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Literature Search Chart – Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, Integrative Review

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Reference 1 pt Reference listed (1/4 pt) in correct APA Committee on Safety in Medicines. Use of
1 pt format (3/4 pt) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
PDF of article uploaded to Canvas in Children and Adolescents with Major
Depressive Disorder (MDD). Committee on
Safety in Medicines, 2003.
Type of 1 pt Correctly identify whether meta-  Meta-Analysis
Research analysis, systematic review,  Systematic Review
integrative review, meta-synthesis or Integrative Review
meta-summary  Meta-Synthesis/ Meta-Summary
Design/ 2 pts  Key words used by researchers in  Key words: depressive disorder,
Method 2 pts their review search antidepressant, adolescent depression,
1 pt  Databases used by researchers cognitive-behavioural treatment,
 Types of articles sought by randomized controlled trails
 Databases: PsycINFO, Medline, the
researchers (RCT, qualitative, etc.)
 Types: RCT,CBT
Sample & 1 pt  Total initial number of studies  Total- four studies ADAPT TADS
Setting 1 pt identified TORDIA and Clark et al,seven journals
 Number of studies used for review  All four studies were used
Major 2 pts  Variables analyzed by authors  Variables: gender, mean age, exclusions,
Variables & 2 pts  How were data analyzed? suicidality, comorbidity, ethnicity,
Measurement recruitment methods, treatment duration
s and follow up, type of treatment, number
of sessions offered and attended,
medication type and dose, and adverse
 The data was analysis by meta- analysis
and The National Institute for Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Findings 1 pt In your own words  There was no finding that CBT combined
3 pts  Describe the major findings from with medication made a big difference
the systematic review or analysis  Only TADS at 12 weeks had a positive
2 pts  Describe whether data among report on combining medication and
articles supported the same CBT. But follow up at 28 weeks ADAPT
recommendations or had mixed and 36 weeks TADS there was no
recommendations difference.
 All the studies had a reduced in

Appraisal: 2 pts  Describe how and to what extent this  In reference with my PICOT question this
Applicability study contributes to answering your article has the age group in adolescents
to PICOT PICOT question – such as – Does it that in addressing. It answered a lot of my
have a similar population? Does it questions. It was very interesting how it
answer your question? Does it was broken down in this article with initial
support or not support your
and follow-up treatments Also the effects
that SSRIs. At the end of all studies there
still more research needed. It supports my
intervention in some of the studies. But
further research would have to be done for
long term.
Appraisal: 2 pts  Your determination of whether the  Researchers used NICE guidelines in
Study Rigor study was sufficient to answer the conducting their analysis.
researcher’s questions in terms of:  Researchers used sample studies that were
o Design of process heterogeneous which was unclear whether
o Number of articles there was a differential effect.
o Analysis of data  In TADS was said that the most impaired
1 pt  Discuss any issues related to adolescent doesn’t do well with
researcher bias or study validity combination treatment in a acute setting
treatment phase.
 No evidence of bias and had valid results

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