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Student’s Name:

Year and Section: BSN 2A

Group: GROUP 5, Subgroup 4
Date: October 4, 2021

Activity 4
Identify the different danger signs of pregnancy and related nursing care.


Any presence of bleeding in the vagina or any expulsion of Advice the mother to sleep with feet
blood from the vagina. higher while the body remained supine.
Vaginal bleeding
R / : With feet higher will increase the
venous return , and allowing the blood
to the brain and other organs.

Fever Sudden decrease of body’s temperature that can lead to Encourage adequate rest, increase fluid
chills, weakness, or colds. intake, this helps to regulate body’s
temperature. Monitor client’s
temperature note for any presence of
chills. temperature that is between 39.1
to 41 degree celsius might indicate
acute infectious disease. Adjust room
temperature and provide blankets to
provide warmth.

feeling very weak or tired If the client felt very weak this could a sign of Anemia. This Encourage to eat foods that are rich in
is a decrease in the total amount of RBC in the body. iron like eggs, chickens, meat and
some leafy green vegetables. food that
are rich in iron because the volume of
your blood increases and your baby’s
blood is also developing. it is important
to the extra RBC the body will create for
your baby.

Blood pressure in the arteries are persistently Monitor VS. Encouraged to rest and to
High blood pressure elevated/increasing which might result to pre-eclampsia eat foods that are rich in proteins this
which can lead to seizures and if left untreated it can lead to will help to become healthy.

Abdominal Pain Severe pain or pressure in the lower abdomen during the Monitor fetal and maternal vital signs.
3rd month of pregnancy where it can lead to Ectopic
pregnancy. It is when the implantation of the fertilized egg
occurs outside the uterine cavity. Conduct physical examination and daily

Conduct input and output monitoring.

Encourage or educate the client to have

a diet low in salt.

Hyperemesis gravidarum Extremely severe and excessive nausea and vomiting Determine the causes of nausea and
during pregnancy. It can lead to metabolic, electrolyte and vomiting. Also assess the characteristic
nutritional imbalances. of it (nausea and the vomit)

Eliminate strong odors from the

surroundings that can contribute to

Maintain fluid balance of the patient and

record her hydration status, intake and

Monitor maternal and fetal vital signs.

Fetal Distress When the fetus stops moving around and kicking, it is Monitor maternal and fetal vital signs.
because the fetus is experiencing or having problems. It
could be due to inadequate amounts of oxygen during,
before the labor. Encourage and assist client with
change of position.

Preterm Labor Labor pain that begins before the 37th week of pregnancy. It Explain to the client about the side
occurs when regular contractions result in the opening of the effects or possible outcomes of preterm
cervix. It produces cervical change after fetal viability but labor.
before fetal maturity.

Teach the client about relaxation

techniques and encourage her to do it.

Monitor maternal and fetal vital signs.

Administer sedative (soothing and

tranquilizing effect) if other measures
are not successful.

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