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Dear Friend, Dear Colleague,

May the peace and grace of Our Lord I hope this finds you well as we
Jesus Christ be with you. near the end of summer. We are
filled with joy during this time and
This has been a blessed summer in thank God for blessing us with a
great many vocations. I had the
countless ways. Let me begin by opportunity to witness first-hand
thanking you for your ardent the Simple Profession made on
welcome and support in my new role August 15th at St. Gertrude's, my
as Director of the Dominican parish, in Cincinnati, where the
Foundation. Already, I am close to novitiate is located -- and it was
completing my second month in this privileged role of truly an inspiration. There were 8
working, with you, and the help of God’s generous grace, to young men on the altar making
support the mission and spreading of the charism of the their first vows, having just
completed their novice year. In
Dominican Friars of the Province of St. Joseph. Please be addition, the new class begins
assured of my prayers for you and your families, as well as significantly with 21 novices.
the gratitude of all the Friars for your commitment to us. Afterwards, there was a
reception, where parishioners had
We simply could not flourish without your steadfast the chance to talk individually with
presence at our side. As you remain faithful to God's call for the Friars. Please be sure to
your lives, so you help us be true to our mission of bringing include them in your prayers for
Christ to the world. That divine labor, as you know, takes all of the Dominican vocations.
myriad forms. Your spirit of sacrifice and ongoing generosity Next week we will hold our first
provide a steady hand as we rely on God’s Providence to Executive Committee meeting with
guide us through these tumultuous, unsteady economic Fr. Izzo, participating as the new
times, ensuring that our work can continue to grow and Dominican Foundation Director, to
develop in ever new ways. discuss plans for the year ahead.
Please keep the work of the
As you know, this month marks the beginning of the new Foundation in your prayers as we
novitiate year with a record number of 21 novices at St. face the challenge of raising
resources to support the work of
Gertrude Priory the Friars during these difficult
in Cincinnati. times.
Their vestition
ceremony took May God bless you for
place Aug. 7. your ongoing dedication to the
They were mission we share with the
welcomed by Dominican Friars.
our new Prior
Sincerely in Christ,
Father Brian
Mulcahy, O.P., whose election we celebrated earlier this
summer. Fr. Mulcahy, telling the new novices that that
Ray Clark
evening they were to "be clothed in the holy habit of our President
father St. Dominic," spoke of the Dominican life as a "sure
and certain path to holiness, to holiness which is nothing
other than God Himself shining through us and making
Himself known to others through us." Please click here to
read Father Mulcahy's full talk.

The novices will need your ongoing support, both spiritual

and material: this year's bounty of vocation forces the
novices to double up in their rooms at the Priory! Thank you
for remembering
their needs as well
as those of the 8 Please support the
young men who just DOMINICAN
completed their FOUNDATION
novitiate and made of the Dominican Friars,
their Simple Province of St. Joseph.
Profession on August 14th, to begin their life as Student The purpose of the Dominican
Brothers at the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, Foundation is to raise resources to
D.C. support the mission and strategic
plan of the Dominican Friars,
This new generation will help to ensure that the Dominican Province of St. Joseph. Please
charism and the vital role it plays in the Church, will consider contributing to the

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continue to endure and flourish. Your commitment helps to Dominican Foundation today.
provide these young men with the opportunity to choose Because of the generosity of our
this extraordinary way of life and eventually make a friends, with the help of God's
difference in the lives of countless others. Opportunities for grace, we’ve been able to do so
our service to the Church at large abound. Increasingly, much. But this can only continue
bishops are desirous of a Dominican presence in their if our supporters continue to step
dioceses. The most prominent recent example was the out in faith and generously
request by Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore for the contribute. Thank you and may
Friars to take on the campus ministry at Johns Hopkins God Bless you!
University, a calling we humbly and gratefully embraced.
The Dominican Foundation is a
Christ "making Himself known to others through us"—such 501C-3 tax-exempt not-for-profit
is our charism and our dear responsibility. We must always organization. All donations are
consider closely if we are truly faithful to this call to make tax-deductible to the extent
Christ present as times and ministries change and evolve. I permitted by law.
wrote you earlier about our Provincial Chapter in June, a
privileged moment in the life of the Province every four
years—an occasion for profound self-examination and
renewal. Later this month, I will leave for Rome to attend the
General Chapter of the Order (Aug. 27-Sept. 22). We will
elect a new Master of the Order at that time and will ask the
most important question for the entire Order. How are we
being faithful to making Christ present to the people we
serve around the world? Please pray for me and all the Friars 141 East 65th St.
during this extraordinary time. New York, NY 10065
Phone: (212) 535-3664
The Order is confronting a profound generational change, Fax: (775) 542-5511
as the current Master of the Order, Father Carlos Azpiroz Email:
Costa, O.P., explains in this video, one of a series made in
preparation of the General Chapter. Today's vocations, in
contrast with previous generations, hail from a world marked
by uncertainty, one in which belief in God cannot be taken
for granted. A new style of ministry is coming into being,
relying on new models of bringing Christ to people.

The Dominican mission in the new age, the Master explains

here, also confronts the vital dialogue—and sometimes
conflict—between the Judeo-Christian civilization and the
world of Islam. Moreover, media, and in particular electronic
media, are playing a fast-growing role as vehicles for
preaching the Word. It is also crucial that each generation
discovers the truth anew and for this reason study and
research are fundamental to the Dominican way of life, not
for the enrichment of minds, but to better preach the Gospel
in a changing world, the Master says.

As you can see, the stakes at the General Chapter are

enormous as this crucial gathering will help set the direction
for the Order for years to come. I look forward to reporting
to you on the proceedings in upcoming messages.

Meanwhile, I encourage you to stay in close touch with the

Province. One sure way to do so is to often visit our
Website. Better yet, sign up to receive email alerts about
new items as they are posted. Simply submit your email
address when prompted and you will be added to the list.
You will discover a great variety of news articles, talks,
special events and much more. For starters, I encourage you
to watch additional videos related to the General Chapter.

You will also find a report on a pilgrimage to the place where

a 19th-century Friar founded the first Dominican parish in
Ohio, St. Joseph's in Somerset. One of the Province's
eminent theologians, Father Romanus Cessario, O.P., talks
on the fundamental harmony—contrary to popular belief
—between the psychological sciences and the faith. Marcus
Grodi, host of Eternal Word Television Network's "Journey
Home," interviews his own pastor on air, Father Jordan
Turano, O.P., of our Dominican parish Saint Thomas
Aquinas Church, in Zanesville, Ohio. And there is an
excellent photo essay on the annual "Ignite Your Torch"
youth conference modeled after World Youth Day and co-
sponsored by a Lay Dominican Community at which a
number of Friars from the Province served. You will always
find something of interest when you visit us online.

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Finally, I want to call your attention to the upcoming issue
of The Trumpet, the Province newsletter that will be
published next week and should reach your mailbox soon. If
you are new to the publication and would like to receive it
regularly, please subscribe online. As always, I urge you to
write me at with any comments or questions
you may have. The dialogue and collaboration between you,
our dear friends and supporters, and the Friars give life to
the Province every day.

Asking God to bless and keep you and all those you hold
dear, I am

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. D. Dominic Izzo, O.P.


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