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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Brandon Hernandez Subject: ELA 7th Grade

Common Core State Standards:

● 7.RI.6 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author
distinguishes his or her position from that of others.

● 7.SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups,

and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on
others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

● 7.SL.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent
manner with pertinent descriptions, appropriate vocabulary, facts, details, and examples;
use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.

Objective (Explicit):

● Students Will Be Able To participate, read, and collaborate together in group activities to
form a response with supporting evidence to answer the essential question

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

◻ Include a copy of the lesson assessment.

◻ Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
◻ Assign value to each portion of the response.

Goal to achieve → the student turns in a written response that has: an argument, standpoint, supporting
evidence, and opposing claim. The Student participated more than five times in the research and
debate activity.

● Rubric will be placed below the lesson plan.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

◻ How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
◻ What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
◻ How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

● Students will be able to read and determine the main idea of an author’s text.

● Students will be able to analyze evidence from a text to form a written response to the
compelling question with evidence.

● Students will be able to have group discussions between students using their current
skills to share ideas and answer the assigned question together.

Key vocabulary: Materials:

homework bans, academic success, home ● Laptops/Computer

support, and learning tool
● Television

● Poll Everywhere

● Online articles (2 articles)

● Physical copies of articles

● Whiteboard

● Markers

● Filler paper

● Pencils

● Sharpeners

● Headphones

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

◻ How will you activate student interest?

◻ How will you connect to past learning?
◻ How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
◻ How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?

The teacher will activate the students’ prior knowledge by instructing them to answer a Bellwork

● The teacher will share a PowerPoint slideshow that includes the Bellwork activity, the
slideshow will be displayed by using a television and computer or laptop to access it.

● Students will answer the question: What do you like and/or dislike about homework?

● The teacher(s) will model the Think-Pair-Share strategy so students can use it, the
strategy should facilitate student participation and engagement.

● Have students share their answer and start with choosing volunteers

I Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you model/explain/demonstrate all ◻ What will students be doing to actively capture and
knowledge/skills required of the objective? process the new material?
t ◻ What types of visuals will you use? ◻ How will students be engaged?
r ◻ How will you address misunderstandings or
common student errors?
◻ How will you check for understanding?
◻ How will you explain and model behavioral
◻ Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could teach it?

Students will participate by reading, analyzing, and evaluating an

article with the teacher and classmates.
The teacher and students will read and analyze an article
together to gather evidence about the compelling question: ● The students will raise their hand to volunteer in the
Should schools remove homework assignments and what are reading
the advantages and disadvantages?
● Students will stay quiet when someone reads and will
● Teacher will guide the students to access the article follow along to pay attention
c ● Teacher will read passages of the article while also ● Students will answer questions to understand the article
t picking volunteers to read other passages much better
i ● At different points, the teacher will stop the reading ● Students will record information and answers in their notes
o and ask questions about what the students have read
n so far (checking for understanding)
● Teacher will record students’ answers using the
l whiteboard and markers
n ● Encourage students to record information and
answers, which will become useful for independent
t Co-Teaching Strategy

◻ Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

The secondary teacher will support students by monitoring them and walking around the room to check who is following along. If
the SEC teacher notices a student falling behind, the teacher can immediately go to the student and show what page the rest of
class is reading.

Differentiation Strategy

◻ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?

◻ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
Give students the option to choose between reading the digital version or physical copies of the article. Allow another choice by letting
them use their laptops/tablets or use paper filler and pencils to record information. Let them use headphones to listen to pre recorded
audios of the articles if they want to read by themselves or have a reading disability.

G Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you ensure that all students have multiple ◻ How will students practice all knowledge/skills required
opportunities to practice new content and skills? of the objective, with your support, such that they
d ◻ What types of questions can you ask students as continue to internalize the sub-objectives?
e you are observing them practice? ◻ How will students be engaged?
d ◻ How/when will you check for understanding? ◻ How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
◻ How will you provide guidance to all students as ◻ How are students practicing in ways that align to
P they practice? independent practice?
◻ How will you explain and model behavioral
a ◻ Is there enough detail in this section so that
c another person could facilitate this practice?
i The teacher will guide students once again to read Students will participate in another reading and
another article, but will not read or gather
information with the rest of class. research activity with a partner.

● The teacher will instruct students to ● The students will work with a classmate to
access the next article read, gather information, and evaluate the
● The teacher will break up students into
pairs so each student has a reading ● Students will take turns to read the article or
partner have one student read while the other takes
notes on the main ideas or details of the article
● Teacher will walk around the classroom to
monitor student participation while also ● Students will have to discuss what is the
looking at students’ research and article’s main idea and purpose to understand
evaluation skills it better

● Primary teacher is in charge of keeping ● After gathering two-three pieces of information,

track of time the students will evaluate them and check
whether they can be use to support their
answer to the compelling question

c ● Students will take notes, which will become

e useful for the independent practice

Co-Teaching Strategy

◻ Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

The SEC teacher will be in charge of monitoring the student(s) who have a disability. If no student with a disability is present, the
teacher should monitor students who have exceptional learning needs (ELN).

Differentiation Strategy

◻ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?

◻ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
◻ How can you utilize grouping strategies?

The previous accommodations will still be relevant for this activity. However, the students will need to communicate with their partner
unless one student in a group wants to work individually, which will be an option. The other student can join another pair to make a
group of three students. Students with a reading disability can allow their partner to read most of the article so he/she does not feel
pressured to read faster. Besides that, students can use dry erase lapboards to communicate with classmates and explain words or
concepts by drawing.

I Teacher Will: Student Will:

◻ How will you plan to coach and correct during this ◻ How will students independently practice the knowledge and
practice? skills required by the objective?
e ◻ How will you provide opportunities for remediation and ◻ How will students be engaged?
p extension? ◻ How are students practicing in ways that align to
e ◻ How will you clearly state and model academic and assessment?
n behavioral expectations? ◻ How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
d ◻ Did you provide enough detail so that another person learning?
could facilitate the practice? ◻ How are you supporting students giving feedback to one
t The teacher will instruct students to create a The students will work on answering the compelling
P response to the compelling question: Should question in a filler paper and participate in a debate
r schools remove homework assignments and what activity.
● Once the students receive the filler paper, they
are the advantages and disadvantages? will start writing their response and include
three supporting pieces of evidence
● The teacher will give students paper filler
to write their answers to the compelling ● Students will be allowed to use their notes
● Once a student is done, the work will be picked
● The teacher will keep track of time so by the PRIM or SEC teacher
everyone can finish on time
● Students will get ready to participate in a
● The teacher will pick up the students’ work debate activity about the topic they researched
and tell the class to get ready for a quick
debate activity related to the compelling ● Each student will move to either the right or left
question side of the room symbolizing what side they
● The teacher will continue keeping track of
time and be the judge to keep the class ● Students are allowed to use their notes and
under control share their answers

Co-Teaching Strategy
t ◻ Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
c The PRIM teacher will be the judge of the debate while the SEC teacher will move around
e the class to monitor the students and make sure to correct any misbehavior. Also, the
teacher will try to help students who do not feel comfortable with public speaking to share
their responses.

Differentiation Strategy

◻ What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?

◻ Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

The students have an option to write or record a response using their laptops/tablets and headphones to
respond to the question. For the debate, the SEC teacher will be monitoring each side and will be willing to
help other students share their answers with the other classmates. Students can also use the dry erase
lapboards to share the answers instead of saying it through words.

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:

◻ How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
◻ Why will students be engaged?

The teachers will give students an assessment activity to close the lesson and test the students'
understanding using Poll Everywhere to give students a survey to complete.

● The teacher and co-teacher will instruct students to work on answering five questions
related to what they did in the

Lesson Plan Reflection
● How does this lesson plan accommodate all learners?

● What elements of this lesson could cause difficulty when actually applying/facilitating it?

● What elements of this lesson show your strengths/weaknesses in regards to the ATR indicators addressed at the
beginning of your internship?

The lesson accommodates as many learners as possible by giving them freedom to

demonstrate mastery and make learning more comfortable. When reading the articles, the
students have the choice to work with the class, a partner, or individually because not every
student works efficiently with a partner or individually.
I believe it could be hard to do each activity/assignment in the lesson because some students
need more time to comprehend a text or evaluate information.
I think my strengths would be using related topics to create questions, implement engaging
activities/assignments that challenge students’ current knowledge and skills, and provide choice
and freedom to show mastery. My weaknesses are the lack of organization, implementing many
and time consuming activities/assignments, and lack of accommodations.

Rubric evaluation & metric score:

Items | Score Enough Plenty Some None Points

(5 pts) (3-4 pts) (1-2 pt) (0 pts)

Written Written Written Written No written

response response has response is response is response
a clear missing 1 to 2 missing 3 turned in.
argument and items, or the items, or only
student argument is has 1
standpoint, not clear, or it supporting
three strong only has 2 evidence.
supporting supporting
evidence, and evidence.
an opposing
claim is

Research The students The student The student Student never

participation participated participated participated participated in
three times in twice in the once in the the reading,
the reading reading and reading and answering
and answered answered one answered one questions, and
more than two to two question. discussing
questions. questions. with

Research W/ The student The student The student Student never

partner read more read three read with the participated
than three times and partner once with a
times and helped identify or twice and classmate and
helped identify two supporting helped identify did not help
three pieces of one supporting the classmate
supporting evidence while evidence. research a
pieces of using the TPS text.
evidence W/ a strategy.
partner using
the TPS

Debate The student The student The student Student never

participation chose a side, chose a side, moved around participated by
listened, and listened, and the classroom speaking or
delivered delivered ¾ of to choose a choosing sides
his/her his/her side, listen, and avoided
complete response to and deliver 2/4 being part of
response to the class while of his/her the debate.
the class, and discussing response to
discussed twice with the the class while
more than opposite view. discussing it
twice with the once with the
opposite view. opposite view.

Total: ___ pts

Bellwork activity question:

What do you think you like and/or dislike about homework? Include experiences as your evidence.

Student’s answer (Example): What I like or dislike about homework is…

Survey questions using Poll Everywhere:

1. What was your initial response to the question: Should schools remove homework

assignments entirely? Choose between “Yes” or “No.”

2. What were some intriguing details you learned from reading the articles and interacting with

classmates? Include at least five details or ideas.

3. From your personal experience. Is homework a learning tool or a problematic obstacle?

Choose between “Learning Tool” or “Problematic Obstacle.”

4. What side do you choose? Choose between “Keep homework in schools” or “Remove

homework in schools.”

5. From the previous question. Why did you choose that side? Include supporting evidence and

personal experiences.

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