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Complainant, Criminal Case No. 645878
For: Violation of Art. 294




I, JOHN MARK A. CABANERO 25 years old, single, Filipino, and residing at

Purok Buenavista, Barangay Baluno Isabela City, Basilan, under oath, depose:

1. Q: Why are you here now?

A: To give a sworn statement by way of a judicial affidavit, the same to
constitute as my direct testimony, in the above-captioned criminal case.

1. Q: For the record, please state the name and address of the Lawyer who
is now conducting or supervising your examination and the place where
the examination is being held now?
A: Atty. Rochelle A. Elloran, is conducting or supervising my examination
now at his Law office (Elloran Law Office) located at, Ground Floor, ADC
Building Isabela City.

2. Q: In what language do you want your examination to be conducted?

A: This judicial affidavit is prepared in English, but my cross examination
may be conducted in Tagalog and English for my convenience and for

3. Q: Do you undertake to answer the question to be asked of you, fully

conscious that you will do so under oath, and that you may face criminal
liability for false testimony or perjury?
A: Yes, Sir.
4. Q: Let us now proceed to the complainant. Are you aware of the
complainant charged against you, namely: Violation of Robbery with
Homicide Art. 294?
A: Yes, sir.

5. Q: Do you know the Accused “John Mark A. Cabanero”?

A: Yes, I am John Mark A. Cabanero.

6. Q: Why are you testifying in this case?

A: I am testifying in this case because I am one of therein named “accused”.

7. Q: Where were you on March 2, 2022 at around 1:30 in the afternoon?

A: I was in my girlfriend’s house celebrating her birthday together with her
family and friends.

8. Q: What time did you arrived in their house?

A: I arrived there at around 12:30 in the afternoon.

9. Q: What happened next?

A: As I arrived, I immediately go inside their house to surprise her.

10. What happened next?

A: After surprising my girlfriend, we waited for a while before we start the

11. Q: While waiting for the celebration to start, where were you?
A: I was just inside in my girlfriend’s house.

12. Q: What time did the celebration started?

A: The celebration started at around 1:15 pm.

13. Q: What happened next, if any?

A: When half of the visitors came including her friends we made some
activites and start to have some drinks.

14. Q: Can you recognize some of the people in the party?

A: Yes sir.

15. Q: Can you tell me the names of your friends and your girlfriend’s
friends who attended the party?
A: Yes ma’am.

16. Q: please state the names.

A: Mr. khafid Sali. One of my friends since college.

17. Q: Did you come together at the celebration?

A: No, I came first at the celebration.

18. Q: What time did the celebration ended?

A: It ended around 5 pm.

19. Q: After the party where did you go?

A: My girlfriend’s parent didn’t allow me to go home because I was to drunk
and so I stayed there for the night.
A: No, Sir.

20. Q: Is there anything else would you like to add?

A: Yes sir, for all the allegations against me I have to say that it is
impossible for me to do such crime that has filed against me.

That I attest to the truth of the foregoing circumstances. IN WITNESS

WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of January at Baguio
City, Philippines

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, this 4th day of January 2012
at Baguio City, Philippines.




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