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Sam Houston State University

Genetic Engineering
Final Exam Project

Nicole Douglas

Electronic Communications Technology- BUAD 1305

Prof. Nicole Garrison

ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas

Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering began with a single pea. In 1865, Gregor Mendel studied the

coloration of pea plants passing through several generations. By tracking the phenotype of the

seeds, he was able to develop a set of rules that would help determine the outcome of future

phenotypes through generations. While he did not know of genes at the time, his research ended

up being the foundation of genetics. It wasn’twas not until 1910 that genes were discovered to

carry the traits of an organism. T.H Morgan studied the genes of fruit flies to determine how

these traits pass from one generation to the next.

DNA plays an integral part in genetics. The process of cell division allows information

stored in genes, to transfer into new cells throughout the organism. . Amino acids, contained in

the DNA, create enzymes that determine the function of a cell. This discovery led to the first

genetic engineering in 1972 by Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen. Their studies led to the

creation of insulin used by diabetics all over the world.

By 1981, scientists were able to use mice to track genes that play a role in causing certain

illnesses. Genes are the determining factor for how an organism looks and acts. Altering the

smallest thing can have a drastic effect on an organism’s make up. These alterations can be made

by making minute changes to an organism’s natural genes or by adding genes from a different

organism. This is made easier through a process called gene sequencing which allows geneticists

to determine the exact arrangement of segments of DNA or RNA. This simplified the ability to

alter traits by adding or removing desired sequences.

Over time, genetic engineering became wildly used in the food industry. Scientists were

able to determine what genes would produce a higher yield and a more desirable product. These

products first hit the shelf in the 1990s. It wasn’twas not long until scientists had a complete

ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas

catalog of the human genome. With this knowledge, they are able tocan identify genes that cause

illnesses such as cancer, and the most effective treatment.

In Favor

Genetic engineering is the fast process of selective breeding. To get specific traits in an

organism, you would breed them with other organisms that have the desired trait. This is what is

known as selective breeding. Biotechnology has improved this process in the laboratory, making

it easier to develop the desired traits and track the individual genes.

Genetic engineering and modification are most commonly seen in grocery stores. Over time

scientists were able to develop food products that would last longer in an attempt to slow food

shortages. For example, in 2015, the Innate Russet Potato and the Arctic apple hit the shelves.

Both are genetically modified. The arctic apple no longer turns brown due to geneticists turning

off the gene that produces the protein that turns the apple brown. The Innate Russet Potato resists

bruising due genetic modification. These are just a couple examples of the vast number of GMO

foods that have been created.

Acreage of Genetically Modified Crops

Acreage (million hectares)

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ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas

Acreage of Genetically Modified Crops Worldwide from 2003 to 2019

Year Acreage (million hectares) Average Annual Growth Rate
2003 67.7  
2004 81 20%
2005 90 11%
2006 102 13%
2007 114.3 12%
2008 125 9%
2009 134 7%
2010 148 10%
2011 160 8%
2012 170.3 6%
2013 175.2 3%
2014 181.5 4%
2015 179.7 -1%
2016 185.1 3%
2017 189.8 3%
2018 191.7 1%
2019 190.4 -1%

Total Average Annual Growth Rate


A huge benefit to genetic engineering is a product that is easier to make and cheaper to

produce. Crops and produce are not the only thing scientists have worked on. Due to food

shortages, scientists have moved toward improving the yield of livestock. This started with the

cloning of a sheep named Dolly in 1996. This process is done by taking the DNA from an animal

with the desired traits and inserting it into the embryo of the female from the same species. The

offspring will be an exact replica of the source animal.

Producing better livestock was not the only intention of genetically engineering animals. It is

also used as an effort to save endangered species. Utilizing the DNA of an endangered species

and placing it in the egg cell of a similar species resulted in a clone of the endangered species.

ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas

This was done with the africanAfrican wildcat and a common house cat. The first cloned mating

pair produced an offspring of their own in 2005. This is only one-way scientists are utilizing

genetic engineering to help endangered species. Another way is known as facilitated adaptation.

This is like what is done in crops. Genes carrying desirable traits are extracted and placed into

the animals in need of them. For example, as the temperatures rise all acrossacross the world

many species are struggling in their natural habitat. Using facilitated adaptation allows these

animals to better adapt to the altering temperatures.

Biofuels such as Ethanol and Biodiesel are also results of genetic engineering. This is done

by utilizing genes in bacteria or algae to get plants to produce more energy. Over time, the price

to produce these will continue to go down.


Genetically modified organisms are very controversial. Concerns of cloned animals or

altered crops being more prone to disease has been at an all-time high in recent years. At the rate

technology is growing, fears of cloning humans are leering in the back of people’s minds. Fear of

the unknown can drive people tremendously. Not knowing what health issues could be caused by

genetically altering food that goes into your body is a cause for concern. Compared to many

other scientific revolutions, there are not as many studies on the effects GMOs have on us.

While testing is done and GMOs are labelled, the source the DNA came from is not made

known on each individual product. This could lead to adverse reactions to someone who is

allergic to the source DNA.

The ability to alter organisms doesn’tdoes not stop at positive possibilities. All intelligent

people are not always good people. Someone with the ability to modify genes could easily

weaponize it. Just like with creating medicine using DNA from the virus/bacteria to fight itself

ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas

off, could that same bacterium not be amplified? These concerns are seen more now due to the

recent COVID-19 pandemic. With conspiracies of the coronavirus being manmademanufactured,

it is at least possible. . This was seen in 2010 when a living bacterium was made in a lab with

the ability to reproduce. While this process took fifteen years, it was done with the hope of one

day being capable of transmitting DNA sequences over the internet. There would be limitless

possibilities, not all of which would be beneficial.


Over the years, science and technology have grown tremendously and will continue to

grow over time. Utilizing genetic engineering and modification has changed the way we live our

lives and has provided a different outlook at the future. Whether it’sit is lack of hunger,

developing new cures, or being taken over by clones, the possibilities are endless. Researching

extensively has allowed me to discover concerns that I had never recognized and developed a

stronger hope for the future in biotechnology.

ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas

Works Cited

ISAACSON, WALTER. Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the
Human Race. SIMON & SCHUSTER, 2022.

“Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.” Weltagrarbericht,


Shahbandeh, M. “Global Acreage of Genetically Modified Crops 2019.” Statista, 14 Jan. 2022,

ENGL 1305 Nicole Douglas



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