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A Watch the video. Alejandro and Madeline suggest taking eight things with
them on a picnic. Write – or draw – the eight things.

B Compare your ideas with a partner. Why did they want to take each thing?

C Look at the video script. What are the missing words?

D Watch again and check your answers.

A Practise the conversation in pairs.

B Which words or phrases are difficult for you? Tell a partner.

C Watch again and listen to the words / phrases that are difficult to say.
Ask your teacher to stop the video.
Repeat the word(s) / phrases.

D In pairs, practise reading the dialogue again.

Watch the karaoke version and look at the video script. Act out the karaoke
lines in italics.

Photocopiable © 2014 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning 1


Alejandro OK. We need to decide the things we want to take on the picnic, right?
Madeline Yes.
Alejandro Well, I think we need to take a special box for the picnic.
Madeline ____________________________________________ ?
Alejandro You know. The big boxes ... maybe box is the wrong word ... it’s a big
container, made from … like wood, but not wood ... like the thin skin of
wood … and they 2____________________________________________ like
this and you can carry plates and forks and knives and food and everything
in there.
Madeline Yes, OK. I know what you mean. It’s a picnic carrying box.
Alejandro Yes.
Madeline Oh, we need to take a blanket.
Alejandro What’s a blanket?
Madeline Like a big cloth 3____________________________________________ . The
same thing that you put on your bed to keep warm.
Alejandro Oh. Yes. Fine. And we should also take
____________________________________________ that you use to open
bottles of wine. You know, like this.
Madeline I know what you mean. We should also take some wine then!
Alejandro If we want to use it, yes.
Madeline Oh, we also need to take a ‘Termosflasche’.
Alejandro You mean the thing 5____________________________________________
keep hot drinks hot?
Madeline Yes.
Alejandro It’s called ‘Termosflasche’? In my language it’s called ‘termo’.
Madeline Ha! In my language it’s ‘Termosflasche’. I don’t know the word in English, but
you understand me.
Alejandro Yes. We ought to take some stuff for putting on our skin to
____________________________________________ the sun as well.
Madeline You think it will be sunny? Here?
Alejandro Maybe! We should take some stuff in case.
Madeline OK. So let’s take a big ... um ... it’s an umbrella but for the sun, to protect
you from the sun. What’s the word?
Alejandro I don’t know, but I know what you mean.
Madeline OK. What else?
Alejandro We should take 7____________________________________________ .
Madeline Ah! I have the same picture! You mean tissues for your nose?
Alejandro Yes, I think so. Yours is the same?
Madeline Yes. Maybe one is for eating and one is a little bit wet,
____________________________________________ after eating?
Alejandro Yes, maybe. Anyway, we should take both then!

Photocopiable © 2014 National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning 2

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