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As third year students who are following BUSSINESS MANAGEMENT STUDIES

Degree specialization in Human Resource Management, we are liable to consider study
of all areas which is include in HRM. Executive summery is the quick review of whole
project report that is, “A STUDY OF TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT with GWOEM
summarized statement of all concepts include in the report.

Human resource management means employing people, developing their resources,

utilities, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with job and
organizational requirements with a view to contribute to the goals of the organization,
individual and the social.

Training and development is a most important sub-system of the human resource

development. Training is organizational procedure which help people learn knowledge
and skills for the definite purpose. It is all about theory and practical scenario of
Training & Development and its impact on HRM. By having a thorough knowledge
and understanding the about these core area, we will be able to think in a new way in
future as a HR professional.

Since this is an exclusive required area in HRM, I was eager to explore this topic and
proceed with the assignment. The key area and the main objectives of this report is to
briefly introduce the relationship between training and development process with it’s
theories and practical applications.


Every human activity needs up-to-date knowledge and required skills to perform it.
Employee training and development becomes more important, when job becomes more
complex. Training and development activities are design in order to improve specific
skills, abilities and knowledge to employees. HR is to identify the training and
development needs and then accordingly to design the suitable training programs for
that employee training aims to improve skills and add existing level of knowledge so
that employees are better equipped to perform his duty to become component for a
taking of higher posts with increased responsibility. Organizational growth need to
measure along with individual growth.
A training program is an important management tool effectively use for motivation and
optimum use of manpower. Training helps to increase the skill levels, visibility and
adaptability of employees in crunch situation. Moreover the ongoing trends towards
greater work force diversity; flatter organization, and increase global competition, have
increased the significance of training and development technological development and
organizational change have gradually led some employees to rely upon the hard skill
and capabilities of its employees.
HR manager should make crucial decision which employees should trained. By whom
they should be trained, what training method should be used, the cost incurred in
training and what could be outcome of the training.
Training build in employees relatively changes in individual, improvement his ability
to perform a job. Training means enhancing the performance of the organization
through improve performance of the employee.

In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills,
abilities and knowledge to an employee. A formal definition of training & development
is it is any attempt to improve current or future employee performance by increasing an
employee’s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee’s
attitude or increasing his or her skills and knowledge. The need for training

& development is determined by the employee’s performance deficiency, computed as
Training & Development need = Standard performance – Actual performance.
Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills.
Development refers to the learning opportunities & designed to help employees grow.

Training is a process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is application

of knowledge. It gives people an awareness of the rules and procedures to guide their
behavior. It attempts to guide their performance on the current job or prepare them for
an intended job. Training and development teaches us, how will we grow.


1) According to Edwin Flipped, “training is the act of increasing the skills of an
employee for doing a particular job.”

2) Michael Armstrong defines training as, “the systematic development of the

knowledge, skills and attitudes required by an individual to performance adequately a
gives take or job.”

3) Drucker (1984) defined training as a “Systematic process of altering the behavior

and/or attitude of employees in a direction to achieve organizational goals.


Employee training and development is an indispensable part of human resource
function and management. Both the activities aim at improving the performance and
productivity of the employees. Training is a program organized by the organization to
develop knowledge and skills in the employees as per the requirement of the job.
Conversely, Development is an organized activity in which the manpower of the
organization learn and grow; it is a self-assessment act.




1 Training means learning skills and Development refers to the growth of

knowledge for doing a particular job an employee in all respects. It is more
and increase skills required for job. concerned with shaping the attitudes.

2 Training generally imparts specific Development is more general in

skills to the employees. nature and aims at overall growth of
the executives.

3 Training is concerned with Developments builds up

maintaining and improving current competences for future performance
job performance. Thus, it has a short- and has a long-term perspective.
term perspective.

4 Training is growth-centered in Development is career-centered in

nature. nature.

5 The role of trainer is supervisor All development is ‘self-

which is very important in training. development’ and the executive has
to be internally motivated for the


Specifically the needs training arise following points,

A) To match the employee specifications with the job requirement and
organizational needs:
Management finds deviation between employee’s present specifications and the job
requirements and organizational needs. Training is needs to fill these gaps by
developing and molding the employee’s skill, knowledge, attitude, and behavior, etc.
to the tune job requirements and organizational needs felt in Glaxo India, ICICI, and
Colgate-Palmolive etc.

B) Organizational viability and the Transformation Process:

The primary goals of most of the organizations is that their viability is continuously
influenced by environmental pressure. If the organization does not adapt itself to the
chaining factored to the environment, it will lose its market share. If organization desire
to adapt these changes, first it has to train the employee to import specific skills and
knowledge in order to enable them to contribute the organizational efficiency and cope
with the chaining environment. Core health care, InfoTech enterprise and Polaris
software Lab provided training in order to ensure a smooth transformation process.

C) Technological Advancement:
Every organization in order to survive and to be effective should adopt the lasted
technology i.e. mechanization, computerization and automation. Adoption of latest
technology means and methods will not be complete until they are manned by employee
possessing skills to operate them. So, the organization should train the employee enrich
them in the areas of chaining technical skills and knowledge from to time.

D) Organizational Complexity:
With the emergence of increased mechanization, and automation, manufacturing of
multiple products and by-products or dealing in services of diversified Lines extortion
of operations to various regions of the country or in oversea countries, organization of
most of the companies it become complex. This create a complex problem of
coordination this situation calls for and adaptable to the expanding and diversifying

situations. This situations calls for training in the skills of co-operation integration and
adaptability to the requirements of growth, diversification and expansion.

E) Human relations:
Trend in approach towards personnel management has change from the commodity
approach to partnership approach, crossing the human relation approach. So today
management most of the organizations has to maintain human relation besides
maintaining sound industrial relation although hitherto the managers are not
accustomed to deal with the workers accordingly. So training is necessary to understand
human problems & maintain human relation.

F) Change in the job assignments:

Training is also necessary when the existing employee is promoted to the higher level
in the organization and there is some new job or occupation due to transfer. Training is
also necessary to equip old employee with the advice discipline, techniques or

G) The needs training is also arises to:

- Increased productivity.
- Improve quality of product or services.
- Help a company to fulfill future personnel needs.
- Improve organizational needs.
- Prevent obsolescence.
- Effect personal growth.
- Minimize the resistance to change and
- To act as mentor.


How Training Benefited to the Organization

• Leads to improve profitability and more positive attitude toward profits orientation.
• Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization
• Improves the moral of the workforce
• Helps people identity with organizational goals
• Helps to create a better corporate image
• Foster authencity, openness and trust
• Improve the relationship between employee and employer
• Aids in organization development
• Tears from the trainee
• Help prepare guideline for work
• Helps to understanding and caring out organizational policy
• Organization gets more effective in decision making and problem solving
• Aids to developing leadership skills, motivation, loyalty, better attitude and other
aspects that successful workers and managers usually display
• Help to keep cost down in many areas for example, production, personnel,
administration, etc.
• Develop sense of responsibility for organizations to increase its knowledge and
• Improve labor management relation
• Create appropriate climate for growth and communication
• Help employee adjust to change
• Aide to improve organizational communication
• Aides in handling conflicts


The training and development process is a systemic approach aimed at improving the
performance and outcomes of individuals and groups within the business. While most
managers and owners understand the importance of a quality training and development
process, many lack the tools and knowledge to create and implement a plan of action.
The TATA STEEL WIRE DIVISION following the steps for training and development
are given below:

Need identification.
/ Nomination


Training Training
effectiveness calender

Training Implementation

Evaluation Analysis

The steps are explain below:
1. Need identification
The first step in the training process is to assess the need for training the employees.
The need for training could be identified through a diagnosis of present and future
challenges and through a gap between the employee’s actual performance and the
standard performance.
The needs assessment can be studied from two perspectives: Individual and group. The
individual training is designed to enhance the individual’s efficiency when not
performing adequately. And whereas the group training is intended to inculcate the new
changes in the employees due to a change in the organization’s strategy.

2. Designing
The next step is to design the training programme in line with the set objectives. Every
training programme encompasses certain issues such as: Who are the trainees? Who are
the trainers? What methods are to be used for the training? What will be the level of
training? Etc. Also, the comprehensive action plan is designed that includes the training
content, material, learning theories, instructional design, and the other training

3. Training calendar
A training calendar is used to plot the schedules of the training programs and
sessions that need to be attended by the employees of a business or members of an
organization. There are a variety of training calendars which differ due to the
purpose of the training and the entire duration that particular training programs.

Once the designing of the training programme is completed, the next step is to put it
into the action. The foremost decision that needs to be made is where the training will
be conducted either in-house or outside the organization.
Once it is decided, the time for the training is set along with the trainer who will be
conducting the training session. Also, the trainees are monitored continuously
throughout the training programme to see if it’s effective and is able to retain the
employee’s interest.

5. Analysis
This all process analyzed in systematic way of training process.

6. Evaluation
After the training is done, the employees are asked to give their feedback on the training
session and whether they felt useful or not. Through feedback, an organization can
determine the weak spots if any, and can rectify it in the next session. The evaluation
of the training programme is a must because companies invest huge amounts in these
sessions and must know it’s effectiveness in terms of money.
Thus, every firm follows the series of steps to design an effective training programme
that serves the purpose for which it was intended.

7. Training feedback
After the finished training sessions there is method to collect employee’s feedback for
trainer and overall training program

8. Training effectiveness
Implementing all levels can be an expensive and time-consuming process. You don’t
have to measure everything. Measure only what it takes to substantiate a confident
decision about the value returned on the training.


 Determine the training needs through job description, performance appraisal,

potential appraisal and discussion with employees.
 Prepare training calendar in discussion with the manager concerned.
 Define training objectives specifically.
 Determine the criteria of needs for training but not seniority for nomination of
employee for training.
 Select knowledgeable and efficient faculty.



A. Increased efficiency of employees:
An effective training programme can make the employees of the company work in an
effective manner. With training people gain confidence and this confidence is seen in
the output and results.

B. Reduced supervision:
An employee needs to be supervised when he works. When the employee has
got sufficient training the amount of supervision required is less as mistakes are
less. This reduces the workload of the supervisor.

C. Less amount of wastage:

The amount of wastage by an employee is reduced a lot due to training and therefore if
we take an account of the amount of wastage we find that the company has saved a lot
of money.

D. Reduced turnover: Proper training improves chances of obtaining promotions and

employees are happy because they have better opportunities Due to this their chances
of leaving their current job reduces greatly thereby reducing labor turnover in
the company.

E. Helps new employees in the organization:

Training always benefits employees whether old or new. In case of new employees,
training helps them a lot. This is because new employees may not be aware of the
functioning of the organization and training helps them to gain knowledge and insight
into the working of the company.

F. Better lab our –management relations:
Labour–management relations are very essential for any organization. When companies
introduce training programmers and prepare employees for future jobs and promotions
they send out a message to the unions that they are interested in employee welfare. Due
to this the unions also adopt a positive attitude and labour- management relations


a) Self-confidence:
Training leads to increase in employee self-confidence. The person is able to adjust to
his work environment and doesn’t feel humiliated in front of his seniors. This
confidence leads to chances of better efforts in the future from the employees.
Increased motivation levels: Training brings positive attitude among employees and
increases the motivation levels of the employees in the organization, thereby improving
the results of the organization.

b) High rewards:
An effective training programme helps an employee to take the benefit of the rewards
systems and incentives available in the company. Thus the employee is able to get these
rewards, which in turn increases his motivation levels.

c) Group efforts:
An effective training programme not only teaches an employee how to do his work
but also trains him to work as a part of the group. Thus training programs improve
group efforts

d) Promotion:
Effective training programme increase performance and increase the chances of
obtaining promotions. Many employees even opt for certain programs so that they can
help the employee to improve his chances of promotions and obtaining higher positions
in the organization.


On the job training Off the job training

Job Rotation Classroom Lectures

Coaching Audio-Visual

Job Instruction Case Studies

Apprenticeship Role Playing


On the job training is the employee training at the place of work while doing the actual
job. Usually a professional trainer or sometimes an experienced employee serves as the
course instructor using hands on training often supported by formal classroom training.


Off the job training is the employee training at the site away from actual work
environment. This method requires trainees to leave their workplace and concentrate
their entire time towards the training objectives.

1. Job Rotation:
This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another. The
trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in
each of the different job assignments. Though this method of training is common in
training managers for general management positions, trainees can also be rotated from
job to job in workshop jobs. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to
understand the problems of employees on other jobs and respect them.
Job rotation method has been using in the Indian banking sector mainly by State bank
group for the probationary officers for the period of approximately 2 years to finally
post them as assistant bank manager. Under this method of training candidates are
placed in each and every job starts from clerical job, assistant, cashier and managerial
job for the purpose of knowing importance in nature of every job before handling Asset
bank manager position.

2. Coaching:
The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach in training
the individual. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his performance and
offers him some suggestions for improvement. Often the trainee shares some of the
duties and responsibilities of the coach and relieves him of his burden. A limitation of
this method of training is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to
express his own ideas.

3. Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method, trainer
explains the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him
To do the job. The trainer apprises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback
information and corrects the trainee.

4. Committee Assignments:
Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are given and asked to solve an
actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops team

5. Apprenticeship:
Apprenticeship is a formalized method of training curriculum program that combines
classroom education with on-the-job work under close supervision. The training
curriculum is planned in advance and conducted in careful steps from day to day. Most
trade apprenticeship programs have a duration of three to four years before an
apprentice is considered completely accomplished in that trade or profession. This
method is appropriate for training in crafts, trades and technical areas, especially when
proficiency in a job is the result of a relatively long training or apprenticeship period,
e.g., job of a craftsman, a machinist, a printer, a tool maker, a pattern designer, a
mechanic, etc.

6. Internship
Internship is one of the on-the-job training methods. Individuals entering industry in
skilled trends like machinist, electricians, and laboratory technician are provided with
thorough instruction though theoretical and practical aspects.
Most of the universities and Colleges encourage students for internship as part of the
curriculum as it is beneficial to all concerned.

The Tata Steel Wire Division follows the following On The Job Training methods,
1: Job Rotation
It is used for employees and officers to increase their knowledge, skills and practical
works on the job. According to them it is used for promotions and knowledge of their
area of work.

2: Coaching
The officers placed under a particular supervisors who functions as a coach in training
the individual. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on their performance
and offer them some suggestions for improvement for some of the duties and
responsibilities of the coach and relieves them from work burden.

3: Job Instructions
It is used to employees to list out their do’s and don’ts of their current job.

4: Apprenticeship
Most of the craft workers and diploma holders, are trained through formal
apprenticeship programmed for that they provide one year duration time.

5: Internship
It is used for the management and IT degree holder students for their research work, it
is a summer and winter seasonal training; the most useful time duration is 2 or 3 months
and also 6 months. It is used student for the understand practicality of the area of their
learning and increase skill and knowledge.

1. Classroom Lectures:
Under the off the job methods of training, classroom method or lecture method is well-
known to train white collar or managerial level employees in the organization. Under
this method employees are called to the room like that of classroom to give training by
trainer in the form of lectures. This method is effectively used for the purpose of
teaching administrative aspects or on management subject to make aware of procedures
and to give instructions on particular topic

2. Audio-Visual:
Providing training by way of using Films, Televisions, Video, and Presentations etc.
This method of training has been using successfully in education institutions to train
their students in subjects to understand and assimilate easily and help them to remember
forever. New companies have come up for providing audio visual material for students
in their concern subjects. In the corporate sector, mainly in customer care centers
employers are giving training to their employees by using audio visuals material to
teach how to receive, talk and behavior with the customer

3. Simulation:
The simulation Method of training is most famous and core among all of the job training
methods. In the simulation training method, trainee will be trained on the especially
designed equipment or machine seems to be really used in the field or job. But, those
equipment or machines are specifically designed for training a trainees were making
them ready to handle them in the real field or job. This method of planning is mostly
used where very expensive machinery or equipment used for performing Job or to
handle that job.
Example: The simulation method has been using widely for the purpose of training
aero plane pilots on aero plane simulator to make them ready to handle a fly aero plane.
Especially in Air force fighter pilots are getting trained on the jet fighters simulator.
Because the cost of aero plane or jet fighter will be very expensive, hence employer
may not allow directly to get trained on real equipment to avoid damage to equipment
or machine or in sometimes may cause loss of trainee life. To avoid all such risks by

the employer giving training on simulator is safe. (Normally simulators for the purpose
of training would be provided by the manufacturer of original equipment).

4. Vestibule Training:
Mostly this method of training will be used to train technical staff, office staff and
employees who deal with tools and machines. Employees learn their jobs on the
equipment they will be using, but the training is conducted away from the actual work
floor by bringing equipment’s or tools to certain place where training is provided, but
not work place. Vestibule training allows employees to get a full feel for doing task
without real world pressures. Additionally, it minimizes the problem of transferring
learning to the job.
Vestibule training is provided to employees when new or advanced equipment or tools
introduced in to the organization to do a particular job by using them. For this purpose
such equipment is brought to a separate place to give demonstration and train how to
use and that handle it by employees safely.

5. Case Studies:
It is a written description of an actual situation in the past in same organization or
somewhere else and trainees are supposed to analyze and give their conclusions in
writing. This is another excellent method to ensure full and whole hearted participation
of employees and generates good interest among them. Case is later discussed by
instructor with all the pros and cons of each option. It is an ideal method to promote
decision-making abilities within the constraints of limited data.

6. Role Playing:
During a role play, the trainees assume roles and act out situations connected to the
learning concepts. It is good for customer service and training. This method is also
called ‘role-reversal’, ‘socio-drama’ or ‘psycho-drama’. Here trainees act out a given
role as they would in a stage play. Two or more trainees are assigned roles in a given
situation, which is explained to the group. There are no written lines to be said and,
naturally, no rehearsals. The role players have to quickly respond to the situation.

The TATA STEEL WIRE DIVISION provide following Off the job training programs,

1: Conference and Seminars

A conference is basic to most participative groups centered method of development
which follow by TATA STEEL WIRE DIVION. It led emphasis on small group
discussions on the organizations subset matter and on participation of the members

2: Class Room or In House Training Programs

A training programs are developed and conclude within WIRE DIVISION, for the
regular employees and workers of with or without assistance of external agency.

The Importance of Training & Development at Workplace

The importance of training and development are as follows

A. Improved employee performance –
The employee who receives the necessary training is more able to perform in their job.
The training will give the employee a greater understanding of their responsibilities
within their role, and in turn build their confidence. This confidence will enhance their
overall performance and this can only benefit the company. Employees who are
competent and on top of choosing industry standard help your company hold position
as a leader and storing competitor within the industry.

B. Improved employee satisfaction and morale –

The investment in training that a company makes shows employees that they are valued.
The training creates a supportive workplace. Employees may gain access to training
they wouldn’t have otherwise known about or sought out themselves. Employees who
feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may feel more
satisfaction towards their job.

C. Addressing weaknesses –
Most employees will have some weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training
program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A
development program brings all employees to a higher level so they all have similar
skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely
heavily on others to complete basic work tasks. Providing the necessary training creates
an overall knowledgeable staff with employees who can take over for one another as
needed, work on teams or work independently without constant help and supervision
From others.
A robust training and development program ensures that employees have a consistent
experience and background knowledge. The consistency is particularly relevant for the
company’s basic policies and procedures. All employees need to be aware of the
expectations and procedures within the company. Increased efficiencies in processes
Result in financial gain for the compact.

D. Increased productivity and adherence to quality standards –
Productivity usually increases when a company implements training courses. Increased
efficiency in processes will ensure project success which in turn will improve the
company turnover and potential market share.

E. Increased innovation in new strategies and products –

Ongoing training and up skilling of the workforce can encourage creativity. New ideas
can be formed as a directed result of training and development.

F. Reduced employee turnover –

Staff are more likely to feel valued if they are invested in and therefore, less likely to
change employers. Training and development is seen as an additional company benefit.
Recruitment costs therefore go down due to staff retention.

G. Enhances company reputation and profile –

Having a strong and successful training strategy helps to develop your employer brand
and make your company a prime consideration for graduates and mid-career changes.
Training also makes a company more attractive to potential new recruits who seek to
improve their skills and the opportunities associated with those new skills.
Training can be of any kind relevant to the work or responsibilities of the individual,
and can be delivered by any appropriate method.
For example, it could include:
On-the-job learning, Mentoring schemes, In-house training, Individual study, Blended
learning is becoming more and more popular and as a company we have seen a definite
increase in this method of training over the last year. Blended Learning is the effective
combination of online learning and classroom learning. Many of 20|20’s clients prefer
their staff to learn on-site rather than attend off-site training programs – especially in
industries like oil and gas where it is often very impractical to attend off-site courses.
On-site learning programs like the blended learning approach, allow 20|20 to train more
people working across a larger international footprint than just the UK. This makes it
much more cost-effective and allows for greater process consistency.
The importance of training your employees – both new and experienced – really cannot
be overemphasis


1. Addle model:
Rothwell & Kanzanas (1992) stated that, Instructional system design (ISD) was created
by the United States military as an efficient and effective way to train soldiers. Main
objective of ISD is to improve human performance. ISD is mostly based on the
assumption that learning should not be developed in a random practice, but should be
occurred in correspondence with organized processes, be organized to the target
audience, and have outcomes that can be measured. There have been many different
versions of the ISD model published, but the common model has been the ADDIE


Evaluate Design

Implement Develop

ADDIE model is a step-by-step process of the training. These are as follows:
Rothwell, W., & Benkowski, J. (2002). Basic Principles of Instructional
In Analysis stage job needs are analyzed to identify the performance problem or the
gap between the current and the desired performance.

Design stage process is performed to determine the learning objectives, both in

knowledge and performance. The objectives are determined by using the task
requirements and performance information collected during analysis stage to specify
the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are provided in the training.

In Development stage the trainer will organize the knowledge and performance
objectives, instructional materials, course design and model from the design stage are
put together for employees to achieve learning objectives. The objective will describe
how the trainer and employees will perform during training to achieve the learning
objectives. The results of the training materials are reviewed for technical accuracy.
The Development stage ends when the validation demonstrates that the instruction
meets the performance standards specified by the objectives and the employer accepts
the final product.

Implementation stage is the process when conditions are determined (who, what, when,
where) under which the training will be offered and the solution implemented. The
outcome of this step defines the guidance and support needed to ensure successful
training plan. This stage ends when the company is prepared to carry out the tasks
required to provide and support the product and administer the materials independently.

Evaluation stage enables the trainer to determine if the training methods and material
were effective and successful as well as accomplishing the goal and objective that were
established. In this stage data will be gathered from participants and the results will be
carefully analyzed to identify any unforeseen problems or changing conditions to
evaluate the program effectively. It is also essential to monitor the return on investment
in the training program where productivity issues are the driving factor

2. Performance-Based Training Design:
Performance-Based Training Design was designed by Pucel, (1989)64. Performance-
Based Training Design teaches employees job performance that enables them to go
back to work and do the job, not just know how to do the job. The design includes
hands-on exercises to replicate the actual function of what is being taught. Performance-
Based Instructional Design (PBID) is designed to help learners perform more
effectively in the workplace. PBID is systems that has seven major components, and
are as follows:
- Program description
- Content analysis
- Content selection
- Content sequencing
- Lesson structuring
- Lesson delivery formatting
- Evaluation and feedback procedures development

3. Maslow’s theory of Hierarchy of Needs:

Maslow (1943) developed the Hierarchy of Needs Theory as a general theory of human
motivations. He proposes that human beings are motivated by a number of basic needs,
of which Maslow (1954) stated the five types of needs that are consistently present are
given below.
Physical needs' are the needs of the human body, including the needs for food, water,
sleep, and sensory gratification.
Safety needs' include the desire to be free from danger and environmental threats.
Affiliation needs’ refers good, best, greatest, and excellent work achievements.
Esteem needs' refers to the desire of individuals to feel a sense of achievement and
Self-actualization need is the need Maslow characterizes as the desire to "become more
and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of.


1. To study of Training & Development programs and how it works in TATA STEEL

2. To study of Training needs for employees and workers at corporates.

3. To study the Training Process in TATA STEEL WIRE DIVISION.

4. To study of the Training Methods which followed by TATA STEEL WIRE


5. To study about training programs which conducted in TATA STEEL WIRE



Data Collection is the process to gather information about the relevant topic of research,
which is being done by the researcher. Data collection is a term used to describe a
process of preparing and collecting a data. The purpose of data collection is to obtain
information to keep on record, to make decisions about important issues, to pass on
information to others. Primarily, data is collected to provide information regarding a
specific topic.
Data or information is of two types: Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data is
information collected by the researcher or person himself whereas secondary data is
collected by others but utilized or used by the researcher.

Primary Data:
Primary sources are original source from which the researcher directly collects data that
has not been previously collected. A primary source reflects the individual viewpoint
of a participant or observer. Primary data are first-hand information collected through
various methods such as observation, interviewing, mailing etc.

Secondary Data:
These are sources containing data which have been collected and compiled for another
purpose. The secondary sources consists of readily compendia and already compiled
statistical statements and reports whose data may be used by researcher for his/her
studies e.g., census reports, annual reports and financial statements of companies.
Secondary sources consist of not published records and reports, but also unpublished

I have used both primary data collection method and secondary data collection method
for this project.


Research is of various types. In this project I have used the Descriptive Research
Method. A descriptive research is the one which is description of the state of affairs as
it exists at present. It includes survey and facts finding enquiries of different kinds.
There searcher has no control over the variables. The researcher uses this research
design to find out the respondents’ attitude and opinion about the various training
methods and there processes.

Descriptive research, also known as Statistical Research Method, describes data and
characteristics about the population or phenomenon being studied. Descriptive research
answers the questions who, what, where, when, and how. In short descriptive research
deals with everything that can be counted and studied.


Random sampling method is carried out to take the sample from total Population of
Sample size is 100.


The limitations of that were felt during this project work,

 Time constraint- Considering the short time duration for the survey.

 Non availability of information due to its confidential nature.


Introduction of TATA STEEL

Tata steel always believed that the principle of mutual benefit – between countries,
corporation, customer, employees and communities – is the most effective route to
profitable and sustainable growth.

The Jamshetji Founder Nusserwanji Tata (1839-1904)

Tata steel founded in 1907 of Jamshetji Tata’s dream of a prospectus and Independent
India. More than 100 years later the company continuous from its journey, with its sight
set on becoming the steel industry benchmark for both value creation and corporate
citizenship. Today it is one of the largest steel producer in the world with over 80,000
employees across five continents. It’s one the first integrated steel plant in Asia and The
World second most geographically identified steel producer.
In Jamshedpur, India, where the company was first established, Tata Steel has a 6.8
map crude steel production with further capacity currently under construction in
Europe, it has total manufacturing capacity of 20 map located in UK and the
Netherland. Tata Steel South East Asia operation make it a key steel producer in the
Asia-Pacific region with a presence across six countries.


The following are some important milestones in the history:

‘Research and Control Laboratory’ opened on September 14 at its present location.

R&D division played a key role in developing steel plates used to make armored
vehicles (called Tatanagars) in the First World War; also developed corrosion resistance
steel for the Howrah bridge in Kolkata, India
R&D division played a significant role in achieving the target of the Two Million Tonne
Programme launched at Tata Steel, Jamshedpur

Phase I of Modernization – Relevant technologies were absorbed by R&D
Phase II of Modernization – R&D identified specific coal blends for coke making
Phase III of Modernization – R&D optimized process parameters for Slab caster, ‘G’
Blast Furnace, LD – 2 and HSM
RH-Degasser was commissioned and R&D played a significant role in optimization
through simulation and modeling work
R&D received the ISO 9000:1994 certification
Development and release of IF-Nb and IF-Ti grades of steel for the auto industry for
the first time in India
Established the characteristics of imported low volatile semi-soft coal for use in coke
making and Blast Furnace injection

Development and introduction of dent-resistant grade steel for the auto industry for the
first time in India. Phase IV of Modernization – Cold Rolling Mill was commissioned
and R&D supported the optimization the pickling, cold rolling, annealing and
galvanizing processes

QMS was upgraded and R&D received the ISO 9001:2000 certification. R&D
introduced an offline simulator for predicting properties of Hot Rolled Coils
State-of-the-art water model laboratory was set up. Three new types of steel were
Quality Management System was computerized and strengthened. Five new products
were developed
Two new hot rolled products were developed

Three new products were developed along with several processes resulting in the filing
of several patents. Research efforts were directed towards several ambitious projects
known as Thrust Area Projects

Considerable progress was made in the Thrust Area Projects. R&D added XRD, SEM
and beneficiation facilities to its list of research facilities

R&D celebrated its 70th year by organizing four international conferences. Research
was initiated in a new area of ‘energy efficient fluids’. A new wire product with thin
organic coating on galvanized wire was developed and commercialized. New software
to provide set-up guidance to operators of wire drawing lines was developed

R&D became part of the Global Research Development & Technology function of the
Tata Steel group

QMS was further upgraded and R&D received the ISO 9001:2008 certification

R&D augmented it computational capability by commissioning ‘Reynolds’ - the fastest
computer in the Tata Steel group. A state-of-the-art Bio-Remediation laboratory was
set up

Tata Steel vision, mission and values

We aspire to be a global steel industry benchmark for Value Creation and Corporate
We make different through:
Our people
Fostering them work, nurturing talent, enhancing leadership capability and acting with
pace, pride and passion.

Our Offerings
Become the supplier of choice, delivering premium products and services, and creating
value for customers.

Our conduct
Providing a safe workplace, respecting the environments, caring for our communities
and demonstrating high ethical standards.

Our policies.
In adherence to TATA Code of Conduct, Tata Steel’s policies pertain to active sets of
principle in different areas of operation that help bring uniformity in processes by
clearly defining the company’s approach.

Our Innovative Approach

Developing leading-edge solutions in technology, processes and product.

Consistent with the vision and values of the founder Jamsetji Tata, Tata Steel strive to
straighten India’s industrial base through effective utilization of staff and materials the
means envisaged to achieve this are cutting edge technology and high productivity,
consistent with modern management practices.

Tata Steel recognizes that while honesty and integrity are essential ingredient of a
strong and stable enterprise, profitability provides the main spark for economic activity.

Overall, the company seek to scale the heights of excellence in all it does in an
atmosphere from fear, and thereby reaffirms its faith in democratic values.

We will be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct; everything we do must
stand the test of public scrutiny.

We will be passionate about achieving the highest standards of quality, always
promoting meritocracy.

We will invest in our people and partners, enable continuous learning and build caring
and collaborative relationship based on trust and mutual respect.

We will integrate environment and social principles in our businesses, ensuring that
what comes from the people goes back to the people many times over.

We will be bold and agile, courageously taking on challenges, using deep customer
insight to develop innovative solution.

Ethical behavior is intrinsic to our business and has been part of our legacy since
inception, as envisioned by our Founder, Jamsetji Tata. He believed that a business
must operate in a manner such that it respect the rights of all its stakeholders and creates
overall value for society.

Each year, they observe the month of July as ‘Ethics Month’ across the organization to
reinforcement there ethical culture. This year’s theme ‘Integrity Matters’ intends to
further drive a sense of personal commitment, tomorrow.

The values and principle that have governed our business for a century are enshrined in
Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC).

This Code serves as the ethical roadmap for Tata employees of all our Group companies
and is testament to our determination to help our employees understand their duties and
commitments towards shared values and principles.

Tata Steel has always maintained that all its stakeholders are equal and we look forward to an
equally aligned work culture with all our stakeholders, internal or external. The Business
Associates Code of Conduct is a step towards realigning the same in terms of values and


Regarded globally as a benchmark in corporate social responsibility, Tata Steel’s

commitment to the community remains the bedrock of its hundred year of
sustainability. Its mammoth social outreach program covers the company management
city of Jamshedpur and over 800 villages in and around its manufacturing and raw
materials operations through uplift initiatives in the areas of income generation, health
and medical care, education, sports, and relief.

The company, fully conscious of its responsibility to the future generation, has always
taken pro-active measures to ensure optimum utilization of natural resource.
This is reflected in the ISO-14001 certification that all its operation have achieved for
environment management. The SA 8000 certification for work conditions and
improvement in the workplace at the steel works in Jamshedpur, along with its Ferro
Alloys and Minerals Division, is a reiteration of its commitment towards the
Company’s employees.

Tata Steel has pioneered numerous employees’ welfare measures such as the 8 hours
working day and the three tier joint consultation system of management which have
been the platform for nearly 80 year of industrial harmony in its Steel Works in


World Steel Dynamics has ranked Tata Steel as the World’s best steel maker (for two
consecutive years) in its annual listing in February 2006.

Tata Steel has been conferred the Prime Ministered knowledge of India’s Trophy for
the Best Integrated Steel Plant five times.

It has been awarded Asia’s Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise award in 2003, 2004
and 2006.

Conferred the Prestigious Global Business Excellence in the Community in recognition

of its pioneering work in the world to receive this certificate.

Corporate Sustainability Report of Tata Steel hailed by United Nations Environment

Program (UNEP) and Standard and Poor as strongest, submitted by any corporate house
from emerging economics.

Best governed Company Award 2006 for setting high standard in governance practices.
Tata Steel conferred Mother Teresa Award for Corporate Citizen.

Tata Steel won “Award for Corporate Social responsibility in Public Health” by US
Indian Business Council (USIBC), Population Service International (PSI) and the
center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in 2007.


Tata Steel is globally recognized for manufacturing steel at lowest costs in the world.
The Wire Division of Tata Steel is the largest wire drawing company in India.
Establishment in 1958 and formerly known as Tata Steel – Wire Division, the Tata
Steel ( Wire Division) is a pioneer in the manufacture of steel wire in India with a total
market share of 30%. It has acquired ISO 9001-2000 Certification for Steel wire and
wire rod manufacturing and is India’s largest exporter of Steel wire.
Tata steel (Wire Division) also product narrow width cold rolling strips and high
precision hot rolled profiles.
Tata Steel- wire Division is the leading producer of steel wire in India backed by its
own Steel and Wire Rod (Raw material for wire plants) production facilities. Company
corporate office of Delhi, Chennai & branch sales offices at Ludhiana, Faridabad, and
Ahmadabad and consignment agent at Bangalore, Hyderabad and Jaipur.
The Company operates in two division at profile center- Steel Wire Division and
product division.
Tata steel business is a major player in the wire industry servicing the discerning needs
of its customers across the global market. Tata steel’s global wire business has
manufacturing facility spread across the geographies of India, china Thailand & Shri
The group manufacturer verity of wire catering for the Automobile, Construction,
Power and General Engineering Industry sector needs. It manufactures wire in black
and coated verities in both single and stranded forms.

Wire Division Comprise For Following Plants:-
1) Wire Rod Mill at Tarapur:
This plant has the production of controlled wire rod.

2) Tarapur wire plant:

This plant has produce motor tire bead wire, high carbon wire, PCRS wire, shutter wire
and steel wire, Galvanized wire (used for multiple application like: farming, fencing,
and poultry.)

3) Fine spring steel plant:

All the manufacturing facilities in wire division are certified with ISO 9002 and have
adopted the Tata business excellence model.


Global Wires

Tata Steel Wire Siam Indutrial Wire, Indian Steel & Wire
Division India (Tswd) Thailand (Siw) Products (Iswp)

TSN Wires, Thailand

Employee Engagement activities of TATA STEEL WIRE DIVION

 Various celebrations:
Productivity week, Quality week, Safety month, Ethics month, Environment day,
Annual sports day, etc.

 Festival celebration:
In Kurgaon Colony all festivals are celebrate with fervor.

 Other activities:
Other activities such as Birthday celebrations, Picnics, CSR Activities, Visit to local
villages, Trekking, etc. are conducted regularly.


Tata steel’s safety and occupational health policy are driven by their desire to ensure
zero harm to work and society at large and is integral way to do business.
Our fundamental believes is that all injuries can be prevented. This responsibility with
each one of us.
We will identify, assess and manage our Safety and OH hazard / risk.
We will regularly monitor, the review the progress and report
We will ensured will and skill build upon among employee the progress and report
We will ensured will and skill build upon among employees / contractors partners to
demonstrate to their involvement, responsibility and accountability to achieve sound
safety & OH performance.
We are committed to continual in our Safety & OH performance.
We will set objectives-target, development, implement and maintain management
standards and system, and go beyond compliances with relevant industry standards,
legal and other requirements.
We will truly succeed when we achieve our safety and occupational health goals and
are valued.

Safety is line / life management responsibility.
All injuries can be prevented.
Felt concern and for the employees on “24 hours safety” shall be demonstrate by
Employees shall be trained to work safely. Working safely by condition of employees.
Every job shall be assessed for risk involved and shall be carried out as per authorized
procedure/ checklist/ necessary work permit and using necessary personal protective


Tata steel’s environment responsibilities are driven by our commitment preserve the
environment and are integral to the way we do business.
We are committed to the efficient use of natural resources & energy: reducing and
preventing pollution: promoting waste avoidance and product stewardship. We shall
develop & rehabilitate abandoned sites through a forestation, landscaping and shall
protect preserve the area of our operations.
We will set objectives- targets, develop, implement and maintain management
standards and beyond compliance with relevant industry standards, legal and other
We are truly succeed when we sustain our environmental achievement and are valued
by the communities in which we work.

Consistent with the group purpose Tata steel constantly strive to improve the quality of
the community it serves through excellence in all facets its activities. We are committed
to create value for our stakeholders by continually improving our system and processes
through, innovation involving all our employees.
This policy shall from the basis of establishing and reviewing the quality objectives and
shall be committed across the organization. The policy reviewed to align with business
direction and to comply with all the requirements of the quality managing stand.
-Managing Director.

- Tata steel recognized that its people are the primary source of its competitiveness.

- It is committed to equal employment opportunities for attracting the best available

talent and ensuring the cosmopolitan workforce.

- It will peruse management practices designed to enrich of life of its employees,

develop their potential and maximize their productivity. It will aim ensuring
transparency, fairness and equity in all its dealings with its employees.

- Tata steel will strive continuously to foster a climate of openness, mutual trust and
team work.


In the global and competitive environment of today and tomorrow, organizations must
rethink and reshape their approach to education in order to stay competitive.
Operational Excellence is a strategic initiative under the organizations.
TATA STEEL MD and CEO Mr. T. V. Narendran has set a target for GWI to reduce
customer claim for substance of the market leadership. Automotive sector is large part
of wire business, where customers are increasingly demanding ‘Zero Defect’ products.
This demand major change in the way they are work- ensuring participation of all
factions to build quality products. Through a learning mission to TML, they came to
know about success with ‘World Class Quality’ model. They were adopting the same
at SSP, in the form of GWOEM, facilitated by TBExG.
In TATA STEEL Wire Division Tarapur Plant introduce Operational Excellence Model
in 2018, with the name of GWOEM ‘Global Wire Operational Excellence Model’.

Logo of GWOEM

Five pillars of GWOEM

People Involvement
Build in Quality
Short Lead Time
Continuous Improvement

Description of five Pillars

People involvement is creating an environment in which people have an impact on
decisions and actions that affect their jobs.
Employee involvement is not the goal nor is it a tool, as practiced in many
organizations. Rather, it is a management and leadership philosophy about how people
are most enabled to contribute to continuous improvement and the ongoing success of
their work organization.
A solid recommendation for those organizations that wish to create an empowering,
continuously improving workplace is to involve people as much as possible in all
aspects of work decisions and planning. This involvement increases ownership and
commitment, retains your best employees, and fosters an environment in which people
choose to be motivated and contributing. “All People Are Responsible For Quality”
The People Involvement include
- Inspired workforce.
- To improve Health & Safety quality in people.
- Strong dominant culture on all levels.
- Grown-up people Engagement.
- Enhance skills & abilities level.

Standardization is the process of implementing and developing technical
standards based on the consensus of different parties that include firms, users, interest
groups, standards organizations and governments. Standardization can help
maximize compatibility, interoperability, safety, repeatability, or quality. It can also
facilitate commoditization of formerly custom processes. In social sciences,
including economics, the idea of standardization is close to the solution for
a coordination problem, a situation in which all parties can realize mutual gains, but
only by making mutually consistent decisions. This view includes the case of
"spontaneous standardization processes", to produce de facto standards.
‘Pre requirement of build in quality’
- Stable reactions with Low gap
- In institutes there is Honesty about workspace.
- Response and concern to solve improvement problems.
- Enhance and visual management.

Build in quality practices ensure that each solution element, at every increment, meets
appropriate quality standards throughout development. The enterprise’s ability to
deliver new functionality with the shortest sustainable lead time, and adapt to rapidly
chaining business environment, depends on solution quality. So it should not be surprise
that build in quality is one of the SAFE core value as well as continuous attention to
techniques of avoid cost delays; changes mindset; associate with recall, rework and
fixing defects. SAFEs build in quality philosophies apply system thinking optimize the
whole system, insuring fast flow of across the value stream, and makes quality
everyone’s job.
‘Don’t accept error, don’t make error, and don’t send errors outside’.
- No defected products for consumers.
- Improvement in quality indicators
- Improvement abilities & facilities of production.
- Strict control and minimum differences in processes.
- Improve Supply chin communication.

Lead time is the amount of time that passes from the start of a process until its
conclusion. Companies review lead time in manufacturing, supply chain management,
and project management during pre-processing, processing, and post-processing stages.
By comparing results against established benchmarks, they can determine where
inefficiencies exist.
Reducing lead time can streamline operations and improve productivity, increasing
output and revenue. By contrast, longer lead times negatively affect sales and
manufacturing processes.
‘To reduce transaction time in Consumer Order and Delivery.’
- To modify quality of production.
- To reduce lead time.
- To modify methods of storing and handling accessories.
- Good packaging and travelling.

Lead time is the amount of time that passes from the start of a process until its
conclusion. Companies review lead time in manufacturing, supply chain management,
and project management during pre-processing, processing, and post-processing stages.
By comparing results against established benchmarks, they can determine where
inefficiencies exist.
Reducing lead time can streamline operations and improve productivity, increasing
output and revenue. By contrast, longer lead times negatively affect sales and
manufacturing processes.
‘To do constant development has become a stabilized the procedures.’
- To minimize concern to solve regular problems in suppliers and customers.
- Maintain and review an effective application of business objectives.
- Use “ANDON” to identified and introduce uncommon opinions on time.
- Improvement in total productivity maintenance and facilities management

Absolute of ‘people involvement’
o Vision or Mission statements.
o Values
o Prefer Health and Safety.
o Team concept.
o Free communication process.
o Shop floor Management.
o Qualify people.

Absolutes of ‘standardization’
o Organizational workplace.
o Time management to take standardized work.
o Visual management.

Absolutes of ‘Build in quality’

o Standard production quality.
o Auto production process.
o Control and verification of in-process.
o Quality feedback.
o Quality system management.

Absolutes of ‘Short lead time’

o Easy flow process.
o Small lot packaging.
o Fixed ordering system period.
o Control external travelling.
o Gain scheduled shipping.
o Temporary material collection.
o Under distribution.
o Scheduled to order conveyance level.
o Supply chain management.

Absolutes of ‘Continuous improvement’.
o Problem solving techniques.
o Business distribution scheme.
o ANDON concept
o Facility, equipment’s, tooling and layout formation.
o Initial production and mobilized design.
o All system maintenance.
o Constant improvement process.


Everyone is responsible for quality.

People are our most important resource

Internal quality slogans

Make your consumer pleased.
Don’t accept error, don’t make error and
don’t send errors outside.
Be organized and solve problems.

Five Steps for GWOEM

• Inspect based process (containment)

Level- 1

• Detection and containment (Basic build in

Level- 2 quality)

• Prevention & CIP (Build in quality

Level- 3 intermedeate)

• Avoid error flow (Build in quality Advance)

Level- 4

• Avoid Error(Build in quallity vision)

Level- 5


Level-1 Defect should not leave company Protect customer from “obvious”
premises. defect.

Level-2 Defect should not pass to next Minimize distress to downstream

process. process.

Level-3 Defect should not pass online. Improve upstream process.

Level-4 Defect should not reach the line. Eliminate process incoming defects.

Level-5 Do not produce “Defects.” “Zero” in process waste.


Training Feedback Analysis

Training Calender Post Test Evaluation

Planning Pre Test Effectiveness

Attaindande Summery

Pre Test and Post Test:

Pretest and Posttest are the probabilities of the presence of a condition (such as
a disease) before and after a diagnostic test, respectively. Post-test probability, in turn,
can be positive or negative, depending on whether the test falls out as a positive test or
a negative test, respectively. In some cases, it is used for the probability of developing
the condition of interest in the future.
Test, in this sense, can refer to any medical test (but usually in the sense of diagnostic
tests), and in a broad sense also including questions and even assumptions (such as
assuming that the target individual is a female or male). The ability to make a difference
between pre- and post-test probabilities of various conditions is a major factor in
the indication of medical


The data was collected by face to face meetings with respondents within the training
sessions therefore, it was unstructured data.

Q. 1) Does your company organizes Training Programs?

Yes- * (100% result is Yes)



Response YES Response NO

From the above diagram we can conclude that, company organized training programs.
As per the employees 100% response is YES.

Q.2) Does your organization identifies the Training needs for employees?
Yes- * (90% result shows yes)
No- (10% no)


Response NO

Response YES

Response YES Response NO

From the above diagram we can conclude that, 90% of employee’s said YES as
organization identifies training needs, while 10% of employees said NO.

Q.3) How many training programs has been conducted within one year?
Depends upon training calendar (45%)
230 & above (25%)
200 & above (30%)
12 & above (0)

12 & above
200 & above
30% Depence upon

230 & above


Depence upon training calender 230 & above

200 & above 12 & above

From the above diagram we can conclude that, the survey was based on yearly data.
According to the survey, 45% people agreed that, the training program was conducted
on the basis of training calendar; while 25% people agreed with 230 & above training
program was conduct in one year and 30% of employee said that 200 & above training
program was organized within one year.

Q.4) On an average, how much time did it take to complete various training
8 hrs.* (30%)
Full day * (20%)
Half day * (50 %)



Full Day 8 Hours Half Day

According to the survey, the time duration of various training programs was described
respectively, 20% of responders says the time duration is full day for one training
program, 30% responders says the time duration for training programs is 8 hours while
50% of responders says training programs takes place for the half day .

Q. 5) Does your company use specific training process?
Yes-* (result is 100% yes)




Response YES Response NO

From the above diagram we conclude that, as per 90% responders’ the organization
used specific training process to conduct the various training sessions, while 10% of
responders said NO.

Q. 6) Do you satisfy with organizational training & development programs?
Yes- (82% result is yes)
No-(18% no)




Response YES Response NO

From the above diagram we conclude that, 82% respondents satisfied with
organizations training and development program but 18% respondents does not
satisfied from organizations training and development programs

Q. 7) Did you have enough knowledge about your area of work within training?
Yes- (75%)
No- (8%)




YES NO Sometims

According to the survey, 75% of respondents have enough the knowledge about their
area of work within training programs. 16% of respondents said they enough knowledge
sometimes while, 8% respondents said no.

Q. 8) Did you provide training feedback after the training sessions?
No- (20%)




Response YES Response NO

As per the survey, 80% trainees provide feedback after training sessions ends, while
20% trainees does not provide any feedback on training sessions.

Q.9) Did trainer provide you chance to express your views during training sessions?
Yes- (94%)
Sometimes- (6%)
No- (0)


Sometimes NO
6% 0%


YES Sometimes NO

According to survey, 94% respondents said they have provided chance to express their
views within training sessions, but 6% respondents said sometime they don’t have
chance to express their views.


 In TATA STEEL WIRE DIVISION, The HR manager handles training and

development programs and their coordinator conduct training programs. The
organization conduct training programs on the basis of employees training

 The Organization provides on the job as well as off the training about employee
areas of work. Most of the employees are satisfied with that trainings and
employees who are unsatisfied with the training for that training programs are

 The organization always follow specific and well schedule training process for
the organizing training programs.

 The organization provides better training programs to employees because

training provide skill and knowledge about their area of work. The organizations
training programs always provide guideline to do hard working, multitasking,
and skillful job.

 The organization also conduct other training programs for employees like health
and nutrition, safety awareness, yoga, cancer awareness etc.


 The organizations have to follow the attractive training process; because, the study
of Training and Development is important part of all organizations. A good training
process attracts employees for their working performance and to improve their

 The organization should give extra benefits to employees for giving standing
performance to increase the goodwill of the organization.

 The organization should provide training of the specific time to adopt less paper
work or green computing.

 The Training Process should be available across for all employees to increase their


An effective training programs increase employees skills, knowledge and working

style, we also get much better result in our training process if we advertise specific
criteria that are relevant to the job. Include all necessary skills, a list of desired skills
that are not necessary but that would enhance the candidate chances. If we fail to do
this, we might end up with a low – quality pool of candidates and wind up with limited
choices to fall the open position. From when we give training to candidates to base upon
their needs so we will land the best fit for the position. But if we will give them training
on the basis of updated technologies and new methods then they will have higher
productivity and quality in their employees to work on products or services & studies
on their working area. The good Training Programs can increase the productivity of an
organization because it provides various skills about the work place.


 GWOEM- Global Wire Operational Excellence Model

 HR- Human Resource
 SSP- Spring Steel Plant
 GWI- Global Wires of India
 UNEP- United Nations Environment Program.
 USIBC- US Indian Business Council
 PSI- Population Service International
 CSIS- The Center Strategies and International Studies.
 QMS- Quality Management System
 ISD- Instructional System Design
 PBID- Performance- Based Instructional Design
 TCoC- TATA Coad of Conduct
 UNEP- United Nations Environment Program
 USIBC- US Indian Business Council
 ISO- International Organization for Standardization
 XRD- X Ray Diffraction
 SEM- Scanning Electronic Microscopy
 HSM- Hardware Security Module
 Bedroc- Building and Enabling Disaster Resilience of Coastal
Communities (BEDROC)
 Ferro Alloys- An alloy of iron with some element other than carbon, used to
introduce the element in the manufacture of steel.
 TBExG- TATA Business Excellence Group
 TML- TATA Motors Limited.
 ANDON- Andon is a manufacturing term referring to a system to notify
management, maintenance, and other workers of a quality or process problem.
 COO- Chief operating officer (executive position)
 CPI- Consumer Price Index.
 Kurgaon- The village in palghar taluka.

 RH Degasser-
Molten steel, taken out of the converter furnace, is ultimately refined and
degassed during the secondary refining process. The RH Vacuum degasser is
idea for the swift dinning of large amount of molten steel. It is also suitable for
the mass production of highly purity steel at integrated steelworks, realizing
decarburization and heating by rejection pure oxygen gas into the vacuum
vessel. Furthermore, it has extended refining functions such as the acceleration
of desulfurization and deoxidation through addition of flux while controlling
the of the impurities

 Eagar- avid, questioning, ready, fain, impatient
 Mammoth- Massive, Monster, Bulky or Tremendous
 Spontaneous- Impulsive, unbidden, Unstudied, Aberration, Connatural, As a
matter of course.


 Collects the required data and information from HR Department, Spring Steel Plant
 Mrs. KAJAL SANKHE (Coordinator of Training and Development team of TATA

 DR. P. SUBBA RAO “Personnel and Human Resource Management” book of
(Himalaya Publication House) page no. 152-154, page no. 156-157, Page no. 158.




1) Does your company organized Training Programs?



2) Does your organization identifies the Training needs for employees?



3) How many training programs has been conducted within one year?
Depends upon training calendar

230 & above

200 & above

12 & above

4) On an average, how much time did it take various training programme?

8 Hrs. =

Full Day =

Half Day =

5) Does your company use specific training process?


6) Do you satisfy with organizational training & development programs?



7) Did you enough knowledge about your area of work within training?



8) Did you provide training feedback after the training sessions ends?


9) Did trainer provides you chance to express your views during training sessions?


Training Calendar

Tata Steel Ltd. Global Wires - Tarapur Plant.

Code Training plan Plant Training faculty Months Date Venue Timing

Tarapur Wire Plants

Rev.No. 1 Date
Identification of training needs for the year -----

Name: Mr.………………… T. No…………….

Dept: ………………………………

Sr. Training Needs for the year---

No. -

Name of Section head / Dept Head:


Signature Date-


Name of the Program: External/Internal:

Name of the faculty: Duration of the Program:
Date: Venue:

A. We welcome your comments and feedback on the learning program to help us improve further

Please tick mark ( ) in your choice.

Feedback on Sessions
1. Subject matter covered meets my expectation.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree

2. The course material provided was helpful in understanding and grasping the key concepts.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree

Feedback on Self Evaluation

3. I had new learning from the sessions

Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree

4. Relevance of topics discussed to my work.

Not related Very less portion Somewhat Moderately Very much

related related related

Overall Effectiveness
5. Overall effectiveness of the sessions
Poor Fair Average Good Very Good
6. Faculty’s presentation and communication skills

Not Satisfactory Below average Average Above average Outstanding

7. The case studies/examples discussed were helpful in understanding the key concepts

Strongly disagree Disagree somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree

8. Faculty’s responsiveness to queries

Not Satisfactory Below average Average Above average Outstanding

9. Overall quality of delivery by faculty

Not Satisfactory Below average Average Above average Outstanding


1. 1. a. Indicate the topics which you found most

relevant and useful

1.b. Indicate the topics that you did not find useful.

2. Suggestion for making this Program more fruitful: -.

Thank You 71

Rev.No. 1 Date


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Participants 3





Rev.No. 1 Date
Sr. Name of Date of Total of
Out of Percentage (%)
No Training Training Rating

Average Training Effectiveness


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