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Performance Enhancement Sheet – 153 For Toppers

Biomentors Classes Online, Mumbai

Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants
Points to remember
1. The methods of reproduction which do not involve meiosis and fertilization are known as apomixis or asexual
2. Agamospermy :
• Embryos and seeds are formed by asexual reproductive methods without involving meiosis and

• There are three different types of agamospermy :
(i) Adventive embryony : Formation of embryo directly from the diploid sporophytic

cells (nucellus or integument)
• e.g., Citrus, Opuntia

(ii) Diplospory : In this case, the archesporium differentiates but megaspore mother
cell directly gives rise to an unreduced (i.e., without meiosis) embryo sac.
(iii) Apospory : It is the formation of complete embryo sac from the sporophytic cell
without meiosis so that the gametophyte remains diploid.

3. Tissue culture technique was first thought by Haberlandt (1902) and Hanning (1908) but successful attempt was

made by White (1932) in case of tomato root.

4. In angiosperms apospory was first reported by Rosenberg (1907) in Hieracium.

5. Rudolf Camerarius (1694) first describe sexual reproduction in plants.

6. Origin of pollen sac is eusporangiate while that of megaspore mother cell (embryo sac or megagametophyte) is

7. Pollen grain of Zostera is filamentous and without exine.

8. Adansonia Flowers bears 1500-2000 stamens.


9. In Aristolochia elagans all types of pollen tetrads (tetrahedral, isobilateral, T-shaped, ^ shaped and decussate) are

10. Edible pollens are produced in rose.

11. Embryosac (polygonum type) was first studied by Strasburger.
12. The pollination mechanism of Calotropis is referred as translator mechanism.
13. Erythrina is pollinated by crows as well as squirrels.
14. The seed with double endosperm is found in Coconut (Cocus nucifera) (i) Liquid endosperm (ii) Cellular endosperm.
15. Stony endosperm is present in Betel nut (Areca nut) and Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera).
16. Largest embryo in monocots is found in coconut. Loranthus is a monocot with 2-6 cotyledons.

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