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We have to write about BAND PASS FILTER which has to pass 300-600 Hz to
light a green LED.

First we design about type of filer that it is either active or passive or order of filter
and to fulfill the requirements of what is present in the design specifications part.

The input from Audio system is passed to OPAMP A which provides necessary
amplifications to the input signal and then the signal is divided into three parts
which has different filters circuit to give RED , GREEN and BLUE light at the
output based on different frequency response.
We are interested to design the Band pass filter circuit and its design which is
responsible for providing GREEN color LED signal.

As OPAMP is used in the circuit which is an active device, so we have to design

active band pass filter circuit and the circuit diagram is given below.

Fig1. Circuit diagram of band pass filer circuit with its frequency response


A band pass filter is defined as a device that allows frequencies within a
specific frequency range and rejects (attenuates) frequencies outside that
range. It is used to pass the signal components in the specified range like in
our design part we have to pass frequency in the range of 300 Hz to 600 Hz
and to block other frequencies which help in providing GREEN color LED at
the output.
By the cascade connection of high pass and low pass filter makes another
filter, which allows the signal with specific frequency range or band and
attenuate the signals which frequencies are outside of this band.
The band pass filter is nothing but a combination of low pass and high pass
filters. Therefore, the circuit diagram contains the circuit of high pass and
low pass filters. The circuit diagram of the active RC band pass filter is as
shown in the above figure.

The first half of the circuit diagram is a RC high pass filter. This filter will
allow the signals which have frequencies higher than the lower cutoff
frequency (fc-low) and stop the signals which have frequencies lower than

The second half of the circuit diagram is a RC low pass filter. This filter will
allow the signals which have frequencies lower than the higher cutoff
frequency (fc-high) and it will stop the signals which have frequencies
higher than (fc-high).

The band or region of frequency in which the band pass filter allows the
signal to pass that is known as Bandwidth. The bandwidth is a difference
between the higher and lower value of cutoff frequency.
So, in our circuit input from any audio source is coming and then amplified
by amplifier then the band pass filter performs its operation and passes only
the desired frequency range.
Then after OPAMP C provides further amplification of the signal to boost its
amplitude and then the PEAK detector circuit is used which is used to detect
the peak of the amplified signal and stores the peak voltage which in turns
gives GREEN light at the output driver circuit.

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