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Journal of Paleolimnology 21: 461–476, 1999.

© 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Environmental history of the Colombian savannas of the

Llanos Orientales since the Last Glacial Maximum from
lake records El Pinal and Carimagua*

Hermann Behling & Henry Hooghiemstra

University of Amsterdam, Hugo de Vries-Laboratory, Department of Palynology and Paleo/Actuo-ecology,
Kruislaan 318, 1098 SM Amsterdam (The Netherlands Centre for Geo-ecological Research, ICG), The
Netherlands (E-mail:

Received 9 December 1997; accepted 6 June 1998

Key words: Colombia, Llanos Orientales, pollen analysis, savanna, gallery forest, vegetation and climate
history, Late Quaternary


Late Quaternary environments have been studied by pollen analysis of lake sediments from the savannas of the
Colombian Llanos Orientales at 180 m elevation. The pollen record form Laguna El Pinal (4°08′N, 70°23′W),
dated by 6 AMS radiocarbon dates, starts at 18,290 14C yr B.P. The record from Laguna Carimagua (4°04′N,
70°14′W), also dated by 6 AMS dates, starts at 8270 14C yr B.P. Both records show a landscape dominated by
grassland savanna with only few woody savanna taxa, such as Curatella and Byrsonima, frequent fires, and little
occurrence of forest and/or gallery forest along the rivers. The savanna ecosystem at the studied sites was relatively
stable during the last 18,000 yrs, but minor changes in floral composition, and in the proportion of savanna/forest,
have been recorded. Very little gallery forest and the non permanent lake conditions of Laguna El Pinal reflect
the driest period, interpreted to reflect low rainfall rates and long dry seasons during the Last Glacial Maximum
until 10,690 14C yr B.P. During the Late Glacial, Laguna El Pinal was a permanent shallow lake, and changed into
a lake with higher water levels during the Holocene, indicating wetter conditions. Expansion of regional gallery
forest also started at around 10,690 14C yr B.P. Little vegetational change observed in Laguna Carimagua at
5570 14C yr B.P., in combination with a simultaneous decrease of savanna observed in previously studied lakes,
suggest a change to regional wetter conditions. Thus, the Holocene before 5500 14C yr B.P. was somewhat drier
than the following period until about 3850 14C yr B.P. In both records, Late Holocene lake deposits are incomplete.
Shore vegetation of Laguna Carimagua always included a minor contribution of the palms Mauritia and Mauritiella.
The marked increase of palms during the last c. 3800 yrs points to increased human impact on the vegetation
under the wettest Holocene climate regime.

Introduction major Neotropical lowland ecosystems are the two

main rain forest areas (Amazonia, and the Pacific rain
The Late Quaternary environmental history of Neo- forest area of Chocó) and several savanna areas. In
tropical lowland ecosystems is still poorly known northern South America, the Llanos Orientales in
despite their importance in the verification of global Colombia and the Orinoco Llanos in Venezuela
climate models and a better understanding of global represent, after the cerrado in Brazil, the second
biodiversity (Clapperton, 1993; Markgraf, 1993). The major Neotropical savanna ecosystem. Other large
savanna areas in northern South America (Figure 1)
*This paper was presented at the 7th International Symposium are the Gran Sabana in Venezuela, the Rupununi-Rio
on Palaeolimnology (1997), held at Heiligkreuztal, Germany Branco savanna in Surinam, the Rio Jari savanna, and

Figure 1. Map showing the major savanna areas of northern South America: (1) Llanos Orientales in Colombia and Orinoco Llanos in
Venezuela, (2) Gran Sabana, (3) Rupununi-Rio Branco savanna, (4) Rio Jari savanna and (5) coastal Guianan savanna. The inset map shows the
geographical location of the savanna sites mentioned in the text: Laguna El Pinal, Laguna Carimagua, Laguna Angel, Laguna Sardinas and
Laguna de Agua Sucia.

the belt of coastal Guianan savannas (Hueck & Seibert, Starting from the city of Villavicencio, which is located
1972). at the foothills of the Eastern Cordillera, we cored 13
The first palynological data on the Holocene lakes and swamps along a 500 km long transect from W
vegetation history and climatic change of the Llanos to E (Figure 1). The sites are located between the
Orientales were published by Wijmstra & Van der latitudes of 3°30′ and 4°30′ N and the longitudes of 69°
Hammen (1966). Other palynological data from and 74° W, at elevations between 80 and 450 m in the
savanna ecosystems of northern South America are provinces of Meta and Vichada. In this paper we present
available from the Gran Sabana in Venezuela (Rull, new pollen records of Laguna El Pinal and Laguna
1992), the Rupununi savanna in Surinam (Wijmstra Carimagua to compliment the information of the
& Van der Hammen, 1966) and the belt of coastal previously studied Laguna Angel and Laguna Sardinas
Guianan savannas in Surinam (Wijmstra, 1971), (Behling & Hooghiemstra, 1998).
Guyana (Van der Hammen, 1963) and French Guiana
(Tissot & Marius, 1992). Study sites
We collected lacustrine sediment cores for palyno-
logical studies to explore the regional history of Both lakes, Laguna El Pinal (4°08′N, 70°23′W) and
vegetation, climate, and human influence on the Laguna Carimagua (4°04′N, 70°14′W) are about 20 km
tropical savanna ecosystem of the Llanos Orientales. distant from each other and lie at the same elevation of

about 180 m in a relatively flat area in the central part palms are found in the lake area (Figure 4). At the
of the Llanos Orientales in the province of Meta northern edge, the lake is surrounded by grassland
(Figure 1). The distance to Villavicencio, located at (Figure 3), whereas the other parts of the lake are
the foothills of the Andes, is about 270 km. bordered by small patches of forest.
Laguna El Pinal (Figure 2) is a shallow lake and had The vegetation of the Llanos Orientales is primarily
a water depth of 70 cm during the coring operation, at characterized by different herbaceous savannas with
the end of February 1996 in the dry season. The lake shrubs and shrubby trees, and gallery forest along the
is c. 1200 m long and c. 300 m wide and looks like an rivers. At some places between the rivers, patches of
old meander. However, it is unlikely that it was a part forest occur in which the plant composition is
of a river, as the distance to the next river system of comparable to Amazonian forest. General data on the
the Rio Meta is several kilometers. Laguna Carimagua flora and ecology of the savannas of the Llanos were
(Figure 3) is also an isolated and shallow lake, c. 3 km published by Cuatrecasas (1989), Gentry (1993),
long and c. 1.5 km wide. The water depth was 80 cm Huber (1987), Hueck (1966), Hueck and Seibert
during the period of the coring, at the end of February. (1972), Pinto-Escobar (1993) and Vareschi (1980).
The lake is located in a shallow depression in a flat area, Blydenstein (1967) recognized 10 different plant
located above the large river system of the Rio Meta associations in the savannas of the Llanos Orientales.
in the north, and several much smaller river systems According to Cuatrecasas (1989), characteristic taxa
at the south. Within several kilometers distance to the for grass savannas are Poaceae, belonging to the genera
lake, several small rivers, bordered by gallery forest, Andropogon, Eragrostis, Axonopus, Paspalum,
originate. Aristida, Ctenium and Panicum. Characteristic shrubs
The present-day vegetation of the studied region of belong to the family Melastomataceae (Miconia,
the two lakes is a grass savanna, which is being used Tibouchina), Papilionaceae (Clitoria), Ceasalpiniaceae
as pasture land. Extended areas of gallery forest grow (Cassia), Lamiaceae (Hyptis), Sterculiaceae (Wal-
along the small river bodies. Laguna El Pinal is theria), Malvaceae (Sida, Pavonia) and other families.
surrounded by stands of the palm Mauritia (local name Characteristic larger shrubs or trees, which can be also
‘morichi’) and by small areas of shrubby vegetation, very small in size (less than 50 cm high in areas with
probably secondary. Laguna Carimagua, which is frequent burning), are Curatella americana (Dill-
located within the protected area of the agricultural eniaceae), Byrsonima crassifolia (Malpighiaceae),
experimental station ‘Centro de Investigacion para la Bowdichia virgilioides (Papilionaceae) and Pal-
Atillanura, Carimagua’, also called Carimagua, is icourea rigida (Rubiaceae). The composition and
surrounded mainly by stands of Mauritiella and some distribution of different savanna plant communities
Mauritia. Several small islands of pure Mauritiella can be seen as the result of several environmental

Figure 2. View on Laguna El Pinal with stands of Mauritia palm around the lake.

Figure 3. View on Laguna Carimagua, bordered by mainly Mauritiella palm vegetation, but at the northern border by open grass savanna.

factors, including pedological, physical, biotic and part (provinces of Meta and Vichada). In the Llanos
climatic factors (Cole, 1982, 1986; Medina & Silva, 1990). Orientales there is a precipitation gradient from
Along rivers, lake shores and swampy areas, dense 1200–2000 mm/yr in the northern region near the
stands of the palm Mauritia are often found. Mauritia Venezuelan border, to about 2000–2500 mm/yr in the
swamp forest is called ‘morichal’. The less tall palm southern and southwestern parts of the savanna area.
Mauritiella grows at lake shores in shallow water and The transition from savanna to the Amazon rain forest
surrounds several lakes in the Llanos Orientales. occurs in the south, where annual precipitation is over
The climate of the Llanos Orientales is strongly 2400–2500 mm/yr. Mean annual temperature in the
seasonal. The marked annual dry period lasts about 4– study area is 26–27 °C with less than 3 °C variation
5 months, from mid November to mid March. In the between monthly means. The small annual temperature
northern part of the Llanos Orientales (province of oscillation contrasts to the 10–15 °C daily variation
Arauca) the dry season is longer than in the southern (Blydenstein, 1967; Snow, 1976).

Figure 4. Mauritiella-dominated vegetation on the islands of Laguna Carimagua.


Methods included in the pollen sum. We arrived at the following

ecological groups of fossil pollen: (1) shrubs and
We used an echo sounder to determine the bathymetry trees from the forest and gallery forest along river
of each lake. Sediment cores were collected in the lake currents, (2) savanna shrubs and trees, (3) savanna
center where water was deepest. We used a modified herbs, (4) aquatic taxa from lake shores, and (5) ferns.
Livingstone piston corer from a wooden platform, Pollen diagrams were plotted with the software
which was fixed on two inflatable rubber boats. The TILIAGRAPH. For calculations we used TILIA and for
studied core from Laguna El Pinal is 72 cm long and the cluster analysis of terrestrial pollen taxa we used
from Laguna Carimagua is 95 cm long. Within 3 weeks CONISS (Grimm, 1987).
sediment cores were transported by air freight to
Amsterdam and stored at 4°C in the laboratory prior Stratigraphy
to analysis.
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radio- The following lithological sequence was observed in
carbon dates were obtained from 6 bulk samples of the cores:
1 cm core interval from core Laguna El Pinal, and 6
samples from core Laguna Carimagua were collected Laguna El Pinal
and dated at the Van der Graaff Laboratory of the
0–50 cm black fine detritus mud, compact, very rare
University of Utrecht (Van der Borg et al., 1987).
plant remains, somewhat fine sandy
For pollen analysis, samples of 1 cm3 were taken
50–60 cm gray-greenish fine sand, very compact
in 2 cm intervals along the two cores. Prior to pro-
60–64 cm gray-greenish clay with fine sand, very
cessing, one tablet of exotic Lycopodium spores was
added to each sample for calculation of pollen
64–72 cm light gray clay, compact, somewhat fine
concentration and pollen influx. All samples were
prepared using standard pretreatment techniques
including sodium pyrophosphate, acetolysis, and heavy Laguna Carimagua
liquid separation by bromoform (Faegri & Iversen,
1989). Pollen residues were mounted in glycerin 0–18 cm dark brown-dark gray fine detritus mud,
gelatin and analyzed with a Zeiss microsope at 500 × medium compact, plant remains are very rare,
magnification. Identification of pollen grains and somewhat fine sandy. At 18 cm depth: 1 cm thick
spores was aided by pollen morphological descriptions wood fragment
published by Behling (1993), Herrera & Urrego 18–30 cm dark brown-dark gray fine detritus mud,
(1996), Hooghiemstra (1984), Roubik & Moreno somewhat clayey, medium compact, plant remains
(1991) and the reference collection of the Hugo de are very rare, somewhat fine sandy
Vries-Laboratory. About 300 pollen grains from non- 30–60 cm dark brown-dark gray fine detritus mud,
aquatic taxa were counted for the pollen sum. somewhat clayey, medium compact, several grass
The sample from Laguna El Pinal at 60 cm depth roots
contains too little pollen to obtain reliable statistics. 60–76 cm dark brown-dark gray clayey fine detritus
Pollen grains below 60 cm core depth were less well mud, compact, plant remains are very rare,
preserved but a meaningful analysis was still possible. somewhat fine sandy
Samples below 81 cm from Laguna Carimagua contain 76–81 cm dark brown-dark gray clay with fine
either none, or a very low number of badly preserved detritus mud, very compact, macroscopic plant
pollen grains; therefore this core interval was excluded remains not visible, somewhat fine sandy
from analysis. Carbonized particles were not counted 81–95 cm white very fine silt, clayey, very compact.
on the pollen slides because during heavy liquid
separation many charcoal particles were eliminated Chronological control
and, therefore, such results are not meaningful.
The pollen and spore data are presented in pollen The AMS radiocarbon dates of the two lake cores are
diagrams as percentages of the pollen sum. The pollen listed in Table 1. The 6 AMS dates from Laguna El
sum excludes aquatic taxa, fern spores, moss spores, Pinal indicate glacial and Holocene lake deposits with
fungal spores, and algae. Species of Cyperaceae grow low sedimentation rates. The basis of the profile falls
frequently in the savanna vegetation and were therefore during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), dated at

18,290 ± 90 14C yr B.P. The lowermost 20 cm of the concentration and pollen influx values are low in the
core represents 8000 yrs of the glacial period, suggesting lower part of the core. Pollen concentration is higher
a very low sedimentation rate. Gaps, probably because in the middle part of the core. Highest concentration
of the dry environment (ephemeral lake, see discussion and influx values are found in the uppermost core
of the results), are possible. The Late Glacial/Holocene section. Charcoal particles are abundant in all pollen
transition is well represented, but mid and late Holocene samples, but are not quantitatively documented for
deposits are apparently incomplete. Deposits of the reasons mentioned earlier.
last 1000 yrs are not represented in the core. Similar Based on cluster analysis, 3 pollen zones were
ages of AMS dates at 24 cm depth of 1065 14C yr B.P., recognized in the pollen record of Laguna El Pinal:
and at 2 cm depth of 1261 14C yr B.P. suggest that the zone ELP-I (72–60 cm, c. 18,290–10,690 14C yr B.P.,
topcore sediments are disturbed or absent. The 6 samples), zone ELP-II (60–49 cm, 10,690–9340 14C yr
stratigraphy does not show a clear indication for gaps B.P., 5 samples), and zone ELP-III (49–0 cm, 9340–1050
in sedimentation. C yr B.P., 25 samples).
The 6 AMS dates from Laguna Carimagua indicate The pollen record of Laguna El Pinal is char-
the deposit to cover the Holocene. The pollen record acterized throughout by savanna herb pollen types (95–
begins at 80 cm depth, dated 8270 14C yr B.P. The AMS 80%), dominated by Poaceae, lower percentages of
date from the sample of the base of the core at 94 cm Cyperaceae, Asteraceae and several other herb taxa.
depth is only 7830 14C yr old and might be contaminated Highest values of Poaceae (85–92%) are found in
during core recovery, or by younger carbon from zone ELP-I. The group of forest and gallery forest
decomposed rootlets. This date has been excluded for shrubs and trees show a low representation between 5
the age calculations of the pollen zones. The and 17%. These shrub and tree percentages increase
sedimentation rate in the uppermost part of the core is from 5% in zone ELP-I to 10–15% in zone ELP-II.
very low and may suggest that sediment accumulation The group of forest and gallery forest shrubs and trees
is incomplete. The last c. 1400 yrs are not represented consists mainly of Mauritia-type, Alchornea, Are-
in the core. caceae and Cecropia (highest percentages in zone
ELP-I), Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae and Celtis
Laguna El Pinal (highest values in zone ELP-II), and some other taxa
with low representation. The representation of the group
The pollen diagram of core El Pinal shows the most of savanna shrubs and trees, Byrsonima, Curatella and
abundant fossil pollen and spore taxa out of the 95 Didymopanax is very low, with values of < 1–2%.
different types which have been identified (Figures 5a Fern spores, except for Isoetes, are found in low
& 5b). About 16 pollen types are still unknown. Pollen percentages. Isoetes spores are absent or rare in zone

Table 1. List of AMS radiocarbon dates of the samples of cores Laguna El Pinal and Laguna Carimagua, Llanos Orientales, Colombia

Lab. number Depth (cm) C yr B.P. 13C/12C r. Calendar age (cal B.P.)

Laguna El Pinal
UtC-5830 2 1065 ± 36 –27.1 979–935
UtC-5831 24 1261 ± 36 –27.9 1260–1162
UtC-5832 48 9020 ± 80 –27.3 10035–9930
UtC-5833 52 10280 ± 50 –27.8 12247–11963
UtC-5834 62 10790 ± 60 –25.6 12797–12638
UtC-5481 72 18290 ± 90 –22.6 20093 – 19704

Laguna Carimagua
UtC-6075 0 1357 ± 36 –26.7 1295–1269
UtC-6076 11 4408 ± 38 –27.9 5040–5006, 4995–4872
UtC-6077 32 4999 ± 40 –28.2 5847–5834, 5749–5700,
UtC-6078 57 5522 ± 41 –27.6 6388–6376, 6314–6288
UtC-6079 80 8270 ± 60 –26.2 9373–9194, 9171–9152,
9128–9093, 9068–9049
UtC-4907 94 7830 ± 60 –26.7 8641–8637, 8604–8496

ELP-I, abundant in zone ELP-II and less frequent in Pollen grains of Byrsonima, Curatella, Didy-
zone ELP-III. Aquatic taxa are mainly represented by mopanax, which belong to the group of savanna shrubs
Sagittaria, Eichhornia and in low percentages and trees, are very low in the pollen record (< 1–2%).
Utricularia, Typha, Cabomba and Nymphoides. Aquatic taxa are mainly represented by Sagittaria and
Pollen grains of aquatics are rare or absent in zone Eichhornia, but also by a few pollen grains from
ELP-I, increase to 7% in zone ELP-II, and to 20% in Ludwigia, Typha, Polygonum and Nymphoides. Apart
zone ELP-III. Cabomba, except for only one single from the significantly low percentages of Eichhornia
grain, is only found in zone ELP-III. Algal colonies of in zone CAR-II, aquatic taxa show little changes in the
Botryococcus are represented in all samples, but in the downcore representation. The curve for Botryococcus,
lower part of the core percentages are higher. Fungal as well as fungal spores, show clear fluctuations in the
spores show relatively low percentages. pollen diagram. Percentages of the aquatic fern Isoetes
are highest in the lower part of the record and decrease
Laguna Carimagua in zone CAR-Ib to be almost absent in zone CAR-II.

The pollen diagram from Laguna Carimagua shows the Reconstruction of paleoenvironmental change and
most abundant fossil pollen and spore taxa out of the discussion of the results
98 identified types, including 14 unknown types
(Figures 6a & 6b). The downcore values of the pollen From the LGM to the Late Glacial very little or no
concentration are relatively stable, but increase pollen grains of aquatic taxa are present, and sub-
slightly in the uppermost part of the core. Pollen influx mersed aquatic Isoetes was absent in the Laguna El
is highest in the middle part of the core. Charcoal Pinal. This suggests that the lake existed mainly during
particles are abundant in all pollen samples, but are not the wet season, reflecting a dry environment with a
quantitatively documented for reasons mentioned marked long dry season. Poorly preserved pollen
earlier. grains in the sediments representing this time period
Based on the cluster analysis and major changes might be caused by such an ephemeral lake. The marked
in the pollen assemblages, 3 pollen zones were rec- increase of Isoetes spores and the presence of aquatic
ognized in Laguna Carimagua: zone CAR-Ia (80–57 cm, taxa such as Sagittaria points to the formation of a
8270–5570 14C yr B.P., 12 samples), zone CAR-Ib permanently shallow lake during the Late Glacial
(57–11 cm, 5570–3850 14C yr B.P., 23 samples), and period from 10,690 14C yr B.P. onward. Precipitation
zone CAR-II (11–0 cm, 3850–1360 14C yr B.P., 6 was probably higher and the dry season shorter than
samples). during the previous period. It is interesting to mention
The pollen record of Laguna Carimagua is marked by that in the province of Arauca, some 300 km further
a high representation of pollen of savanna herbs (80– north near the Venezuelan border, shallow lakes dry out
90%), primarily Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Percentages completely during the dry season and do not contain
decrease from 80% in zone CAR-Ib to 50% at the end any deposits yielding pollen. In Arauca annual pre-
of zone CAR-II. The group of forest and gallery forest cipitation (about 1200 mm) is lower and the dry
shrubs and trees, primarily represented by pollen grains season (about 5 months) is longer than in region of the
of Mauritia-type, Mauritiella-type, Moraceae/ lakes El Pinal and Carimagua.
Urticaceae, Melastomataceae, Alchornea and Cecropia The pollen record of El Pinal indicates the pre-
show low percentages between 10 and 20%, but dominance of grassland savanna during the recorded
increase up 50% in zone CAR-II. Related to this part of the last glacial and the Holocene. Although an
ecological group there are a few differences between unknown fraction of the carbonized particles was lost
subzones CAR-Ia and CAR-Ib: slightly higher per- during sample preparation, the still high abundance of
centages of the Mauritiella-type in zone CAR-Ia, and these particles throughout the sediment core indicates
slightly higher percentages of taxa such as Mimosa, a high burning frequency. Savanna shrubs and trees were
Acalypha and Macrolobium-type in zone CAR-Ib. apparently not frequent in the grasslands. Comparing
Comparing pollen zones CAR-I and CAR-II, it is obvious the proportions of the different ecological groups,
that zone CAR-II is characterized by a high repre- forested areas surrounding lakes or occurring along
sentation of Mauritiella-type, higher percentages of small water courses were relatively rare. The pollen
Mauritia-type, Alchornea, and Cecropia, and decreasing record shows a Late Quaternary savanna ecosystem
percentages of Poaceae, Eichhornia and Isoetes. with little change, but during the Late Glacial, around

Figure 5a. Percentage pollen diagram of core Laguna El Pinal, Llanos Orientales, Colombia.
Figure 5b. Summary pollen diagram including pollen concentration and pollen influx records, and the cluster analysis dendrogram of Laguna El Pinal.

Figure 6a. Percentage pollen diagram of core Laguna Carimagua, Llanos Orientales, Colombia.
Figure 6b. Summary pollen diagram including pollen concentration and pollen influx records, and the cluster analysis dendrogram of Laguna Carimaguna. Mauritia-type curve – colored
black – in the sum of forest and gallery forest shrubs and trees.

10,690 14C yr B.P., the area of forest and/or gallery in the pollen record. Some disturbance of the upper
forest along the rivers increased probably about 50%, core section was already inferred from the AMS dates,
reflecting a change to wetter climatic conditions. In and the absence of a clear Mauritia peak in the pollen
comparison to the extensive savanna grassland at that record may be another argument to suspect that the
time, areas of forest were still very small. At the Late record for the last thousand of years is incomplete. We
Glacial to Holocene transition, the pollen record from conclude that at least the last 1000 yrs are incomplete,
El Pinal (zones ELP-II to ELP-III) shows a slight or missing, in both lake records. Perhaps the organic
change in forest composition: reduced presence of rich sediments experienced a high level of decom-
Melastomataceae, Myrtaceae, and Celtis, and higher position because of the shallow water.
presence of Mauritia-type and Alchornea. More
abundant Mauritia palm vegetation suggests wetter Comparison with other pollen records of the
conditions during the Holocene than during the Late Llanos Orientales
Glacial. Mauritia, as well as Mauritiella, can be seen
as an indicator of higher moisture availability (Kahn The distance from our study lakes to Laguna Angel
& De Granville, 1992; Henderson, 1995). The decline (Behling and Hooghiemstra, 1998) is about 100 km
of Isoetes and the occurrence of the sea rose Cabomba and about 200 km to Laguna Sardinas (Behling and
(Cabombaceae; an aquatic with rhizomes, submersed Hooghiemstra, 1998), and about 250 km to Laguna de
stem, and floating leaves; Maas & Westra, 1993) in the Agua Sucia (Wijmstra & Van der Hammen, 1966)
lake also indicates higher lake levels during the (Figure 1). The setting of Laguna Angel (4°28′N,
Holocene. 70°34′W, 200 m a.s.l.) is comparable to the lakes in
The Holocene part of the Laguna Carimagua record this study: located between two larger rivers at some
is similar to the record of El Pinal, and both lakes show 4–5 km distance. Today, the forested area near Laguna
a well documented and similar history of the regional Angel and Laguna Sardinas is larger than in the region
ecosystem. Except for the late Holocene period, there of El Pinal and Carimagua. Laguna Sardinas (4°58′N,
are only minor changes in the vegetation of the savanna 69°28′W, 80 m a.s.l.) is an isolated lake at the border
ecosystem during the Holocene. The cluster analysis of a flood plain area and close to large areas with gallery
dendrogram indicates a slight change around 5570 14C forest along a complex river system. Therefore, the
yr B.P., at the transition from zone CAR-Ia to CAR-Ib. setting of Laguna Sardinas is different compared to the
The lower abundance of the palm Mauritiella in zone lakes Angel, El Pinal and Carimagua.
CAR-Ib may suggest slightly drier conditions, but the The record of Laguna Angel (5 pollen zones) starts
slightly higher presence of several other taxa of the at 10,030 14C yr B.P., and that of Laguna Sardinas (6
forests and gallery forests may indicate wetter con- pollen zones) at 11,570 14C yr B.P. The formation of
ditions than in zone CAR-Ia. Hence we cannot arrive at permanent lakes during the Late Glacial, as in Laguna
a conclusive interpretation for these changes. El Pinal, occurs at the same time and suggests wetter
A marked change occurred around 3850 14C yr B.P. climatic conditions than during the preceding full
(interpolated age), primarily by the sudden high glacial.
abundance of Mauritiella, but also some other taxa The palynological records from Lagunas Angel and
with an increased representation, such as Mauritia, Sardinas (Figure 7) document, since the Late Glacial,
Alchornea and Cecropia. This change is related to the predominance of grassland savanna with a small
wetter conditions, i.e. an increase in precipitation and/ contribution of savanna shrubs and trees, such as
or a shorter dry season. The increase of the pioneer Curatella, Byrsonima and Waltheria. The proportion
and disturbance indicator Cecropia points to an of grassland savanna, in comparison to forest and
increase in human impact on the vegetation after 3850 gallery forests, is relatively constant after c. 11,000
14 14
C yr B.P. (zone CAR-II). Interestingly enough, this C yr B.P. This relatively stable history of the savanna
vegetational change is not recorded in Laguna El Pinal. ecosystem is supported by the newly studied sites,
Pollen analysis of additional cores from this area are but proportions of forest and/or gallery forest are
in preparation and may provide a more substantiated markedly lower in the region of El Pinal and Carimagua
reconstruction of the beginning of human impact in than in region of Lagunas Angel and Sardinas. Further,
this part of the Llanos Orientales. the floristic composition of the gallery forest in the
The present-day vegetation around the lake consists area of Lagunas Angel and Sardinas is subject to
of dense stands of Mauritia, but this is not reflected considerable change throughout the records, which
Figure 7. Summary pollen diagrams of Laguna Angel and Laguna Sardinas (after Behling and Hooghiemstra, 1998).

contrasts to our newly studied sites. In the Laguna (3680 14C yr B.P. to modern), is incomplete or missing
Sardinas record, Alchornea significantly increases in both of these sites. The same situation holds for our
during zone SAR-IIa (10,680–10,070 14C yr B.P.). two new sites, probably because of the same reasons
Alchornea also occurs more frequently in the gallery (high level of decomposition of the organic deposits).
forests during zone SAR-IIb (10,070–9390 14C yr The pollen records of Lagunas Angel and Sardinas show
B.P., the beginning of the Holocene), than in other that the most significant change occurred in the
pollen zones. Further, the slightly higher presence of uppermost pollen zone, primarily reflected by the
the Mauritia palm in the pollen zones SAR-I to SAR- marked increase of Mauritiella in the area of Laguna
IIb may indicate wetter climatic conditions at the Angel and Mauritia in the area of Laguna Sardinas.
transition from the Late Glacial to the Holocene. Such These changes have been interpreted as a result of an
vegetational changes are not found in the pollen record increased human impact on the vegetation by an
of Laguna El Pinal, but other changes in El Pinal, e.g. intensified fire regime under wetter climatic con-
expansion of forest, also suggest wetter conditions ditions (Behling and Hooghiemstra, 1998). A similar
since c. 10,700 14C yr B.P. Sediments from Laguna environmental change is reflected in the record of
Sardinas, located at the edge of the floodplain area, Laguna Carimagua around 3850 14C yr B.P., by an
might be better suited to register signals of climate strong increase of stands of Mauritella palms and the
change, expressed by changes and/or expansion of increased presence of Mauritia. An increased presence
gallery forests, than Laguna El Pinal, which is located of palms is also reported from other sites in northern
in an almost unforested grassland savanna with little South America (Rull, 1991, 1992; Behling and Costa,
gallery forest. 1997).
A similar situation also prevails in the Holocene. The first pollen record from the Colombian savannas,
During the early and middle Holocene zones ANG-II Laguna de Agua Sucia at 260 m elevation (Wijmstra &
(9730–5260 14C yr B.P.) and SAR-III (9390–6390 14C Van der Hammen, 1966), lies at about 250 km distance
yr B.P.), savanna herbs are slightly more abundant than in the southeastern part of the Llanos Orientales
during preceding periods. This period apparently re- (Figure 1). This site lies in a region with higher
presents the maximum extension of grassland savanna precipitation and a shorter dry season than is the case
(Figure 6). There is no, or little, presence of Mauritia in the region of the lakes Sardinas, Angel, El Pinal and
during this period. This pollen evidence reflects the Carimagua. Laguna de Agua Sucia is also at shorter
driest period in the region of Lagunas Angel and distance to the Amazonian rain forest. The extrapolated
Sardinas, probably related to low rainfall rates and/or radiocarbon age at the base of this 5 m long core is
an extended annual dry season. Such a vegetational about 5100 14 C yr B.P. Vegetational composition
signal is not found in our newly studied sites. (more shrubby savannas), and vegetational change
The period represented by zones ANG-III (5260– during the last 5000 yrs are somewhat different, but
3890 14C yr B.P.) and SAR-IV (6390–3680 14C yr B.P.), inferred climatic changes are comparable to those of
shows a decrease of savanna herbs and an increase of the region of the central and central-eastern part of the
forest and gallery forest taxa. In the floodplains near Llanos Orientales (Behling and Hooghiemstra, 1998).
Laguna Sardinas, gallery forests expanded and the
surroundings of the lake became more forested. Wetter
climatic conditions, leading to a higher soil moisture Conclusions
content, may have been an important factor to make this
vegetational change possible (Ross et al., 1992). This The new pollen record of Laguna El Pinal extends the
climatic signal is not found in El Pinal, whereas in environmental history of the savannas of the central
Carimagua, only minor changes have been recorded Llanos Orientales back to the LGM. Grassland savanna
around 5570 14C yr B.P. without clear climatic impli- vegetation, dominated by Poaceae, and with very little
cations. In view of the data of the other sites, it might occurrence of woody taxa such as Byrsonima and
be plausible that the minor changes in the Carimagua Curatella, characterized the landscape in this area
record indeed are related to a change to a wetter climate, since the LGM. The proportions of gallery forest along
as evidenced by the records of Laguna Angel at 5260 river courses and/or forested areas in between river
C yr B.P. and Sardinas at 6390 14C yr B.P. systems have been always very small. During the Late
The late Holocene period, represented by the zones Quaternary, the floral composition of the savannas was
ANG-IV (3890 to c. 2000 14C yr B.P.) and SAR-V relatively stable in the studied areas.

From the LGM until 10,690 14C yr B.P., Laguna El Cleef (Amsterdam) provided valuable information
Pinal was a shallow ephemeral lake, reflecting the during the evaluation of the data. Klaas van der Borg
driest climatic conditions of the last 18,000 yrs: the (Utrecht) is acknowledged for the radiocarbon dates.
annual precipitation must have been low and the annual The director of the Tropenbos-Colombia office, Juan
dry season long. Laguna El Pinal developed into a Saldarriaga, is thanked for the hospitality and con-
permanent shallow lake during the Late Glacial, around tinuous logistic support during field expeditions. The
10,690 14 C yr B.P. At other places in the Llanos Embassy of The Netherlands in Bogotá is thanked for
Orientales, permanent lakes also came into existence assistance with sample transport. We thank John P.
during the same period (Laguna Angel around 10,030 Smol and two unknown reviewers for constructive and
C yr B.P., Laguna Sardinas around 11,570 14C yr B.P.), valuable comments on the manuscript. We acknowledge
indicating a change to wetter climatic conditions. The The Netherlands Foundation for Scientific Research
increase of the forested area in the region of Laguna (NWO/GOA) for financial support (project number
El Pinal supports this interpretation. The vegetational 750.195.10 to H. Hooghiemstra).
change in the area of Laguna Sardinas, i.e. an increased
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