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Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Multiple Subject
Graduate Program in Education

Subject(s): Math Grade: 4th

Teacher(s): Miss. Yesi Master Teacher: Mrs. Green

School: Harbor View Elementary___ Lesson Time Allotment: 1 hour ___ Date: 2/17/22

TPE Target Skills:

1._TPE1. Monitor student learning and adjust instruction while teaching so that students continue to be
actively engaged in
2. TPE3. Plan, design, implement, and monitor instruction consistent with current subject-specific
pedagogy in the content area(s) of instruction, and design and implement disciplinary and cross-
disciplinary learning sequences, including integrating the visual and performing arts as applicable to
the discipline.______________________
3._ TPE4. Locate and apply information about students' current academic status, content- and
standards-related learning needs and goals, assessment data, language proficiency status, and
cultural background for both short-term and long-term instructional planning purposes

Part 1 – Goals and Standards

TPE 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
1. CA State Standard(s) and/or Curriculum Frameworks (TPE: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4)

Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular
lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size. Recognize right triangles as a
category, and identify right triangles.

Measure angles in whole-number degrees using a protractor. Sketch angles of specified

2. Learning Goal(s): What will students have mastered in terms of knowledge and/or skill as a
result of this lesson? (TPE 2.2, 2.6, 3.2)

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template
Multiple Subject
Graduate Program in Education

The students will have mastered the skill of clearly identifying what each angle is and accurately
measuring various angles. They will also be able to clearly identify where these angles and lines
can be found in our everyday life.
Student-Friendly Translation: (Write this out as if you were explaining the objective of the lesson
to your students in their language: “Today, we are going to master the concept of…by creating…”)

Today, we are going to master the concept of using a protractor to measure angles. We will also
be able to identify different angles in our surroundings.

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

2. Relevance/Rationale: Based on prior lessons and assessments of your students, why is this the
right lesson for your students to learn right now in your class? (TPE 1.3, 2.6, 3.2)

Based on prior lessons and assessments, the students have understood the concept of using a
protractor, but have made a few small mistakes. This leads me to understand that they need more
practice to perfect the skill.
Student-Friendly Translation:
Today, we are going to continue to practice the skill of using a protractor to measure different angles.

3. ELD Standards Addressed: All Content Areas (TPE 1.1, 1.6, 3.5, 4.4)
Part 1: Interacting in Meaningful Ways: A. Collaborative, B. Interpretive, C. Productive
5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts
1. Exchanging information/ideas: Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions, including
sustained dialogue, by following turn-taking rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others,
adding relevant information, building on responses, and providing useful feedback.

Part 2: Learning How English Works: A. Structuring Cohesive Texts, B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas,
C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas
Connecting Ideas: Combine clauses in a wide variety of ways to make connections between and
join ideas, for example, to express cause/effect, to make a concession, or to link two ideas that
happen at the same time.

Continue to identify how you will support your students in mastering these ELD Standards below in
Part 3 – Universal Access Lesson Adaptations
4. ELD Learning Goal(s): What will students have mastered in terms of knowledge and/or skill as a
result of this lesson? (TPE 2.2, 2.6, 3.2)

Students will understand the concept that angles and lines form the world around us. They will
also continue to build on their prior knowledge and skills by using a protractor. Students will be
able to formulate ideas and ask relevant questions.

Student-Friendly Translation:
Today, we are going to be talking about angles and how they affect us. We will be discussing and
staying on topic through class discussion and some partner sharing time.

5. Essential Questions: (TPE 1.5)

How do angles and lines form or impact our daily life?

6. Academic Vocabulary: (TPE 1.4, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5)

parallel lines, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, degrees, protractor, perpendicular lines.

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Part 2: Demographic Profile: Class and Individual Student Information

( TPE 1.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.5 SSP-DAP )
Number of Students in Class Male: 15 Female: 11 Total: 26

English Language Arts (ELA) Mathematics English Language Learners (ELL)

Level (Circle) Number of Level (Circle) Number of Level (Circle) Number of
students students per students per
per level level level
Beginning 7 Beginning 7 Emerging NA
Intermediate 11 Intermediate 12 Expanding NA
Advanced 8 Advanced 6 Bridging NA
Special Education Students
IEP Identification (Speech, hearing Specific considerations for each student
impaired, autism, etc.)
Autism Goals:
- Maintain a topic of conversation with a partner for three
conversational turns in 80% of opportunities.
- Appropriately answer conversational questions with a
communicative partner in 70% of opportunities.
- Identify how another person may be feeling and why in
80% of opportunities.
- Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story,
using key details with 70% accuracy.
- Will answer such questions as who, what, where, when,
and why with 70% accuracy in 3 out of 5 trials.
- Orally read with fluency at a rate of 70 words correct per
minute, with 95% accuracy.
- Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate
understanding of their central message with 70%
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

- Given 5 problems, involving single-digits, interpret 5x7

as a total number of objects in 5 groups with 7 objects in
each by using arrays, pictures, and skip counting with
70% accuracy.
- Given 10 subtraction problems within 100 with
regrouping, solve with 70% accuracy.
- Demonstrate whole body attending
- Complete multi step activities of up to 4 steps, and cross
off as each step is completed. Complete in 4 out of 5
- Sustain attention by answering questions related to the
immediate environment in 70% of opportunities.
Classroom Accommodations:
- Priming/Front loading for expectations/activities
- Provide check-in or attention/comprehension every
10-15 minutes.
- Priming for social opportunities (ex. Group work, recess,
- Visual schedule and task list (as needed)
- Breaks as needed
- Provide written and/ or visual agenda/directions for tasks
as needed to promote independence
- Extra time on assignments up to 100% of original
- Preferential seating-near instruction
- Multi-sensory approach
- Provide pre-teaching of new concepts
- Provide overlearning/review and repetition of new
- When giving directions for a task or assignment, ensure
directions are understood; have her paraphrase
- Reference her peers first when she isn’t sure what to do
to reduce adult prompting
- Differentiated instruction
- Reduce length of assignments as needed
- Lunch bunch style group for social interaction
opportunities (post COVID)
ADHD Student 1 Special Ed services, preferential seating, additional time to
complete assignments
- Use correct irregular plural when asked to provide
simple sentence completions with 80% accuracy
- Follow three-step unrelated directions using paper and
pencil or objects with 80% accuracy.
- Answer simple inferential questions (e.g., Why was the
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

girl upset?) after listening to a 6-8 sentence passage with

80% accuracy.
- Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is
supported by key details and summarize with 70%
- Independently compose a paragraph with less than 5
errors in punctuation and capitalization.
- Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting
inappropriate fragments and run-ons with 70% accuracy.
- Remain on task with minimal disruption to self/others,
asking relevant questions until task is completed as
- Accurately compare numbers to 1000 with use of >< =
signs, with 80% accuracy
- Given 5 math problems requiring both single and
multi-step solutions, using +, -, x, student will be able to
determine the correct operation and solve with 75%
Classroom Accommodations:
- Access to a graphic organizer
- Extra time on assignments up to 100% or original
- Preferential seating-near instruction
- Use of visual supports in conjunction with oral directions
- Frequent checks for understanding
- Reduced workload
- Breaks as needed
Dyslexic Special Ed services, preferential seating, additional time to
complete assignments
- Decode multisyllabic words with 80% accuracy
- Spell words with common vowel terms and affixes with
80% accuracy.
- Write narrative accounts that include a short sequence of
events, and/or informational text that includes a topic,
details, and a concluding statement with 70% accuracy
- Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes with
80% accuracy.
- Identify when to use a capital letter, commas, and
quotation marks with an average of 70% accuracy.
- When completing a math assignment/worksheet does not
display any number reversals with 80% consistency
Classroom Accommodations:
- Access to graphic organizer
- Extra tie of assignments up to 100% of original
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

- Use of visual supports in conjunction with oral directions

- Real Aloud or Text to Speech as needed to access
- Speech to Text (need to determine by teacher/SAI)
- Take tests is SAI room as needed for extra time/read
- Breaks as needed
- Specialized/separate seating
- Simplified test directions
Speech or Language Impairment Goals:
- Produce correct irregular past tense verbs in sentences,
conversations, and narrative texts with 80% accuracy.
- Produce the voice and unvoiced /th/ sound in all word
positions during conversation with 80% accuracy.
- Correctly decode words with 80% accuracy
- Independently complete a graphic organizer/flow map to
organize thoughts.
- Ask questions to demonstrate understanding of a text.
- Generalize learned spelling patterns when writing words
with common long and other vowel patterns, digraphs,
and inflected endings with 75% accuracy.
- Use self-regulation/coping strategies such as taking a
break, deep breathing, and going to a quiet space.
- When showing signs of frustration or being
overwhelmed, will use an “I statement” with no more
than one prompt from an adult
- Use multiplication and/or division to solve problems in
situations involving equal groups.
Classroom Accommodations:
- Extra time on assignments up to 100% of original
- Provide written agenda/directions for tasks (with more
than two steps)
- Preferential seating-near instruction
- Access to graphic organizer
- Use of visual supports in conjunction with oral directions
(provide examples of finished products and sample math
problems as models) as needed to aid comprehension and
attention to directions
- Reduced number of problems to show mastery
- Access to math resources
- Alternative response options as needed to allow students
to demonstrate knowledge/understanding
- Reduced number of answer choices on multiple choice
- Breaks as needed
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Specific Learning Disability Goals:

(Reading) - Produce voiced and voiceless /th/ sounds correctly with
80% accuracy
- Demonstrate learned fluency strategies (ie. Slow rate,
stretchy speech) when responding open-ended questions
in 80% of opportunities
- Label parts of the speech mechanism (tongue, brain, lips,
teeth, etc.) and tell what role each has in the speech
- Correctly manipulate the word to form new words with
80% accuracy. (/f/-an to /c/- can)
- Given a list of 20 multisyllabic words that contain
closed, open, vowel teams, and vowel-consonant e
syllable types, correctly decode the word with 80%
- Given a list of 25 spelling words with long/short vowels
or common long vowel teams, will spell the work with
80% accuracy
- Complete classwork 70% of the time each week.
Adjustments to assignment lengths may be considered to
show mastery.
Classroom Accommodations:
- Access to graphic organizer
- Extra time on assignments up to 100% of original
- Provide written agenda/directions for tasks
- Preferential seating-near instruction
- Access to computer for writing assignments
- Text-to-speech or real aloud
- Differentiated instruction
- Extra practice
- Gain attention prior to instruction
- Repetition
- Small group instruction
- Wait time to process directions
- Visual supports
- Adaptive seating and movement breaks as needed
- Use of writing frame or sentence starters for writing
assignments and math
ADHD Student 2 Goals:
- Generalize learned spelling patterns with 75% accuracy
- Correctly decode words with 80% accuracy.
- Will ask questions to demonstrate understanding of text.
- Independently complete assignment/task with 80%
accuracy. Ask for help if needed.
- Stay independently organized with 80% accuracy.
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

- Use multiplication and division within 100 using

drawings and equations.
- Determine the answer to equations such as 8 x ?=48 with
75% accuracy.
Classroom Accommodations:
- Preferential seating near instruction and away from as
many distractions as possible
- Prompts to remain on task
- Visual models whenever possible
- Breaks as needed to reduce anxiety and increase
attention to task
- Help with organization/management of classroom
- 1x per month check in with school psychologist, and
check ins as needed with psychologist

Three Focus Student Profiles

One identified special education student, one English language learner,
and one special circumstance student

Focus Student #1 (FS1): English Learner

Student Name: FS1
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Math (circle one): Beginning Intermediate
Reading (circle one): Beginning Intermediate
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS1 is Caucasian, and his family falls into the According to my Mentor teacher, FS1’s parents are
category of high socioeconomic status. His first recently divorced.
and only language is English.
Health and/or Physical Considerations: Social-emotional Learning Considerations/Social
(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:

How these may influence instruction:

Your SEL goal for this lesson for this specific student:
FS1 gets pulled out for support, special needs
Also gets preferential seating and extra time to finish
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

FS1 also has an IEP due to the fact that he is on the

SEL Goal: Self-Management
Student will be able to monitor and sustain progress
toward goal achievement.
- The student can be given a reminder to place
his papers where they need to go.
- We can begin with an incentive to be more
- If he is organized, he can get a green ticket.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: (TPE 1.1 Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)
FS1 is a very hard-working student and is FS1 is interested in snakes and enjoys science. There
tenacious. He can also be described as resilient, was one year where all he would write about and
as he always tries to please and truly tries his read about was snakes.

Focus Student #2 (FS2) Student with Identified Special Needs (IEP)

Student Name: FS2
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Math (circle one): Beginning Intermediate
Reading (circle one): Beginning Intermediate
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS2 lives with her father, mother, and

grandmother. She seems to have a good
relationship with her parents according to some
of the conversations that we have had. She
speaks about being excited for the weekend and
what she did the weekend prior with her family.
Health and/or Physical Considerations: Social-emotional Learning Considerations/Social
(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:

NA How these may influence instruction:

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Your SEL goal for this lesson for this specific

FS2 seems to have a hard time engaging with
the other children at times. She rarely joins the
class to play a game outside and prefers to sit
out and be on her own. I believe that this is part
of being on the spectrum. FS2 also has trouble
organizing her thoughts and says anything that
she is thinking in the middle of class. I’m sure FS2
can contribute great input during class
discussion if she is prompted to stay on task. SEL
Goal: Relationship Skills
Student will be able to share one’s thoughts and
feelings appropriately. - A journal or goal tracker
- Student check-ins on organization and

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)
FS2 has a lot of great thoughts that are part of
the topic the class is speaking. This means she
has a lot of input to add to discussion. She FS2’s favorite animal is a unicorn, and she enjoys
quickly becomes distracted and off topic so as practicing writing people’s names in her free
it is good to let her share her thoughts, she has time. She also seems to prefer doing things on
to quickly be prompted back on task/topic her own and enjoys doing backward bends at

Focus Student #3 (FS3): Special Circumstances Student

Student Name: FS3
Special Identifications (ELL, GATE, Special Need): Math (circle one): Beginning Intermediate
Academically Struggling Student Reading (circle one): Beginning Intermediate
Linguistic and/or Cultural Background: Family/Home Background:
(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)

FS3 is Caucasian and his only language is He is a twin, and he has a younger sibling.
English. According to his teacher, his mother has a
drinking problem, and his father works a lot. It

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

seems that they may not be given a lot of

attention academically. According to the MT, the
student was homeschooled along with his twin
brother for the 3rd grade. Entering the 4th grade,
they were significantly behind the other students
in the class. The mother reported that when the
FS3 and his brother were being homeschooled
during the Covid crisis, she did not really engage
their learning or provide the necessary support.
Health and/or Physical Considerations: Social-emotional Learning Considerations/Social
(and how these may influence instruction) Development Factors:

NA How these may influence instruction:

Your SEL goal for this lesson for this specific


FS3 seems to be a little upset or angry. One day

they were asked to write how they were feeling
that morning, and his responses were negative
and angry feelings. It seems that this is all an
internal conflict because he is a very kind and
respectful student. SEL Goal: Self-awarenessThe
student will be able to express confidence
(where appropriate) that they can handle both
daily tasks and challenges effectively and
maintain optimism about their future.
- We can keep a little note on his table that
reminds him that he is able.
- I can focus a little more on him and ask him to
share more in class or give.

Assets/Funds of Knowledge: Interests and Aspirations:

(and how these may influence instruction) (and how these may influence instruction)
FS3 seeks to please and he is very social. He
truly does try his best. Due to this, he is very FS3 often plays golf with his twin brother. He is
willing to do something or take on a challenge very social and often seems to be seeking the
when it is given to him. approval of his peers. I have observed significant
improvement since the beginning of the year,
and I can tell that FS3 is working hard to be at the
academic level of his peers.

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Other General Classroom Observations

Assets and Funds of Knowledge found in the classroom (Including general cultural and linguistic
background of students’ home and family) (TPE 1.1)

All the students in the classroom come from an economically affluent family background. Most of
the parents of the children are professionals. They all have English as their first language as well, so
there are no ELL students in the classroom. Most of the classroom is made up of Caucasian
students, with the exception of one student who comes from a middle eastern background.
Although, due to the fact that she was born and raised in the United States, her family has
embraced the American culture and way of life. Nevertheless, this student offers funds of
knowledge because of her cultural background and travel history. This student has encountered
what her culture is and her parents have been intentional to show what hard work looks like in their
country. According to this student’s teacher, her parents have taken my student, along with her
older brothers, to encounter what hard outdoor labor is. Some additional assets of the class are
that they all support one another and enjoy seeing each other succeed. Since the students have
this asset, it is never hard for a student to find someone who is willing to explain or help their peers. I
really like to highlight this asset through pair-share because I know the students are more than
capable of supporting one another throughout the lesson. This is beneficial to both parties that are
asking and giving help. The student who is asking for help will learn that it is appropriate to ask
others when needed and communicate their needs. As for the student giving the help, when they
explain the information their understanding becomes deeper. They are also a class that is very
interactive and likes to constantly communicate with one another, so they often do a wonderful job
at communicating when it is about a specific subject that sparks their interest, such as spiders.
More than likely, the additional needs of the other students are met through collaborating and
working closely with their peers. If this seems to not be successful, the additional adult in the
classroom and I are also around to answer any other questions that the students are not certain

Health considerations or physical development factors (if any)

ADHD (3), Developmental Delay (2), Autism (2), asthma (2), migraine headaches (1).

Social-emotional developmental (SEL) factors that may influence instruction in this academic area
or that could be addressed in this academic area (TPE 2.1)
The students really enjoy sharing what they are doing with their time when they are not at school. I
like to have a time before starting the lesson where I ask them what they are excited about or
looking forward to for the week. The students enjoy hearing from their friends as well. This also helps
me get a better view of what my students like to do outside of school and learn more about them.

Interests and/or aspirations in the class (relevant to this academic area) (TPE 1.3)
The classroom is very motivated by competition with one another. They like to play educational
games on Kahoot together and enjoy when learning is tied with playing games.

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Opportunities to address challenges (such as misunderstandings or misconceptions) related to

the learning objective and lesson (using Growth Mindset Language): This section is the bridge
between the concerns for individual students identified in Section 7 and how this will play out in the
context of the actual classroom setting and the lesson plans you are currently preparing. Based on
the information above, what difficulties may students have with the content? Specify anticipated
difficulties for English language learners, students with special needs, or students with unique
needs. Work to connect your information based on the student’s IEP, behavioral plan, and/or
observations by the teacher and teaching candidate. (TPE 1.4, 1.6, 2.1, 3.5, 4.4)

Throughout the lesson I will need to be repeating the directions multiple times and use visuals such
as holding up the book when I ask them to pull it out. I will also need to model throughout the lesson
what we will be doing and do the work along with them as well. This would also be correlated to
doing something similar to modeled talk. This also means that as we are going through the activity,
my paper will be on the projector for the students to follow along and know where to exactly write
what we are discussing.
I will also use partners and peer support as I see fit if it is needed throughout the lesson. It will be
very important for me to be monitoring the progress and adjust the pace of the lesson based on
how the students are responding to the information. I would be able to speed it up or slow down the
pace in which we are going.

Part 3 – Universal Access Lesson Adaptations

TPE 1.4, 3.5, 3.6, 4.1, 4.4, 4.5, 5.7, 5.8 SSP-ELD
Modifications / Accommodations: What specific modifications/accommodations will be made
based on the anticipated challenges for this set of students for this specific lesson? (TPE 1.4,

1. ELL / SDAIE Strategies: (TPE 1.6, 3.5, 4.4)

What are at least three general SDIAE strategies you will engage?
1. Use manipulatives.
2. Create vocabulary banks to help students understand the math situation.
3. Modify teacher talk and practice wait time to give students enough time to process and
understand the situation.

How will you specifically address each the CA ELD Standards you identified at the beginning of this
lesson plan to ensure your students will master your Learning Outcomes?
• Part 1: The students will be able to listen to the academic language and be able to
communicate with their peers and participate in class discussion.
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Part 2: Students will be able to connect two ideas to one another and compare two fractions to
each other to determine if they are equivalent or not.

2. Differentiation for Special Needs: Tie it to the specific needs of your students. (TPE 3.5, 4.4)
The differentiation that can be applied for the special needs students can be a shortened amount
of math situations with extended time to complete the work. They would also get extra support from
the additional adult in the room. They can also be allowed a break when needed and appropriate
throughout the lesson.

3. Social-emotional Learning Support: (TPE 2.1)

Identify one or more specific SEL competencies that you will focus on for the whole class (Self-
awareness, Self-management, Social awareness, Relationship Skills, Responsible Decision-making):

Specific strategy that you will use to inculcate that competency:

• The specific SEL competency that I will focus on for the entire class in self-management. The
students will have to follow along and make sure that they are on task to fully complete the work
that will be given to them, and actively engage in the classroom discussion.

4. Universal Design for Learning (whole class) Support:

(TPE 1.4, 4.4, 4.7)

Multiple Means of Engagement:

To keep the students engaged, I will make sure that they are all aware of what they should be
doing. If they need help or are confused about something, I will provide help and scaffold with
them. If they feel confused or overwhelmed, I will guide them through trying to explain and
understand which part it is that they are having trouble with. By doing this, students will be more
likely to self-regulate and self-assess their level of understanding with the material.

Multiple Means of Representation:

I will present the students with visuals such as a geoboard that is on their paper. The dots on their
paper will help the students to visualize and identify parallel lines.

Multiple Means of Action and Expression:

The students will be able to express their learning by completing their Lines and Angles activity.
They will be able to express their understanding by pairing words with the definition of the term.
They will also be able to express their learning by articulating where they find angles and lines.

5. Higher Order Thinking Strategies (Bloom’s, Depth of Knowledge, Hess’ Cognitive Matrix, G.A.T.E.
Strategies, Graphic Organizers, etc.). What three levels of Bloom’s will you address in this lesson to
enhance the depth with which your students will engage the lesson objective? At least one of them
must be from one of the top three levels of higher order thinking. (Remember, Understand, Apply,
Analyze, Evaluate, Create) (TPE: 1.4, 4.4)

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Remember: Students will recall what kind of lines we have learned such as parallel lines,
perpendicular and intersecting lines. They will also be recalling the different criteria for each angle
such as obtuse, acute, and right angle.

Apply: The students will be able to apply what they have learned, carry out the math situation, and
solve what each angle degree is.

6. Implementation of Strategies for Enhancing Lessons:

(Please address each of these only if you plan to use them, they are NOT mandatory)

21st Century Skills: Technology: Visual and Performing Arts:

Circle all that are applicable How will technology be How will the students be
and describe how each will be incorporated into the lesson? provided with opportunities to
observed during the lesson (TPE 1.2, 1.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 4.4, 4.8 access the curriculum by
(TPE 1.5, 3.3, 4.7) 4.9, 5.4) incorporating the visual and
performing arts? (TPE 1.4, 1.7, 3.3,
Communication The students will be 3.6, 4.4)
The students will communicate completing an assignment on
their level of understanding to Google Classroom
the class, as well as any independently.
questions that they have about
There will be a time of class
discussion and a time for
Think-Pair-Share. I will be able
to see if the students are
collaborating with one another
during think-pair-share. I will
observe and listen in on some
of the discussions during this
time as I walk around.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking can be
observed during the class
discussion, completion of the
activity. I am aware that not all
the students may participate
in the discussion, so their
critical thinking and knowledge
will be shown in their work.

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Part 4 – Assessment of Student Learning

TPE 1.5,1.8, 4.4, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5
Assessment Criteria for Success: How will the teacher and the student know if each of the specific
objectives identified above have been successfully met?

1. Formative Assessments: At least two formative assessments total, at least one with a rubric
(copy or attach rubric to this template) (TPE 1.8, 2.5, 5.1, 5.5)

Formative Assessment 1:
The first formative assessment will be done through the pairing/matching activity. Students should
be able to identify which words go with what definitions. They will be working collaboratively to
complete this task. I will be observing if there is a particular term that they are struggling with. I will
know how to work with them.
Formative Assessment 2:
The rubric will be listed below, based on the completion of the activity sheet Lines and Angles Work
2. Self-Assessment: How will all students be involved in self-assessment and reflection on their
learning goals and progress? If working in teams, how will they peer-assess each other and the
group? A rubric is required for the students to use in either self-assessment or team assessment
(TPE 1.5, 5.3)
Students will complete the self assessment presented below. They will be reflecting on their own
learning and thinking about what they have learned. They will also be reflecting on something that
they think they need more practice with.

Part 5 – Instructional Procedure

TPE 1.4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3,2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 4.7
1. Instructional Method: (TPE 1.4, 2.1, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 4.7) Circle all that apply–
Direct Instruction Cooperative Learning Collaborative (Inquiry-Based) Learning

2. Prior Teaching, Prior Student Knowledge from Assessments or Student Funds of Knowledge:
Students have been working on learning the different kinds of angles for over a week now. The
students have prior knowledge about how to use a protractor, and identify key characteristics about
a right, acute, and obtuse angle. Based on prior assessments, the students know how to explain their

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

thinking and articulate how they identified an angle.

3. Resources / Materials: What texts, digital resources and materials will be used in this lesson?
chrome books
Lines & Angles Work Sample Activity
Matching cards with vocabulary terms and definitions

4. Procedure: Provide a detailed procedure that includes estimated times and intended questions.

Lesson Explanation: How will the lesson objectives be explained to the students? How will you
communicate how it relates to prior learning? How will you communicate your expectations for
learning and behavior? How will you establish a positive and safe learning environment? (TPE 2.2, 2.3,
2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

Open –
Anticipatory Set: For engaging in initial problem solving and recruiting interest
The students will be watching a Youtube video that speaks/sings about angles. It will be a quick
review, while also teaching them that angles are everywhere.

Body –
The Seven Step Lesson Plan would suggest these stages: Teach and/or Model, Check for
Understanding, Guided Practice, Independent Practice (TPE 1.8)

- The students will first log onto Google Classroom to complete the first activity. This activity will
serve as a review for the students. It consists of the students matching the pictures with the
term that correlates to it. This will serve as a short review to lead into the lesson.
- Students will then work on the activity called Lines & Angles Work Sample ,
- I will guide the students in this activity to begin by reading the instructions and making
sure that the students understand what is being asked of them.
- After I read through the instructions with them, I will let them work on this activity
independently. Throughout this time, I will be circulating the room to monitor the
learning and addressing any questions.
- I will be monitoring how much time they will have for this activity. I am planning to have
somewhere around 15 minutes for this activity. I will adjust the activities and time frame as I
see fit. Once students are done, they will submit their paper to a basket in the back of the
- Next, students will be given a term and a definition. Students will work together to pair these
terms along with the definition, and lastly pair it to the picture that is on the board once they
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

are done. This will be presented to them through cards.

- Students will have to work together as a team to complete this activity.
- Once students have completed the activity, have them gather the material back together and
sit at their seat.
Close –

Next Steps: How will next steps be communicated to the students about continuing to learn this topic
after the lesson?

The students will then complete their self reflection as an exit ticket. They will write down their
concerns or things they will like to work on. I will then have them turn in their sheet of paper to me. I
will remind them that we will continue to work on measuring angles and identifying angles in variety
forms. The next step will be to begin naming angles and polygons.

Part 6 – Reflection
TPE 3.4, 6.1, 6.5
After presenting the lesson in the classroom, review and reflect on student work related to the lesson
1. Include rubric data here:
Most of my students had a difficult time completing the activity that was given to them. They had no
problem measuring a single angle, but when multiple angles were presented to them in a different
figure they had a hard time figuring out how to measure. This activity was meant to be an
independent activity, but I quickly saw that my guidance was needed throughout the activity heavily.

2. Student achievement of the lesson objective according to the data analysis:

a. Explain areas of successful achievement –
I think that my students did a great job at taking on the challenge that came with receiving a new
math situation that they have never seen before. They also worked through everything else that was
asked from them very diligently. They all completed the activity in the beginning of the lesson
appropriately and followed directions well. I found myself having to constantly adapt my instruction
to meet the needs of the other students.

b. Explain areas of unsuccessful achievement; and why each specific student was unsuccessful –
The areas where students needed more help, I would not call unsuccessful. The students are still
getting the hang of measuring. I think it was a good challenge for the students to practice measuring
angles in a different way. I saw that the students felt very confident and bored even when measuring,
so this challenge was done at the right time.

3. How did learning deeply about your students’ assets and learning needs:
a. inform and/or shape your lesson plan for the whole class?
Learning about their assets and needs, I was able to clearly identify that this particular class of
students needed some more support. Therefore, I knew that I would have to be ready to adapt or
change my lesson plan according to their needs.
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

b. support student access to and engagement with the content?

I supported their engagement with the content by making an in the moment decision to pair the
students with another student who is able to help them. I also continued to support them throughout
the entire lesson as I saw fit. There was also a moment where I decided to pair two students who were
confused so I could explain to them at the same time.

4. Think about your teaching practice during the learning segment and what you learned from your
analysis of multiple types of assessment about your students’ understanding of content and/or ELD
learning goal(s).

a. What was most effective about your teaching or assessment in helping students achieve the
content and/or ELD learning goal(s) of the segment?
I think it was really good that I had my students reflect on what they need more practice with after
the activity. It only had to be a small sentence or phrase that they realized they needed more help

b. b. What was less effective about your teaching or assessment? What do you want to set as an area
for growth to increase your effectiveness as a teacher? Explain why you have chosen this
professional learning goal.
I think what was less effective about my teaching was that I may have overestimated what my
students were ready for. It was clear once they started the activity that they needed a lot more
guidance than anticipated.

5. What instructional strategies were used to help students achieve the lesson objective? Which
subject-specific pedagogical skills were used to help students be successful? (reference TPE SSP 1-7
Part 2: Subject-Specific Pedagogy)
The instructional strategy that was used to help students be successful was modeled talk. I did a lot
of modeling for the math situations that I expected my students to be able to do.

a. Was your lesson plan sufficiently flexible to support all students’ learning, or did you need to
incorporate specific instructional, in-the-moment adaptations for particular students? Why or why
I do think that my lesson plan was plenty flexible to support all the learning needs of my students. I
did my best to adapt the instruction and support the students that needed it the most.

b. Did your instructional approach support learning for the whole class and for each of your focus
students to achieve the content-specific learning goal(s)?

I do think that my instructional approach did this. My class is split up into a different group, so I
was teaching the at level group. This grouping helped me navigate the lesson and needs with
more ease.
6. According to the data analysis, what changes could be made to the lesson and why? Please use

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

specific examples from your student samples or note other specific evidence.
I think I would go over the last math situation in more depth before setting them off to work on it
on their own. It was a math situation that they have never seen before so I could have supported
them more to begin with.

If you were to develop and teach this lesson again, what would you do the same or differently to
improve deep learning of content and academic language for the whole class of students and
As I had stated above, I would slowly introduce and have the students look at the figure on the
last math situation to get acclimated to it.

7. What should be done next to teach the students who were not successful in grasping the lesson?
Explain what you would do next to advance the learning of the whole class of students. How could
it be re-taught if given the opportunity?
I would want to review and reteach the last part of the activity. I would also want to have the students
practice on viewing and finding angles in different figures and forms. I think that was what they
had a hard time doing, was figuring the different forms.

a. Do you need to reteach any part of the lesson? Explain why or why not.
I think it would be useful for the children to revisit this skill. They know and understand how to
measure, what we need to work on is understanding how there can be multiple angels in one

b. Based on what the whole class of students learned about the content you were teaching, what
will you teach next?
In the next lesson we will be finishing up lines and measuring. The students will have a little more
time to practice before we move on into the next chapter.

8. Personal Reflection: What did you learn about yourself as a teacher, and how you want to teach in
the future?
What I learned about this specific lesson was that your plan can completely change once you start
the lesson. You may think that your students can handle the challenge and take it head on, but in
reality they struggle and you need to adapt your instruction. It was interesting to see how I was able
to constantly see how the students were doing and examine how to support them. I don’t think that it
was a bad lesson because it allowed me to practice the skill of quickly adapting.

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Self - Assessment

1. What is something that we can find angles or lines in? (Ex: train tracks →
parallel lines)


2. What is something that you feel comfortable enough to teach someone

else? (Ex: how to identify angles)


3. Is there something that you don’t fully understand yet? What do you need
more practice with?


1. What is something that we can find angles or lines in? (Ex: train tracks →
parallel lines)


2. What is something that you feel comfortable enough to teach someone

else? (ex: how to identify angles)


55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

3. Is there something that you don’t fully understand yet? What do you need
more practice with?


self assessment rubric

1 2 3

Full Sentence Student answered the Student used a bullet The student used a
question with one point or a fragment of complete sentence in
word. a sentence to answer. their response.

Punctuation/Grammar The student rushed There are some There are no spelling or
and did not check their spelling errors, but it is grammar errors found
spelling. still understandable. in the sentences.

Questions The student fully The student fully The student fully
answered only one of answered only two of answered all three of
the questions on the the questions on the the questions on the
self-assessment. self-assessment. self-assessment.

TOTAL: _______/9____

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Formative Assessment

Excellent (4) Satisfactory (3) Poor (2) Total

Completeness The student did The student did The student did a
an excellent job an adequate job poor job at
at completing at completing completing math
math situations 1, math situations 1 situations 1 and
2, and 3. Some and two. There two. There are
parts were left are one to two three to four
empty. spaces left empty. spaces left empty
on the worksheet.

Accuracy The student did a The student did a The student got
great job at good job at more than three
working through working through of the answers
the math the math wrong on the
situations and situations. The worksheet.
finding all the student only got
correct answers. 1-2 of the
answers incorrect.

Showing the Work I can clearly see It is a little unclear The student
and follow the as to how the shows little to no
thought process student got the work that
and work that the answer that they displays how the
student did to get did. Very few student got to the
the answer that equations are answer that they
they did. shown, and the got.
work is hard to
follow in some

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template


Part 7 – Student Samples

Make copies or take clear pictures of student work for each level (ELL, and special needs students,
and special circumstance students). Write comments on the copies. Include scores according to the
formative assessment rubric categories. Also include information about how and what was
communicated to the students regarding their work.

attached as a file

Graduate Education Lesson Plan Rubric

Not Yet! Beginning Emerging Proficient Highly Proficient Total
11.9 and below 12-13.9 14-15.9 16-17.9 18-20
Part 1: Does not yet align More work is Some alignment of Proficient alignment Strong alignment of
standards and needed to align standards and of standards and standards and
Goals and
objective and/or standards and objective with objective with basic objective with clear,
Standards does not yet provide objective and/or limited rationale and rationale and robust rationale and
clear rationale and does not yet essential questions. essential questions. essential questions.
essential questions. provide clear
rationale and
Part 2: Does not yet Demographic Provides somewhat Provides proficient Provides strong
provide profile and helpful demographic demographic profile demographic profile
demographic profile adaptations that profile and and adaptations, with and adaptations, with
graphic and adaptations facilitate adaptations, but with clear significance for insightful significance
Profile and that facilitate diversified unclear significance diversified learning for diversified learning
Lesson diversified learning learning or engage for diversified and integrates 21st and integrates 21st
or engage 21st 21st Century learning and only Century Learning, the Century Learning, the
55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Adaptations Century Learning, Learning, the Arts, preliminarily Arts, and/or Arts, and/or
the Arts, and/or and/or technology. integrates 21st technology. technology.
for specific
technology. Century Learning, the
students Arts, and/or

Part 3: Does not yet include Minimal multiple Some integration of Proficient Strong demonstration
multiple means of means of multiple means of demonstration of of multiple means of
instruction that are instruction that instruction, but multiple means of instruction that are
Design for likely to provide are likely to unclear about instruction that are likely to provide
Learning engaging Universal provide engaging providing engaging likely to provide engaging Universal
Access for most Universal Access Universal Access for engaging Universal Access for all learners.
learners. for most learners. most learners. Access for most

Part 4: Does not yet Minimal formative Provides some Provides proficient Provides strong
provide formative assessments and formative formative formative assessments
assessments and rubric that will assessments and assessments and and purposeful rubric
Plan rubric that will enable meaningful rubric, but unclear purposeful rubric that will clearly enable
enable meaningful assessment for how they will enable that will enable some meaningful
assessment for most most students. meaningful meaningful assessment for every
students. Does not Does not yet assessment for most assessment for every student. Provides
yet provide for provide for students. Provides student. Provides strong student self-
meaningful student meaningful some ideas for proficient plan for assessment plan that
self-assessment. student self- meaningful student student self- will empower students
assessment. self-assessment, but assessment that will to critically reflect on
not yet fully likely empower their learning and gain
developed students to reflect on meaningful insights
their learning and
gain some insights
Part 5: Does not yet Provides minimal Provides a self- Provides a well- Provides a strong,
provide a well self-assessment or assessment or peer- developed self- well-developed self-
Peer and
thought out plan for peer-assessment assessment for assessment or peer- assessment or peer-
Student self- or peer- for students that is students that has a assessment for assessment for
Self- assessment not likely to chance of supporting students that is likely students that is highly
Assessment support some metacognitive to support likely to support
metacognitive reflection and metacognitive significant
reflection and learning. reflection and metacognitive
learning. learning. reflection and
59.9 and below 60-69.9 70-79.9 80-89.9 90-100

Part 6: Failed to create Developed Developed Developed strong, Developed extremely

meaningful plans minimally adequately realistic, realistic, and well strong, realistic, and
thought-out plans and well thought out thought out plans well thought out plans
al without potential plans with potential with potential to with potential to
Procedure to create a well- to create a, well- create a thriving, create a thriving, well-
structured structured classroom well- structured structured classroom
classroom where students classroom where where students
might understand the students understand understand the
boundaries the boundaries and boundaries and can
can work well within work well within them.
Point Chart: Final
180-200 A Score
160-179 B :
140-159 C
120-139 D
119 and
below: Not

All Components Lesson Plan Rubric

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22
Standards-Aligned Graduate Education Lesson Plan Template

Not Yet! Beginning Emerging Proficient Highly Proficient Total

7.4 and below 7.5-8.74 8.75-9.9 10-11.24 11.25-12.5
Student Failure to include Submission of two Submission of Submission of five Submission of five
student samples to three samples three to five samples representing samples
on a meaningful little diversity in samples some ample diversity in representing a wide
Sample level abilities and needs diversity in abilities and needs range of diverse
Submission and/or lacking abilities and needs with strong, useful abilities and needs
appropriate with appropriate comments and grades with excellent,
comments and comments and clarifying comments
grades grades and grades

The LOP was submitted to Canvas in a timely manner and in readable form.
n Protocol (If an LOP is not turned in, this assignment will not be graded and will result in the loss of all points for this
(LOP) assignment and may affect being allowed to go on to the next stage of the Grad Ed Program).
14.9 and 15-17.4 17.5-19.9 20-22.4 22.5-25
Teaching Failed to reflect on Minimal reflection Adequate Strong reflection on Superb reflection on
the lesson in a on lesson and reflection on lesson and specific lesson and specific
pedagogically specific lesson and specific assessments showing assessments
Reflection meaningful way assessments assessments good analysis into the showing robust
on Lesson showing poor showing some strengths and analysis into the
analysis into the analysis into the weaknesses of the strengths and
strengths and strengths and instructional method weaknesses of the
weaknesses of the weaknesses of the and process, instructional
instructional instructional adaptations, and levels method and
method and method and of inclusion and process,
process, process, engagement for both adaptations, and
adaptations, and adaptations, and the whole class and levels of inclusion
levels of inclusion levels of inclusion individual needs with and engagement for
and engagement and engagement sound consideration of both the whole class
for both the whole for both the whole next steps and individual
class and class and needs with excellent
individual needs individual needs consideration of
with inadequate with satisfactory next steps
consideration of consideration of
next steps next steps
Point Chart: Final Score:
45-50 A
40-44.5 B
35-39.9 C
30-34.5 D
29 and
below: NOT

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • vanguard.eduGraduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/06/22

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