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Pre-Listening Exercise
What are some typical sports or recreation activities that people enjoy in your
area? In this conversation, you will hear a man and woman discuss snow skiing.
What specific gear or equipment do you need for this sport? What are the
dangers or risks of snow skiing?

“cold feet” = fear of doing something
“James was going to ask Ashley out on a date, but he got cold feet and couldn’t
do it.”

“give someone the cold shoulder” = ignore someone or give someone a

cool reception
“Elizabeth gave Ryan the cold shoulder when he tried to apologize for
forgetting her birthday.”

Man: Whew! It’s pretty cold today.

Woman: Yeah. My fingers are numb.

Man: So, do you often ski here?

Woman: No, this is my first time. Actually, this is my first time skiing . . .
Man: So, how do you like it so far?

Woman: The snow is great [ Yeah . . .], but it’s too crowded. You know, two
people crashed into me on my first run, and some stupid skier was going way too
fast . . . drove me into some trees. [ Wow! ] I crashed and lost one of my gloves.
[ Oh, man. ] Fortunately, I had an extra pair with me.

Man: Wow. Well, did the woman stop and apologize?

Woman: No, it was a man. I’m certain of it. He just . . . he just laughed at me.
Why do you think it was a woman, anyway?

Man: Uh, well, no reason. I mean, well, you know.

Woman: What? You know what?

Man: Uh, uh, nothing.

Woman: Yeah. You just wait until I find that guy.

Man: Uh, well, what are you going to do to him, I mean, if you find him?

Woman: First, I’m going to break his skis. [ Oh, well . . . ] And then, I’m going
to take his picture and post it on Facebook.

Man: Uh, don’t you think that’s a little drastic? Perhaps, it was a simple
mistake. And how are you going to identify him anyway?

Woman: Oh, that’s easy. He was wearing bright red boots and a purple hat . .
. um, just like yours. Heh, heh, heh . . .

Man: Now, now, now. Wait, wait! Yeah. What do you mean? [ Yeah . . . ] Wait!
Why are you looking at me? You don’t think it was me, do you? . . . Do you
like jazz music?

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

∙ whew (interjection): a sound to show that you are surprised, hot, or relieved
– Whew! I almost ran into that tree. That was close!
∙ numb (adjective): not able to feel parts of your body because of cold
– My fingers and toes are so numb. I’d better go inside and get
∙ drive something (verb): move something with force (this is different than driving a
– The hunters drove the deer out of trees and into the open meadow. ∙
apologize (noun): to say sorry or feel regret for doing something wrong –
I apologize for not going skiing with you today. I’m just not feeling well. ∙
certain (adjective): without a doubt, positive
– I am certain that Jennifer will come with us to the ski resort
tomorrow. ∙ drastic (adjective): extreme, serious
– The ski resort took drastic steps to increase business.

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