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School Solsona National High School Grade Level 11

Grades 1 to 12 Teacher Johnver F. Curameng Learning Area Personal Development

Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time July 17-21 2017 Week 7 Quarter 1st
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday
I. OBJECTIVES 1.5 to 2
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the stress and its sources; various stress responses; and coping strategies for healthful living in middl
late adolescence
The learners demonstrate understanding of the whole brain theory, or two hemispheres of the brain: artistic (right-brain dominant) and linear (le
brain dominant)
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to identify personal ways of coping for healthful living and identify ways to improve learning using both the left and righ
C. Learning The learners…
Competencies/Objectives Discuss that understanding stress and its sources during adolescence may help in identifying ways to cope and have a healthful life EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.1
Identify sources of one’s stress and illustrate the effect of stress on one’s system EsP-PD11/12CS-If-5.2
Demonstrate personal ways of coping with stress for healthful living EsP-PD11/12CS-Ig-5.3
Discuss that understanding the left and right brain may help in improving one’s learning EsP-PD11/12PM-Ig-6.1
II. CONTENT Stress Stress Response Stress Management Cognitive Developmen
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Personal Development. 2016.Teacher’s Guide. First Edition pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages Personal Development. 2016.Learners Material. First Edition pages
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources Portal
A. Before the Lesson Role Play on a specific Review yesterday’s lesson. Motivation: BELLY BREATHING Lateral Thinking Puzzles. Intro
1. Setting the Stage (Drill, situation in which a the puzzles, one at a time. Te
Review and Motivation) developmental challenge of students that you can answer
middle adolescence is seen in yes or no questions.
your everyday living.
2. Explaining what to do (Tell The learners will be able to: At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of the lesson, the learners At the end of this module, lea
the objectives of the Lesson) 1. discuss that understanding will be able to: will be able to: will be able to:
stress and its sources during 1. identify ways to cope stress and have 1. list ways to cope stress and have a 1. discuss that understanding
adolescence may help in a healthy life, healthy life, left and right brain functions
identifying ways to cope and 2. identify sources of their stress and 2. cite sources of their stress and help in improving one’s learn
have a healthy life, illustrate the effect of stress on their illustrate the effect of stress on their 2. explore mind-mapping tec
2. identify sources of their system, and system, and suited to right brain- or left b
stress and illustrate the effect 3. demonstrate personal ways of coping 3. show personal ways of coping with dominant thinking styles, and
of stress on their system, and with stress for healthful living. stress for healthful living. 3. make a plan to improve lea
3. demonstrate personal ways using both left and right brain
of coping with stress for development.
healthful living.
B. Lesson Proper (All Give a lecturette on Stress Discuss with students how stress is part Discuss with the class the Reading: Lecturette on Cognitive
teacher’s Activity) Management. Encourage of everyday life, and that there is good Keep Stress Under Control. Development with the use of
Presentation through discussion. stress and bad stress. Reading: Stress Reader: Brainpower: Comple
Modeling, Illustration and Response with the students. Controls Your Every Thought
Demonstration) Move.
1. Guided Practice (1st Have students walk around Activity 1 : Stress Signals. Activity 1: Stress Survival Kit with the What is the brain and how do
Assessment) and find someone who class. work?
participates in one of the
activities listed on the Bingo
2. More Practice (2nd Conduct the Activity: WHAT Pair up with a partner to share their Activity 2A: Project-to do -List. How did you learn to talk? To
Assessment) CAUSES YOU TO “LOSE YOUR responses. To ride a bicycle? To shoot a

3. Independent Practice Students may choose the top Activity 2: Quiet Time for 15 minutes. Do Activity 2B as a group work as What happens inside your br
5 stressors from those listed Portfolio Output No. 10 Project To- when you learn something ne
and compare with 3 other Do.
classmates. If there is time,
the class can vote on the top
5 stressors for the class.

C. After the lesson/Closure Stress is the body’s response Students learn to recognize what might Developing techniques to deal with Because the brain's healthy
(Summarizing / Generalizing) to anything that makes us feel be causing them stress and learn the causes of stress. functioning is essential to livi
1. Application threatened or pressured. It is strategies to help control and alleviate determines quality of life, do
caused by any kind of stress. emphasize protecting the org
demand, to which we must from injury and chemical abu
adapt, adjust, or respond. It is
the body’s automatic way of
reacting to changes,
challenges, and demands
placed on us.
2. Evaluation (3rd Portfolio Output No. 8: Portfolio Output No. 9: My Stress Plan your Grade 11 year-end fun day Check their journals / reflecti
Assessment) Slogan or Personal Signals. following the Project-To-Do papers.
Declaration on Being Happy Write about your stress signals. Template. Write this plan down. Then
write a reflection on how your
experience of planning changed with
the use of the planning tool.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation?
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?


SHS Teacher I

Checked by:


Head Teacher III School Principal IV

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