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Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3) 2021: 133 - 144

Management and
Operations Management and Information System Studies
Information System
ISSN: 2798-4486; e-ISSN: 2798-4478

The effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived

risk on behavioral intention to use e-money

Nezha Vitri Namira1*, Perengki Susanto1

1 Departement of Management, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia


Received 27 July 2021
Accepted 14 September 2021 This study aimed to determine: (1) the effect of perceived usefulness on behavioral
Published 30 September 2021
intention (2) the effect of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention (3) the effect
of perceived risk on behavioral intention to use E-Money in Padang. The type of
research used was quantitative research design model with purposive sampling as
the sampling technique involving a total of 208 respondents of E-Money users in
Keywords: Padang. This study used primary data distributed to E-Money users in Padang
Behavioral intention; who had an interest in using E-Money. The analytical method used was descriptive
perceived usefulness; and quantitative analysis through multiple regression on SPSS 16.0 software. The
perceived ease of use;
results of the study were: (1) perceived usefulness had a significant effect on
perceived risk; e-money
behavioral intention; (2) perceived ease of use had a significant effect on behavioral
intention; (3) perceived risk had a significant effect on behavioral intention on
interest in using E-Money in Padang.

DOI:10.24036/omiss.v1i3.34 ABSTRAK

Kata Kunci: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh perceived usefulness terhadap
Behavioral intention; perceived behavioral intention (2) pengaruh perceived ease of use terhadap behavioral intention (3)
usefulness; perceived ease of use; pengaruh perceived risk terhadap behavioral intention pada penggunaan e-money di Kota
perceived risk; e-money Padang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan model desain
penelitian Purposive Sampling yaitu dengan teknik pengambilan sampel pengguna e-
money di Kota Padang dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 208 responden. Penelitian ini
menggunakan data primer yang disebarkan kepada pengguna e-money di Kota Padang
yang memiliki minat dalam menggunakan e-money. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu
analisis deskriptif dan kuantitatif melalui regresi berganda pada software SPSS 16.0. Hasil
penelitian tersebut yaitu: (1) Perceived Usefulness berpengaruh signifikan terhadap
Behavioral Intention (2) Perceived Ease of Use berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Behavioral
Intention (3) Perceived Risk berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Behavioral Intention
terhadap minat menggunakan e-money di Kota Padang.

How to cite: Namira, N. V. & Susanto, P. (2021). The effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on behavioral
intention to use e-money. Operations Management and Information System Studies, 1 (3), 133 - 144. DOI: 10.24036/omiss.v1i3.34
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. ©2021 by author.

* Corresponding author:

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144


The rapid development of technology in the digital era makes people's lives and activities progress to
a more modern direction (Almomani et al., 2017; Chege et al., 2020; Park & Park, 2020). The
development of computers and the expansion of internet network access can change people's
transaction patterns (Nugroho, 2016). Technology in the payment system can replace the role of cash
as a means of payment with non-cash payment which is more effective and efficient (Pambudi, 2019;
Widayat et al., 2020).
E-money is one of non-cash payment instruments that meets some elements, such as being
issued on the basis of the amount of money deposited to the issuer then stored in the form of media
server or chip and used as a means of payment to merchants who are not the issuer of the electronic
money (Aritonang & Arisman, 2018; Marchelina & Pratiwi, 2018; Wibowo et al., 2015). Bank Indonesia
has chosen to develop e-money in Padang because of adequate facilities such as airports, ports,
terminals and education. The economic sector of people in Padang includes industry, trade and service
sectors. As such, some State-Owned Corporations (BUMN) and private companies use e-money
(Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 20/6/PBI/2018, 2018). Besides, the tourism sector has various means
of transportation such as Trans Padang which operates in Padang using the e-money feature. Bank
Indonesia cooperates with many parties in developing e-money products through government and
college student activities.

Figure 1. Volume and Value of Circulating Electronic Money Transactions

Source: Bank Indonesia 2019
Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

Based on the data presented in Figure 1, it can be seen that the value of electronic money
transactions was in trillions of rupiahs. There has been an increase in the use of electronic money from
year to year so that the above data can be referred to for the comparison between electronic money and
cash. Electronic Money (e-money) has almost the same function as a debit card or credit card, but E-
Money does not require confirmation of data or Personal Identification Number (PIN) when being used
for transactions (Rahmatika & Fajar, 2019). Besides, e-money is not connected to customer accounts at
banks or at issuer institutions of the electronic money (Romadloniyah & Prayitno, 2018; Syahril &
Rikumahu, 2019; Widayat et al., 2020). E-money transactions lead to interest in using e-money especially
in Padang.


According to Bank for International Settlement (1996), electronic money or e-money is a stored-value or
prepaid product where money is stored in an electronic medium. The amount of money is stored
electronically in a card or prepaid card. Based on Peraturan Bank Indonesia Nomor 20/6/PBI/2018
(2018), electronic money or e-money is a payment instrument which meets the following elements: (i)
It is issued on the basis of the amount of money that has been deposited in advance by customers to the
issuer; (ii) the amount of money is stored in electronic form in a medium like server or chip; (iii) the
amount of money managed by the issuer is not a deposit like what is meant in the law about banking.
According to Bertagnolli (2011) behavioral interest is defined as how strong a person's interest or desire
is in doing something. Additionally, according to Kotler and Keller (2012), interest is a state of a person
on the dimension of subjective possibility associated with some actions. Then, Harandi, Siadat and
Taroujani (2014) state that behavioral intention can explain a person's intention willingness to perform
certain behavior.
According to Davis and Davis (1989), perceived usefulness (PU) can be defined as a belief and
usefulness where users believe that the use of technology or system will improve their performance at
work. Then, according to Jogiyanto (2007), PU can be defined as to what extent a person believes that
the use of technology will improve his/her job performance. Perceived usefulness (PU) in e-money is
customers’ subjective view of perceived usefulness in using e-money. If customers have used e-money
many times, the customers can feel the usefulness of e-money (Kanchanatanee et al., 2014; Tahar et al.,
2020; Triani & Moeliono, 2019). In a study conducted by Fiyah et al. (2019), PU had positive effect on
behavioral intention (BI). With beneficial usefulness for customers, such as making work easier, it can
increase customers’ interest in using e-money. According to Jogiyanto (2007), perceived ease of use
(PEOU) can be defined as the extent to which a person believes in the ease of using technology that is
free from effort. According to Taylor, Igbaria, and Chakrabarti (2007) PEOU will have an impact on
behavior. The higher a person's perception of the ease of using system is, the higher the level of
technology utilization is. Cheong and Park (2005) argue that PU and PEOU have significant impact on
interest in using Mobile Commerce. Utami (2017) in her study found that the ease of using e-money
significantly affected student interest in using e-money. It is supported by the result of study by Aji,
Berakon, and Riza (2020) that PEOU was proven to affect customer interest in e-money.
According to Cox and Rich (1964), perceived risk (PR) refers to the nature and the number of
risks perceived by customers in determining purchasing decisions and becomes the main determinant
of one's behavior in adopting technology. Risks perceived by customers become consideration in their
purchasing decisions. Based on a study conducted by Marchelina and Raisa (2018) entitled “pengaruh
PU, PEOU, PR dan fitur layanan terhadap minat penggunaan e-money”, perceived risk had a significant

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

positive effect on interest in using e-money partially. To sum up, the conceptual framework is presented
in figure 2.

Perceived Usefulness

Behavioral Intention
Perceived Ease of Use

Perceived Risk

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework


The type of research used was quantitative with purposive sampling research design model
(Schindler, 2019). Purposive sampling is a sampling technique by determining certain criteria
(Sugiyono 2017). This study was conducted in February in Padang.
Table 1. Operational Definition

No. Variable Indicators Measurement Scale

1. Investigation
Behavioral Intention of E-
1 2. Attention Likert
Money (Y)
3. Motivation
1. Sophistication of
supporting media
2. Share transaction
2 3. Performance Likert
Perceived Usefulness (X1)
4. Learning improvement
5. Work facilitation
1. Company learning media
2. Usage service
Perceived Ease of Use
3 3. Being positionable Likert
4. Usage expert
5. Ease of use
1. Performance
2. Finance
3. Time
Perceived Risk
4 4. Psychological aspect Likert
5. Social aspect
6. Privacy
7. Whole of things
Source: Processed data (2021)

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

Population and sample

Ferdinand (2014) states that population is a combination of all elements in the forms of events, things,
or people with similar characteristics that becomes the center of research universe. The population in
this study was e-money users in Padang.
Ferdinand (2014) mentions that sample is a part of a number of populations consisting of
several members of population. The sample of this study was a part taken from the population
determined by using certain methods. The sample was selected using purposive random sampling.
(Sugiyono 2016) states that purposive random sampling is a sampling technique which randomly and
systematically selects sample based on the order of the population members who have been given
serial numbers. The selected sample could represent the population with certain considerations or
conditions which aimed to make the data obtained more representative. The considerations were (i)
People in Padang using e-money, (ii) Using e-money at least once.
Since sample is a part or representatives from population to be studied, while the total
population in this study was unknown, therefore the sample in this study was taken considering the
Heir formula in the book of Prof. Dr. Sugiyono (2017) as follows
n = Total Indicators x 10
n = 20 Indicators x 10
n = 200

Based on the above calculation, it can be said that the number of samples in this study were
200 customers who had ever used e-money.


Validity test
Validity test was carried out to determine the extent to which the validity of repeated data was
obtained from the distribution of questionnaires. In this study, the instrument was arranged based on
construct validity by developing indicators of question items into the instrument. The data for validity
test were taken from the initial questionnaire survey with 30 respondents (excluding 208 respondents).
Table 2. Validity Test of Behavioral Intention
Question Corrected Item-Total Correlation Value / r calculated Criteria
1 0.479 Valid
2 0.593 Valid
3 0.581 Valid
Source: Primary data (2021)

Table 3. Validity Test of Perceived Usefulness

Question Corrected Item-Total Correlation Value / r calculated Criteria
1 0.655 Valid
2 0.634 Valid
3 0.751 Valid
4 0.757 Valid
5 0.801 Valid
Source: Primary data (2021)

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

Table 4. Validity Test of Variable of Perceived Ease of Use

Question Corrected Item-Total Correlation Value / r calculated Criteria
1 0.739 Valid
2 0.714 Valid
3 0.480 Valid
4 0.638 Valid
5 0.550 Valid
Source: Primary data (2021)

Table 5. Validity Test of Variable of Perceived Risk

Question Corrected Item-Total Correlation Value / r calculated Criteria
1 0.649 Valid
2 0.676 Valid
3 0.579 Valid
4 0.707 Valid
5 0.713 Valid
6 0.528 Valid
7 0.720 Valid
Source: Primary data (2021)

According to Malhotra (2012) instrument of each indicator has been said valid if overall it has
the total correlation value on question questionnaire which is more than or equal to 0.3 for each
question in the questionnaire. Therefore, it can be concluded that all questions on the variables of
behavioral intention, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk were valid.

Reliability test
Reliability test was used to determine the level of consistency of the test results when the test was
conducted twice or more times on the same indication with the same measuring instrument.
Reliability test was used to ensure that the respondents answered the questions consistently so that
the truth of the answers could be trusted. The data for reliability test were taken from the initial
questionnaire survey with 30 respondents (excluding 208 respondents).
Table 6. Reliability Test
Variable Cronbach’s Alpha Information
Behavioral Intention 0.845 Reliable
Perceived Usefulness 0.885 Reliable
Perceived Ease of Use 0.789 Reliable
Perceived Risk 0.951 Reliable
Source: Primary data (2021)

Based on the results of reliability test presented in Table 6, it can be seen that the Cronbach’s
Alpha value was higher than 0.7, so it can be concluded that the four instruments were reliable
because they met the requirements and this study passed the reliability test.

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

Multiple linear analysis

Multiple linear analysis was carried out to test the hypotheses on the effect of the independent variables
consisting of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Risk on the dependent variable
namely Behavioral Intention.

Table 7. Multiple Linear Analysis

Understand Coefficients t. Sig.
B Std. Error
(Constant) 0.895 0.292 3.067 0.002
Perceived Usefulness 0.199 0.058 3.436 0.001
Perceived Ease of Use 0.305 0.072 4.223 0
Perceived Risk 0.234 0.050 4.649 0
Source: Primary data (2021)

Based on the regression results above, the regression equation could be obtained in this
study, as follows:

𝐘 = 𝟎, 𝟖𝟗𝟓 + 𝟎, 𝟏𝟗𝟗𝐱 𝟏 + 𝟎, 𝟑𝟎𝟓𝐱 𝟐 + 𝟎, 𝟐𝟑𝟒𝐱 𝟑 + 𝐞

The regression equation above shows the relationship between the independent variables
and the dependent variable. Based on this equation, it can be concluded that:
1. Based on data analysis, the constant value of (+) 0.895 was obtained, meaning that if there was
no influence of Perceived Usefulness (X1), Perceived Ease of Use (X2) and Perceived Risk (X3),
the Behavioral Intention (Y) value was 0.895.
2. The result of the first hypothesis testing showed positive result because P-Value was positive:
(+) 0.199. This indicated that the higher the perceived usefulness was, the higher the
behavioral intention was.
3. The result of the second hypothesis testing showed positive result because P-Value was
positive: (+) 0.305. This indicated that the higher the perceived ease of use was, the higher the
behavioral intention was.
4. The result of the third hypothesis testing showed positive result because P-Value was positive:
(+) 0.234. This indicated that the higher the perceived risk was, the higher the behavioral
intention was.

Coefficient of Determination (R2)

The coefficient of determination aimed to measure the ability of the independent variables (perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk) to explain the dependent variable (behavioral
intention). The value of coefficient of determination was between zero and one.

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

Table 8. Coefficient of Determination (R2)

Adjusted Std. Error of
Model R R Square
R Square The Estimate
1 0.588 0.345 0.336 0.51359
Source: Primary data (2021)

Based on Table 8 above, the value of coefficient of determination was 34.5%. Then, it can be
said that the variables of perceived usefulness (X1), perceived ease of use (X2), and perceived risk (X3)
influenced the variable of behavioral intention (Y) by 34.5%, and the remaining 65.5% was explained
by other variables not included in this model.

Partial hypothesis testing

Partial hypothesis testing was intended to determine whether or not the influence of the independent
variables was partial on the dependent variable. The results of hypothesis testing can be seen in the
table 9.

Table 9. t-test Analysis

Understand Coefficients
Model t. Sig.
B Std. Error
(Constant) 0.895 0.292 3.067 0.002
Perceived Usefulness 0.199 0.058 3.436 0.001
Perceived Ease of Use 0.305 0.072 4.223 0
Perceived Risk 0.234 0.050 4.649 0
Source: Primary data (2021)
Based on the table above, seeing t. and Sig. columns, the following explanation:
The effect of perceived usefulness on behavioral intention to use e-money in Padang
The results of the first hypothesis testing showed that the t-calculated value was 3.436 and the
significance value was 0.001 (<0.05). This indicated that perceived usefulness had a significant
effect on behavioral intention. So, hypothesis H1 was accepted.
The effect of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention to use e-money in Padang
The results of the second hypothesis testing showed that the t-calculated value was 4.223 and the
significance value was 0 (<0.05). This indicated that perceived ease of use had a significant effect
on behavioral intention. So, hypothesis H2 was accepted.
The effect of perceived risk on behavioral intention to use e-money in Padang
The results of the third hypothesis testing showed that the t-calculated value was 4.649 and the
significance value was 0 (<0.05). This indicated that perceived risk had a significant effect on
behavioral intention. So, hypothesis H 3 was accepted.

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

The effect of perceived usefulness on behavioral intention
The result of the first hypothesis testing showed that p-value was (+) 0.199 and t-value was 3.436. So, it
can be concluded that perceived usefulness has positive and significant effect on behavioral intention.
This result of study is in accordance with the result of previous study conducted by (Davis, Bagozzi, and
Warshaw 1989) that perceived usefulness (PU) was able to positively and significantly influence the
use of information system regarding attitude, behavioral intention, and behavior. This result of study
is also in line with a study conducted by (Fiyah et al. 2019) who found that PU had a positive effect on
BI. With beneficial usefulness for customers, such as making work easier, it can increase customer
interest in using e-money. So, it can be concluded that perceived usefulness can influence behavioral
intention to make payments using digital money (e-money) in Padang because of the usefulness of
using E-Money in carrying out payment activities in everyday life.
The effect of perceived ease of use on behavioral intention
The result of the second hypothesis testing showed that p-value was (+) 0.305 and t-value was 4.223.
So, it can be concluded that perceived ease of use has positive and significant effect on behavioral
intention. This result of study indicates that people in Padang have felt convenient to use electronic
money (E-Money). This could be seen from the average value of the respondents' answers on the
variable of perceived ease of use was 3.96 which showed that the majority of respondents agreed, where
the one who got the highest average value was in the fifth statement "I think e-money is easy to use"
by 4.55 with TCR of 91% in the “good” category. This is because features provided by e-money are easy
to understand and practical so that it can make it easier for users to make transactions. This result of
study is in accordance with the result of previous study conducted by (Utami 2017) that the ease of
using E-Money had a significant effect on student interest in using e-money. Thus, it can be concluded
that users will be interested in using an application when they feel that the product can be used easily.
The Effect of Perceived Risk on Behavioral Intention
The result of the third hypothesis testing showed that p-value was (+) 0.234 and t-value was 4.649. So,
it can be concluded that perceived risk has positive and significant effect on behavioral intention. Based
on the result of descriptive analysis, the respondents strongly agreed that e-money could maintain
security in making transactions / payments. This means that users feel they do not need to carry cash
so that the risk of loss and miscalculation in transactions is low. In addition to maintaining the security
of user balance, the respondents also agreed that the e-money guaranteed the confidentiality of their
personal data, because the e-money already had the license from the government, so the risk of misuse
of personal data was low. Perceived risk is part of the psychological factors that influence a person's
decision to use a product. This result of study is in line with a study conducted by (Marchelina and
Raisa 2018) entitled "pengaruh PU, PEOU, PR dan fiturlayanan terhadap minat penggunaan e-money"
which found that risk perception had a significant positive effect on interest in using e-money partially.


Based on the results of this study regarding the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use,
and perceived risk on behavioral intention, some conclusions can be drawn, as follows:
1. So, it can be concluded that perceived usefulness has positive and significant effect on behavioral
intention to use e-money. This indicates that the more usefulness the consumers feel in using the
E-Money application service, the higher their interest in transaction / payment activities is.

Namira & Susanto / Operations Management and Information System Studies 1 (3), 2021, 133 - 144

2. It can also be concluded that perceived ease of use has positive and significant effect on behavioral
intention to use e-money. This indicates that the easier it is for consumers to use e-money, the more
the consumers will be interested in continuing using the e-money service.
3. Last, perceived risk has positive effect on behavioral intention to use e-money. This means that
with the e-money service, it can minimize risks in making transactions.


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