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Teacher Marou P. Barreno Learning Area Advanced BioSci

Teaching Date April 25, 2022 Quarter Fourth Quarter
Teaching Time 08:30 – 09:30 AM Checked by Benjamin B. Cerezo

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of the applications of biotechnology to make
Standards informed decision in promoting good health, improving livelihood, safe environment and making
intelligent and moral choices.
B. Performance The learner should be able to manifest understanding of the applications of
Standards biotechnology by making informed decision to promote good health, improve livelihood, safe
environment and making intelligent and moral choices.
C. Learning The learners should be able to explain how biotechnology detects, prevents, and
Competencies remediate the emission of pollutants in the environment.
D. Objectives At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 Define Environmental Biotechnology and identify the applications of
biotechnology in the environment,
 Give the importance of environmental biotechnology in protection and
restoration of the environment,
 Select an appropriate application of biotechnology in the environment as a
solution to specific environmental issues.
 Create a presentation of any product of biotechnology to show how it helps the
E. Code
II. CONTENT Applications of Biotechnology in the Environment
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Teacher’s Guide pp. 20 – 24
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
Materials Self-Learning Module 4 pp. 5 – 7
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Central Luzon State University SOCIAL SCI SOCSCI 110Grade8_STE_Biotech_Q4_Module 3_Wk5-
B. Other Laptop, PowerPoint presentation, Pictures, Diagram, Video
Learning Attendance Form Link
Resources Assessment Link
Assignment Link

Good morning, class!
Good morning, Ma’am!
1. Prayer Before we start our lesson, let us
pray first, Erika, lead the prayer.
(Erika leads the prayer.)
For your attendance class I have
already sent the Google form on our group
2. Checking of
chat, kindly fill out the form after class.
Yes, Ma’am.
3. Checking of Very good. Since we don’t have an
Assignments assignment, let us proceed.
4. Drill Here are the reminders for our online
class. Be courteous and polite. Turn on your
cameras as much as possible. Keep your
microphones on mute. Be responsible in the
chat box. Pay attention and participate
actively. Is that clear?

I hope you are as ready as I am to

start learning and have fun. We’re in this Yes, Ma’am.
together, so let us respect and support each
A. Reviewing Before we begin with our lesson
Previous Lesson or proper, let’s have a short review on our
Presenting New previous lesson. You need to play the game
Lesson entitled “Mystery Word Challenge”. Are you
up for the challenge?
Yes, Ma’am.
For this activity you will need to write
down your answers in any piece of paper.
Who wants to read the rules for the game?
(Horezon raises his hand.)
Yes, Horezon.
Rules of the game
 3 hints will be given which could be a
word or phrase,
 There are 3 levels to finish the game,
 Every correct answer is equivalent to
5 points, and
 You only have 10 seconds to write
the correct word.
Are you now ready Grade 8 students?
Yes, Ma’am.
Let’s play the Mystery Word
Level 1: Here are the hints white,
uses microorganisms, production of goods.
What is the mystery word?
(10 seconds)
(Students write down their answers.)
Who wants to share their answer?
(Christian raises his hand.)
Yes, Christian.
The mystery word for level 1 is
industrial biotechnology.
Correct! Class, what is industrial
(Rizzaniel raises her hand.)
Yes, Rizzaniel.
Industrial biotechnology can be
simply defined as the use of enzymes,
microorganisms, and plants to produce
energy, industrial chemicals, and consumer
(Students’ answers may vary.)
Now, let us have mystery word for
Level 2: Here are the hints conversion,
organic matter, enzymes. What is the
mystery word?
(10 seconds)
(Students write down their answers.)
Who wants to volunteer?
(Jello raises his hand.)
Yes, Jello.
The mystery word for level 2 is
Very good! Who wants to share how
fermentation is used in the industry?
(Horezon raises his hand.)
Yes, Horezon.
Fermentation is widely used to
produce alcoholic beverages. It is also used in
bread making and to flavor or preserve dairy
products and vegetables, for example yogurt,
pickles, and kimchi.
(Students’ answers may vary.)
For the last level, let us have mystery
word for Level 3: Here are the hints biomass,
plastic, biodegradable. What is the mystery
(10 seconds)
(Students write down their answers.)
Who wants to answer?
(John Paul raises his hand.)
Yes, John Paul.
The answer is bioplastic.
You are right! Who still remembers
what are bioplastics?
(Joanna raises her hand.)
Yes, Joanna.
Bioplastic simply refers to plastic
made from plant or other biological material
instead of petroleum.
Correct! Class, you have completed
the challenge! How many words do you recall
(Students’ answers may vary.)
I’m happy to know that you can still
remember important scientific terms which
you have learned from your previous lesson.
Keep it up class! Now, are you ready for our
next topic?
Yes, Ma’am.
B. Establishing a Let us have another activity. We are
Purpose for the going to have an emoji quiz. Guess the term
Lesson being demonstrated by the set of emojis. The
(Motivation) clues for that word are its antonyms or words
with opposite meaning to it. You only have 10
seconds to think of an answer.
Do you understand?
Yes, Ma’am.
Let’s start!

What do you think is this term?

(Erika raises her hand.)
Yes, Erika.
Ma’am I think the term is direct.
Nice try, Erika. But that is not the
word we are looking for. Who wants to help
(John Paul raises his hand.)
Yes, John Paul.
The word is “degrade.”
You got it right! Now, if upgrade is
the opposite of degrade, what could degrade
(Joanna raises her hand.)
Yes, Joanna.
Because degrade means to reduce in
value, amount, or strength.
Very good! In biotechnology, degrade
means to break down or deteriorate
chemically. For the next set of emojis. What
term is this?

(Rizzaniel raises her hand.)

Yes, Rizzaniel.
The word opposite of wasteful and is
Correct! Who has an idea on what
sustainable means?
(Christian raises his hand.)
Yes, Christian.
It means being capable of continuing
or being kept up over time.
You’re right! Sustainable or
sustainability means meeting our own needs
without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs. How
about this set?

Yes, John Paul. (John Paul raises his hand.)

Very good! What about its meaning? The word is contaminant.

Yes, Erika. (Erika raises her hand.)

It is used to make something dirty,

polluted, or not usable which is total opposite
That’s right! A contaminant is a of clean.
polluting or poisonous substance that makes
something impure. Let’s move to the next
set. Who wants to try?

Yes, Jello.
(Jello raises his hand.)
Precisely! What could be the
The term would be biomass.
meaning of biomass?

Yes, John Paul.

(John Paul raises his hand.)

Biomass is renewable organic

material that comes from plants and animals
Very good! Biomass is material that
such as fuel.
comes from living things. Because living
things have energy, biomass provides a
renewable source of energy to fuel our
vehicles, heat our homes, and make
electricity. For the last set of emojis, who
wants to answer?

Yes, Erika. (Erika raises her hand.)

You are right! Now, who has an idea The word is pollution.
about pollution?

Yes, Rizzaniel. (Rizzaniel raises her hand.)

It is when something is added to the

environment that is harmful or poisonous to
Correct! Pollution happens when the living things meaning it’s not pure.
environment is contaminated, or dirtied, by
waste, chemicals, and other harmful
Now, who wants to enumerate all the
words we have solved?

Yes, Horezon. (Horezon raises his hand.)

The words are degrade, sustainable,

Good job! So, when do you think we contaminant, biomass, and pollution.
could frequently hear these words?

Yes, Rizzaniel.
(Rizzaniel raises her hand.)
Very good! It is good to know that
We frequently hear these terms
you are already familiar with these words
when we talk about the environment.
because we will also be encountering them in
today’s lesson.
C. Presenting Prior to our today’s discussion, I have
Examples/Instanc prepared a lyric video. After watching this,
es of the New we will have reflective sharing by answering
Lesson some questions. I will play it only once so
listen attentively and take down notes of
important ideas. Do you have any questions?
None, Ma’am.
Lyric video of “Masdan Mo ang
Kapaligiran” original by Asin Reggae cover

(The teacher plays the lyric video)

(The students will watch the lyric video.)
Now, here is the first question. Who
wants to read and answer?
 What is the message of the song?
(Jello raises his hand.)
Yes, Jello.
What is the message of the song?
The message of the song Masdan mo
ang Kapaligiran is to awaken us all on the real
state of our environment.
(Students’ answers may vary.)
Very good! Who wants to share for
the next question?
 What are the different problems
mentioned in the song?
(Erika raises her hand.)
Yes, Erika.
The song mentioned the pollution of
the air, disappearance of the trees,
contamination of the rivers.
(Students’ answers may vary.)
Precisely! For the next question,
 How can we solve these problems?
(Christian raises his hand.)
Yes, Christian.
We can solve this by the 3Rs: reduce,
reuse, and recycle as often as we can. Use
eco-friendly products. Walk or ride a bicycle
instead of taking a car. We can also plant
trees and clean rivers.
(Students’ answers may vary.)
That’s right. These activities are just
example of solutions that we can use to
protect our environment. Other than that,
there are solutions that can be utilized, and
this is with the help of biotechnology. These
applications are one of the things that we will
delve on today.
Before we proceed here is the lesson
objectives. Would you mind reading it,
The learners should be able to
explain how biotechnology detects, prevents,
and remediate the emission of pollutants in
the environment. Specifically, the learners
are expected to:
 Define Environmental Biotechnology
and identify the applications of
biotechnology in the environment,
 Give the importance of
environmental biotechnology in
protection and restoration of the
 Select an appropriate application of
biotechnology in the environment as
a solution to specific environmental
 Create a presentation of any product
of biotechnology to show how it
helps the environment.
It’s now time for us to know the
concept of the applications of biotechnology
in the environment.
D. Discussing New Before we move on the discussion,
Concepts and let’s have another activity. I have here two
Practicing New boxes that contain keywords use to describe
Skills #1 the goals of the application of biotechnology.
Who wants to try?

(Zaniel raises her hand.)

Yes, Zaniel.
The first purpose of Environmental
Biotechnology is for protection.
Very good! How about the second
(Paul raises his hand.)
Yes, Paul.
The second goal of Environmental
Biotechnology is for restoration.
Precisely! Then, who wants to read
the statement on the goal of Environmental
(Jello raises his hand.)
Yes, Jello.
Biotechnology in the environment is
the application of processes for the
protection and restoration of the quality of
the environment, it can be used to detect,
prevent and remediate the emission of
pollutants into the environment in a number
of ways.
Good job! Now that we know what
the objectives of Environmental
Biotechnology are let us have an example.
Earlier we were reminded of the
situation of our environment in general and
of possible ways on how to solve it. This time,
let us look at this issue closely. I have here a
diagram. Let us study and analyze this to
answer the questions to be posted later. You
have 25 seconds to observe the objects, the
arrows, and the phrases within the diagram.

(The teacher plays the 25 second timer.) (The students observe the diagram.)

Let us answer the guide questions.

Who wants to read and answer the first one? (Erika raises her hand.)

Yes, Erika. What do you think is the main

problem described in the diagram? The main
problem in the diagram is the oil
contaminated soil.

That’s right! But how can be oil

contaminated soil a problem? Who has an (Christian raises his hand.)
When soil is contaminated with oil, it
Yes, Christian. is bad for the environment. It is toxic to
plants as they are to humans. Contaminants
can mix through the soil and get to our water

Well said! Did you know how long

does oil stay in the ground? It doesn't
degrade over 20 to 30 years. So, imagine the
impact it could cause if it will not be resolved.
For the next question, who wants to
answer? (Joanna raises her hand.)

Yes, Joanna. Which do you think is added to the

soil to improve the soil’s physical quality? To
improve the soil’s physical quality, a soil
conditioner is added to the soil.

Correct! Who has an idea about how

does soil conditioner improves the soil? (Horezon raises his hand.)

Yes, Horezon. Soil conditioners help improve soil

structure by making it manageable and loose.

Very good! And for that reason, they

help break up compacted clay soils, which
lack sufficient space for air and water, both of
which are important for microorganisms to
thrive and for plant roots to grow. For the
next question, who wants to read and
(Zaniel raises her hand.)
Yes, Zaniel.
Which favor oil degradation is added
in the contaminated soil? The exogenous oil-
degrading bacteria is added to the
contaminated soil.
Precisely! Bacteria can break down
oil to carbon dioxide and water. However, no
single organism can break down all the
components of crude oil or refined fuels
spilled into the environment. So, look at the
diagram and find for another component for
the bioremediation of oil-contaminated site.
Who found another component of
bioremediation that is conducive to the
treatment and why do you think so?
(Paul raises his hand.)
Yes, Paul.
I think it is the indigenous microbes
in the soil. The diagram shows that they
stimulate oil biodegrading.
That’s right! These microorganisms
can survive in contaminated habitats because
they are metabolically able to exploit
contaminants as potential energy sources.
This diagram is only one of the many
examples in the application of biotechnology
in the environment. This time we are going to
identify the other applications. Are you ready
to learn class?
Yes, Ma’am.
E. Discussing New Before we proceed on identifying the
Concepts and applications of biotechnology in the
Practicing New environment, again, who wants to share
Skills #1 what is environmental biotechnology about?
(Jello raises his hand.)
Yes, Jello.
Environmental biotechnology is
biotechnology that is applied to and used to
study the natural environment. It is the
application of processes for the protection
and restoration of the quality of the
Very good! Environmental
biotechnology can be used to detect,
prevent, and remediate the emission of
pollutants into the environment in several
ways. In this activity Pick the Brick, let us
identify the applications of biotechnology in
the environment by matching the definition
with the corresponding term from the
environmental biotechnology wall.
(Erika raises her hand.)

A branch of biotechnology that

employs the use of living organisms, like
microbes and bacteria, in the removal of
contaminants, pollutants, and toxins from
soil, water, and other environments
Who wants to volunteer? I pick the brick Bioremediation.

Yes, Erika.

Very good! Bioremediation relies on

stimulating the growth of certain microbes (John Paul raises his hand.)
that utilize contaminants like oil, solvents,
and pesticides for sources of food and An excellent example of this is the
energy. These microbes convert use of bacteria for removing oil spills in the
contaminants into small amounts of water, as ocean.
well as harmless gases like carbon dioxide.
Who would like to give an example of
this application?

Yes, John Paul.

(Christian raises his hand.)

Devices that are used to detect the

Very good! Another example of presence or concentration of a biological
bioremediation is our previous activity where analyte such as a biomolecule, a biological
the oil-contaminated soils is treated. structure, or a microorganism
For the next definition, who wants to I pick the brick Biosensors.

Yes, Christian.

Correct! Biosensors or organisms that

integrate exposure to pollutants in their (Horezon, raises his hand.)
environment and which respond in some
measurable and predictable way are useful Are Pregnancy tests and glucose
tools to study the extent of chemical monitoring sensors counted, Ma’am?
pollution and its consequences across levels
of biological organization.
Who would like to give an example of
this application?

Yes, Horezon.

Yes, Horezon. Very good! In the

environment, biosensors have been (Joanna raises her hand.)
developed or are being studied for the
assessment of a variety of pollutants (organic Are fuels made from living things or
and inorganic) in the environment, with less from the waste that they produce, including
success for biosensors in air pollution agricultural waste.
measurement. I pick Biofuels.
How about this one? Who wants to
read and answer?

Yes, Joanna.

That’s right! Biofuel made from

biomass has the potential to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions compared to fossil
fuels. The main environmental advantage of
biofuels stems from the fact that they are (Erika raises her hand.)
carbon-neutral: the carbon dioxide they
release upon combustion is initially extracted Biogas or methane derived from
from the atmosphere during biomass animal manure and other digested organic
production, resulting in zero net greenhouse material.
gas emissions.
Who would like to give an example of
this application?

Yes, Erika.
(Horezon raises his hand.)

Can be described as the beneficial

Very good! Other examples of use of one living organism to directly or
biofuels include ethanol, biodiesel, and green indirectly suppress, inhibit, damage, or kill a
diesel. pest or pest population
For the next one, who wants to I pick the brick Biopesticides.

Yes, Horezon.

Good job! Biopesticides are usually

inherently less toxic than conventional
pesticides, and it can greatly reduce the use
of conventional pesticides, while crop yields (Christian raises his hand.)
remain high. It generally affects only the
target pest and closely related organisms, in For example, Ma’am, canola oil and
contrast to broad spectrum, conventional baking soda have pesticidal applications and
pesticides that may affect organisms as are considered biopesticides.
different as birds, insects and mammals.
Who would like to give an example of
this application?

Yes, Christian.

Very good! The most commonly used

biopesticides are living organisms, which are
pathogenic for the pest of interest. These (Zaniel raises her hand.)
include biofungicides (Trichoderma),
bioherbicides (Phytopthora) and Can carry out total transformations of
bioinsecticides (Bacillus thuringiensis). There the toxicological structure of a contaminant,
are few plant products also which can now be or cause complete conversion of a substance
used as a major biopesticide source. into the innocuous inorganic product
For the next definition, who wants to I pick Bio enzymes.
Yes, Zaniel.

Very good! Bio-enzyme cleaners are

organic solutions produced by fermentation
of fruits, vegetables, sugar, and water. These
cleaners use the good bacteria to digest
wastes, soils, stains and bad odors. The
bacteria do this by producing enzymes
specifically designed to break down certain
molecules into smaller pieces. Who would
like to give an example of this application?
(Joanna raises her hand.)
Yes, Joanna.
It could be a mixture of citrus peels,
the sugar, yeast, and water.
Very good! Joanna’s example is an
example of a homemade bio enzyme cleaner.
Commercially, there are also available bio
enzyme cleaners. These cleaners use the
good bacteria to digest wastes, soils, stains,
and bad odors.
Well done class. You are all doing
much better today.
F. Developing To develop your mastery of the topic,
Mastery let us have the fill in the blank activity. Who
wants to read the directions?
(Jin raises her hand.)
Yes, Jin.
Directions: Use any of the syllables in
the syllabox to identify the terms and
methods in Environmental Biotechnology.
The number of letters and syllables are given
as clues. Write your answers on a sheet of
paper. You have 2 minutes to answer.
Are the directions clear?
Yes, Ma’am.
Okay, you may start.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2) are proteins that speed-up

chemical reaction.
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) is the process
of using biological organisms to break down
hazardous substances into less toxic or
nontoxic substances.
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) can be
described as the beneficial use of one living
organism to directly or indirectly suppress,
inhibit, damage, or kill a pest or pest
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ (4) are transportation fuels such
as ethanol and biomass-based diesel fuel that
are made from biomass materials.
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (5) typically
comes from particular industrial, agricultural
or commercial activities. For example,
chemical or waste spills and leaks.
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3) is a device possible to
make quantitative measurements of
pollutants with extreme precision.
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ (6) means meeting our own
needs without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs.
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (6) It is used for
the production of food supplements such as
vitamin B2, bio-based plastics.
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (2) It utilizes chemical
contaminants in the soil as an energy source.
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3) It is the place where the
worst oil spill happened in the country.

(The teacher presents the questions for 3

Time’s up! Check your own papers.
Here are the correct answers.

1. Enzymes
2. Bioremediation
3. Biopesticides
4. Biofuels
5. Contamination
6. Biosensor
7. Sustainability
8. Microorganisms
9. Microbes
Who got perfect scores? 10. Guimaras

(The three-fourth of the class raises their

Congratulations, everyone! Even if hand.)
you do not get perfect scores, it is okay
because you are really improving. Keep
working on it. You are doing a good job.
G. Finding Practical For sure you are now knowledgeable
Applications of on the applications of biotechnology in the
the Concepts and environment. Now, let us have a problem-
Skills in Daily solving activity. I will be posting pictures and
Living you are going to identify what application of
biotechnology must be used for the
Here is the first picture.

Here is a picture of an oil spill. What

do you think is the environmental
biotechnology application needed in this
picture? Who wants to answer?
(Horezon raises his hand.)
Yes, Horezon.
It is a picture of an oil-contaminated
soil. To restore it bioremediation should be
applied. Because soil contaminated with oil
has a serious hazard to human health and
causes environmental problems as well.
(Students’ answers may vary.)
Good job! This photo shows pest
ruined products? How about this one?

Who wants to identify what

application could be used in this situation?

Yes, Zaniel. (Zaniel raises her hand.)

Utilization of biopesticides are

sustainable solutions for management of
pests in crops. Biopesticides are frequently
effective in little amounts and disintegrate
quickly, resulting in smaller exposures and
avoiding the pollution problems that
conventional pesticides produce.
That’s right. For the last picture. Here (Students’ answers may vary.)
is a picture of cars that are major
contributors to air pollution producing
significant amounts of nitrogen oxides,
carbon monoxide, and particulate matter.

What do you think is the

environmental biotechnology application
needed in this picture? Who wants to

Yes, Paul. (Paul raises his hand.)

I think biofuels are the application for

this. Biofuels are derived from renewable
feed stocks that are environmentally friendly.
Correct! Good job everyone! I can (Students’ answers may vary.)
see that you are able to grasp our lesson for
today by applying it to daily situations.
H. Making Let us have a recap of our topic. This
Generalization time we are going to do this by completing
and Abstractions the chart. You must give an application of
about the Lesson biotechnology in the environment then
briefly describe and give its usefulness.

Who wants to start?

(Jello raises his hand.)
Yes, Jello.
Biosensor is one of the applications
of environmental biotechnology. A biosensor
is an analytical device, used for the detection
of a chemical substance, that combines a
biological component with a physicochemical
detector. It is then possible to make
quantitative measurements of pollutants
with extreme precision or to very high
Very good! Who wants to go next?
(Students’ answers may vary.)
Yes, Erika.
(Erika raises her hand.)

Bioremediation is a field of
biotechnology that involves the removal of
contaminants, pollutants, and toxins from
soil, water, and other environments using
living organisms such as microorganisms and
bacteria. Oil spills and contaminated
groundwater are cleaned up via

(The teacher continues to call for volunteers

until the map is completed.)
I. Evaluating Now class, for our summative
Learning assessment, here is the link of the quiz via
Kahoot. Jin, kindly read the directions.
Read and analyze each item carefully.
Select the correct answer from the choices
given. You only have 10 seconds to click on
your answer then we will check the item
immediately before moving on the next
Class, are the instructions clear?
Yes, Ma’am.
Let’s begin.
1. What are these proteins
involved in controlling and
coordinating reactions that
happen simultaneously or
a. Bacteria
b. Biomass
c. Enzymes
d. Microbes
2. Which process uses biological
organisms to break down
hazardous substances into
less toxic or nontoxic
a. Bioaugmentation
b. Bioremediation
c. Biosensor
d. Biostimulation
3. In bioremediation, bio means
living and remediation means
a. Regulating
b. Correcting
c. Diverting
d. Assessing
4. Which of the following are
currently used to manage
invertebrate pests, plant
pathogens, and weeds.?
a. Biofuels
b. Bioremediation
c. Biosensor
d. Biopesticides
5. What device is made up of a
transducer and a biological
element that may be an
enzyme, an antibody, or a
nucleic acid?
a. Biopesticides
b. Bioremediation
c. Biosensor
d. Biofuel
6. Bioremediation refers to the
productive use of
microorganisms to remove or
detoxify pollutants.
a. True
b. Biofuels
c. Bioremediation
d. Biosensor
7. Biosensor are made from
biomass has the potential to
reduce greenhouse gas
emissions compared to fossil
a. True
b. Biofuels
c. Bioremediation
d. Biosensor
8. Industrial biotechnology is
the application of processes
for the protection and
restoration of the quality of
the environment.
a. True
b. Environmental
c. Agricultural
d. Health
9. Biosensor is a device made
up of a transducer and a
biological element that may
be an enzyme, an antibody,
or a nucleic acid.
a. True
b. Biopesticides
c. Bioremediation
d. Biofuels
10. Biotechnology in the
environment is the
application of processes for
the protection and
reforestation of the quality of
the environment.
a. True
b. restoration and
c. degradation and
d. protection and
Here are the correct answers.
1. c. Enzymes
2. b. Bioremediation
3. b. Correcting
4. d. Biopesticides
5. c. Biosensor
6. a. True
7. b. Biofuels
8. b. Environmental
9. a. True
10. d. protection and restoration
Congratulations everyone! Applaud
yourselves for a job well done.
(The students will applaud themselves.)
J. Additional For your assignment, present one
Activities for example of products used for
Applications or bioremediation, biosensors, pesticides, or any
Remediation products with enzymes. You can choose from
making an infographic, a jingle or a short
video clip that explains its uses or how it
helps the environment. Be guided by the
rubric in doing your task. I will send the link
of the padlet where you will be uploading
your outputs later in our group chat.
5 The ideas Sophisticated Precise,
are arrangement illustrative
substantial, of use of a
specific, content with variety of
and/or evident and/or words and
illustrative subtle sentence
content transitions. structures.
ng strong
t and
d ideas.
4 Sufficiently Functional Use of simple
developed arrangement or common
content of content that words.
with sustains a
adequate logical order
elaboration with some
or evidence of
explanation. transitions.
3 Sufficiently Confused or Limited word
developed inconsistent choice and
content arrangement control of
with of content sentence
adequate with or structures.
elaboration without
or attempts at
explanation. transition.
2 Superficial Minimal Minimal
and/or control of control of
minimal content content
content. arrangement. arrangement.
Do you have any questions?
None, Ma’am.
Class, remember, the most valuable
resource we have, the Earth. We have to
maintain its wellness. How? It's a matter of
embracing change and forming new,
healthier habits. Let's join forces to reverse
the pollution trend. Let's do it for the sake of
the planet, our health, and future
generations. Okay, that’s all for today.
Goodbye, class!
Goodbye, Ma’am! Thank you!

A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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