Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 2

I. Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to,
A. Identify the place value of the three digit number
B. Read and write the three digit number
C. Participate actively in the given activities

II. Subject Matter

- Identifying place value in three digit number
Teacher’s guide
- Mathematics 2 page 31

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupil's Activity

A. Prayer

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am

Okay class, before we start our lesson,

let’s all stand and pray.

Lord we thank you for this beautiful

day, thank you for the blessings
you’ve given to us.
Lord helpe to teach this lesson
effectively, open our hearts and mind
to learn and guide us until this lesson
ends. In Jesus name we pray. Amen
B. Checking of Attendance

Class please see your seatmates if

present or absent.

Is there anyone absent? None ma’am

Very good!
C. Motivation

Class I have prepared a song for you to

sing and exercise your mind and body.

Are you ready? Yes ma’am

Okay, let’s all stand and sing with me

Ulo ken tingnged, abaga ken ti siket

Siket ken ti tumeng , tumeng ken ti
Saka ken tumeng, siket ken abaga,
tingnged ken ti ulo kukwan ni Hesus.
(Repeat and fast)
Yes ma’am
Are you enjoy singing this song class?
Then who created us and our body? The creator
Who is God?

Yes very good children!

D. Presentation

Class I will show you an object

What is this object class? Sticks

Very good!
Where can we use it? We don’t know ma’am

Okay class, let’s move on to the next

part for you to know on how will we
using this sticks.

What you must do if the teacher is We must listen


I have prepared 3 containers, the first
green container is a hundreds place,
the second pink container is a tens
place and the third white container is
ones place.

As you can see, these sticks has a

different sizes, the longest sticks
represent as hundreds place value,
the smaller is a tens and the smallest
is a ones.

After that, I will assign some pupils to

put sticks in each containers by their
sizes and we will count it by its value.

I also prepared a pieces of cartons and

pupils will paste it in the cartolina
where there are hundreds, Tens and
ones place value.

The green color represent as

hundreds, the pink represents as tens
and the white color represent as ones.

E. Discussion

Class or topic for today is identifying

the place value in three digits number.

Later, we will use all that materials,

but first I will explain you what is place
value means.

What is place value?

Place value is a value of each digit in a

number. It includes a place value of
thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.
But now, I will only reach you the
hundreds, tens and ones for you to
understand it well before proceeding
to higher value.

For example;

The 8 in 480 represents 8 as tens or

80, however the 8 in 850 represent 8
as hundreds or 800 and if 8 in 458
represent 8 as ones.
Remember that the digit can be the
same and its value depends on where
it is in number.
Another example;

We have 5 long piece of sticks here, Ma’am how could be that 5 became 500?
and if we put it in hundreds container
it will become 500 or five hundreds

because we count it by hundreds. Yes ma’am

5×100= 500
Did you follow it?

Let’s move on in these smaller sticks,

we have 8 piece of stocks and if we
put it in the tens container it will
become 80 or eighty because we
count it by tens.

Last, we have the smallest sticks, we

have 5 sticks here and if we put in a
ones container, we count is a ones so
the value is the same.

If we add each counted numbers of

the container, we can write like this
500+80+5= 585 or five hundred eighty

Another example;
We have 769 numbers and we are
going to give the place value of each

The place value of 7 is hundreds, it will

become 700.
7×100= 700

The place value of 6 is tens, it will

become 60.
6×10= 60 and;
The third digit is 9 , the place value is
9×1= 9

So if we add the value of three digits,

700+60+9= 769 or;
Seven hundred sixty nine.
Yes ma’am

Do you understand class?

Very good!
Now you are ready for the next part of
our lesson which are the activities.

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