The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas

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The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

“The heroes of my novels are, like Bruno, always optimistic, resourceful and “The great joy of literature, as opposed to politics or
a little naïve, and they don’t want an adult to solve their problems for them, religion, is that it embraces differing opinions, it encourages
even when they’re not always capable of solving them themselves. They’re debate, it allows us to have heated conversations with our
growing up surrounded by confusion and trying to make sense of it all. closest friends and dearest loved ones and through it all no
Sometimes they succeed and sometimes the chaos overwhelms them. But one gets hurt, no one gets taken away from their homes and
they’re never defeated.” (11) no one gets killed.” (12)

o Fence: valla o Thrust: empuje o Resourceful: o Naïve: inocente
o Grief: dolor o Indeed: en efecto ingenioso o Defeat: fracaso

Chapter 1: Bruno makes a discovery

o Maid: sirvienta o Mucky: asqueroso o Apron: delantal o Dismissively:
o Crates: cajones o Greengrocer: o Frame: marco despectivamente
o Muster: reunir verdulero o Spluttering: o Snap: chasquear,
o Butler: mayordomo o Steer off: alejarse balbucear gritar
o Banister: barandilla
Chapter 2: The new house
o Wide: amplio o Strolling around: o Glasses: vasos o Burst into tears:
o Steered clear of: pasear o Frothy: espumoso estallar en lágrimas
mantenerse alejado o Tray: bandeja o Chalk up: atribuir, o Cheerful: alegre
o Nor: ni o Stall: puesto apuntar o Cubby: cubículo
o Nook: rincón o Overspilling: que o Forseeable: o Brim: borde
o Cranny: grieta algo está lleno previsible

Chapter 3: The Hopeless Case

o Hop: saltar o Spinning round: o Bedspread: colcha o Ripe: listo, perfecto
o Pocking: golpeando dando vueltas o Hollow: hueco o Pigtail: trenza
o Sore: doloroso o Acknowledging: o Thud: ruido sordo o Elbowing: de codaz
reconociendo o Stroll: paseo

Chapter 4: What they saw through the window

o Neat: ordenado, o Hut: cabaña o Wheelbarrow: o Filthy: mugriento
pulcro o Stack: hacinar, carretilla
o Soil: tierra amontonar o Spades: pala
o Moor: páramo o Cap : gorra o Crutch: muleta
Chapter 5: Out of bounds at all times and no exceptions
o Get ahead: salirse o Signalman: o Sink into: hundirse o Gaze: mirada
con la suya guardavía o Mahogany: caoba o Stony-faced: cara de
(expresión) o Make out: distinguir o Sinking: piedra
o Startled: sorprendido o Booming voice: hundimiento o Licked: lamida
o Shrug: encogimiento vozarrón o Bricks: ladrillos o Ashtray: cenicero
de hombros o Comb: peine, peinar o Mortar: mortero o Tilted: inclinado
o Awe: asombrado o Ergo: es decir o Slightly: levemente

Chapter 6: The overpaid maid

o Crack: grieta o Ivy tree: árbol de o Peckish: hungry o Reverberate:
o Narrow: estrecho hiedra o Tour: recorrer reverberar = resonar
o Armful: brazada o Pond: estanque o Gown: vestido o Grating: rejilla
o Boredom: o Leak: fuga, filtración o Stitch: puntada o Unsettled: inestable,
aburrimiento o Clench: apretar o Drift off: quedarse intraquilo
o Vest: chaleco o Fist: puño dormido o Eager: entusiasta
o Tire out: cansar

Chapter 7: How mother took credit for something that she hadn’t done
o Bang: estallido o Fit: adecuado o Knight: caballero o Spare: repuesto
o Giggle: risilla o Hefty: fuerte o Rope: cuerda o Striding: zancadas
o Twirling: girando o Branch: rama o Tyre: neumático
o Downwind: a favor o Tease: molestar o Spat: escupió o Scooped up: recoger,
del viento o Utterly: o Rim: llanta levantar
o Grommed: arreglado absolutamente o Sore: doloroso o Mischief: travesura
o Ringlet: rizo o Swing: o Gash: corte o Stool: taburete
o Glaring at: mirando a balancearse/columpi o Woozy: mareado o Wound: herida
o Simper: sonreír o o Sharplly:
tontamente o Filthy: asqueroso buszcamente

Chapter 8: Why grandmother stormed out

o Stormed out: salir o Flaw : defecto o Merely :
furiosa simplemente

Chapter 9: Bruno remembers that he used to enjoy explorations

o Nealty folded: o Boneshaker: o Helmet: casco o Squinted : entrecerrar
doblado cacharro o Forkful: tenedor los ojos
cuidadosamente o Stern: severo

Chapter 10: The dot that became a speck that became a bob that became a figure that become a
o Strech: estirar o Minding: o Cupboard: armario o Wiggled: menear,
o Speck: manchita preocupado, o Pastry: pastelería mover
o Blob: mancha pensando en… o Sudden: repentino
Chapter 11: The Fury
o Nonetheless: sin o Ground rules: reglas o Curtsy : reverencia o Witnessed :
embargo del juego o Disdain : desdén presenciado
o Crockery: vajilla o Fuss: escándalo o Flustered : aturdido

Chapter 12: Shmuel thinks of an answer to Bruno’s question

o Wind up: dar cuerda

Chapter 13: The bottle of wine

o Boil: hervir o Shiver: temblar o Chew on: masticar o Cheerfully:
o Pan: sartén, cacerola o Lamb: corder o Mouthful: bocado alegremente
o Ointment: ungüento

Chapter 14: Bruno tells a perfectly reasonable lie

o Trek along: caminar o Spit: escupir o Sake: motivo
a o largo

Chapter 15: Something he shouldn’t have done

o Spurt: brote o Bruising: o Sidetracked:
magulladuras desviado
Chapter 16: The haircut
o Wreath: corona (de o Preyed: presa o Misshapen: deforme o Dindling:
flores) o Lice: piojos o Filth: inmundicia menguando
o Sunken: hundido

Chapter 17: Mother gets her own way

o Keyhole: cerradura o Eavesdrop: escuchar o Grubby: sucio o Dreaded: temido
a escondidas o Mitts: guantes

Chapter 18: Thinking up the final adventure

o Eagerness: ansiedad, o Hatch: tramar

Chapter 19: What happened the next day

o Ease off: suavizar o Fond: encariñado, o Hopscotch: rayuela o Mercilessly: sin
o Disguise: disfraz aficionado o Barrels: cañones piedad
o Appalled: o State: declarer

Chapter 20: The last chapter


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