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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines



Hanna Darlyn C. Tomaroy BSED –

BSEDVED 19 A – TTH 8:30-10:30PM July 30,






The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of teaching values education on

behavior of pupils as perceived by the grade 5 teacher and pupils of Amador Dagudag Memorial

Elementary School. This research was conducted at the said school. Respondents of the study

were teachers responsible for values education instruction and grade 5 pupils.

Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the pupils at Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary School in terms

1.1 Age; and


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

1.2 Gender?

2. What is the profile of the teachers at Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary School in terms

2.1Gender; and

2.2Years of experience?

3. To what extent are the effects of teaching values education on the behavior of pupils as
perceived by both teacher and pupil respondents considering the following:

3.1 Pananagutang Pansarili at Mabuting Kasapi ng Pamilya (Personal responsibility and

good family member);

3.2 Pakikipagkapwa-tao (Human Relationship);

3.3 Pagmamahal sa Bansa at Pakikibahagi sa Pandaigdigang Pagkakaisa (Patriotism and

participation in global unity); and

3.4 Pananalig at Pagmamahal sa Diyos; Paninindigan sa kabutihan (Faith and Kindness)?

Profile of the Respondents Involved in the Teaching of Values Education

Table 1
Age Profile of the Pupils
Age Frequency Percent
10 29 61.70

11 15 31.92

12 3 6.38
Total 47 100.00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Table 1 presents the Age Profile of the Pupils or the Respondents Involved in the Teaching of
Values Education. The table shows that 29 or 61.70% of the respondents are age 10 years old, 15
or 31.92% of the respondents are age 11 years old, and 3 or 6.38% are age 12 which compromise
of 47 respondents or a percentage of 100%. According to the data presented it shows that the
majority of the respondents involved in the Teaching of Values Education are aged 10 years old.

Table 2
Gender Profile of the Pupils
Gender Frequency Percent

Male 23 48.94

Female 24 51.06

Total 47 100.00

In Table 2 it presents the Gender Profile of the Pupils or the Respondents Involved in the
Teaching of Values Education. The data shows that 23 or 48.94% of the respondents are male,
and 24 or 51.06% of the respondents are female which compromise of 47 respondents or a
percentage of 100%. It shows that the majority of the participants or respondents involved in the
Teaching of Values Education are female.

Table 3
Gender Profile of the Teachers
Gender Frequency Percent
Male 0 0.00
Female 2 100.00
Total 2 100.00

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Table 3 presents the Gender Profile of the Teachers or the Respondents Involved in the
Teaching of Values Education. It shows that there are 0 or 0.00% male respondents, and only 2
or 100.00% female respondents which compromise of only 2 female teacher respondents or a
percentage of 100%. According to the majority data presented the of the respondents involved in
the Teaching of Values Education are female teachers.

Table 4
Years of Experience of the Teachers
No. of Years Frequency Percent

22 1 50.00

27 1 50.00

Total 2 100.00

In Table 4 it presents the Years of Experience of the Teachers or the Respondents Involved in
the Teaching of Values Education. It shows that there is 1 or 50.00% teacher who has 22 Years
of Experience, and 1 or 50.00% teacher who have 27 Years of Experience, compromising of only
2 teacher respondents or a percentage of 100%. The data presents the Years of Experience of the
teachers involved in the Teaching of Values Education, which is one teacher having a 22 Years
of Experience and the other teacher who have higher years of experience of 27 years. According
to l Unal, Z., Unal, A. (2012), it takes between four and seven years of experience for an
individual to develop into a competent teacher.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Table 5
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of Personal Responsibility and Good
Family Member

As a pupil and a family member… Teachers

wx̄ VD Equivalent

I show honesty in doing projects 3.60 SA Very High

I know that honesty makes relationships stronger. 3.55 SA Very High

I encourage everyone to be honest in all kinds of 3.51 SA Very High

I can able to prove that cooperation is important in 3.51 SA Very High
finishing work.
I give importance to what is true. 3.49 SA Very High

I show enjoyment and positive attitude towards 3.47 SA Very High

I express my own opinion or feeling with honesty 3.47 SA Very High
about situations that involve self and own family.
I can identify good and bad effects caused by any 3.45 SA Very High
reading material to one’s self and to the other
members of the family
I express truth even if it hurts. 3.40 SA Very High

I show enjoyment in reading books and magazines. 3.34 SA Very High


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Composite 3.48 SA Very High

Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent

3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low
1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low

Table 5
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of Personal Responsibility and Good
Family Member
As a pupil and a family member… Pupils

wx̄ VD Equivalent

I give importance to what is true. 3.62 SA Very High

I show enjoyment and positive attitude towards 3.60 SA Very High


I can able to prove that cooperation is important in 3.53 SA Very High

finishing work.
I can identify good and bad effects caused by any 3.49 SA Very High
reading material to one’s self and to the other
members of the family
I encourage everyone to be honest in all kinds of 3.47 SA Very High
I know that honesty makes relationships stronger. 3.43 SA Very High

I express my own opinion or feeling with honesty 3.36 SA Very High

about situations that involve self and own family.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

I express truth even if it hurts. 3.36 SA Very High

I show honesty in doing projects 3.32 SA Very High

I show enjoyment in reading books and magazines. 3.04 A High

Composite 3.42 SA Very High

Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent

3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low
1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low

As shown in Table 5, Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of

Pupils as Perceived by Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of Personal Responsibility
and Good Family Member. For the teacher as respondents, it results to a total composite mean of
3.48 with a verbal description of strongly agree. The data shows that the teachers notice that the
pupils show honesty in doing projects having the highest weighted mean of 3.60 with a verbal
description of strongly agree. The teachers also strongly agree that they know that honesty makes
relationships stronger having a weighted mean of 3.55 equivalent of very high. The teachers also
perceived that they strongly agree in encouraging everyone to be honest in all kinds of activity
and can able to prove that cooperation is important in finishing work having a weighted mean of
3.51 and equivalent of very high. Teachers also strongly agree that pupils give importance in
what is true having a weighted mean of 3.49 with equivalent of very high. According to Singh,
A. (2011), when Values Education was explicit, a common language was established among
students, staff and families. This not only led to greater understanding of the targeted values but
also provided a positive focus for redirecting children’s inappropriate behavior. Teachers
perceived that explicitly teaching values and developing empathy in students resulted in more
responsible, focused and cooperative classrooms and equipped students to strive for better
learning and social outcomes. When values are explicitly endorsed, acknowledged and ‘valued’
within a school culture, it becomes incumbent on schools to ensure that staff, as well as students
are both benefactors and recipients in respectful and caring interactions. The common focus
draws teachers together to create a collaborative and cohesive school community which supports
teachers to do their job more effectively. This has important ramifications for students’ academic
progress and wellbeing. Additionally, with a weighted mean of 3.47 and equivalent of very high
the teachers also perceives that the pupils show enjoyment and positive attitude towards learning

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

and express their own opinion or feeling with honesty about situations that involve self and own
family having a verbal description of strongly agree. The teachers also strongly agree that the
pupils can identify good and bad effects caused by any reading material to one’s self and to the
other members of the family having a weighted mean of 3.45 with equivalent of very high.
Furthermore, the teacher also perceives that the pupil’s express truth even if it hurts with a
weighted mean of 3.40 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high.
Lastly, having the lowest weighted mean of 3.34 the teachers strongly agree that pupils show
enjoyment in reading books and magazines and having an equivalent of very high.

On the other hand, as for the pupils as the respondents it garnered a composite mean of 3.42
with a verbal description of strongly agree. Having the highest weighted mean of 3.62 with a
verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high the pupils give importance to
what is true. Followed by the weighted mean of 3.60 having a verbal description of strongly
agree and equivalent of very high that they show enjoyment and positive attitude towards
learning. Pupils also can able to prove that cooperation is important in finishing work with a
weighted mean of 3.53 with verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high.
Based on the study of Shrestha, B., & Gupta, P. (2019) that the values education had taught basic
qualities of life like honesty, hard work, respect for others, cooperation, compassion, and
forgiveness. Additionally, the pupils strongly agree that they can identify good and bad effects
caused by any reading material to one’s self and to the other members of the family having a
weighted mean of 3.49 with an equivalent of very high. It also indicates that the pupils strongly
agree towards encouraging everyone to be honest in all kinds of activity with a weighted mean of
3.47 and equivalent of very high. The pupils also know that honesty makes relationships stronger
having a weighted mean of 3.43 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to
very high. Nevertheless, number of pupils strongly agree that they can express their own opinion
or feeling with honesty about situations that involve self and own family and express truth even
if it hurts garnered a weighted mean of 3.36 with a verbal description of strongly agree and
equivalent to very high. According to Velecká, R. (2013) values are inevitable and essential part
of the teaching. They help to shape character with certain qualities and teachers are supposed to
do it with the best conscience. In practice this fact was proved and it was discovered that the
impact on the behavior and character development is really great that is the reason why it should
be done in positive way so that the pupils become good citizens of the society and they know
what is the right thing to do. Teaching values impact pupil’s ability to communicate with other
people, they become aware of the needs and opinions of others and learn to be interested in other
people and not only themselves. As perceived by the pupils they strongly agree in showing
honesty in doing projects with a weighted mean of 3.32 and equivalent to very high. Lastly,
pupils show enjoyment in reading books and magazines with a weighted mean of 3.04 having a
verbal description of agree and equivalent to high. As presented, we can perceive that all the
respondents both teachers and pupils strongly agree that there is a positive impact in Teaching

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils in Terms of Personal Responsibility and Good
Family Member.

Table 6
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of
Personal Human Relationship

As a pupil and a human being… wx̄ VD Equivalent

I show respect to any visitors or tourists. 3.60 SA Very High

I respect others rights. 3.55 SA Very High

I can lead in giving help for those who are in 3.51 SA Very High
I can form and express ideas or opinion with 3.43 SA Very High
I have the initiative to inform authorities if there is 3.38 SA Very High
trouble happening.
I join and participate in any competition whose 3.38 SA Very High
main objective is friendship.
I can fulfil any given role with full capacity in any 3.36 SA Very High
programs or projects using technologies available
in school.
I can sacrifice owns sake for the good of others. 3.28 SA Very High

Composite 3.44 SA Very High

Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High

2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low

Table 6
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of
Personal Human Relationship

As a pupil and a human being… wx̄ VD Equivalent

I show respect to any visitors or tourists. 3.53 SA Very High

I can form and express ideas or opinion with 3.43 SA Very High
I respect others rights. 3.43 SA Very High

I join and participate in any competition whose 3.34 SA Very High

main objective is friendship.
I can lead in giving help for those who are in 3.32 SA Very High
I can fulfil any given role with full capacity in any 3.32 SA Very High
programs or projects using technologies available
in school.
I have the initiative to inform authorities if there is 3.28 SA Very High
trouble happening.
I can sacrifice owns sake for the good of others. 3.26 SA Very High

Composite 3.36 SA Very High


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent

3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High

Table 6 presents the Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of
Pupils as Perceived by Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of
Personal Human Relationship. For the teachers as the respondents, it garnered a composite mean
of 3.44 having a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high. The figure
shows that the teachers strongly agree that the pupils show respect to any visitors or tourists
having the highest weighted mean of 3.60 with the equivalent of very high. The teachers also
observed that the pupils respect other’s rights with a weighted mean of 3.55 having a verbal
description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high. The teachers also strongly agrees that
the pupils can lead in giving help for those who are in needs with a weighted mean of 3.51 and
equivalent to very high. Additionally, teachers also perceive that the pupils can form and express
ideas or opinion with respect garnered a weighted mean of 3.43 with a verbal description of
strongly agree and equivalent to very high. According to Brady, L. (2011) just as teachers bring
and develop a variety of professional and personal values to the classroom relationships, the
students also bring a variety of values from their home. These will include varying expressions
of tolerance, respect for others, social conscience and personal responsibility. Moreover, a
number of teachers strongly agree that pupils have the initiative to inform authorities if there is
trouble happening and can join and participate in any competition whose main objective is
friendship having a weighted mean of 3.38 and equivalent to very high. Teachers also observe
that the pupils can fulfil any given role with full capacity in any programs or projects using
technologies available in school having a weighted mean of 3.36 with a verbal description of
strongly agree and equivalent to very high. Lastly, teachers observed that pupils can sacrifice
owns sake for the good of others. In a classroom setting relationship it is a dynamic process that
is informed by the values of both students and teacher (see Adelbjarnardottir 2010; Brophy and
Good 1974)

As for the pupils as the respondents, it comprises of a total composite mean of 3.36 with a
verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high. Majority of the pupils give
importance on showing respect to any visitors or tourists having a weighted mean of 3.53 with a
verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high. Followed by the weighted mean
of 3.43 where pupils strongly agree that they can form and express ideas or opinion with respect
and respect others rights equivalent to very high. In addition, pupils strongly agree that they join
and participate in any competition whose main objective is friendship having a weighted mean of
3.34 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high. For Tirri (2010,
156), caring and respect are most ‘evident emotional expressions’ apparent in meeting the needs
of individual students. Moreover, a number of pupils strongly agree that they can lead in giving
help for those who are in needs and can fulfil any given role with full capacity in any programs

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

or projects using technologies available in school having a weighted mean of 3.32 with
equivalent to very high. As a pupil they strongly agree that they have the initiative to inform
authorities if there is trouble happening with a weighted mean of 3.28 and equivalent to very
high. Lastly, having the lowest weighted mean of 3.26 and equivalent to very high the pupils
strongly agree that they can sacrifice owns sake for the good of others.

Table 7
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of
Patriotism and Participation in Global Unity
As a pupil and a Filipino citizen… Teachers

wx̄ VD Equivalent

I create projects that show help for the country and the 3.66 SA Very High
whole world using different technological tools.
I show various positive Filipino attitudes. 3.64 SA Very High

I can keep being a good Filipino citizen. 3.64 SA Very High

I cooperate with honesty in all activities that could help 3.62 SA Very High
the country and the whole world.
I participate with happiness to the programs of the 3.53 SA Very High
government in relation with keeping peace and order.
I cooperate in the campaign for the implementations of 3.53 SA Very High
laws for everyone’s sake.
I show good example on how to be responsible in taking 3.51 SA Very High
good care of our environment.
I can prove that being greedy can’t fulfil one’s needs. 3.51 SA Very High

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

I can create project using different multimedia and 3.51 SA Very High
technological tools in implementing laws for cleanliness,
security, health and peace.
I can make good decisions with the safety of others in 3.45 SA Very High
I show creativity in doing dance, choreography, singing, 3.30 SA Very High
and arts using any multimedia technology.
Composite 3.54 SA Very High

Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent

3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low
1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low

Table 7
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of
Patriotism and Participation in Global Unity
As a pupil and a Filipino citizen… Pupils

wx̄ VD Equivalent

I can make good decisions with the safety of others in 3.53 SA Very High
I cooperate with honesty in all activities that could help 3.53 SA Very High
the country and the whole world.
I show good example on how to be responsible in taking 3.49 SA Very High
good care of our environment.
I participate with happiness to the programs of the 3.43 SA Very High
government in relation with keeping peace and order.
I cooperate in the campaign for the implementations of 3.40 SA Very High
laws for everyone’s sake.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

I show various positive Filipino attitudes. 3.38 SA Very High

I can create project using different multimedia and 3.38 SA Very High
technological tools in implementing laws for cleanliness,
security, health and peace.
I can prove that being greedy can’t fulfil one’s needs. 3.36 SA Very High

I create projects that show help for the country and the 3.36 SA Very High
whole world using different technological tools.
I show creativity in doing dance, choreography, singing, 3.34 SA Very High
and arts using any multimedia technology.
I can keep being a good Filipino citizen. 3.32 SA Very High

Composite 3.41 SA Very High

Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent

3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low
1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low

As shown in Table 7, the Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of
Pupils as Perceived by Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in Terms of
Patriotism and Participation in Global Unity. For the teachers as respondents, it comprises of a
total composite mean of 3.54 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very
high. Based on the figures presented the teachers perceive that the pupils can create projects that
show help for the country and the whole world using different technological tools having a
weighted mean of 3.66 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high.
Followed by the weighted mean of 3.64 which the teachers observe that the pupils show various
positive Filipino attitudes and can keep being a good Filipino citizen getting a verbal description
of strongly agree and equivalent of very high. The teachers also strongly agree that the pupils
cooperate with honesty in all activities that could help the country and the whole world having a
weighted mean of 3.62 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high.
Moreover, a number of teachers also perceive that the pupils participate with happiness to the
programs of the government in relation with keeping peace and order and cooperate in the
campaign for the implementations of laws for everyone’s sake getting a weighted mean of 3.53

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high. According to
Musiimenta, B. (2019) students can be taught about patriotism by making sure they understand
its value and teaching them through history. Numerous teachers also strongly agree that the
pupils show good example on how to be responsible in taking good care of our environment, can
prove that being greedy can’t fulfil one’s needs and can create project using different multimedia
and technological tools in implementing laws for cleanliness, security, health and peace with a
weighted mean of 3.51 having and equivalent to very high. Additionally, teachers strongly agree
that the pupils can make good decisions with the safety of others in mind with a weighted mean
of 3.45 and equivalent to very high. Having the lowest weighted mean of 3.30 which the teachers
perceive that the pupils show creativity in doing dance, choreography, singing, and arts using
any multimedia technology with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very

On the other hand, as for the pupils as the respondents, it garnered a total composite mean
of 3.41with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high. As shown in the
data presented, it is preceded by which majority of the pupils can make good decisions with the
safety of others in mind and cooperate with honesty in all activities that could help the country
and the whole world having a weighted mean of 3.53 with a verbal description of strongly agree
and equivalent to very high. Followed by weighted mean of 3.49 which pupils show good
example on how to be responsible in taking good care of our environment with a verbal
description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high. It is important also that pupils
participate with happiness to the programs of the government in relation with keeping peace and
order having a weighted mean of 3.43 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent
to very high. According to Ruhanie (2005) patriotism is the manifestation of the willingness to
fight and sacrifice for the country. The pupils also strongly agree that they cooperate in the
campaign for the implementations of laws for everyone’s sake with a weighted mean of 3.40 and
equivalent to very high. Furthermore, a number of students strongly agree that they show various
positive Filipino attitudes and can create project using different multimedia and technological
tools in implementing laws for cleanliness, security, health and peace with a weighted mean of
3.38 and equivalent to very high. Numerous pupils also strongly agree that they can prove that
being greedy can’t fulfil one’s needs and create projects that show help for the country and the
whole world using different technological tools having a weighted mean of 3.36 and equivalent
to very high. In addition, the pupils show creativity in doing dance, choreography, singing, and
arts using any multimedia technology garnered a weighted mean of 3.34 with a verbal
description of strongly agree and equivalent of very high. Lastly, pupils strongly agree that they
can keep being a good Filipino citizen having a weighted mean of 3.32 and equivalent to very

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Table 8
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of
Pupils as Perceived by Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in
Terms of Faith and Kindness
As a pupil and as a person… wx̄ VD Equivalent
I show true love for others. 3.79 SA Very High
I show different ways in giving thanks to God. 3.79 SA Very High
Composite 3.79 SA Very High
Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent
3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low
1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low

Table 8
Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of
Pupils as Perceived by Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in
Terms of Faith and Kindness
As a pupil and as a person… wx̄ VD Equivalent
I show different ways in giving thanks to God. 3.57 SA Very High
I show true love for others. 3.51 SA Very High
Composite 3.54 SA Very High
Legend: Scale Verbal Description Equivalent
3.25 - 4.00 Strongly Agree (SA) Very High
2.50 - 3.24 Agree (A) High
1.75 - 2.49 Disagree (D) Low
1.00 - 1.74 Strongly Disagree (SD) Very Low

Table 8 presents the Extent of Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of
Pupils as Perceived by Both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in terms of Faith and Kindness.
Based on the figures presented, as for the teachers as the respondents it comprises the total
composite mean of 3.79 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high.
The teachers strongly agree that the pupils show true love for others and show different ways in

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

giving thanks to God garnered both a weighted mean of 3.79 and equivalent to very high. Based
on Hamre & Pianta (2001), “the quality of early teacher-student relationships can have strong
influence on academic and social outcomes that persist through eight grade”. That is why moral
values or character building is possible to be taught at the school, at home and our environment.
Moral values can be put as a part in curriculum at school. And the teacher also has an important
part to teach moral values or character building to their students. They can impart values to the
lesson topic or activity at the class.

On the other hand, as for the pupils as respondents, it garnered a total composite mean of
3.54 with a verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high. It is preceded by
which the majority of the pupils strongly agree that they show different ways in giving thanks to
God having a weighted mean of 3.57 and equivalent to very high. Moral values saturate the daily
life of the students inside the classroom (Bryk, 1998; Goodlad, 1992; Hansen, 1993; Strike,
1996). In addition, the pupils also strongly agree that they show true love for others getting a
verbal description of strongly agree and equivalent to very high.



This chapter presents the summary of findings revealed in the study, the conclusions drawn

and the recommendations offered by the researchers.


The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of teaching values education on

behavior of pupils as perceived by the grade 5 teacher and pupils of Amador Dagudag Memorial

Elementary School. This research was conducted at the said school. Respondents of the study

were teachers responsible for values education instruction and grade 5 pupils.

Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

1. What is the profile of the pupils at Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary School in terms

1.1 Age; and

1.2 Gender?

2. What is the profile of the teachers at Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary School in terms

2.1Gender; and

2.2Years of experience?

3. To what extent are the effects of teaching values education on the behavior of pupils as
perceived by both teacher and pupil respondents considering the following:

3.1 Pananagutang Pansarili at Mabuting Kasapi ng Pamilya (Personal responsibility and

good family member);

3.2 Pakikipagkapwa-tao (Human Relationship);

3.3 Pagmamahal sa Bansa at Pakikibahagi sa Pandaigdigang Pagkakaisa (Patriotism and

participation in global unity); and

3.4 Pananalig at Pagmamahal sa Diyos; Paninindigan sa kabutihan (Faith and Kindness)?


This section of the research study shows the summary of findings such as the




1.1 Age

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

From the total population of 47 Grade 5 pupils, are the age of 10 while 15 or 31.92% pupils

belong to the age of 11. Lastly, least of the respondents is the 3 or 6.38% pupils whose age is 12.

Hence, there are more 10 years old pupils in this study.

1.2 Gender

Based on the figures, there are 24 or 51.06% female pupils and 23 or 48.94% male pupils

that responded in this research study. Consequently, there are more female respondents.



2.1 Gender
It shows that there are 0 or 0.00% male respondents, and only 2 or 100.00% female
respondents which compromise of only 2 female teacher respondents or a percentage of 100%.
Summing it up, the respondents involved in the Teaching of Values Education are female

2.2 Years of Experience

Data shows that out of 2 teachers being assessed in this study or 100%, one of them with a

frequency value of 50.00% responded that she is already teaching for 22 years while the other

one or 50.00% responded that she is serving already for about 27 years of teaching service.

Further, it states that the teachers being part of this study is considered by the researchers as a

knowledgeable one.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines



3.1 Extent Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in terms of Pananagutang Pansarili at Mabuting
Kasapi ng Pamilya (Personal responsibility and good family member)
Data shows with a composite mean of 3.48 with a verbal description of strongly agree it
shows that the extent effect of teaching values education on the behavior of pupils in terms of
personal responsibility and good family member as perceived by teachers is very high. As for the
extent effect of teaching values education on the behavior of pupils as perceived by pupils
themselves it also shows very high garnered a composite mean of 3.42 with a verbal description
of strongly agree.

3.2 Extent Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in terms of Pakikipagkapwa-tao (Human

The data indicates that the indicators reached a composite mean of 3.44 and verbal
description of strongly agree and very high as extent effects of teaching values education on the
behavior of pupils in terms of human relationship as perceived by the teachers. Consequently, for
the pupils as respondents it garnered a composite mean of 3.36 with a verbal description of
strongly agree and extent effect of very high.

3.3 Extent Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in terms of Pagmamahal sa Bansa at

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Pakikibahagi sa Pandaigdigang Pagkakaisa (Patriotism and participation in global


Data shows with a composite mean of 3.54 with a verbal description of strongly agree it
shows that the extent effect of teaching values education on the behavior of pupils in terms of
patriotism as perceived by teachers is very high. As for the extent effect of teaching values
education on the behavior of pupils as perceived by pupils themselves it also shows very high
garnered a composite mean of 3.41 with a verbal description of strongly agree.

3.4 Extent Effects of Teaching Values Education on the Behavior of Pupils as Perceived by
both Teacher and Pupil Respondents in terms of Pananalig at Pagmamahal sa Diyos;
Paninindigan sa kabutihan (Faith and Kindness)

Based on the data, the indicators had a composite mean of 3.79 and a verbal description of
strongly agree and very high beyond the extent of the effects of teaching values education on
pupils' behavior in terms of faith and kindness as evaluated by teachers. Consequently, for the
pupils as respondents it garnered a composite mean of 3.54 with a verbal description of strongly
agree and extent effect of very high.

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are hereby drawn:

It concludes that the n-value is 47 with percentage of 100% where the pupils responded on
the research are from age 10 and female pupils of Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary
School dominated on the study.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

In addition, there are no male teachers’ respondent on the research and there are only 2
female teachers who participated on the research study. It also shown that the primary teachers of
Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary School are both have more than two decades of
teaching experience.
Furthermore, to sum up the responses, as both perceived by teachers and pupil respondents,
it shows that they have both strongly agree and have a very high extent and positive impact
brought by teaching Values Education towards pupils’ behavior in terms of their personal
responsibility and a good family member. Moreover, the indicators shows that there is a positive
impact towards the teaching of values education on the behavior of pupils in terms of their
human relation and they displays’ good relationship towards each other. In the same manner, as
perceived by both teachers and pupils of Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary School it thus
inferred that they exhibit good and positive behavior in terms of their patriotism and participation
in global community as a young citizen. Lastly, it is hereby concluded that in terms of their faith
and kindness as perceived by both teachers and Garde 5 pupils of Amador Dagudag Memorial
Elementary School it shows that they have both strongly agree about it and displays very high
extent effect.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study the following are hereby
1. It is recommended that the Grade 5 teacher of Amador Dagudag Memorial Elementary
School must teach the students to show appreciation and enjoyment in reading books and
magazines especially in terms of personal responsibility as a pupil and as a young
member of the society.
2. It is also strongly recommended that the pupils should not just learn academically but
also learn how to properly communicate and develop their personal relationship with the
people around them.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

3. In addition, it is also recommended for the pupils to foster their patriotism and
participation in global unity in a way that the teacher would integrate different activities
that would help them grow as a person and love for country.
4. Lastly, it is herby recommended that the pupils of Amador Dagudag Memorial
Elementary School should foster and strengthen their faith and kindness as a person
because this two aspect of life would help them grow and develop as a good person.


Unal, Z., Unal, A. (2012, June). The impact of Years of teaching experience on the classroom

management approaches of elementary school teachers. Institute of Education Science. Retrieved


Singh, A. (2011). Evaluating the impacts of value education: Some case studies. International

Journal of Educational Planning & Administration. Volume 1, Number 1, pp. 1–8.

Shrestha, B. K., & Gupta, P. (2019). Impact of value education in personal behaviour of students:

A case study of Nepal. Nepal Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(3), 1–8. Retrieved from

Velecká, R. (2013) The impact of teaching values. Masaryk University, Faculty of Education.

Retrieved from:

Brady, L. (2011). Teacher values and relationship: factors in values education. Australian Journal

of Teacher Education, 36(2), 56–66. Retrieved from

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Adalbjarnardottir, S. (2010). Passion and purpose: teacher professional development and student

social and civic growth, in T. Lovat, R. Toomey and N. Clement (Eds). International research

handbook on values education and student wellbeing. Dordrecht: Springer.

Brophy, J. E. and Good, T.L. (1974). Teacher-student relationships. New York: Holt, Rinehart

and Winston. and N. Clement (Eds). International research handbook on values education and

student wellbeing. Dordrecht: Springer.

Tirri K. (2010). Teacher values underlying professional ethics. In: Lovat T., Toomey R., Clement

N. (eds) International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing.

Springer, Dordrecht. Retrieved from

Nair, S. M., & Sinasamy, R. P. (2017). Patriotism among secondary school students and its

relationship with their interests towards learning history. Asian Journal of Education and

Training, 3(2), 110–117. Retrieved from

Hamre, B.K., Pianta, R.C. (2001), Early teacher–child relationships and the trajectory of

children's school outcomes through eighth grade. Child development, 72: 625-638. Retrieved


Bryk, A. S. (1998). Musing on the moral life of school. American Journal of Education, 96 (2),


Hansen, D. T. (1993). From role to person: The moral layeredness of classroom teaching.

American Educational Research Journal, 30, 651-674.


Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

Strike, K. (1996). The moral responsibilities of educators. In J. Sikula, T. Buttery & E. Grifton

(eds.), Handbook of research teacher education. (2nd Ed., p.869-882). New York: Macmillan.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines


Problem Findings Conclusions Recommendations

What is the profile of

the pupils at Amador
Dagudag Memorial
Elementary School in
terms of:

1.1 Age; 1.1 Age 1.1 Age

From the total population It concludes that the n-
of 47 Grade 5 pupils, are value is 47 with
the age of 10 while 15 or percentage of 100%
31.92% pupils belong to where the pupils
the age of 11. Lastly, responded on the
least of the respondents research are from age
is the 3 or 6.38% pupils
whose age is 12. Hence,
there are more 10 years
old pupils in this study.

1.2 Gender; 1.2 Gender. 1.2 Gender

Based on the figures, It hereby concluded that
there are 24 or 51.06% female pupils of
female pupils and 23 or Amador Dagudag
48.94% male pupils that Memorial Elementary
responded in this School dominated on
research study. the research study.
Consequently, there are
more female respondents.

What is the profile of

the teachers at Amador
Dagudag Memorial
Elementary School in

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

terms of:

2.1 Gender; 2.1 Gender 2.1 Gender

It shows that there are 0 There are no male
or 0.00% male teacher respondents in
respondents, and only 2 the study and there are
or 100.00% female only two female
respondents which respondents.
compromise of only 2
female teacher
respondents or a
percentage of 100%.
Summing it up, the
respondents involved in
the Teaching of Values
Education are female

2.2 Year of Experience 2.2 Year of Experience 2.2 Year of Experience

Data shows that out of 2
teachers being assessed The primary teachers of
in this study or 100%, Amador Dagudag
one of them with a Memorial Elementary
frequency value of School are both have
50.00% responded that more than two decades
she is already teaching of teaching experience.
for 22 years while the
other one or 50.00%
responded that she is
serving already for about
27 years of teaching
service. Further, it states
that the teachers being
part of this study is
considered by the
researchers as a
knowledgeable one.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

3. To what extent are

the effects of teaching
values education on the
behavior of pupils as
perceived by both
teacher and pupil
respondents considering
the following:

3.1 Pananagutang 3.1 Pananagutang 3.1 Pananagutang It is recommended that the

Pansarili at Mabuting Pansarili at Mabuting Pansarili at Mabuting Grade 5 teacher of Amador
Kasapi ng Pamilya Kasapi ng Pamilya Kasapi ng Pamilya Dagudag Memorial
(Personal responsibility (Personal responsibility (Personal Elementary School must
and good family and good family responsibility and teach the students to show
member); member); good family member); appreciation and enjoyment
in reading books and
Data shows with a As both perceived by magazines especially in
composite mean of 3.48 teachers and pupil terms of personal
with a verbal description respondents, it shows responsibility as a pupil and
of strongly agree it that they have both as a young member of the
shows that the extent strongly agree and have society.
effect of teaching values a very high extent and
education on the positive impact brought
behavior of pupils in by teaching Values
terms of personal Education towards
responsibility and good pupils’ behavior in
family member as terms of their personal
perceived by teachers is responsibility and a
very high. As for the good family member.
extent effect of teaching
values education on the
behavior of pupils as
perceived by pupils
themselves it also shows
very high garnered a
composite mean of 3.42
with a verbal description

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

of strongly agree.

3.2 Pakikipagkapwa-tao 3.2 Pakikipagkapwa- 3.2 Pakikipagkapwa- It is also strongly

(Human Relationship); tao (Human tao (Human recommended that the
Relationship); Relationship); pupils should not just learn
academically but also learn
The data indicates that The indicators shows how to properly
the indicators reached a that there is a positive communicate and develop
composite mean of 3.44 impact towards the their personal relationship
and verbal description of teaching of values with the people around
strongly agree and very education on the them.
high as extent effects of behavior of pupils in
teaching values terms of their human
education on the relation and they
behavior of pupils in displays’ good
terms of human relationship towards
relationship as perceived each other.
by the teachers.
Consequently, for the
pupils as respondents it
garnered a composite
mean of 3.36 with a
verbal description of
strongly agree and extent
effect of very high.

3.3 Pagmamahal sa 3.3 Pagmamahal sa 3.3 Pagmamahal sa It is also recommended for

Bansa at Pakikibahagi Bansa at Pakikibahagi Bansa at Pakikibahagi the pupils to foster their
sa Pandaigdigang sa Pandaigdigang sa Pandaigdigang patriotism and participation
Pagkakaisa (Patriotism in global unity in a way that
Pagkakaisa (Patriotism Pagkakaisa
and participation in the teacher would integrate
and participation in global unity); (Patriotism and different activities that

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

global unity); Data shows with a participation in global would help them grow as a
composite mean of 3.54 unity); person and love for country.
with a verbal description As perceived by both
of strongly agree it
teachers and pupils of
shows that the extent
effect of teaching values Amador Dagudag
education on the Memorial Elementary
behavior of pupils in School it thus inferred
terms of patriotism as that they exhibit good
perceived by teachers is and positive behavior in
very high. As for the terms of their patriotism
extent effect of teaching
and participation in
values education on the
behavior of pupils as global community as a
perceived by pupils young citizen.
themselves it also shows
very high garnered a
composite mean of 3.41
with a verbal description
of strongly agree.

3.4 Pananalig at 3.4 Pananalig at 3.4 Pananalig at It is hereby recommended

Pagmamahal sa Diyos; Pagmamahal sa Diyos; that the pupils of Amador
Pagmamahal sa Paninindigan sa Paninindigan sa Dagudag Memorial
kabutihan (Faith and kabutihan (Faith and Elementary School should
Diyos; Kindness) Kindness) foster and strengthen their
faith and kindness as a
Paninindigan sa Based on the data, the It is hereby concluded person because this two
indicators had a that in terms of their aspect of life would help
kabutihan (Faith composite mean of 3.79 faith and kindness as them grow and develop as a
and a verbal description perceived by both good person.
and Kindness) of strongly agree and teachers and Garde 5
very high beyond the pupils of Amador
extent of the effects of Dagudag Memorial
teaching values Elementary School it
education on pupils' shows that they have
behavior in terms of faith both strongly agree
and kindness as about it and displays
evaluated by teachers. very high extent effect.
Consequently, for the

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Center of Development
Negros Oriental State University
AACUP Re-accredited Level III
Kagawasan Avenue, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, Philippines

pupils as respondents it
garnered a composite
mean of 3.54 with a
verbal description of
strongly agree and extent
effect of very high.




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