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April 4 and 8 (4, 5, 6) second period

Lesson plan

 Attendance
 General comments and instructions
 Content review:
 Verb to be
 Present simple
 Listening an writing exercise
 Individual work
Visitor’s talk or activity
First termed performance
Agenda sending

Personal Comments:

In the class room this week there was much attention to the class well at least unlike other
This week work interesting topics such as this simple and clarify our doubts on the agenda.

I liked:

In these classes, what I like is that finally seem to understand certain things and get an idea
of what the class is.

I do not like:

I don’t like working with om personal.

Name: Brian Tavera Restrepo grade: 9-3


April 11 (7,8)
 Attendance
 General comments on:
 Classroom organization
 Puntuality
 English agendas
 Individual work
 Listening and writing exercise
 Exercise correctión
 Speaking practice


In this class we review some topics covered in the previous week, questions from a


There was much participation, although the majority was wrong many participate.


The theme is a bit complicated

Week 4
25th april(10,11)
Lesson Plan
-General comment on:
• English weekly Agendas
• First school spelling
-School spelling class representative electron
-Listening comprehension exercise
-Exercise correction


The class was very very interesting because with it we make a contest of spelling in English
for choosing a representative from our room, for skills at the institution.

I liked:
I liked the dynamic of the class

I did not like:

The wrong and out of activity

29th April

This was an interesting day because it made the spelling bee at the level of the entire
institution, apart from celebrating the week of language and dances.



May 2 (13,14)

Lesson Plan

 Attendance
 General comments on:
 Punctuality
 Classwork
 Individual written exercises

Personal coments:

This class was very interesting because people who had lost the first school term recovery
will be made and although I was very anxious I could not do, because time is not reached,
but even so the teacher let him pending for the next class as well during that class solved a
workshop which consisted of three points, the first to formulate questions based on answers
given about the second, was to build a composition with some data that we had been given
and the third was based on ordering a few sentences all this in English.

I liked:

I liked that the recovery is made for people who lost the first period further that the
workshop is also very interesting.

I did not like:

Failure to make recovery and was left pending.

May 6 (15)

Lesson Plan
 Attendance
 General conversation with the class
 Oral presentation
 Presentation assessment

General coments:

This class was good today because we had no difficulty with punctuality when arriving at
the room and tried very interesting topics such as blogs and correction of the test, except
that a fellow made his oral presentation in English and was very well.

I liked:

That many people had the courage to participate more in this class.

I did not like:

I have to wait to make recovery of the first period.

Agenda # 5

Week six

May 9 th (16,17)

Lesson plan

 Attendance
 General Comments
 Individual presentations
 Exercise check-up
 The present progressive tense
 Explanation and general prectice exercise
 Exercise review
 Mak up activity: Numerals
Personal Comments:

This class was good because that we clarify a few doubts about how to formulate
questions, simple present and present progressive, as well as to solve certain problems with
the corrections of the test.

I liked:

I liked dispel doubts about the formulation of questions.

I did not like:

Actually this class was very enjoyable.

May 13 (18)

Lesson Plan

 Attendance
 General Comments
 Individual presentations

Personal Comments:

In this class I really just listen to a partner by oral presentation but not very well made but
at least had the courage to go out and say it.

I liked:

The courage of Daniela.

I did not like:

That we do not really do much.



May 16 (19, 20)

Lesson Plan

 Attendance
 General Comments
 Individual presentation
 Practice exercise
 Present simple
 Present progressive

General Comments: In the class we work in class work with a program that teaches
English and review questions on topics such as simple present and present progressive.

I like: review as make questions.

I don’t like: all class was very interesting.

May 20

On this day there was no class not for reasons.




Lesson Plan

 attendance
 general instructions and comments
 Oral presentations (?)
 glossary review
 work shop review and correction

General comments:
In this day workshop began by copying a few sentences which lacked fill the spaces with
words that also matched after doing this we have to make a glossary with words that we did
not know also that we finish talking and reviewing the present simple and present

I like:

What I liked most of the class is that because I am understanding better the teacher, and i
think all class es should be so in order to understand more, liked the glossary.

May 27 (24)

Lesson Plan

 Attendance
 General comments an intstructions
 Oral presentation (?)
 Listeng exercise: Making an oral report
 Team work: preparing an oral report
 Exercise correction

General Comments:

In this class we discussed in the notes to be based on the period and that we should work to
present to win the field, except that in class three companions gave their presentation and
did very well.

I like:

This class was very interesting because we and our partners took the courage to speak in a
language unknown to the whole class.



MAY 30TH (25, 26)

 attendance
 general instructions
 individual glossary review and grading
 general workshop corrections

General comments:

The teacher came and told us he was going to review the glossary as we reviewed the
workshop had left because at the end to review what was going to correct the glossary, but
there was no time, so sad to leave this class many because people did not comply with the
notice that they waited for the glossary, which also had not given parameters.

I like:

Actually the class was very sad

Jun 3 rd (27)

Lesson Plan

 Attendance
 General comments
 General workshop

General Comments:

In this class we try everything related to dissatisfaction with the kind of English, which
were many and all too common so the teacher tried to solve this in appropriate ways, the
need of our discussion was very disciplined, unlike previous in other groups.

I like:

That class was very organized in the debate with Professor Joel.

I don’t like:

That our problems are not resolved all.

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