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John Mark Maza
Aliah C. Mosquera
Hannah Bridgette P. Oberes
Jenny Rose F. Secang
Hannahlex Tacaisan

Chapter 3:Lesson 1- The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers: The Preamble Article
Article 1: Scope and Limitations, Sections 1 & 2
1. Are teachers who have no license considered professional?
- No, teachers who have no license are not considered professionals. A
professional is someone who has completed 4 years of initial professional
education accredited by the CHED and needs to pass the LET, or Licensure
Examination for Teachers, administered by the Board of Professional Teachers
under the supervision of the Professional Regulation Commission. After that, he
or she can become or be called a professional teacher.
2. What do technical and professional competence mean? (You may refer to the lesson on
the “Teacher as a Professional”.
- Technical and professional competence means he/she adheres to, observes and
practices a set of ethical and moral principles, standards and values.
3. Are private school teachers required of a license? What about pre-school teachers,
vocational teachers, ALS teachers, school heads, Education Supervisors, and school
Division Superintendent?
- Private school teachers as well as ALS teachers do not require a license to teach,
whereas pre-school teachers, vocational teachers, school heads, education
supervisors, and school division superintendents are required to have a license to

Chapter 3:Lesson 2 – The Code Of Ethics For Professional Teachers: Relationship With The
Secondary And Tertiary Stakeholders – The State, The Community, And The Parents
Article II: The Teacher and the State, Sections 1 – 8
1. The schools are “nurseries of the citizens of the state”. What are nurseries for? “Why are
schools called nurseries of the citizens of the state?”
- Nursery is an educational establishment offering childhood education to children
before they begin compulsory education at primary schools. Schools are called
nurseries of the citizens of the state because it is a place where children are honed
and shaped to become a better citizen and future leaders of the country.
2. “Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is
under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” In what ways can teachers do this?
- Each teacher is a trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and
is under an obligation to transmit to learners such a heritage. A teacher can do this
by integrating into his/her teaching approach the cultural and educational heritage
of the nation. Allowing the students to experience this in their classroom
will ensure that the cultural and educational heritage of the nation is transmitted to
3. In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality, promote
national pride, and cultivate love of country?
- According to Article II, a professional teacher can help elevate national morality,
promote national pride, and cultivate love of country by ensuring that, as a
professional teacher, he/she shall posses and actualize a full commitment and
devotion to duty, and shall not directly or indirectly solicit, require, collect, or
receive any money, service, or other valuable material from any person or entity
for such purposes. A professional teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other
constitutional rights and responsibilities. A teacher shall not use his profession,
official authority, or influence to coerce another person to take any political
4. What steps do employers take to ensure that a teacher is physically, mentally and morally
- Employers set a standard or look for specific qualities in terms of employing
teachers to ensure that a teacher is physically, cognitively, and morally fit.
Employers perform an in-depth interview and administer tests to assess a teacher's
physical, mental, and moral abilities. For example, a teacher's ability to perform
any task given, their ability to adapt to change, and their ability to think critically
and influence students to do well are among the best qualities of a teacher needed

to teach. A teacher’s well-being is important because it allows him/her to become

an effective teacher and teach students the quality education they deserve.

5. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violate Section 5, Article II.

- Miss Mary is a teacher in a private school with a Master's Degree in Education.
During her classes, she would often encourage her students to vote for her chosen
politician and badmouth other politicians in front of her students, as well as post
online regarding her political views and opinions. She would tell her students to
vote for that particular politician and call others stupid if they would not vote for
that politician. A professional teacher shall not promote any political, religious, or
other partisan interest and shall not directly or indirectly solicit, require, collect,
or receive any money, service, or other valuable material from any person or
entity for such purposes, according to Article II, Section 5.Therefore, Miss Mary
violated the Code of Ethics for Professionals, Article II, Section 5. 
6. How can a professional teacher violate Sec. 6 and Sec. 7 of Article II?
- A professional teacher can violate Article II Sections 6 and 7 if he or she did not
vote, exercised all other constitutional rights and responsibilities, and used his or
her position, official authority, or influence to coerce any other person to take any
political action.
7. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom. What does academic freedom mean? Is this
academic freedom absolute?
- According to Dr. Gisela Concepion, academic freedom is the freedom to pursue
knowledge without boundaries in an unencumbered and enabling environment. I
don’t think that academic freedom is absolute. It is because academic freedom
must also follow certain principles, values, and practices. It must be exercised
within the law and in accordance with the collective agreement. It does not give
one academic the right to violate another's rights.

Article III: The Teacher and the Community, Sections 1 – 8

Below are the keywords which you have to locate in Article III. Find them and read that section
and answer the question that follows.
Facilitator of learning leadership social recognition
Not use position to proselyte conducive environment community informed
Harmonious official relations disparaging the community
Question: How should teachers relate to the community by using the keywords given? Explain.
- Teachers are the facilitator of learning and youth development, so they should
provide the greatest possible service by creating a conducive environment that
promotes such learning and growth. They act as role models for the students as
they strive to become better and more successful individuals in the future. As a
result, the teacher's support isn't confined to the classroom it also includes the
community. They are expected to show leadership and initiative in community
movements for the betterment of moral, social, educational, economic, and civil.
They keep harmonious official relations with other professionals, government
authorities, and the general public. They are also responsible for assisting the
school in keeping the community informed about the school's work,
accomplishments, as well as its needs and difficulties. Teachers are entitled to
equitable social recognition, for which they must always act with decency and
respect, and avoid vices like gambling, smoking, and drinking. To avoid
disparaging the community, teachers live for and with the community, which
necessitates studying and understanding local customs and traditions in order to
maintain a sympathetic personality. They are also free to attend church and
worship as they consider appropriate, but they must not use their position to
proselyte others. Teachers must be involved in issues that affect people's welfare,
act as community leaders, and maintain a professional personality at all times in
order to serve as role models for students and others, as well as to develop a better
and more peaceful society.

Article IX: The Teacher and Parents, Sections 1 – 3

View: How To: at A Teacher’s Guide to Parent-Teacher Conference @ YouTube. Take down
notes and be ready to share them with the class. Do you agree or disagree with all that which was
shared in the video. If yes/no which one. If you disagree, explain.

From the video “How to: A Teacher’s Guide to Parent-Teacher Conference”, the tips that we
agreed on are:

 Dress yourself professionally or something comfortable.

 Position yourself in a table that can accommodate two or more parents and make sure to
stay on time.
 Be prepared, being prepared means you have with you all the files of your students and
set them up by conference time. Make an agenda of the topic that your gonna talk about
and make a copy for parents with a “note” in the back of the paper so they can take note
everything you talk about. Prepare also a conference action plan sheet with an area of
concern, a goal that you talk about during the conference, action plan for you the teacher,
the parent, and the student. In order to follow up what you talk about during the
conference, and show to parents that you are with it, you pay attention to what they are
saying, and that you are going to make sure that you do your best to keep on track with
their needs as well as the students.
 Put key assessments on your agenda. Suggest something that could help the parents in
assisting students’ learning or homework.
 Make sure that the papers that you’re going to present are organized or in order and
highlight the area that the student struggling with, so parents will be aware and take
action for this.
 Don’t over plan your conference, make sure that you leave a time for discussion, to get
heartfelt, to get open and honest with the parents and connect with them.
 Always have some sort of student piece or a reflection that tallies everything together. So
you can show this piece to parents and make the conference focus on the students and for
the student’s voices to be heard.

 Parents could get emotional since it is their child that you talk about, some red flag topics
could come up and topics that are hard for parents to hear. So make sure to have a
Kleenex or tissue paper nearby.
 Most important thing is to relax, it’s okay to have a little bit of nerves, but it’s also okay
to smile or laugh. Share a little story to lighten the mood and to share with the parents
that you’re connected with their child and you appreciate them and their sense of humor.
 After the conference, make sure that you re-organize your files and you have your action
plans ready for follow up steps.
 Email the parents “thank you ma’am/sir for coming to the conference”.
 Make sure that when parents leave they are talking the points to talk to their child, and
you tell them that when they come home from conference and see their child, they tell
their child that you said that they are always positive, that they’re trying hard on this, that
I’m proud on them on this. In that way students are eager for their parents to come home
during the conferences and parents are also excited to go home to have their child
something positive.
 Have a sign outside of your door that says “Conference in Progress”, and lock the door in
order not to have someone who would burst and open the door.
 Make sure to have something in place so that you don’t have any interruptions while you
are in the middle of conference.
- These tips indicate that the teacher establishes and maintains cordial relationships
with parents, as well as conducts herself in a manner that earns their confidence
and respect. With these tips, you'll be able to tell the parents of your learners'
progress and shortcomings through proper authorities, point out learning
deficiencies with maximum candor and tact and seek parent cooperation for
correct guidance and improvement of the learners. It also promotes a better
understanding between them, which benefits the students' development and
reduces unfair criticism.

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