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A1: Let’s academy.

Practice: verb to be and possessive adjectives.

1- Complete with the correct form of the verb to be.

a. Where _______ you from?
b. ______ he a teacher?
c. We _______ from Italy. We _______ from France.
d. She ______ a student. She ______ a doctor.
e. I______ fifteen. I’m sixteen.
f. _______ you from Argentina? Yes, I______.
g. _____ she thirty two? No, she ________.
h. _____ I in your class? Yes, you are.
2- Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
a. How old are you/ your?
b. What’s you/your name?
c. Who’s we’re/ our teacher?
d. She’s/ her name is Claudia.
e. What’s he’s/ his address?
f. We’re/ our from Spain.
g. I’m/ my name is tom.
h. She/ her is the school secretary.
i. He’s/ his in my class.
j. They’re/ their twenty one.
3- Complete the text with the words below. There is an extra word.

Her he’s his I’m my our she we

Hi! _____ name´s Debbie. __________from Australia. This is my friend. _______ name is Lisa.
_____ is in my class at school. __________ French teacher’s name is Jean-Paul. ________ like
him. ________ very nice.
4- Write a text using the following items.
o Name
o Country
o Introduce a friend.
o Say where you spend time together.
o Talk about someone or something you have in common. (pet, family, job, hobbies, etc)


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