Health Lesson 1

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Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Multiple Subject
Graduate Program in Education

Subject(s): Health - Food Groups Grade: Kindergarten

Teacher(s): Hannah Darrow Lesson Time Allotment: 1 hr ___

Date: 12/7/21

TPE Target Skills:

1.Apply knowledge of students, including their prior experiences, interests, and social- emotional learning needs,
as well as their funds of knowledge and cultural, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds, to engage them in
2.Connect subject matter to real-life contexts and provide active learning experiences to engage student interest,
support student motivation, and allow students to extend their learning.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of subject matter, including the adopted California State Standards and curriculum

Part I – Goals and Standards

TPE 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.2, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
1. CA State Standards (TPE: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.4)
Math, ELA (or the other subjects when they are related to ELA)

1.1.N Name a variety of healthy foods and explain why they are necessary for good health.

1.2.N Identify a variety of healthy snacks.

2. ELD Standard Addressed: All Content Areas (TPE 1.1, 1.6, 3.5, 4.4)
Part 1: Interacting in Meaningful Ways: A. Collaborative, B. Interpretive, C. Productive

Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts.

Part 2: Learning How English Works: A. Structuring Cohesive Texts, B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas,
C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas

Using nouns and noun phrases 

3. Learning Objective: What will students have mastered in terms of knowledge and/or skill as a result of this
lesson? (TPE 2.2, 2.6, 3.2)

At the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify the five main food groups and will be able to give
examples of foods in each.

Student-Friendly Translation: (Write this out as if you were explaining the objective of the lesson to your
students in their language: “Today, we are going to master the concept of…by creating…”)

Today, we are going to be learning about healthy foods and food groups!

55 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 • Graduate Education / Academic / Handbook – BH 01/13/21
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

4. Relevance/Rationale: Based on what is best to teach from prior lessons and formative assessments with
your students, why is this the right lesson for your students to learn right now in your class? OR Why are your
learning objectives essential for future learning? OR Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real
world? (TPE 1.3, 2.6, 3.2)

This lesson directly correlates with students making healthy choices while eating. Although students still rely on
their parents for food, they can take the information they learned about balanced eating and remind their parents
of healthy choices.
Student-Friendly Translation:

It’s important to learn about healthy choices so our bodies get what it needs.

5. Essential Questions: (TPE 1.5)

1. What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods?

2. What are the five main food groups?
3. Why do our bodies need each food group to be healthy?

6. Academic Vocabulary: (TPE 1.4, 1.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5)


Universal Design for Learning (whole class) Support:

(TPE 1.4, 4.4, 4.7)

• Multiple Means of Engagement:

Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation: Students will be learning about how to make healthy
choices for their own bodies. These activities will immediately prompt students to correlate their own eating habits
with that of the “ideal” chart.

Develop self-assessment and reflection: Students will be engaging in self-assessment by creating their own meals
that include their favorite healthy foods. This assessment will give students the main food groups and
recommended portions. It is the job of the student to decide, after learning about healthy foods, what they would
choose to eat.

• Multiple Means of Representation:

Highlight patterns, critical features, big ideas, and relationships: This lesson uses the MyPlate graphic organizer
for students to make connections between food groups and food. It also helps them see recommended portion
sizes. I will be using plenty of examples of foods to reinforce these ideas. I will also have the students utilize their
prior knowledge.

Clarify vocabulary and symbols: Some of the vocabulary will be foreign to some students because of their
complexity. For example: protein, grains, and dairy. I will help them make connections to these ideas by explaining
what foods are in these groups. We will also be talking about why these groups are meaningful, which can help
with reinforcement of knowledge.

• Multiple Means of Action and Expression:

Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

Use multiple media for communication: I will be showing the students a read aloud of an engaging story, doing a
whole-class activity with a graphic organizer and visuals, and will ask the students to draw a healthy meal

Guide appropriate goal-setting: I will be modeling how to complete each activity for the students before they are
asked to try on their own.

Higher Order Thinking Strategies (Bloom’s, Depth of Knowledge, Hess’ Cognitive Matrix, G.A.T.E. Strategies,
Graphic Organizers, etc.). What three levels of Bloom’s will you address in this lesson to enhance the depth with
which your students will engage the lesson objective? At least of of them must be from one of the top three levels
of higher order thinking. (Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create) (TPE: 1.4, 4.4)

Understand: Students will have to classify foods into each food group using a graphic organizer.
Analyze: Students will be asked to differentiate between a healthy food and an unhealthy food. The assessment
will ask them to draw/try to spell out both.
Create: Students will have to create their own balanced, healthy meal using a MyPlate model. They will be asked
to show a food for each food group. (Drawing and trying to spell out)

Part IV – Assessment of Student Learning

TPE 1.5,1.8, 4.4, 5.1, 5.3, 5.5
11. Assessment Criteria for Success: How will the teacher and the student know if each of the specific
objectives identified above have been successfully met?

Formative Assessments: At least two formative assessments total, at least one with a rubric (copy or attach
rubric to this template) (TPE 1.8, 2.5, 5.1, 5.5)
Formative Assessment 1: Throughout the lesson, the teacher will ask the students to give a thumbs up or down if
they agree with a statement made. These statements will test their knowledge on how to classify foods into each
food group.

Formative Assessment 2: I will give each student a worksheet to fill out that shows the MyPlate graphic
organizer. The student will be asked to draw/spell out foods for each group. This assessment will show their
understanding of what the food groups are and proper classification of the foods.

Self-Assessment: How will all students be involved in self-assessment and reflection on their learning goals and
progress? If working in teams, how will they peer-assess each other and the group? A rubric is required for the
students to use in either self-assessment or team assessment (TPE 1.5, 5.3)

Students will be checked in on throughout the lesson to check for understanding.

Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

Part V – Instructional Procedure

TPE 1.4, 1.8, 2.1, 2.3,2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 4.7
12. Instructional Method: (TPE 1.4, 2.1, 3.5, 3.6, 4.4, 4.7) Circle all that apply–
Direct Instruction Cooperative Learning Collaborative (Inquiry-Based) Learning

13. Prior Teaching, Prior Student Knowledge from Assessments or Student Funds of Knowledge:

All students have had experiences with different foods. Many students already know, even at a young
age, about the difference between unhealthy/healthy foods.

14. Resources / Materials: What texts, digital resources and materials will be used in this lesson?

1. “Jack and the Hungry Giant” book read-aloud video

2. Poster paper with MyPlate organizer drawn
3. Cutouts of foods
4. Tape
5. MyPlate Worksheets
6. Crayons/Markers
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

15. Procedure: Provide a detailed procedure that includes estimated times and intended questions.

Lesson Explanation: How will the lesson objectives be explained to the students? How will you communicate
how it relates to prior learning? How will you communicate your expectations for learning and behavior? How will
you establish a positive and safe learning environment? (TPE 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

Open –
Anticipatory Set: For engaging in initial problem solving and recruiting interest

Introduction 10 minutes- Who can tell me an example of a healthy food? What’s the difference
between a healthy food and an unhealthy food? What’s an example of an unhealthy food? Today we
are going to be talking about how to eat all the healthy foods our body needs. When we eat, what do
we put our food on? Plate!

If we want to eat a healthy meal with allll the foods our body needs, we need to make sure we know
about our food groups!

(Show the plate drawing) Here, we have an example of what our plates should look like. It should
include fruits here, vegetables here, grains here, and proteins there! Grains and proteins are pretty
fancy words, so I will explain those soon. We are going to watch someone read a story about these
food groups and healthy eating!

Body –
The Seven Step Lesson Plan would suggest these stages: Teach and/or Model, Check for Understanding,
Guided Practice, Independent Practice (TPE 1.8)

Video and Questions 10 minutes- Video of Read-Aloud “Jack and the Hungry Giant”
What did you notice in the story?
Ask more higher-order thinking questions
Sorting 15 minutes -
Today, I’m going to need your help sorting these foods into the different sections of the plate. Let’s
start with a grain and protein so I can explain what they are. DAIRY
Ask students for help. Write words, sound out.
If students understand, ask for volunteers. Continue to write words, sound out.
So, when we eat a meal, it is best if we have one item from each of these sections! This plate shows
us how much is best to eat for each meal.
Health Benefits of Foods Groups 5 minutes - Move students, explain benefits of each food group.
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

Close –

Next Steps: How will next steps be communicated to the students about continuing to learn this topic after the

Model Assessment 10 minutes - Move students back to rug, document camera w worksheet,
model worksheet.
Ask students to pass out papers.

Assessment 15 minutes-
When done, draw an example of an unhealthy food on the back.

Wrap up 5 minutes - What did you learn? Did anything surprise you?

Part VI – Reflection
TPE 3.4, 6.1, 6.5
After presenting the lesson in the classroom, review and reflect on student work related to the lesson
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

1. Include rubric data here:


Engagement: 3
Drawings/Words: 3
Understanding: 3

2. Student achievement of the lesson objective according to the data analysis:

a. Explain areas of successful achievement –

The students were highly engaged in the lesson and demonstrated excellent participation. 90% of the students
were able to identify a food example for each of the five food groups. Many students attempted to even spell out
the food words. More students scored a perfect score than any other lesson I have taught.

b. Explain areas of unsuccessful achievement; and why each specific student was unsuccessful –

Some of the students had a hard time remembering specific food examples for different food groups. They
struggled with memory of the story and whole-class activity.

How did learning deeply about your students’ assets and learning needs:
a. inform and/or shape your lesson plan for the whole class?

I knew that this group of students loved whole-class discussion times and benefited greatly from it. Students
learned best when they were apart of the lesson even before independent instruction time. Therefore, I
incorporated both into my lesson.

b. support student access to and engagement with the content?

I asked students about their own personal experiences with different foods/their previous knowledge of food
groups. I knew that all students had experiences with food and would want to share this with the class. I believed
that this would prompt them to engage with the content of the lesson.

Think about your teaching practice during the learning segment and what you learned from your analysis of
multiple types of assessment about your students’ understanding of content and/or ELD learning goal(s).

a. What was most effective about your teaching or assessment in helping students achieve the content and/or
ELD learning goal(s) of the segment?

I believe I had excellent communication with the students during this lesson. I believe I spoke clearly and the
students retained the information well (did a follow up with students a week later).

b. What was less effective about your teaching or assessment? What do you want to set as an area for growth
to increase your effectiveness as a teacher? Explain why you have chosen this professional learning goal.

I believe I needed to be more upbeat during the lesson and engaged with the content myself. I know that
students will react to the lesson differently depending on my tone and presence. I have heard that I need to be
more aware of this by my master teacher. In future lessons, I will keep this in mind.
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject
3. What instructional strategies were used to help students achieve the lesson objective? Which subject-specific
pedagogical skills were used to help students be successful? (reference TPE SSP 1-7 Part 2: Subject-Specific

I used modeling when showing the students where specific foods would be placed on the MyPlate diagram.

I incorporated visuals (story, diagram with pictures).

A story was read aloud to the students via a Youtube video (auditory).

I used a graphic organizer to explain the five main food groups.

a. Was your lesson plan sufficiently flexible to support all students’ learning, or did you need to incorporate
specific instructional, in-the-moment adaptations for particular students? Why or why not?

My lesson plan was sufficiently flexible in regards to supporting all students’ learning. Many students did not need
extra assistance when they were at independent work time. I did give one-on-one’s to some students, and found
time for this, though.

b. Did your instructional approach support learning for the whole class and for each of your focus students to
achieve the content-specific learning goal(s)?

I believe my instructional approaches provided each student with an opportunity to achieve the content-specific
learning goals. I made sure to appeal to visual and auditory learners, as well as students that benefit from graphic
organizers and modeling (like the ELL’s in this classroom).

4. According to the data analysis, what changes could be made to the lesson and why? Please use specific
examples from your student samples or note other specific evidence.

I do not believe there would need to be major changes to my lesson. The part of the lesson that I may spend
more time on is the specific foods in each group. I would possibly give another mini activity to the class that
emphasized examples of food in each group (besides the graphic organizer route).

If you were to develop and teach this lesson again, what would you do the same or differently to improve deep
learning of content and academic language for the whole class of students and why?

Like mentioned above, I would incorporate another activity besides the graphic organizer that allowed students
to see examples of foods in each group presented in different ways. I believe this would have helped students
with retention. Therefore, making it easier for them to recall various food examples during independent work

5. What should be done next to teach the students who were not successful in grasping the lesson? Explain what
you would do next to advance the learning of the whole class of students. How could it be re-taught if given the

I would revisit the graphic organizer and have a discussion with students about the different foods in each group. I
would possibly incorporate technology. I could make a NearPod lesson that allows students to interact more
with the content.

a. Do you need to reteach any part of the lesson? Explain why or why not.

I would like to revisit this concept in the future, but I do not believe the lesson needs to be fully retaught. The
students high scores on the formative assessment prove this to be true.
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject
b. Based on what the whole class of students learned about the content you were teaching, what will you teach

Next in Health, I would love to teach about another aspect of keeping a healthy lifestyle: exercise! This is part
of the government initiative for child health, but it was too much in one day to teach to Kindergartners.

6. Personal Reflection: What did you learn about yourself as a teacher, and how you want to teach in the future?

I learned that engaging, relatable activities/content make all the difference. I also learned that I do not need to be
so technical with my lessons, and sometimes more simple is better. Students will be able to engage with the
content more in depth, and I won’t be so overwhelmed or rushed. I also learned that I need to make sure I am
keeping an upbeat, excited tone with the class during the lesson.

Part VII – Student Samples

Make copies or take clear pictures of student work for each level (high, middle, low, ELL and special needs
students). Write comments on the copies. Include scores according to the formative assessment rubric
categories. Also include information about how and what was communicated to the students regarding their


ELL 2 (S.N. student not present) HIGH

Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

Engagement Drawings/ Understanding

1 Student is Student did Student can
not engaged not draw give a correct
in group pictures for example for
activity and/ each food 1-2 of the food
or group and groups
independent did not
work time attempt to
spell out the
2 Student is Student did Student can
minimally not draw give a correct
engaged in pictures or example for
group did not 3-4 of the food
activity and/ attempt to groups
or spell out the
independent words
work time
3 Student is Student drew Student can
engaged in the pictures give a correct
group and example for
activity and/ attempted to all 5 of the
or spell out the food groups
independent words
work time
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject
Standards-Aligned Lesson Plan Template / Multiple Subject

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