Function3 Oral Questions Sep2021-Feb2022

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 MARPOL Amendments
 Discharge Criteria For Anex1, 2, 4, 5 In Detail
 MARPOL Annexes and Details? Why Called 73/78? When Came In Force?
 SOPEP Contents & Equipment’s
 Machinery Spaces Discharge.
 Annex 6 Concerned Pollutants (Like ODS, VOC, G/H Gases, Sox, Nox)
 SEEMP In Detail
 Different Tiers For Nox
 Controls For Annex 6 In SECA By Ships
 Cargo Space Discharge Criteria Outside Special Area
 IOPP Supplements
 Discharge Criteria Inside SECA
 Shipboard Measures For Annex 6
 SEEMP, Sulphur Cap
 Annex 1 Discharge
 Certificates As Per Annex 1 And Supplements
 Annex 4 Discharge
 Annex 2 Category
 Annex1 Machinery Space Discharge
 Garbage Management Plan
 Paper Is Easily Dissolved In Water So We Can Throw In Water Right? Why Not? Category?
Where to Dispose It?
 Why Called 73/78? When Came In Force?
 How Will You Discharge Wash Water, From Cargo From A Bulk Carrier In A Special Area?
 How Will You Discharge Bilge Water From E/R?
 2 Main Functions of OWS.
 MARPOL Annex I Special Areas
 What’s Special Area
 What Is Dilution
 Special Area For Annex 5
 New Amendments For Annex 6
 What Is Cargo Washing Requirements As Per Annex5

Annex 6 what all gas you will discharge and in which case you won't discharge these gases

 ODME, How ODME works in detail

 OWS when stops
 Why MARPOL came into force, dates and how many annexes with names and dates.

Oil record

 Particulate matter
 Entries in ORB Part 1.
 Supplement to IOPP cert – Form A (for other than Tankers) & Form B (Tankers)
o Entries in GRB, Amendment in GRB
o ODS examples
o VOC Plan
o Annex 1 discharge from cargo spaces
o Annex 6 pollutants

What are the changes to ISGOTT - ISGOTT 6 – What's New? - Safety Management System (SMS) the
changes related to SMSs particularly provide for more information and explanation, Human Factors,
Gas detection and enclosed space entry, Static Electricity and Hot Work, Terminal Information
Exchange and Checklists, Impact on tanker operations.

o How to control Sox emissions

o What publication applicable to oil tanker- ISGOTT, Which edition- 6th Edition 2020
 Cargo record book content
 Special area and how many are there and name with regulations?
 Annex 5 in detail GMP & GRP, discharge criteria.
 Annex 4 special area – Baltic Sea (for Passenger Vessels cannot discharge as per amendment
of June 2018)
 ESSA, PSSA, Special area
 Slop tank requirements
 P&A Manual
 Certificate required under annex 6
 Oil Record Book
 Some cargo residues e.g. coal remain after discharge what will you do as per MARPOL,
 Does Annex 6 Deals With Sulphur In Water
 Definition Of NLS Carrier
 ORB entries
 Annex 6 : SEEMP, EEDI, NOX, SOX, SECA and sulphur limits
 Annex 1-5-6- certificates
 PSSA and where to find them (he wanted resolution number)

Categories of garbage

 Certificates for oil tankers

 PV valve & PV breaker
 He asked garbage discharge criteria in special area? (i answered the full table which is there
but only for special area section)
 What is the definition of an oil tanker?
 IOPPC survey how will you assist chief officer for preparing.
 What do you know about OPA90?
 How is the VRP different from SOPEP?
 Annex 4 of SOPEP and VGP comparison.
 ODMCS and OWS carriage req.
 Cargo residue discharge as per annex1
 He asked me what types of garbage you can discharge in Antarctic areas.
 What do you check in a ship shore safety checklist?
 Discharge criteria for garbage that placard tell everything till he stops
 What is meaning of a 30 where it locates on tanker
 A tanker carrying oil cargo and chemical what type of plan it carries.
 Cargo space discharge criteria
 Garbage management plan
 Definition of enroute as per MARPOL
 Latest amendments of MARPOL annex 5
 What happened in 73 what happened in 78 and what happened in between
 BWM in detail and which criteria you had on ur last ship explain
 IMDG content
 Name of class no. 10.
 Which annex came recently (annex 6 He wanted to hear the current Nox and Sox conditions)
 Garbage record book parts (1 and 2) & Contents.
 How sewage treatment plant works.
 What you will refer in situation your ship will discharge harmful cargo (SMPEP)
 How does MARPOL annex vi affect ship operation (requirements)
 Sewage certificate validity
 Sanitary certificate
 Statutory certificates (list) and how is it different from mandatory certificates
 Is BWM is separate convention or its related to MARPOL
 BWM standards – D1 and D2 standards
 Annex applicable for container ship
 Hazardous cargo is swept and kept in barrel. How to discharge and which annex applies.
 Annex 4
 How will u dispose older cargo residues in bulk ships
 Cargo record book part 2 which regulations
 What is special about machinery space discharge in annex 1
 What all gases comes under annex 6
 Engine room fire which extinguishers to use
 Sprinkler system locations
 In your ship which was carried if SMPEP then why not both.
 Emission Control Area
 2020 annex 6, what changes?

 Angle Of Loll, Corrective Measure For Angle Of Loll, How Do You Know When A Vessel Is At
Angle Of Loll, If Your Vessel Is At 30 Degree To Stbd And Is At Angle Of Loll And There Wind Is
From Port, What Will Happen To Stability Of Vessel.
 Reserve Buoyancy
 Unstable Equilibrium Behaviour?
 Angle Of Loll
 Vessel Heeled 10 Deg To Stbd, In Neutral Equilibrium And Weight Added To The Port? (Tends
To Upright or Capsize?)
 Sheer Plate, Solid Floors Where, Stealer Plate
 Panting & Pounding
 Moulded Draft
 Keel Rake, Flare

Summer Load Line


Hydrostatic Draft

 Define COF, COB {They Don’t Want Bookish Definition Just Want To Hear Keywords COF -
Water Plane Area & COB - Underwater Volume}
 Info From Loadicator, Loadicator Is Not Working How Will U Calculate GM
 Angel Of Loll, Corrections
 Ship Is Going From Sea Water To Fresh Water. What All Hydrostatic Particulars Would
 Intact Stability Criteria Of a Cargo Ship
 GZ, GM, Neutral Equilibrium
 What Is COF?
 What Is Hyd. Draft?

Which All Type Of Ships Angle Of Loll Is Applicable?

 Deadweight, COF & Some Basic Definitions

 Ship coming from fresh water to salt water what all factors will change related to stability.
 If your fwd draft 6m aft 5m and midship 5.6 then your ship will hog or sag
 Centre of floatation
 Reserve buoyancy
 Heavy lift on hatch top and lowered in tank top of hold what changes will occur
 Information in stability curve
 Dock water allowance
 How will u check whether the vessel is stable or unstable after loading
 Min GM requirements for tanker and container vsl
 How will make an unstable vessel stable
o Unstable Equilibrium
o Trim table contents
o Weather tight door test
o Hydrostatic particular, COF
o Intact stability Criteria, reserve buoyancy ,draw Neutral Equilibrium
 Gave drafts 5,5.7,6 asked hog or sag
 KN curves
 Unstable equilibrium
 Free Surface Effect, Partial Loss Of GM Action
 Stability Booklet Content
 Trim Table Content
 ‘][]][[][
 Draw Stable Equilibrium
 What is metacentre
 Damage stability criteria – 76 mm margin line
 Difference between u/w volume and displacement
 You are at port ship is listed to 15 degree starboard, how will you correct the angle of loll.
 What is flare
 Stable, Neutral, Unstable Equilibrium
 Hydrostatic table and information
 Intact stability criteria for grain and container both
 What is the stability criteria of a tanker
 Why GM is positive and what’s the conditions, try to tell lines of buoyancy force and gravity
is in line so its stable, any movement will tend to heel, said ok
 Dead weight and displacement difference
 Dock water allowance and fresh water allowance difference and it's formula
 Difference between buoyancy and reserve buoyancy
 Righting moment and stable equilibrium meaning .formula of RM
 What is the Cb of an oil tanker?
 What does the Cb tell you (basically he said it indicates it's a low speed vessel).

GM zero hai present explain – Angle of Loll Condition

 If its experienced heel then what will happen and listed

 Curve of statical stability
 Damage control plan
 Definitions like DWT, DWA, GZ
 Seaworthiness, what all criteria.
 Righting lever
 What is stability?
 What is difference b/w the stack weight and load density
 What is hydrostatic draft?
 What is intact stability?
 How COG moves according to shifting of cargo draw and explain
 MCTC and will it change when density changes
 Trimming moment
 Moment of inertia
 Metacentre
 Intact stability of container
 Summer displacement
 Summer deadweight
 Purpose of hydrostatic curves
 Wall sides formula
 Loading cargo angle of loll stbd side action.

 SF And BM In Detail
 How The Strakes Numbered
 Why Keel Is Called Back Bone
 Draw Load line Explain Deck Line And WNA
 Raking Stress
 Unit Welding
 Striker plate, stealer plate
 Difference between painting and pounding
o Purpose of bilge keel
o Types of manhole
o Frame numbering
o Damage Control Plan
o Sheer stakes, Garboard strake, Keel rake
o Shell expansion plan what u will get, what are strakes, how u will number them
 Run and entrance

 What is flare and its reason,

 How manholes are connected

 Collision bulkhead
 What is fwd of collision bulkhead
 How painting beams are connected in fwd
 Types of beams in fwd
 What is strakes
 How strakes are numbered
 What is dead rise?
 Was your ship had dead rise?
 What is rake
 Stealer Plate, Gusset Plate, Carling, Flare, Tumblehome, Duct Keel & its purpose
 How are frames numbered in containers

 Bulk carriers have large holds opening does this have any affect.- Gusset Plate at corners of
 How discontinuity stress compensated.
 What are the structural features of an oil tanker that make it different and stable?
 Turn of bilge, water tight divisions, water tight reg.
 Container vsl structural members

Plans on ship
 Difference between sheer strake and garboard strake
 Name of first strake of keel
 All the dynamic stresses, in between he was asking about the arrangements to compensate
that stresses.Quick diagram of load line on paper n showed him on camera.
 panting stringer

Forepeak tank entry and structural members

What is shearing moment and bending moment.

 Arrangement of plates and strakes (Shell Expansion Plan)

 Framing numbers, are they equally spaced throughout the ship
 Members in transverse framing system.
 Concentration stresses
 Torsional box
 Margin plate
 Stern frame
 Load line details
 Deck line
 Floors
 Tumblehome
 Six degrees of movement of ship – Rolling, Pitching, Yawing, heave, sway, surge
 Pitch
 W.r.t 4th question he started whit stability and construction like stellar plate, strakes, plate,
floor etc. and, GZ, righting moments, KG, KM, stiff and tender vsl.
 Panting & Pounding Stresses
 Diff be watertight and weather tight
 Sheer force and bending moment and where to find them


 High Expansion Foam Low Expansion Foam, Where Are These Used
 SCBA And EEBD Difference And Checks On Them, Testing, SCBA Checks And Hydrostatic
Pressure Testing
 Static And Dynamic Test Of Davit
 Abandon Ship Drill & Frequency
 Fire Drill
 ISC Size
 Life Jacket Technical Requirements
 On Load Release Mechanism
 Safety Training Manual
 Function Of Limit Switch
 HRU Working
 Fwd Life raft Requirement
 Fire In Galley (Extinguisher)
 Contents Of Fire Plan
 Foam Type
 Lifeboat PMS (Weekly, Monthly)
 Life Jackets Reqmt.
 How To Use And Operate Fixed Fire Fighting CO2 For Engine Room Huge Fire.
 Tests And Maintenance Of Immersion Suits
 SCBA Full Requirement & Checks
 Fire Extinguisher & Spares
 SEQ Survey
 Combination Ladder How And Checks
 Lifeboat Lowering
 On Load Off Load
 Lifeboat Equipment’s
 Life Raft Requirement
 Life raft Equipment’s
 Emcy Fire pump Req As Per SOLAS
 HRU & Weak Link Working
 Pyrotechnics Details
 Hyper mist Fixed System
 SOLAS Pack A & B Difference
 Life raft Checks
 Pyrotechnics In Life raft
 Pyrotechnics On Ship’s Bridge
 LTA Numbers to be Carried
 SEQ Survey
 Contents Of STCW
 Construction Of a Life Jacket
 Rescue Boat Requirement
 Immersion Suit Testing’s
 Lifeboat Lowering Both Types In Detail
 How to Prepare For SEQ Survey?
 Info You Get From Fire Control Plan.
 Prepare Life Boat Lowering For 3 Month Tests And How You Do The Test And How Recovery
Of LB Done
 Annual Maintenance Of Life Boat as Per LSA Code
 On Load Offload
 Quarterly Maintenance for All Kind Of Both Free-fall & Davit Launched Lifeboats
 Fire Hose Requirements
 Fixed Foam Annual Maintenance And Testing Procedures
 How Will You Take Sample Of Fixed Foam
 Foam Extinguisher Requirements
 Foam Expansion Ratio
 How You Will Test Foam Solution Procedure And From Where You Will Collect The Foam
 Drills requirement as per SOLAS
 Classes of fire and extinguishers used

 Procedure to lower lifeboat in detail in calm water (i have given this answer from starting 4
time still not satisfied)
 Starting procedure and how many attempts
 Entry in a compartment filled with smoke wearing SCBA and facing difficulty in breathing
what action will you take
 After you manoeuvre the life boat and hoist it up what safety action will you take
 What are the factors lead to accident while hoisting life boat
 When to carry out abandon ship drill and frequency

 Type of extinguisher on board and there maintenance.

 TPA and immersion suit.
 Rescue boat requirement.
 Can lifeboat be used as rescue boat?
 How many life raft on your last ship and why one life raft in fwd and its launching procedure

 Muster list
 Safety equipment certificate, Validity, Covers what
 Form E what is it?

How does fixed CO2 and foam extinguishes fire

 Fixed foam fire fighting system

 Why low expansion is not used in pump room
 SOPEP drills interval
o Fixed system in gas tanker – Fixed DCP System
o How DCP operates
o Where DCP tanks are situated – On Open Deck
o How launch Davit Lifeboat.
o LSA code content
o FSS code content
o Command of support team, launch lifeboat, and what all things u will carry
o Hand flares, Smoke & requirements
o Free-fall lifeboat requirement
o Enclosed space definition, drill interval – Once in every 2 months SOLAS Ch. III/19.3
Drills: 3.3
o On load and off load.
o Lifeboat maintenance
 Purpose of sea anchor
 Types of life buoys, if mob lifebuoy is damaged can you replace with the lifebuoys on deck?
 All fixed fire fighting specially he asked me fixed spray water fire fighting on-board
 Fixed CO2 where used and why?
 What is difference between immersion suit and TPA??
 What is HRU?
 Free fall life boat maintenance???
 Have you operated fixed water spray as i said no sir then he said ok
 What is use of fixed water spray system on ur gas tanker vessel why there provided.
 Class B fire.
 Class B bulkhead.
 Difference between cofferdam and void spaces.
 Use of portable CO2 extinguisher.
 Dynamic test of fire extinguishers

Monthly checks on rescue boat & entry in logbook

 Pressure test of immersion suit

 SART blips distance between blips battery type and voltage
 What is the frequency of lowering of the lifeboats (enclosed free-fall)? – Once in Three
months to be Lowered & 6 months Manoeuvred.
 If bosun paint full lifeboat then where you will find lifeboat markings.
 Req of Rescue Boat
 Marking On Lifeboat
 Why forward life raft not fitted with HRU
 Explain me CO2 release mechanism
 What is the purpose of micro switch
 Which regulation said time delay is necessary
 Muster list contents
 What all strops used in lifeboat
 Why hanging of pendant is used
 Can you use maintenance strop in place of hanging of pendant
 Frequency Of Drills
 Can rescue boat be lifeboat, if yes how come?
 Wilden pump safety test
 CO2 system main maintenance
 Why Hyper mist is not located in each space in E/R
 .
 Statutory cert 10 validity, Form E, Form R
 What is different Safety Cert and Form E
 Detailed explanation of foam station fire fighting, how foam water mixture is delivered
(through the help of proportionator, wasn't able to recollect the name of that part at that
time), rations in lifeboat
 Simulated launch and free-fall launch, maintenance checks weekly monthly annual,
 How to free-fall launch.
 Lifeboat launching & recovering procedure
 David launch life raft maintenance and checks, Where will you find this? Which type of vsl?
Yearly inspection of this?
 Lifeboat stowage requirements
 PMS of life saving appliances (i expanded on the full form and started saying about weekly,
monthly, annual checks, and while i was going to start on some LSA he went on to the next
 Types of life boat on your ship and lowering procedure in heavy weather.
 Immersion suit requirements and its yearly inspection and test pressure of it.
 On load release mechanism
 Rocket parachute specifications
 Lashing of life raft

 Lifeboat carriage requirements
 Expiry date of portable VHF batteries n food in L\B.
 Why HRU n weak link there in L/R and working.
 Charging pressure of SCBA, duration n how will charge. N all checks
 Type of fire hydrants - Instantaneous and Bouynet Type, What is in it.
 Foam tank sampling?
 Immersion suit checks and test
 Difference between lifeboat and rescue boat (be specific and accurate in this)
 What is the content of soda acid extinguisher
 How will carry out monthly drill of lifeboat as per SOLAS?
 Light intensity n duration of lifebuoy life jacket n markings
 Got SART signal action.
 How to use immersion suit test kit (told i haven't seen it)

Who does the annual inspection of

 How the davits are being inspected (he wanted to hear about hanging of pendent)
 What fixed FFA is used on tankers
 Why high expansion foam is not used on decks
 Hydrostatic test of co2 system and lines
 Hydrostatic particulars (he wants by order as per table)
 Fixed foam working
 Testing of foam sample
 Requirement of water tight doors
 Difference between CO2 and hyper mist system
 Dynamic test of lifeboat
 When is the fixed CO2 air bottles weight checked (after 10 years)
 How to prepare LSA & FFA plan after yard delivery
 Fire extinguisher pressure test and checks period
 Enclosed lifeboat requirements
 Immersion pressure testing requirements
 Foam fixed system weekly, monthly, yearly checks
 Portable extinguisher pressure testing period
 Req. Of press testing CO2 extinguisher
 How often will u weigh CO2 cartridges in portable ext.?
 High and low expansion foam
 Rescue boat hosting speed
 Technical specifications of watertight door
 Sampling of foam
 DCP monthly maintenance
 Extinguisher charging requirements

At what trim and list you can use L/B

 TPA requirements and how many is survival craft
 Fixed foam system working
 Difference b/w high and low expansion foam
 Which doors are these watertight ya weather tight (fwd bosun store, bridge wing door,
hatch in bulk carrier and manholes on deck).
 High foam system
 Lifebuoy specs
 Lifeboat ration
 Lifeboat water
 Fire and abandon drill requirements
 Life boat lowering
 What tests to be done on lifebuoy
 Vsl more than 100 m with free fall life boat what are the requirements for life raft.
 How to lower lifeboat (enclosed type not free fall)
 Abandon ship full procedure as per priority wise
 You are second mate which enclosed lifeboat is assigned to you? (stbd)
 CO2 room checks and entering procedure
 How much bottles of CO2 for engine room on your ship.
 Lifeboat on load off load release mechanism
 Contents of fire training manual
 Immersion suits testing & at what intervals is pressure testing carried out?
 How to use foam applicator?
 Fire in engine room, action?
 Fire dampers, watertight and weather tight doors location?
 How DCP extinguisher works
 Working of foam system

When to test CO2 cartridge for 10 percentage wt. decrease

 What is A60, fire on mast riser action?

 Where is the muster card located? Which document mentions the requirement and location
of muster card (fire control plan)
 Righting of Life raft Procedure,
 Types of foam extinguisher in engine room, Types of foam used in that (AFFF), How many
types of foam


 SOLAS Chapters? Why And How It Came In The Picture
 ISPS Amendments
 MLC And STCW Work And Rest Hour
 Name Any 5 Convention And Any 5 Code With Full Name
 SOLAS Chap 5
 What Is MLC, How And Y Was It Formed
 What Is Convention, Amendment & Code?
 Log Books or Record Books as Per ISPS
 ISM code? What it is? In ism code what is element 10 in code and its contents
 ISPS why it’s there and what principle it follows
 In chapter 12 what it talks about? (Wanted to know what and why are additional measures
for bulk cargo all about) what densities) it applies to etc.
 ISPS full form and its details
 Seafarer welfare comes under which convention
 Imo earlier name of IMO, established date.
o Purpose of ISM, ISPS, Security level
o SOLAS Ch. 12 what all are there – Additional safety measures for Bulk carriers
 Ballast water exchange methods – Flow Through, Sequential & Dilution Method
 Difference b/w DOC and DOS?
 Sacrificial anode. Why it is called sacrificial.
 SOLAS latest amendments
 Hong Kong convention in detail
 Rest hour requirement
 Your ship is at security level 2. What will change? Can cargo operations continue?
 What is PSC
 under which regulation psc board ship
 You came to know psc is coming.. As 3rd officer what you check and as duty officer what you
 Who is psc in india
 What is mca
 Certificates to carry under ISM and preparation for ISM inspection and about DOC
 What is the percentage of baggage to be checked for personnel boarding the ship?
 ISPS audit & certificates in detail
 International Load Line convention
 BWM, SEEI Cert
 List of survey details before renewal what survey going through.
 All port documentations that we will be showing, LOP, NOP
 DOC, SMC, Ship Shore Safety Checklist, APR checks in ship shore safety checklist
 Ballast water management, requirements, all standards, all types of processes that can be
employed, How long does it take practically to complete the operation
 Ch. 12 SOLAS? What are additional safety measures then?
 Said you are working on-board ship and haven't received salary from 2 month how will you
complaint (i said master then DPA then company and owners) he said still nothing happened
(i said grievance on DG site and open reporting on company portal, he said 2 month gone
now still not credited now what? I didn't know he said search about it you should know MLC
gives this too (then i checked it is Ch. 5.1.5 MLC on-board complaint procedures)
 If work exceeded then? (he told me compulsorily rest to be given)
 What will you find from DG e portal (i dont know, bola dekhna chahie na, pta hona chahie ye
vo ye)
 Ch. 5, 8 of SOLAS only name
 SOLAS chapter and in between asked about chapt 11(1 &2)
 IMO structure & any five convention with the year
 Load line survey and asked me measurements of all the marks of load line
 Security measures for HRA areas
 PSC, what all conventions can they detain you under
 If you are in a port and the company has not paid your wages, etc., owners have left what
the port state can do. (i said they can detain the ship because it's a violation of MLC)
 A Cadet less than 18 years come on bridge at 2200 what’s ur action (said MLC title 1 doesn't
allow that, i will call c/o or master to confirm he can work)
 SOLAS convention chap 9, what’s that what u get from that own words no need to say from
regulation (only place i got freedom to speak on my own words)
 ISPS Level 3 - Imminent and risk is to happen tell this at the end
 Whom all will u allow inside - said nobody i'd expect my chief officer would suspend the
cargo ops and boarding, Asked still whom will you allow? Said naval authorities
 What is polar code and SOLAS chapter this and polar code not complies which annex.
 PSC inspection types and meaning.
 Convention on board
 What is PSC, major detainable deficiencies?
 INDSAR, who is responsible.
 What is citadrill n preparation?
 One of your friends is stuck on a ship and company not helping for repatriation, how will you
help? (Flag DGS kafi kuch btaya pta nhi kya sunn na tha usse )
 CSR? And in which code it comes under
 Diff between code and convention
 What are the 4 pillars of IMO
 Which convention is called the Umbrella Convention
 How will you make muster list. Explain different teams and their duties during abandon ship
 Load line certificate and its content
 ISPS drill frequency
 MLC 2006 enforcement date
 Equipment’s for security of ship
 Statutory certificate and requirement as per solas
 Interim certification as per ISM code
 Is there some convention on safe recycling of ships
 Rest hours as per MLC
 Any 3 amendments that you remember from any convention or code
 Objective of IMO, MEPC
 ISPS comes under which SOLAS chapter
 Code 17 of PSC deficiency – to be rectified before departure
 ISPS code content
 FAL convention details and forms
 ISM code ko ship p kese implement krte h.
 What MLC concern regarding seafarer.
 Rest hour’s system on board.
 Diff between convention and code
 Explain Ch. 5, 9, 13, 14 of SOLAS?
 What all equipment’s comes under SOLAS chapter 5? VDR?
 HSSC all the surveys interval
 Audit, inspection, survey difference
 STCW which Ch. u find certificates requirements

 Leaking From Manifold Action
 Action for Fire in Galley
 Action for Fire in Cabin
 You are preparing for man entry what you will do.
 On container gantry wire is broken what you will do then one container is also fallen on your
ship action then one man came under that container
 What all precautions and procedures you will brief to a new cadet on board with aft mooring
 You are in CCR during cargo ops see a smoke coming from galley, action.
 What You’ll Do If Dg Container Fall Into Sea
 P/R flooding who will u get to know, why flooding could happen
 Fire fighting fir P/R
 Changeover from HFO to LSMGA—i said let engineers know in adv. Around 48 hrs. & they
will do changeover a/c to CE.
 Unconscious ETO on deck, your action and first aid
 Fire outside CCR actions

Fire line rupture, fire in forecastle action

 Helicopter rescue
 Fire inside the accommodation in the alleyway just near to your cabin, your action?
 Fire in paint room
 Person fainted on tank action
 What are the situations for which contingency plans are made
 When is the oxygen resuscitator checked (period)
 How will you know there is fire in cargo hold
 Oil spill while bunkering, action?
 Smoke from crew cabin action.
 24h after departure master, c/o, 2nd off. Fainted in pump room action.

Your crew on deck had deep cut in hand, how will you identify the artery and vein

 How to take medical advice
o IMGS publisher and content – Combine with IMO, ILO & WHO
o Who issue medical certificate – Flag State by approved Doctor valid for 1 Year
o How to obtain medical advise
o Entries in medical log book
o CPR & Ratio for Adult & Child
 How to treat someone got fracture
 How will you order medicine (flag state waala pt he wants to hear)
 How will you order medicines on board?
 Radio medical advice

How will you ask for medical advice?

 Ships medical book in details, asking its content, cover of the book, diagrams and more
specific details.

How do you order medicines on board

 Asked some injections where to find details

 How you use MFAG
 How To Take Medical Advice From Shore
 How to tally medical inventory and inspection frequency
 How long is a medical certificate valid
 Who certifies a medical chest
 One of the crew got covid, what will be your actions?
 How will you order medicine for your ship what will you refer on new ship, does the flag state
specify requirements
 Which ALRS volume will you refer for medical advice – ALRS Vol 1
 You are second mate and vsl in dry dock and you have to make medicine list what procedure
you will follow

Medical sea chest

 On watch a person falls into tank and suffers injury in legs your action in chronological order
 Degrees of burn, in which degree blisters form and which is more painful
 CIRM and what are the 2 digit code for med adv and med ass. - head office in Rome Italy &
Codes are 32 & 38
 If your crew is having abdominal pain which medicine will you give to him? phr bola thik nhi
hua medicine s to kya kroge...medical advice puch rha tha...(basically he what to hear cirm
italy se medical advice logae....pura process btaya mene.... Inform master nhi bola to toka
 Person broke his leg in enclosed space. U r medical officer, and leader of rescue operation
too. Action. (he did some cross questions in this and i fucked up in this, it was simple mistake
but he said it's the biggest mistake, it's about person's life and u can't fuck that up)
 Controlled Drugs
 Crew severe abdominal pain, which medication?
 Crew headache, which medication
 Chest pain action

 Latest MS Notice
 MS act applicable on which ships – All Indian Flagged Vessels
 Statutory certificate
o Green passport and hazardous material
o M and MS notices – M notices are of 3 types Merchant shipping Notices (MSN),
Marine Guidance Notices (MGN), Marine Information Notices (MIN) and MS Notices
are issued by Indian Govt. known as Merchant Shipping Notices
o PSC and FSI Inspections

 Polar Code & Contents
 What is the first thing you check when you board ship.
 Bunker delivery note
 Davit winch break test
 UNCLOS continental shelf authority - its international anybody can implement rules but
nearby state given priority
 What all convention applies to container vsl since i said (told all but he was waiting till i said
 Difference between gulf and bay
 What is bow thruster what is its use, what type of machine is it.
 Can you use bow thruster in open sea? I told yes he told no you can't, it should only be used
in confined water.
 What is bay & gulf
 What is Vsl age
 MS act 1958
 MS notices
 Trading certificates, Explain in details in simple language what is statutory and mandatory
certificates with examples
 What is function 3, what all comes in fun 3, does cargo included, why not etc.
 BRM everything interaction, situational awareness etc.
 How will u know everyone is happy and safe on voyage u made from chittagong to jakarta.
 Port state in detail have u ever faced port state inspector. Where , why what had happen on
 What is allision ever faced it how and when, what was precautionary measures should have
been taken earlier.
 Last ship and all the certificates VLCC will carry

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