Final-Task M2 Castro Angela

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Practical Research 1

module 2: choosing a topic and stating the research


Crafting Research Title: Discuss with your group some possible topics and research
problems. Then list 10 possible research titles you have considered in your discussion.
Use the template shown below. (20 points)

Research Research Research Who will be your Why did you Approved
Topic Problem Title participants? choose this /Rejected
research topic? (to be
ed by the
PR 1
1.Mental How to Cope with People who Because many
Health cope with mental experience people
Issues mental health mental issues experienced it
health issues
2.Political Why is it Engaging People who are learn more
issues important open interested about things about
to be minded in politics politics
open politics
minded in
3.Environ How does Environm Who cares about notice the
ment climate ent and mental health and difference until
change Human environment now
affect Health
4.Crime How Behaviour Who makes Be aware in
criminals of crimes types of crimes
choose Criminal
5.Culture Why Conflicts Cultured people Be aware of
cultured with other conflicts about
people cultures others culture
with other
6.Family How can Family People suffering Many people
Issues some issues from family issues wants to move
people experienc
overcome ed
7.Media Why do Growth of People using Have
people social media knowledge why
use social media in people use
media for Human social media
periods of
8.Busines How Businesse Businessman and To know how
s managem s in businesswoman they handle their
Manage ent different business and etc
ment approach places
in different
9.Technol How Impact of Everyone Because we will
ogie technolog technolog know the good
y affects y in impact or bad
our lives? Human impact of
lives technologies in
our lives
10.Suicid Why some Thought People who have Reason why they
e/Trauma people of experienced a attempting
tic commit attemptin suicide attempt suicide
Experien suicide? g suicide

Note: ONLY ONE FINAL TASK OUTPUT WILL BE SUBMITTED. The Assistant leader will compile
the research titles and follow the given table format. The Leader will finalize the output
and submit it on February 7, 2022 (Monday) to the respective PR1 teachers thru

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