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erunc oF ne nauormes Batasang Pambansa, BLAS F Onis ee Ser Ear Novender 22, 1985 POR THE FIRST TADY: Z take pleasure in transmitting the first report of the Ad Noo Group you formed st the Ugnayan. it enbodiea early Perceptions of the political situation, the possipie strategy and specitic propossls towards an effective information cenpaign, You may want to seek tha President's reaction and guidance concerning this report Thank you very much. ON BEKALF oF TH G+ Lf ELECTION MEMO I. INTRODUCTION ‘This paper providesa broad perspective on the vatious concerns and needs relating to the Presidential election, and particularly to the objective of securing a new mandate for the President, Although the group has been asked by the First Lady to specifically look into the information and propaganda problem, it is our view that we can only formulate an adequate information and propaganda plan within the context of a coherent and d overall campaign plan, ‘The worst possible thing that could happen is for our information message to be divorced from the other essential elements of the campaign, particularly our campaign organization from the top to the grassroots. Thus, this summary of proposals ventures a number of suggestions relating to the conduct of the campaign, the strengthening of the campaign organization, the needs of the various sectors, the shaping of the party platform -- all of which really provide the content for our information and propaganda effort. ‘The second point we wish to stress at the outset is the rationale for the early presidential election. Regardless of the various questions that have attended discussions of the proposal, we should set-the election as a great opportunity for the Government to imnify the country behind it and to govern and lead the nation effectively. This is an opportunity to establish Confidence, Consensus and Cooperation in our national life. Il. ‘THE ISSUES OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION The forthcoming election is unique in Philippine electoral politics because this is the first time that a President will submit himself to an election prior to the end of his term. Consequently, the holding of the proposed election is an issue in itself, in addition to the various issues that are expected to be debated by the contending parties. With respect to the election as an issue in itself, we should study carefully whether it would be to our advantage for discussion of this to be part of the overall campaign dialogue. It would be a mistake to be drawn into a campaign where justifying the election is our specific burden. This must appear to be the burden of all, particularly of the opposition parties or groups who will contest the election.. In any case, by the time the election campaign starts, the President should not be badgered about it, ‘We would recommend an early effort to inform the people of the inportance and necessity of the presidential election. This must stress the following: 1. “The voluntary decision of the President to call a referendum on his Presidency. 2. The stabilization of the succession process. 3. The need for a new mandate to support government efforts for economic recovery and counter- insurgency. Likewise, an effort must be made to put to rest the contention that the President should resign for the election to take place. We should not be dogged by this in the course of the campaign. Leaving these points aside, we believe the dominating issues of the campaign will be the following: 1. The Economy--The economic crisis and depression. during the-past-two years that has brought negative growth.ifueled inflation, and eroded many jobs. Who has the program ‘that can bring forth economic recovery and the resumption of growth? 2. The Communist-Insurgency -- There is an active Communist insurgency in the country, and it has distorted perceptions Of the Philippines abroad, Whether the fears of a Communist takeover are exaggerated or not, there is definitely an insurgency problem. Who can deal more effectively withthe Communist challenge? 3. Morality and Integrity in Government -- This is a worn saw in our electoral politics, but it will be a Potent issue once again, particularly in the light of all the talk of cronyism, hidden wealth and graft in government. 4. The Competence to Lead -- In settled times, it is always a major issue; in a time of crisis, it may be the issue. It will become even more important if Cory Aquino runs for President. 5. The Two Nations: The Rich and the Poor ~-_ If the Communists abide and endure and prosper regardless of their periodic decimation by government forces, it is because this issue is eternal and every deep- rooted, indeed, In this election, it will be a live issue. 6. Coherence in Program of Government -- Because of pressing problems, this election will be unique in pressing candicintes and patties to formulate and defend their Proposed programs of government. Hollow promises and vague policies are likely to be scrutinized and perused more thoroughly than in past elections. 2, Foreign Intervention in Philippine Affairs ~- The nationalists will raise this without question, And there t3,a strong case to be'made more than ever for criticizing the high profile of the Americans in our national life in recent years and in the election, But there are traps and pitfalls for the party who would inveigh against American meddling, I, CONDUCT OF THE CAMPAIGN We stress at the outset that the KBL campaign should be dignified, serious, well-planned and high-minded, as befits the seriousness of our national situation, Our side must not merely win. Our victory must be credible to ordinary Filipinos -- and to the world community. If it is not, we shall have gained nothing; and we will be in a worse fix than before. This means: no overkill, whether in spending, thetoric, or deployment of Government's overwhelming force. This means; finesse in te handlitig of the issues and the working of the voters, rather than force in the pursuit of votes, As things are shaping up now, there could be two opposition candidates, for President. If this should transpire, this will allow us ample room got only to win, but to shape the mandate of the President. If the Opposition puts up Cory Aquino, we should recognize the special problems involved, Cory's candidacy will run on emotion and inflated invective against the President and his family. Hence, it is likely to generate passions on both sides. The difficulty in our case is that we cannot simply pose ouranger before their anger, ot force in response to, say, the fever of their rallies and demonstrations. We cannot afford to make the Aquino widow more sympathetic to voters than she perhaps already is. From the very start, we recommend that the President lay down the KBL line: while Mrs. Aquino deserves our compassion, the question of running the affairs of state is something else entirely, particularly at this time. Laurel or Aquino -+ Asto who would be the more preferrable candidate to run against, opinion seems to divide, It's a matter of gut-fecling as to who is the more potent adversary: the one who has a campaign organization on hand and «jot of ground already covered (Laurel), or the other Who has an emotional message to convey and some moral or sentimental ground to stand on (Aquino). Those who consider an Aquino candidacy more formidable are mainly bothered by one factor. Her running will make the election more unpredictable, hostage to emotion and day-to-day events. It's the kind of candidacy which can either be beaten mercilessly at the polls or catch fire and spark popular support. You cannot predict where it will end. In contrast, Laurel's bid is susceptible to the more familiar measurements of strength and impact. It feeds on organization, money and muscle, Those who consider Laurel more formidable are largely thinking of his vaunted organization and financial backing. He has more seasoned political leaders in his camp. He has been tayelling the country for some time. And he proved the strength of his organizations in the 1984 elections, Whichever of the two stands for election, however, wwe Believe that We can develop a strong attacking line to dent the candidacy. Cory-Aquino is weak on experience and looks'even now-befuddled outside of public office, Doy Laurel is irascible, mediocre, and born to be caricatured. IV. CENTRAL THEME ‘Our central theme for the campaign is determined by both the circumstances and issues of the elections and the personalities contesting it. The problems that confront our country today -- insurgency, economic depression, social ferment, a restive Armed Farces -- call for a Man of Strength, Courage, Intelligence and Experience to be at the helm, These are characteristics people already recognize in the President. By contrast, Mrs. Aquino is almost a total blank, projected into the limelight by a tragedy that befell her husband; and Lauré)’s public personality is wishy- hy (having been overshadowed for much of his public life by-his father and elder brother). In line with this theme; we should show the President as dynamic, decisive, activist in our campaign material, The image of course must be softened from time to time by reminders and imagés of his hurnanity and warmth of feeling, Key Issues ~ Around this "take-charge” personality of the President, we can weave our specific responses to the issues. We elaborate on the Marcos program of government, We can defend the record of his 20-year administration. We can develop policies specifically directed to individual sectors of society. We can project him as a leader who will carry the fight to the Communists and not relent. And we can develop the theme of “nationalism” around him, because here is a Filipino who will stand up to the foreigner in this country. It will not be possible in the course of a brief campaign to develop every promising like in the propaganda effort. And on the assumption that the opposition will appropriate emotion in the campaign, we must likewise milk the issues that create favorable emotional responses to the President, Two issues merit attention in this regard. the fight against Communist insurgency and.the fight against foreign intervention in our affairs, The first problem scares us, the second galls us. Yssues Against the Opposition -- We should ~ and we can ~ carry the fight‘ the Opposition, ‘There are many issuips we can exploit: 1, The Opposition's Abiding Disunity -- For such a time as now, division can be fatal to the nation, 2. The Opposition's Lack of a Coherent Program of Government -- Beyond making empty promises, none of the opposition groups has really developed a program. It is fair to wonder whether they understand the problems at all. 3. The Opposition's Dependence on Foreign Support -- They seek power at the price of national pride and sovereignty. We can stress Laurel's appalling line, that American efforts to unseat Marcos is not meddling. Issues Against the Government Party -- The most powerful issue that the opposition can use in the campaign is the issue of Responsibility, ie. the President and his administration are responsible for the crises that noW confront the nation, the murder of Ninoy Aquino, the miscarriage of justice,pthe plunder of the coffers of ‘government, etcetera. Initiative on Government's Side - To a great extent, the Government Party an dictate the issues of the campaign by taking major decisions at crucial periods. Specifically we should try: #0 blunt specific issues against government by answeting them with swift and decisive action, V. PARTY PLATFORM AND KBL STAND ON THE ISSUES In line with the central theme we propose above, it becomes imperative that the Government Party fully develops a platform or program of government that is coherent and responsive to the issues. It is not enough to simply summarize what government is doing at present to cope with the problems. We need a more dynamic presentation of our priorities, policies, and programs, And we need, in the platform, some form of response to the needs and concerns of the various sectors of society. For this purpose, We believe it is imperative that a group be constituted immediately to develop and formulate the party platform. And the’same should be ready in time for the opening salvo of the campaign, VI. THE CAMPAIGN ORGANIZATION In an election like this, our first concern must be the health and unity of our campaign organization. The media and the public talk a lot about the powerful government machinery, but it is a machine that occasionally sends conflicting signals to the country and the world. And the 1984 parliamentary elections were a sobering lesson for the Party. (See Annex I) In this all-important electoral contest, the President must sound the call to all: We must get our act together. The in-fighting and intramurals must stop .. Our political ‘future, perhaps even our lives, are on the line, ‘The unification of effort and message must touch all elements of the broad campaign organization: er 1, The Kilusang Bagong Lipunan: its leadership | and membership. "2, The Cabinet and the governs 3, The local governments and local officials up t0 barangal level. ‘4 The civic actio’. grovP® and sectoral organizations supporting) President. {nvurging an energetic campaign effort throughout the country/we nonetheless. would ‘counsel our regional venders end local eommaaders 10 take VS care that our forces do not commit focal ats of repression in the drive towin votes. Any local repression O” O17 part will be laid at the President's door on the national level. Whatever Focal gains our regional leaders may ‘obtain from strong- nam tactics (a doubtful proposition at best considering the state of mass-politicization), OF ‘national campaign will ‘more than lose. ‘An Escalante occurring atthe height of the campaign will be a disaster for the Party ‘and could be the boost needed by the Opposition. The President's Campaign Schedule -- The President's physical appearances at campaign rallies thfOughtout the country shouldbe programmed to cover mainly key aréas with large voting populations. ‘The rest must be reached mainly through the media. More than in the earlier campaigns for the Presidency, the media should be a vital part of the President's campaign. We must project the image of a dynamii¢y. decisive and activist President as described earlier through the images that we project of the President in the press, radio and television. Selection of forums in which the President appears in Manila will enhance the media effort. Even more important the coverage of the President at work, acting on major issues and questions before the nation will help the campaign immeasurably. ‘The more punishing task of leapfrogging the whole country should be left to the Vice-Presidential candidate and the First Lady, who will serve as the President's surrogates in the campaign. ‘The First Lady's Role in the Campaign ~ The First Lady's public role in the campaign should be planned carefully, for maximum effectivity. —————

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