
V. Arumugam () · S. Sajith V. Kostopoulos used pattern recognition techniques to
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Anna University, classify the failure modes during Mode I delamination of
Chennai, India CFRP laminates with PZT particles added to the epoxy ma-
trix [11]. A.R. Osokouei used wavelet based signal process-
A.J. Stanley ing technique to detect the damage types during mode I de-
MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai, India lamination on glass/polyester composites [12]. Huguet and
J Nondestruct Eval

Godin et al. tracked the critical waveforms of different fail-

ure modes based on parametric based approach i.e. by us-
ing the amplitude parameter [13]. A. Marec used the Fuzzy
C means clustering algorithm with PCA to correlate each
clusters to the failure mechanisms [14]. C.R.L. Murthy in
his paper have used the KSOM for the discrimination of the
failure mechanisms and the noises present in it [15]. Chun-
Gon Kim in his paper has studied the different failure modes
using wavelet transform [16]. L.H. Yam in his paper used
the wavelet analysis to track the initial damage occurring in Fig. 1 DCB beam for Mode I delamination testing
composite structures [17]. Bussiba et al. used STFFT analy-
sis for the discrimination of failure modes in composite lam-
inates [18]. In this present paper DCB Specimens cut from 3 Experimental Procedure
GFRP laminates with zero degree fiber orientation are sub-
jected to tensile testing with acoustic emission monitoring. 3.1 Mode I Delamination Testing
Dominant AE parameters such as AE count, energy, ampli-
tude, duration, rise time and peak frequency are recorded For Mode I delamination studies (face opening mode) load
during the test. Parametric analysis is performed on the AE is applied in transverse direction through piano hinges or
data for initial investigation of failure modes. Range of Peak loading blocks as shown in Fig. 1 using an INSTRON
frequencies obtained during the tensile test are investigated 3367 Universal Testing Machine with 30 kN capacity load
using FFT analysis. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) enabled cell. Displacement control mode is preferred to load con-
the calculation of frequency content of each damage mech- trol mode for this testing. The crosshead speed is main-
anism. Randomly chosen hits from each range of peak fre- tained at a rate of 1 mm/min. A travelling optical microscope
quencies are then analysed using STFFT analysis. STFFT or an equivalent magnifying device with an accuracy of at
analysis is used to highlight the duration of failure mecha- least ±0.5 mm is used to observe the delamination front as
nisms associated with each signal. it propagates along one edge. Delamination length can be
measured with the help of markings that are made at the
sides of the specimen.

2 Specimen Preparation
3.2 Acoustic Emission Monitoring

A 300 × 300 mm GFRP composite laminates with stacking An 8 channel AE system supplied by Physical Acoustics
sequence of [00 ]6 are fabricated with 6 layers of Glass with Corporation (PAC) is used for this purpose. The sampling
Epoxy (LY556) as the binding medium containing a non- rate and pre amplification are kept as 1 MSPS and 40 dB
adhesive insert (Teflon) in the mid-plane using hand lay- respectively. Preamplifiers having a bandwidth of 10 kHz–
up technique and cured at room temperature for 24 hours. 2 MHz are used. The ambient noise was filtered using a
This Teflon tape serves as an initiator for delamination. For threshold of 45 dB. AE activities are sensed using wide
pure resin specimen, Epoxy LY556 alone is used. The thick- band WD piezoelectric sensors (the sensor that gives same
ness of the Teflon insert is 13 µm and 45 mm in width. It response over a wide frequency range). The operating fre-
should be free from surface wrinkling. Mode I delamina- quency range of the sensors used is in the range of 100–
tion testing is carried out using ASTM D5528 01 Standard 900 kHz. High vacuum silicon grease is used as a couplant.
DCB specimens of size 130 × 25 × 5 mm3 that are cut from Velocity and attenuation studies are performed on the lam-
the fabricated laminates. Care should be taken so that the inates. The average wave velocity in the material is found
non-adhesive insert (Teflon) is at one end of the specimen as to be 3078 m/s. The Pre-Trigger value and the Hits length
shown in Fig. 1. The bonding surface of the specimen and value are estimated as 26 µsec and 4 K.The timing param-
the loading block or piano hinge are grit blasted or scrubbed eters are calculated and are as follows: Peak definition time
with sandpaper, and then cleaned with volatile solvents like (PDT) = 30 µs, Hit definition time (HDT) = 160 µs, Hit
acetone or methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), to remove any con- lockout time (HLT) = 300 µs. The HDT is calculated from
taminates. The hinges are bonded to the specimen using a trial and error method. Proper setting of the HDT ensures
thin layer of adhesive like araldite to keep the loading tabs that each signal from the structure is reported as one and
parallel with the specimen, and with each other. only signal.
J Nondestruct Eval

Fig. 3 Peak frequency versus time

Fig. 2 Load versus AE energy versus load point displacement
of peak frequencies are identified. At the initial stages of
4 Results and Discussion loading and before the crack initiation most of the hits are
recorded in the frequency range of 90–120 kHz which may
4.1 Parametric Analysis be possibly related to Matrix cracking. AE hits in the fre-
quency range of 300–450 kHz are found to occur well be-
DCB Specimens cut from GFRP laminates with zero de- yond the initiation of crack. Hence the high peak frequency
gree fiber orientation are subjected to Mode I tensile testing range 300–450 kHz may be possibly related to fiber failure
with acoustic emission monitoring. Dominant AE parame- mechanism. The remaining range of peak frequencies which
ters such as AE count, energy, amplitude, duration, rise time occurs from the time of crack opening such as 130–200 kHz,
and peak frequency are recorded during the test. Parametric 220–245 kHz and 260–295 kHz may be related to fiber pull-
analysis is performed on the AE data for initial investigation out, fiber matrix debonding and delamination respectively.
of failure modes.
4.3 Pure Resin Specimen
Figure 2 shows the variation of load and AE energy with
load point displacement. At the initial stages of loading most
For the purpose of Matrix cracking studies, pure resin spec-
of the hits are associated with lower energy levels which are
imens are fabricated using LY556 Epoxy with HY 051 as
possibly related to matrix cracking. Beyond the non- linear hardener. The pure resin specimens are subjected to uniax-
load point acoustic emission activity increases and still be- ial tensile test with acoustic emission monitoring. Figure 4a
yond the ultimate load more number of hits with higher en- and 4b shows the typical waveform of AE signal and FFT
ergy levels are recorded. This may be possibly related to the magnitude pertaining to the Matrix cracking signal obtained
macro failures which are normally initiated at the time of from pure resin specimen. Figures 5a and 5b shows the typi-
visible crack opening. The hits corresponding to the macro cal waveform of AE signal and FFT magnitude pertaining to
failure such as crack opening and friction are associated the Matrix cracking signal obtained from Mode I DCB spec-
with higher energy, higher duration and higher amplitude. imen. For the DCB specimen FFT analysis is performed for
Beyond the crack initiation point, the crack propagation is the AE hit data obtained before the initiation of crack open-
stable which can be also seen from the AE energy rate re- ing. From the FFT Magnitude plot the dominant peak fre-
maining constant throughout the crack opening in Fig. 2. quency content is found to be in the range of 90–120 kHz.
Hence the frequency range of 90–120 kHz is associated with
4.2 Frequency Analysis of AE Signals matrix cracking.

To discriminate the failure modes involved in Mode I delam- 4.4 Identification of Fibre Pull-out Failure Mode
ination testing of composite laminates, frequency analysis is
one of the promising technique. The AE energy correspond- There is yet another peak frequency content in the range of
ing to the different failure mechanisms are related to the 130–200 kHz identified during the course of testing from
amount of strain energy released. Therefore AE waveform where the delamination and debonding initiates. To inves-
corresponding to the failure modes such as matrix cracking, tigate the nature of the failure mechanism in the frequency
fiber pullout, debonding, delamination and fiber failure are range of 130–200 kHz, Mode I Delamination is carried out
investigated using the AE parameters such as amplitude, du- for zero degree oriented specimens; cross ply and angle ply
ration, energy and peak frequency. Figure 3 shows the vari- specimens. In that study more number of hits in the peak
ation of peak frequency with time for the DCB specimen frequency range of 130–200 kHz is found to occur in spec-
subjected to tensile test with AE monitoring. Five ranges imens with zero degree orientation. It is observed that this
J Nondestruct Eval

Fig. 4a Typical AE waveform of matrix cracking for pure resin spec-

imen Fig. 5b Frequency domain of AE signal for matrix cracking for DCB

Fig. 4b Frequency domain of AE signal for matrix cracking for pure

resin specimen Fig. 6a Typical AE waveform for fiber pull out

Fig. 6b Frequency domain of AE signal for fiber pull out

Fig. 5a Typical AE waveform of matrix cracking for DCB specimen

4.5 Identification of Fiber Failure Mode

failure is highly influenced by the orientation of the fiber A range of peak frequency content is identified only after
which may be possibly related to fiber breakage or fiber pull a while from where the delamination initiates. The failure
out. Since the AE signals in the peak frequency range of mode in this peak frequency range is of high frequency and
130–200 kHz are of low to moderate amplitude and low can be related to a micro event known as fiber failure. Gen-
duration, this failure mechanism is identified as fiber pull- erally the fibre failure mechanism corresponds to high fre-
out failure mode [17]. Figures 6a and 6b shows the typical quency [19]. It occurs only after the fiber pulls out and fibre
waveform of AE signal and FFT magnitude pertaining to the bridging phenomenon is observed between the fractured sur-
Fiber pull out signal obtained from Mode I DCB specimen. faces. Fiber bridging for Mode I delamination was reported
J Nondestruct Eval

Fig. 8 Peak frequency versus amplitude for fiber matrix debonding

Fig. 7a Typical AE waveform for fibre breakage and delamination

Fig. 7b Frequency domain of AE signal for fibre breakage Fig. 9 Peak frequency versus duration for fiber matrix debonding and

by Bascom [19]. Figures 7a and 7b shows the typical wave- 260–295 kHz are of moderate to high amplitude and high
form of AE signal and FFT magnitude pertaining to the fiber duration. Figures 10a and 10b shows the typical waveform
breakage signal obtained from Mode I DCB specimen. The of AE signal and FFT magnitude pertaining to the fiber ma-
frequency content pertaining to the fiber failure mode was trix debonding signal obtained from Mode I DCB speci-
found to be in the range of 300–450 kHz. More ever the AE men. Figures 11a and 11b shows the typical waveform of
signals in this frequency range are associated with high am- AE signal and FFT magnitude pertaining to the Delamina-
plitudes. tion signal obtained from Mode I DCB specimen. Further
using STFFT analysis it was found that Delamination has
4.6 Identification of Debonding and Delamination Failure high duration than fiber matrix debonding. In this way fiber
Modes matrix debonding and Delamination failure modes are dis-
There are two ranges of peak frequencies identified in be-
tween 220–290 kHz. The first frequency range 220–245 kHz
possesses low to medium amplitude, moderate duration 5 STFFT Analysis
which corresponds to fiber matrix debonding [21]. The sec-
ond frequency range of 260–295 kHz is associated with Short time Fast Fourier transform (STFFT) can be used to
moderate to high amplitude and typically has high duration obtain the time frequency information of a small portion
which corresponds to delamination. These failure modes of the signal. It calculates the local spectral density using
which are found to be overlapping are discriminated initially windowing techniques to analyze a dominant section of the
using parametric analysis. Figures 8 and 9 shows the varia- signal at a time. This gives a picture into how a wave-
tion of peak frequency versus amplitude and duration for the form’s frequency content is varying at any particular instant
AE signals in the frequency range of 220–290 kHz. From the of time [20, 21]. STFFT analysis is used to highlight the
plots it is evident that AE signals in the frequency range of possible failure mechanism associated with each signal [21].
220–245 kHz are of low to medium amplitude and moder- STFFT analysis is further performed for a small portion of
ate duration whereas AE signals in the frequency range of the AE waveform corresponding to the dominant frequency
J Nondestruct Eval

Fig. 10a Typical AE waveform for fiber matrix debonding

Fig. 11a Typical AE waveform for delamination

Fig. 10b Frequency domain of AE signal for fiber matrix debonding

Fig. 11b Frequency domain of AE signal for delamination

content of the failure modes such as matrix cracking, fiber
pullout, debonding, delamination and fiber failure. Figure 12
shows the STFFT analysis performed on a portion of the
dominant frequency content pertaining to the different fail-
ure modes. From the STFFT analysis it is evident that 1. Ma-
trix cracking has low, medium and high amplitude, short to
moderate duration with low frequency content. 2. Fiber pull
out signals are associated with low to moderate amplitude,
low duration and are with low frequency content. 3. Fiber
Matrix debonding which occurs after the initiation of crack
opening is normally associated with low to medium am-
plitude, moderate duration and medium frequency content.
4. Delamination signals are associated with moderate to high
amplitude and typically have long duration and medium fre-
quency content. 5. Fiber breakage is normally associated Fig. 12 STFFT representation of all failure modes
with moderate amplitude and long duration with high fre-
quency content [10, 22].

5.1 Discrimination of Failure Modes Using AE Energy Fiber pull out signals in the frequency range of 130–200 kHz
are found to be low. Fiber matrix debonding signals in the
In Mode I Delamination studies AE energy is the measure of frequency range of 220–245 kHz possess medium AE en-
the Strain energy released during crack opening. Figure 13 ergy values; whereas Delamination signals in the frequency
shows the AE energy versus Peak frequency for the differ- range of 260–295 kHz possess relatively higher energy in
ent failure modes. From the plots it is observed that Matrix comparison with Fiber matrix debonding signals. The AE
cracking signals in the frequency range of 90–120 KHz oc- energy values for Fiber breakage signals which are in the
curs at low to high energy levels. The AE energy values for range of 300–450 kHz are found to be very low.
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