Test - A Day in The Life of A Personnel Manager

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A day in the life of a personnel manager

Pamela Burns is 36 years old, and she is a

personnel manager. She was born on 10 th
June 1985 in London, but she lives in Oporto.

She gets up at 7am every morning, because

she has to get to the station to catch the 8.10
train to the city. She usually drives to the
station and leaves her car in the car park. On
the train she looks through the papers in her
briefcase to remind herself of the day’s work.

She arrives at her office at about 9am. She

usually spends the morning interviewing applicants.

Every day she has lunch with 3 or 4 co-workers in a restaurant near the office. In the
afternoon she has meetings with the other managers, discussing their requirements for
new staff, and answers emails.

She usually finishes work at 5pm and catches the 5.20 train back home, but on busy
days she has to stay until much later.

Pamela likes her job very much because it provides her with a lot of variety in terms of
tasks. She enjoys the contact she has with different types of people, and she thinks her
best quality is her ability to ‘make people feel at ease’ during the interviews.


1- Why does Pamela need to get up at 7am when she starts work at 9am?

2- What does she do while she is on the train?

3- What times does she arrive at her office?

4- Does she have lunch alone? Where does she have lunch?

5- What does she do in the afternoon?

6- Why does she like her job?

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