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Worksheet 1: Concept Mapping


Activity in Ethics

Read the first topic in Module 3 and consider answering the questions below? Get
ready to share this in the next meeting.

1. How can feelings help in moral decision making?

As Gallinero points out, feelings may assist us in making the best judgments in at least
three ways:
a. they signal the need to change our behavior- Behavioral signals are the parts of a
behavior that can be seen, such as how it is expressed, perceived, and recorded
multimodally by humans. On the other words, our feelings help us to understand the view of
other people or we can feel the sympathy for the others that is why we can create a sound
decision. For example, my feelings is well, my mind too, by that there is no hindrance to
think better and create a great decision in life.
b. they can help us learn from our failures- we believe that nobody is perfect and this is
a fact. Since we are human and it is naturally we can feel something or we have our
feelings towards in different things. Feelings can also serve as advantage as humans,
because of this we can learn from our mistakes. For example, we made a sin last night, last
week or last year, and we feel guilty for that and there's something inside of ours telling that
we must not do that thing again. Because of feeling of guilty, it helps out conscience to
follow the right choice.
c. and emotional responses can be molded through time. - By the means of our
feelings, we can response properly to every situation or things that we face in life as time
goes by.

2. How can feelings be harmful in making moral decisions?

In our life, when we faced with a huge decision, do we go with our gut feeling, or do we
just need to get a coin and that will be the base to our decision? Emotions are generated
when the brain uses our memories, thoughts, and beliefs to understand what is going on
around us. This influences how we feel and act. This process has an impact on all of our
decisions in some way. It's natural to make emotional conclusions. For example, if you're in
a good mood, you might decide to ride your bicycle to go home. However, if you've ever
been followed by a dog on the way tp your house, that scenario can make you afraid, and
you'd rather ride the bus. There may be rational reasoning on both sides, but the decision is
made based on your emotional state at the time.

3. Based on what you have learned about the role of feelings in decision-making, what
is the best approach in moral decision making?
For me, the greatest strategy is to keep my mind and feelings in check before making
decisions that may have an impact on my future or plans. Our decisions are guided by slow
reasonable thought when we are calm. Before I make a decision, I must ensure that
everything in my head, feelings, and heart is in order so that the outcome of my decision is

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