BGDG 172

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BGDG -172: Gender Sensitization: Society and Culture

Tutor Marked Assignments

Course Code: BGDG 172

Assignment Code: ASST /TMA / 2021-22
Total Marks: 100

Section A

Answer the following in about 500 words each.

1. Describe gender Roles briefly. (20 marks)
2. Explain feminist’s perspectives on family in detail. (20 marks)

Section B

Answer the following questions in about 250 words each.

3. What is the role of media in shaping and reinforcing Masculinity and Femininity in
India? Explain (10 marks)
4. Discuss Gender Gaps in Labour Force Participation and Economy briefly with suitable
examples. (10 marks)
5. Explain the importance of the Enumeration of work from a Gender Perspective from your
own words. (10 marks)

Section C

Answer the following questions in about 100 words each.

6. Write short notes on Gender Boundaries and Gender identity. (6 marks)
7. What is Representation? (6 marks)
8. What is Empowerment? (6 marks)
9. Write in your own words about Glass Ceiling with an example. (6 marks )

10. Describe Social Attitudes and Stereotypes concerning disability. (6 marks)

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