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Submitted by: Abdullah Khan
History of Remote Sensing

Remote sensing deals with the art and science of observing and measuring items on the Earth’s
surface from a distance. By this definition remote sensing encompasses the field of aerial
photography. The history of remote sensing is began with the invention of photography the
“photograph is derived from two Greek words “Photo” mean “light” and “Graphing” mean
“writing”. The history of Remote Sensing is started the invention of camera. The term, “remote
sensing,” was first introduced in 1960 by Evelyn L. Pruitt of the U.S. Office of Naval Research.
However, the first aerial photograph was taken in 1858, 162 years before the term “remote
sensing” came into existence.

In 1038 AD Al Hazen an Arabian Mathematician explained the principle of camera obscure to

observe sun eclipse. In 1550 Cardano First put optic on camera obscure for creating more quality
image. In 1666 Sir Isaac Newton while experimenting with prism found that the light could
disperse into a spectrum of red, orange, yellow, green, blue indigo and violet. Unitizing a second
prism he found that the light could recombine the color into white light.

In 1858 first Aerial Photograph was taken from a balloons suspend several hundred feet over
the Bievre Valley by French Photographer and balloonist Gaspard-Felix known as “NADAR”.
However, the results of his initial work were apparently destroyed. In 1859, he contacted the
French Military with respect to taking “military photos” for the French Army’s campaign in Italy
and preparing maps from aerial photographs. NADAR continued his various endeavors to
improve and promote aerial photography. In 1868 he ascended several hundred feet in a tethered
balloon to take oblique photographs of Paris.
In 1860’s Aerial Observation and possible photography for military purposes were acquired
from civil war. In 1887 Germans began experiments with aerial photography and
photogrammetric techniques for measuring features and area in forest.

In 1880s M.Arthur Batut took the first aerial photographs using a kite. It was taken over
Labruguiere, France. The camera, attached directly to the kite, had an altimeter that encoded the
exposure altitude on the film allowing scaling of the image.
In 1903, Julius Neubranner, photography enthusiast, designed and patented a breast-mounted
aerial camera for carrier pigeons. The birds were introduced at the 1909 Dresden International
Photographic Exhibition.

In 1903 by the Wright Brothers ‘first successful flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft. Another
type of aerial platform was available.
In 1914 World War I provided a boost in use of aerial photography. In 1934 photogrammetric
Engineering first Published in U.S.A. In 1936 Albert W.Stevens takes the first Photograph of
actual curvature of earth taken from a free balloon at altitude of 72000 feet.

In 1940 World War II brought about tremendous growth and recognition to the field of aerial
photography that continues to this day. In late 1942 the British Secret Intelligence Service was
informed about a new rocket being developed at Peenemunde. An aerial photoreconnaissance
plane was sent on June 23, 1943 and obtained the first photo of the V-2 rocket.

During the 1950’s, aerial photography continued to evolve from work started during World War
II and the Korean War. Color-infrared became important in identifying different vegetation types
and detecting diseased and damaged vegetation.

In 1954 Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson at Lockheed’s “Skunk Works” in Burbank, CA built the U-2
for the CIA, under the code-name AQUATONE.

U-2 landing.
In 1960 TIROS-I launched as first meteors logical satellite. In 1964 Nimbus weather satellite
program begins with the launch of Nimbus-I.

In 1972 Launch of ERTS-I (Earth Resource Technology Satellite) later rename Landsat-I.
In 1975 Landsat-II Launched.
In 1978 Landset-III Launched.
In 1982 Landset-IV Launched.
In 1984 SIR-B Launched. In 1984 Landset-V Launched .
In 1986 SPOT-I Lunched.
In 1990 SPOT-II Lunched.
In1993 SPOT-III Launched.

In 1995 India Launch IRS (Indian Remote Sensing)

In 2004 China Satellite Roc-Sar-2

In 2011 Pakistan Launched Satellite named Bader-B, Bader-2

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