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D • Danger?

R • Responsive?
• Open airway
B • Normal breathing?

• Start CPR
D • Attach Defibrillator(AED)
First ,I access the situation.
There is no danger.
I approach the casualty.
Sir, sir are you okay? X2
There is no response.
I activate EMS ( Emergency Medical Service)
I dial 999.
Hello, adakah ini 999?
Sila sambungkan talian ini ke hospital Kuantan.
Hello, adakah ini hospital Kuantan?
Saya………. (Your name) ,seorang ahli pertolongan cemas yang layak.
Sini telah berlaku satu kemalangan.
Terdapat seorang mangsa yang tidak sedarkan diri.
Saya akan memulakan CPR kepada mangsa tersebut sebentar lagi.
Sila hantar sebuah ambulans dengan AED( Automated External Defibrillator) ke
……..(Location of the accident happened) dengan secepat munkin.
Nombor telefon saya ialah……….(Your
Adakah mesej saya jelas?
Bolehkah saya letakkan telefon sekarang?
Terima kasih.
I do head tilt chin lift.
I check the airway.
The airway is clear.
I check for breathing.
I look for chest movement.
I count on 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6
No chest movement, no breathing
I apply 30 ECC( External Chest Compression)
Count 1-15 (x2)
I then give two gentle blows.
I do head tilt chin lift.
I press the nose.
I open the mouth.
1, 2

#Cycle 2 is possible if the casualty still unconcious

Do not give up because CPR is keeping the brain
cells alive.Help is on the way.

Rescuers should change after 5 cycles of CPR

(after 2 blows).The switch must be completed in
5 seconds or less.
When the victim unconscious, no breathing and no pulse.

The victim start to move

The ambulance with AED or paramedic arrive
Another trained rescuer take over
You are too tired to carry on

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