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JIRG a The Gazette of Gudia EXTRAORDINARY we oe 1 PART II —Section 1 safer & verter PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 40) 5 fee, Wore, Frreat 27, 2013/ sneer 5, 1935 (we) ‘No. 40] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEl We we A Bot yes doa are & Peed eae ater ines S we aT we Separate paging is glven to this Partin order that it may be filed as a separate compilation, 5.1935 (SAKA) MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE, (Legislative Department) LAND ACQUISITION, REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENTACT, 2013 No. 30 oF 2013, [26th Scptember,2013.] been acquired or proposed to be acquired or are affected by such acquisition and make adequate provisions for such affected persons for their rehabilitation and resettlement and for ensuring that the cumulative outcome of compulsory acquisition should be that affected persons become partners in development Jeading tan improvement in their post acquisition social and economic status and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Beitenacted by Parliament inthe Sixty-fourth Year ofthe Republic of Indias follows— cHaPT 2() wonoas-gns UBIUUPAOD 34) YUM 159A 03 90 40 diysiouno aq) aieye ‘sioafoud diyssounsed ayeatd o1gnd 10) (0) —:Ajoure ‘sasodind Suy0} idosdde oup uoys “4d os) ‘Ruse [020] fue uatnusaKop ays éq voyeopun ouayos £u8 Jo uotiewval| doin $2 wosvo1 Aq pai2ajs 40 paoe|dsip suosiad 040 sonweyeojeunieu Ka poyooit svase te ‘Susp suosiad 0} 0 ss0}pu 30 sood aif 0} sasodind te s9y89m 24 ‘Aue 40 sous noid 40 seas ungin xp 40 iuouioxoxduy 24p 40 woudojonap pauueid soy r20foud (0) ‘soqtuanyporaayjeroofoud soy yoofoud (2) ‘auowteypeq Ul uoneay nou yons 0 3 241 Aq puvBax simi ut paynou aq dew se 4 ‘ouureifoud seeds 40 uonmodsuest ‘wstano ‘aie qieay “suds Jop yoafoud (aa) | 40 SoWOyos youeasas pue ‘auuut2K0%) 103 129f0ud (4) 1 pareuisop se “seuoz Suunioeynuous pue !u 40 S10p1499 onsnput 40 129fosd ( 1 we £910 aanesadood srowsse © q 10 wowMas0%) Aa pouno 40 das ‘Sussao0ad yaw pur souysy Pe aumnous8e 409 aimonnseajen Buroyseus ‘son “amynaysie 01 sindut Jo A¢ddns utssooaad. 1wouss2aut jeuoneu sananoe: 40 Aasnoos feuonea 98010) Arey tweed ystu99 Sugpnjout ‘uowu ayy Jos2ou0 pau pue Teawu ov Bune} sosodinda/Sarens 405 (0) us aiie) ‘russe Pu nua 0 sis 29 ws0x9 ep 30 2Joyn a9 0 spua1X94 @) [od 12) AUVNIGHOVULXA VIGNI 40 3LLAZV0 AHL z 2 of 2007 sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 3 (6) for private companies for public purpose, as defined in sub-section (1): Provided (@ private compani affected families, as defined in sub-clauses (7) and (v) of clause (c) of section 3; and (public private partnership projects, the prior consent of t least seventy percent, of those affected families, as defined in sub-clauses () nd (v) of clause (Clofssection 3, shall be Government ied through a process as may be prescribed by the appropriate Provided further thatthe process of obtaining the cor nt shall be carried out along ‘with the Social Impact Assessment study referred to in section 4: Provided also that no land shall be transferred by way of acquisition, inthe Scheduled ‘Areas in contravention of any law (including any order or judgment of a court which has ‘become final) relating to land transfer, prevailing in such Scheduled Areas. (3) The pr 1gt0 rehabi in the cases whe jon and resettlement under thisAct shall apply (a) a private company purchases land, equal to or more than such limits in rural ‘areas or urban areas, as may be prescribed by the appropriate Government, through private negotiations with the owner of the land in accordance with the provisions of section 46; (®)a private company requests the appropriate Government for acquisition of a area so prescribed for a public purpose: private company request the appropriate Goverment for partial purpose, then, the rehabi slements ludes the land Government for the project as a 3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, — (a) “Administrator” means an officer appointed for the purpose of rehabilitation and resettlement of affected families under sub-section (J) of section 43; ied by the appropriate ly whose land or other immovable property has been acquired; not own any land but a member or members of labourers, tenants including any ‘orm of tenancy ion of lers who have jon of the land is dependent on forests or water bodies and gatherers of forest produce, hunters, fisher folk and boatmen andsuch is affected due to acquisition of land; 0 papeydsp Jo ivausaynas 205 Buypjinq pu pur] Jo vorssinbse Jo 1509 sinboe Jo ssaooud a4 w sdous (od se poulusiop mnowe DIU PU LINO aq) 20 AMOMINY HIBUIgNOSD bay pur sup Xq poispi0 uosresusduios yp wonsas jo (1) uons9s-qns sopan powuiodde wowon2s9q pus uorEy qeyey 20} JoUDIS|UNLIOD dap SUED sOUOISSIMIULED, (Y) !NOY sup Japun Jor29I[09 Jo suonouny axp wuojiad 15 uonses zapun pa uourojnasey pue uoHeHqey>y pus uorsinbay puery 24p suZoUL ‘Auawuiardp jenuaD auf ‘uoneaynou Aq payysads se wolup ay) so asodind ay 30} pur] Jo uorsinbae ayp 01 areig pauszauos oy ‘uo wep s10W ut 250d !€ulayonpng Jo Aioy1ua1 wolun Jo juawutA0n ayn ‘Kudypnpng Jo Aao31224 uolup ayn wy pororys pu} Jo uonysinboe 01 wore ) jauuanog yenUaD 4p *(Kusy>APNA gi patenys pu} Jo wontsinboe oy uoneyar ut (1) adooxa) Aroma wor stusuuan09 arng 24) “areas @ Yo sonia ayy uum paremys pus so wonysinboe 1 woweyas U2) sua ,3uounusanon areyidosdde, (2) ‘aqneo jo Burzes8 ayn 30} pasn pu (1) ppue ‘oonposd uopse8 10 ssei8 “saan ‘sdoxo Jo Bustos ‘pu yons jo uo} ‘241 £q porsaye st pu} 241 Jo uorsinboe axp 01 sud s1294 9934) 305 oot {Jo soinos Axpusud asoy 30 pusy 249 Jo mboe Jopun 51 yuOUUDAOS Jo saquiau & (4) Pur] yons pue sowey9s si Jo Aue sepun uouussnop ‘aieig oy) Xq puny pousisse us9g sey ou Ay;uRy neve] ‘AUVNIGUOVYLXA VIGNI JO BLLAZVO AHL 1 of 1956, 21 of 1860, 5 of 1908 Sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 5 (0) cost of rehabilitation and resettlement as determined n accordance “with the provisions ofthis Act: (vd administrative cost — (A) for acquisition of land, including both in the projec site and out of project area lands, not exceeding such percentage cf the cost of tion and resettlement of the owners cf the land and se land has been a affected by such acq) acquired or other fami (vid) cost of undertaking ‘Social impact Assessment study's ympany” means— o (0a company as defined in section 3 of the Companies Ac, 1956, other than a Government company; in relation to a person, s following persons, namely:— (0 trustees for other persons benefi and that to the same exter could have acted if free from disak reference to any interested guardians of minors and the committees or managers of lunatics to the same extent as the minors, lunatics or other persons of unsound mind themselves, if free from disability, could have acted: includes person, his or her spouse, minor children, rrinor brothers ‘and minor sisters dependent on bi Provided that considered separ in clause (6) of sub-section ludes benefits to arise out of land, and things attached to the earth ed to anything attached to the earth; (@) “landiess” means such persons or class of persons who may ’) considered or specified as such under any State law for the time being in force; or ina case of landless not being specified under sub-clause (i). as may be specified by the appropriate Government: ‘002 19 2 uo02 10 7 ‘youua.. areudosdde ay q pojnesas are uopysinboe puey Jo nso e se pooeidsip us9q ‘axel ou Soluny paoaye out oxy vars Ue SuEoU! easy WaUID|TESDY, (22) 430} si pur] jo rounaa0 ayetidosdd oun sapny idoudde ayn Aq pasynboe 2q 01st pu woys 10) wosied 10 ue nsuy ue ‘ete10ds09 Apoq 2 ‘Aueduioa v suvaw ,Apog Sunboy., (42) sz uonres ‘aun svvaur ,asodind ayqnd, (02) ipooaye soni sey woford v sunous ,309{01 49pun pun] o vonysinboe oy) Jo we Buruye> suossed —sueau ,parsaiaiuy uosid, (2) ‘uopunauaip apew suopejnas 10 sans 20 Dy aYEAS 10 enuap quexajas 4p ut 01 pouiysse se Suyunous sues oy Any OYS LHC *AButpiooce “2q dow asv9 pannsuod 9q j1e4s ,AjNOU,, uosssaudxo a4 ay ‘20 pul Jo anazeD xn paysy.gnd Lor qm eouepsooae uy peuruolop pur] Jo onjeA ayy sueeW 2 ‘Butpjoy pun parefuan 10 0 suaur ues jours uO 2tp Jo ‘CPZ atone w pouysp se Aujediowunyy w pue pz, [oq wr pouyop se yeceypueg @ 2030) w Sutoq atu ay 30) me} Aue zepun dias (payteD 2ureu sadareyn £q) AONE BuIUUE|d uMor w sapnjou 40 uno 24 Jo 49pu0 we Aq Yons se paseoap usaq sey oy uostad Aue (J 40 ‘spuo] poufisse Surpnyout a1as 2p 9007 79v 39141 poInpayog 2x9 Japun siya 5910) pues’) oyy uossod Au ()) 20 ‘pausaouo9 Arjoynne atn Jo sps0sas ay ued 40 Suypling 40 pun] ay) Jo 42umo aq se popzodo4 st aweU osoy ‘yoarau —uossad Sue sapnjout Jou pur, (4) 12d] AUVNIGUOVYLXA VIGNI dOALLAZVO AHL $0 of 1996, "Scheduled Areas” means the Scheduled Areas as defined in section 2 of sof the Patichayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996; ith an un-irrigated land helding up to two than irrigated land holding up to one hectare, but more than the holding ‘of amarginal farmer. CHAPTER IT [DETERMINATION OF SOCIAL IMPACT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE A--PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION FOR DETERMINATION OF SOCIALIMPACT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE Whenever the appropriate Government se in the local language tothe Ps the case may be, and in and the Tehs Governmen Provided that the appropriate Government shall ensure that adequate represen thas been given to the representatives of Panchayat, Gram Sabha, Mi Corporation, as the case may be, atthe siage of carry study: Provided further that the appro te Government shall ensure the completion of the in a period of six months from the date of ‘made available to the public in the manner prescribed under s (A) The Social Impact Assessment study referred to in sub-section (/) ‘other matters. include all the following, namely:~ (@) assessment as to whether the proposed acquis | amongst (©) extent of lands, public and private, houses, settlements and ether common properties likely to be affected by the proposed acqui (4) whether the © nis the absolute bare () study of social impacts ofthe project, and the nature and cost af addressing them and the impact of these costs on the overall costs of the project vis-a-vis the benefits ofthe p pact Assessment study, if any, shall be carried out ingent upon the completion of the Social Impact Assessmen (5) While undertaking a Social Impact Assessment study under sub-sestion (J), the appropriate Government shall, amongst other things, ake into consideration te impact that the project is likly to have on various components such as livelihood of affected families, ublicand community properties, assets and infrastructure particularly roads, pubic anspor, :auugs ayn jo voadsou ut parenmut 39 [8 pur] atp auinboe or dans soyuuny ou pue yayaytioy padiopuege 29 jfeys 199f01d ay} et 19a}9 24} 01 uoRIMASHOS su! Jo aTep 24 WY syPLOU OM UNITLN UoEPUSUALIODAE w SyEUL |IEYS 1 “sayouag renustod ‘ayy yBiamino yoafosd au Jo sioedu 40 t2sodind 2yjqnd Aue 24328 10u $90p 1 suoo dnoup wadxg 94) —yeyp woqurdo ou Jo 8} ‘uop9as-qns Jopun pa sdnoup ayy jo uossadueys yp se énoan wadx 24 _Josraquiou oy wSuowe woyy uosiod v ayeurHoU Kew weLUUDAED arBudosede a, CE) ada yeoquysor “Buyoyfoy 241 9pajou paamusuos 9q Kew se ‘noo riod Ase uauussassy toed] [e}20S 94p IBY} auNsUD f]eYS uDKIUIEAOD aieLIdosdde BULL (1) “L dNOUDAUTANE N¥ AT LHOUTY INIASSISSV LIVANI THIIOS 40 WSIVHdd¥— “kidd 100 joys teowsssossy roedul|[e/20$ 01 Hunejes Io sip Jo suoIs!soud ay ‘30105 2} 40} mej sono Aue jo suojstAoid ayn Jspun pasinbar foxd owen yo 129ds04 Aurea 0} quaunusar0d jeauan ay) £q pasture (qeyeae peu ag jJeys vodas quowssassy roeduy, 10 patuseo s} 1usUISsassy roEdu INOUIUOITAU JOARIOY A Aouadly wuowissass 1epp0g ay Jo doo quauusaaog ayelsdoudde axp jo a1sqow 249 uo papeoydn pue :paquiosoud oq Keur se ouueUt yoy, 41 pur erent Beyy [eUOIsIAIG 9589 a4) Se uosneund03 yediotuny, \gejeAe opeu pur pasedasd 216 1905 24 pue odas Kpmis foxlde 41 (1) "9 spodoy wowssassy yoeduu t00g 2tp us papnjour pue papzooay aq 01 soytiuey pervalse ou Jo SAdtA a4 UTEIDSe (or ‘Suey oyyqnd oy) 4oj anuan pur oui ‘sip aut ynoge Avjoijgnd axenbope Suyal8 s9ye paizayge 940 ploy st Suseay ayjqnd w roy) aunsu> jpeys tuouuz2r0p axwydosdde yp +p wortoas Japun pazedaid 2g 01 pauinbas st wowssassyy JoedWy [B}90$ B J>XOUDI|M'S 3 ‘usuntionoy a1tig 4 '2q Kewl 258 24) $8 Yo uaUIUSAOD FENIUED 3440" uoqrerado ut ‘auuses8oad 19 auroyos 8 Japan papjaoud 51 ya uPA) $59] 9q 10U [TeYS SounswaUE Yon pu tuawodwios ay!zods e 0) roedun amp Buyssasppe soy usyeropun 2q 01 ‘y won22s 30 (9) ruauissassy toed [er90g a1 BSunonpuos AysoKMe yy sunbos [Jeys TuaUIUUaROD ayeLdosdde ay, (9) spunos8 uojewais pue ead) AUYNIGUOVULXA VIGNI JO BLLAZV9 AHL 8 sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 9 8) Provided thatthe grounds for such recommendation shall be recorded in writing by the Expert Group: Provided further t doing so are recorded in writing. o the Expert Group co it shall make speci ‘whether the extent of land proposed to be acquited is the absolute bare-m needed for the project and whether there are no other less displacing options Provided th the Expert Group gi (6) The recommendations of the Expert Group referred to in sub-sections (4) and (5) ity oF Munici ‘ease may be, and the offices ofthe Di the Sub-Divisional the Tehsil, and shall be published in the affected areas, in such manner as te of the appropriate Goverment. founds for such recommendation shall be recorded in ig the details and reasons for such decision. 8. (/) The appropriate Government shall ensure that— 1d bona fide public purpose for the propesed acquisition which necessitates the acquisition of the land identified: the potential benefits and the public purpose referred to outw costs and adverse social impact as dete Social Impact Assessment that has been carried out; (6) only the minimum area of land required forthe project is sroposed to be acquired; examine the report ofthe Colles 2 repor of the Expert Group on the Social Impact Assessment study and after considering 1¢ reports, recommend such area for acqi sh would ensure bance to the infrastructure, ecology and ) The dein ofthe appropiate Goverment shal be ‘made availeble inthe local al Corporation, as the ease may be, and ‘Sub-Divisional Magistrate and the Tehsil, and shall he affected areas, in such manner as may be prescribed, and uploaded on ‘ofthe appropriate Government: 1d that where land is sought to be acquired forthe purposes as specified in sub- he appropriate Government shall also ascertain as to whether the 3 a required under the proviso to sub-section (2) of retin 2 has been obtained inthe manner as may be prescribed. ‘9. Where land is proposed to be acquired invoking the urgency pro\ indet section 40, the appropriate Government may exempt undertaking of the Social Impact ‘Assessment study. 1098-qns sin Jo uonei2do 219 wou Joumo yon “Bunm wt papaodas 2q 01 saouErsuINDH (0 pur} ay) Jo s2umo ayn Aq apous uoneoy dd axp uo ‘Kew sor sesodind oxy 40) patutodde 90§ ayiyo rouuns suosiod 1 Seane 2p jo 2589 Ut Sj!9UNOD sTOWOUOINY 9n3] Beta au) 28 seges Jo eygUS WD ‘pawiaou0s aun ‘(/) uopoes-qns sopun uoneaynou 2410 aouenss Jaye Kiaiepausuy (2) poquosoud 9q Kew se s9uuEUH Yons uy ‘sBoxe paroaye oun ‘quaumsaaop ayeyidoudde aup jo aysqom 24 uo popeoién (p) 2], 241 pue ayeusI3e py ‘aenifumy jeuoyas ay: ‘240 Woy Jo ease Yons jo Kmjeso] 24 wt Fupe|nas}9 Ssodedsmou Sop Om st (Q) 7nd Ku soy pautnbas 2q 0 ‘1 pairajas s9yeu! ‘lauiuuonoy aroudosdde aun ot srzadde 1 49Aauay\ ( st Bore Aue ut pu 1ODY ONY NOUWDESLION ALYALAVHO UOUNNIOAOD) ror ay jo s uy pur] yeanynousde ay Jo uoqsinboe a 1S 30 1S 'woj996-qns 4apun Bu Sujoueyua 10y ssodap 3g eys peurnboe pe] mnowe uv 40 sasodind ue 10) padojanzp 3q fous pusjaiseAs 2 quam “ssouensuin aupoads amg sueoyas out Susapisu0d wwowuUdn09 axerdosdde 241 Aq petsnow aq Aeuu se sy] Yor p229x9 309 OU Ur "915, ))uonasq s1 29 sod any-Cauoaa wey aio 2224 WW 40 PUES wrEAD IBY 01 BrUO}Oq PUY 1wXoyoung wes aU0 wou) au0Un SoAjOAUH Waze poyoeyfe UP ssAYMR a5BD UL TET APIA sean payaye ‘ayy 18 Buyreay ayqnd ayy 409 enuan pure au 10ge Aujoxignd arenbspe Suara saye ‘paquasaud aq Aeut se Jouuew yons ut petonpuod 2q [jeys BuLzeay oxygnd y (¢) ‘saptedjarunpy 20 soyqus wen powoou0> ruswapesou 2tn ut peplaosd 2q 01 siping wsunLzaA00 30 —ponyonur st sxuuny parr2yseyo swawaynasat a4oyia pur pazinbae Buraq spur} tq vo wapusdap Asewi ‘paynboe Butoq seomosei Kuiadoad uouuioo Aue jo. 1y paroayye Jo wowayases a1ayA “parD2ye 99 01 APY!L Teanjonniseajus pu somususe 24 Jo aqon gm sping uouaioa0g pu sanyun aignd jorsi (9) spounboe Buioq spuey 24 Uo wzapuadop 4 218 spoorians asoyy sso]puey pus si9s0} pur so rsadsas Us 10] spooMaN (@) ) pout yeys Yor “paquosexd aq Kew Se oun Yons wey paoayt at Jo sso 8 30pun put Aanansvronpuoa oy 20) sorRASIUUIPY a4, YERI|IOD ayy £4 11 voRDaS 104 Aseuluaaut 9y) Jo Uoneaignd aya uodn (1) 91 uj 2q eys(2) won 22s algo 24p uo yuauus9A0D aytsdoxdde aun JO aL te) _uaUNwiaA09 3) JO WIS}09p 34 4 popasa1 29 0 Ata sary pasaye jo Jaquinu ay 01 Se ssejnorzEd“uopsNS3e pu JO ts0o atuujxoudde og osayyAura/2 wodas ayesedas eum Buore uy fq poy sBixpasooud 4J0 poses an qs s9y}o Suot29(Go ay Uo SuoEpUSUILODDS1y TUILIEUOD "WOUAOD ieidoadde 24) 01 ‘puel Yons jo s[sared qwasayip Jo toadsa4 ut sodas wasp ayeut 10" 1 wor29s 0 () Uor29s-qas Japun payjnou uaeq seq yoru pu] 2xp jo r99dsasu Lodo w ‘ul soyyo “aessaoau sys ay se ‘Cue XanbutJagury Yons Sunyew z9ye pu suonaofgo 4yons fe Buneay s9ye “joys pue azeoapy ue Kq 30 sreyEq sup UL Uy Kq pastiowane uosiad fue fq 30 uosiad ut pieay Buiaq jo Ayumoddo ue sowafqo auy aaf8 |eys 1001105 ayn pu Suni u 201291109 a4 01 ape oq ieys (1) onaes-qnsJ9pun uoNDGD i943 (2) “ods uaussassy 12eduy [908 241 Jo sSuspuy au (0) ‘asodind a1gnd oj pasayo uoseaysnf (9) ‘Ayo 20 paroaye an ‘uypym pur ouueur yons w Heys wuowamnesoy pur u 4J0 (J) wonses-gns zapun uo -qns sapun pew st 1d) ‘RUVNIGUOVULXG VIGNI OBLLAZVO AHL a sme submitted under sub-section (6) of ‘nd Resettlement Committee atthe the draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme with sto the Commissioner Reha and Resettlement for approval of the to be made aval Corpora Magistrate and the Te may be preseribed, and uploaded on the website of the appropr 19. (J) When the appropriate Government is satisfied. after considerng the report, if say particular land is needed for a public, pases of rehabi fa Secretary 1o such Government or of any other land covered by the same preliminary not ferent reports has or have been made (wherever (2) The Collector shall publish a summary of the Reh ‘declaration refered to in sub-section (1) st no declaration under this sub-section shall be made unl:ss the summary ion: hed along with such dec! ‘under this sub-section shall be made unles or part, as may be prescribed by the appro of the land: ing Body shall deposit the amount promptly so as to thin a period of twelve ‘under section 1 Provided further that no dec Requiring Body deposits an amou Government toward the cost of acqui Provided also that the Req (3) In projects where land is acquired in stages, the appl can specify different stages forthe rehabilitation and resettlement, and all declarations sh bbe made according to the stages so specified. (&) Every dec sub-section (1) shall be published inthe following ‘manner, namely:— (© inthe local language in the Panchayat, Mu as the case may be, and in the offices of the Magistrate and the Tehsil; (@) uploaded on the website ofthe appropriate Government; such manner as may be prescribed. rs the Sub-Divisional (0) in the affected areas, (5) Every declaration referred to in sub-section (1) shal indicate, — ivision in which the land is situated (@) the district or other territor and Reset ment Scheme. fo be made “wuouayers 241 Jo axep ‘541 Buypanaud rxau s1wag aasp 40j Joou94p uNDgDe UO a]guarada4 10 paalaza1 ue jr “siyoud ppue sits oy: 40 pue “isosaqu} Yon Jo aunsau 41 Jo put "asymiouto 40 EU ‘2—deF}0W soup Aiaaa Jo sureu aan “aiqnanioead 2q Aeuu se 2} 05 “BUN 2) Jo aep aun aaije Sep Aunyy ueyt sso} Bu!2q rou wh Yons) pa ‘uosiad tons Aue ausqam sly uo osje pur siodedsmou Ap jeu 109] 18 uy aus atp ystqnd osye pure ssautsng 10 a9ejd yo ssasppe “sauopisosuNoUY, tun 0 passasppe so1} ut aso Aq uy 011135 2q [64S Bo10U Btn YEU aunSUD|Je4S JO ayy "wale yons ou sey pur ‘aiayMesto sopisas parsazu os uosiad Aue 2589 Uy (5) ‘bs puey 241 21 0} paspouine squase 2A 05 swosied 305 19t ayn poisasetut 9q 01 pan ‘umouy suosiad yns j}2uU0 pue pur yans ‘sydnoo0 au wo 99459 alues a4 OF 2oH}0U AIDS Os}E [FeYS 301921109 BULL gorkue, suai siy 20 Kued 241 £9 poudis pure Sunum ut spews 2q 01 (g) wons9s-qns ut 0 paasayos wuawsates Yons aumnbo ase Aue wt Ae 30 4 uous pure uoneniqeyos 04 suse 32 ‘iojno!ued pue yunowe aip pue pur} 4) “zonou ayp jo worrea}{qnd jo aiep ay) Joye syuoU! XIs UeYR azoU! OU pul Sep Autyn WEY S59] ujaq rou aonou aqand ayy ut pouonuaw aoeyd pure 2 440 uae qo Ajreuosiad seadde o1 pur sta ut parso ‘yooroy apew uaa se payout Kpeaspe u9sq, jd ou J: pur “pasnseow pur ino poysout 29 ‘ssojun ‘pay ayy asne9 uodnasa pousoues Aouine atp Jo 2usqam 241 uo papeoidn aq pue payliou aq 1124s owes a4 pu Suntan uy papsooas aq i16¥s pouad aun pus1x9 09 uotstoap yons Aue yey Ose Papraosy, uoU aajaau Jo poyod Mn ABYUITY Papraoid 5 uno Aue Jo sopio ay) £q ue 40 Aes ue 30 inboe 2 404 s2ujpaad0ud oy yore Suunp spond jajau pound axp Bunndlwoo wy 14 papisoig, ayy puarxs o1 samod au ancy (04s wawiui2s09 aieuidosdde ;papnjoxo a runo2se uo da pray 249m pus 249 420 potsad Aue “uoraes-gns siyt tt 01: ‘papuosa uaaganey 1 pauusep 9 184s wteyNou yn Vay "voRE.JHOU Aeutu yp uoy SyuoU!a4}244 UH (7) uoH29s-qns Japun apeULS WoHIE|D9p OU3:9yA 2] 9 axynboe feu uDUILIDAOD ind 2y)gnd v 40} pasinbas s1 pup poussj9s uoniese|sap auf (9) ‘1p e4p a0uap 1x9 aaisnjouos aq feys (/) woHD2s- 1uaUMIOADD areas ayy ne aretadosdd ayn a 6681 Y9V dureyg wep au sapun paytoods udoq ou sey ana oy s0Us 29 (2) 10 53006 ou suv puny sy. 305 ( 30 spaap 2128 possi au 3 lwoseau 291405 pouruuaxep (01201203 8 Aq poridnjnut aq i}8ys(/) Uons9s-qns J9d se pareynayeD ‘anyon voyseU ‘247 405 parunoasip 9q Aeui anjea r2yseU Bu luotuido ayp ut yoige ‘pred sated Sue “Zw ‘esane ip pur uo}22s sig opun anyea yore mp 3 on fauyo ourydey tou [124s 11AsIp a4p W HoISEO2O Ja1}2e9 UE UO 0's 40) uoutesuaduioa se pred aod Aur 'Z worsounyds ‘aesone oun pue uo]209s si opun anya roe 2 1 pauiajou souad ayes aBesaAe oy) Sul ‘9peus aq 01 pasodoud s 82K oxp yo savak aasty Suypaeud Sjareipouuut Sutanp woxe A ‘ave jo ad agus 405 pazast Sau |]9s 01 stawu90x3e 2yp 30 spa0p 28s 4) jpauuusarap 9q jfeys (g) asme]9 uj 0} paasayor aousd ayes afiezane ay — luoy20s s9pun pansst u90q sey UoH 9 UZSH9p 10) 8p 24) ‘un yarn uo arep amp 9g 124s anfea 1242eu1J0 ‘swofoud dyysioued nboe Jo asea Uf Z uors2s ure paruosuco (0) 1d oujqnd 40) 40 sajuedwio> oyeatad 305 spu| Jo uo} |go.(z) wow)a9s-qns sapun uodn paasBe se uonresuadio j 40 teaze Ayupta yszbau 40 aB0j14 asazeau ax ut parents pup] so ad) seus 40j 2d ojes aBe19A0 O4 (@) Aoevl "AU WNIGUOVULXG VIGNI 40 ALLAZVO AHL Ste.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY 7 27. The Collector having determined the market value ofthe land 10 be acquired shall ihe total amount of compensation to be paid to the land owner (whose land has including all assets attached to the land. jon to be awarded for land acquired under jing the amount of compen: this Act, the Collector shall take into consideration— Jirsly, the market value as determined under section 26 and the award amount in 1 determine accord: th the First and Second Schedules: iia eae secondly, the damage sustained by the person taking of any standing crops and trees which may be on the land Collectors taking possession thereof; stained by the person interest J. by reason of severing such land from his ‘fourihly, the damage (if any) su ime of -ctor's taking possession ofthe land, by reason of the acquisition injuriously affecting his other property, movable or immovable. in any other manner, or his earings: the damage (if any) bona fide resulting from diminution of the profits of ‘of the declaration under section 19 and the 29, (J) The Collector in determining the market property or assets attached tothe land or fof a competent engineer or any other special necessary by him, the relevant 1, as may be considered 1gthe value of trees and plants attached , the field of agriculture, forestry. horticulture, ser or the purpose of assessing the value of the standing crops damaged ind acquisition, may use the services of experienced persons in the oeard of slat, Explanation —For the removal of doubts it is hereby declared that solatium amount to the compensation payable to any person whose land has been acquired. payable and the details of payment of the compensation as specified in the First Schedule (3) Inaddition to the market value ofthe land provided under section 26, the Collector shall, in every case, award an amount calculated atthe rate of twelve per cent per annum on such market value for the period commencing on and from the date of the publication ofthe jon of the Social Impact Assessment study under sub-section (2) cf section 4, in f such land, tll the date of the award of the Collector or the date of taking possession wowuzarop ayeusdordds aup 4 poquosoid se "pazanooas aq Ae aures 241 Ked ot pesya1 30 yneJop Aue Jo 2se9 au) UL puE papunax 94 01 a1qei aq 11e4s pred os 1unowre ss20¥9 94 396-9n Jopun afew Yor)9=II09 ay $0 10504 8 sv uoszod Kuw 01 pred u2oq ancy 01 ponoid st wunowre ss90x9 Kup 23914M (E) ‘parssisiyy suosiod a jf 01 pa129109 ‘ape wonsaus09 Kus Jo 2o1N0u areypouNU aA [FOYS 40199} 24LL (Z) (5 prome ou “aeus ay uy mnuioddo 2jqeuoseas v wa4t8 useq sey uosiodyons ssajun ape sprfaad roy 01 A124! $1 YoIYN UO!D91109 OU IMA PaPIACLA onemuasaudas Supyoujo 3q 1184s wossad Aue Aj sty uo 204 Aut rau ‘aput anid axa 1 paIs9ye ou 04 21qeKed Junowe wawojnasax puE Lone u Aq “Ket waWW2A0D aterdoidde aq voIp so\pIN) papLAdig Aue 03 papiadig :popraoud 2q 01 S9q144 71203 Suo}s}xosd ywroads Jo sueynoned (9) dae 2iqeoudde rou, se paywaxpur 29 oys aues ay Xt.urey pare (0) Sasa Japun pays stew ay jo Ae 2560 rou are (9) Pajnpayss 241 pur sa1seD parnpays *spaprscad aq o1 swuow ua s94}0 pu Aynue Jo sreynorued (0) ‘peajonut 2q dew rey siySts Sumysy ue so sseynorted (1) au Jo sioquious a ‘souemo|(e uoreuodsuen pur asuvmoyfe 2ouDissqns aU ney paoeydsyp au op ej paoeydsip yo ase ut ‘ponotre aq 0} asnoy pur aus asno4 Jo ssejnoyued (0) ‘pangysuen 9g 01 5} nour prewe wouoquasoi pure wore yqoyes ax yor or uossed ayo J2qumujUNODe® YU :Aquuey ayn 01 21QeKed qunowe wown.2s94 pus UOH “Bumorioy ow Jo 18 2pnjour eys prEAYy woMNOSY puE LON Inpayag puosag 24p ut pp1ooyye yoeo Jo} spremy Wawa] uasey pu WON oud st ny Ssed 84S I0102}/0D 24. (I) TE ‘cava ans LLaSa4 ONY NOUMETHOVEERY AALAVHD aed) “AUVNICUOVULXA VIGNI 40 BLLIZVOSHL a Sof 1908 Sec.2]___THEGAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY_ sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY. 9 34. The Collector may, for any cause he thinks fit, om time to time adjourn the enquiry to-day to be fixed by him. 35. For the purpose of enquiri summon and enforce the attendance of witnes them, and to compel the product in the same manner as is provide Procedure, 1908, ny time before the award is made by the nether by way of inquiry ) forthe purpose of satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of any findings ‘of such proceedings and may pass such order or issue k fi Provided that the appropriate Gover not pass or issue any order or direction prejudicial to any person without affording such person a reasonable opportunity of being heard. '37.(1) The Awards shall be filed in the Collector's office and shall, exeept as hereinafter provided, be final and conclusive evidence, tor and the persons interested, whether they have respectively appeared before the Collector 0° not, ofthe true ‘area and market value of the land and the assets attached the 1n so determined ‘and the apportionment of the compensation among the persons interested fe immediate notice of his awards to such of the persons, representatives when the awards (2) The Collector sh proceedings undertaken or shall take possession of land after ensuring tha full payment of habilitation and resettlement entitlements are pad or tendered to ‘period of three months forthe compens: months for the monetary part of rehabilitation and resettlement e1 Second Schedule commencing from the date ofthe award made under section 30: Provided jon and Resettlement Package in the ilements shall be provided the components of the Rehak (2) The Collector shall be responsible for ensuring that the rehabili aspects before displacing the affected fa compensation determined under this Act for the second displacements. 40. (1) In cases of urgency, whenever the appropriate Govesmert so directs, the Collector, though no such award has been made, may, on the expiration of thirty days from the publi session of any land needed for ‘a public purpose and such land shall thereupon vest absolutely in the Government, free from all encumbrances. Adjourament of enquiry Power to summon and enforce Sttendance of witnesees sod production of focur Power 10 for rots. wards of Coltector when 0 be final. Power t take stipe Aisplacements Special powers incase of urgency to soqule land in hoo ‘Aypuaps yoann pu onsinuy “sjutpa sayy eres uB9 fax yeqt os yo0Iq 1oeduLoD B w BOsV paiNPaY>s wes ‘yi Us Ajquiajaad pamasad 9q [bys SoQHL PaINPAYDS oun Jo same} Parsaye aHLL (Z) 10 worssassod ip Jo s9x0 Suryes oye pred 2q yfeys 1804 atp pu sou wey pa1saye ‘24101 pred aq j]eus anp wunowe wonesuoduios ax Jo pal painpaups, ‘ait 40 saise) pa|mpays atp Jo ssaquiaur wox) paiynboe fu19q pue| Jo 9889 UI (0) 5 Se Saununtod feqia so siuawreunbouo4p aout Cd WIOUYNS “SIe9K ‘saIse2 painpayps au se ‘aay Jo potsed w ug sp syoutay Jo msuadoj2x2p 30} awuresBoud e ureu0> O51 ‘wonysinboe puey yim saqpeo1 anusp yersads in Kq pur] paveuatye 24) wo sorseD painpayos a4) Se Jam Se SoqUI| PAINPYDE ‘Fuusoisas pur panes you ang ‘anp Avy paquosasd 2q Kew se ws0} Yons ye tp jo s oiyss &pog Buumnbay 830 sJeGaq wo uorsinboe puny Zurafonut afoxd wsoaseo uy (t) ‘peinyysuo> u22q 10u set JO 1S1X2 10U SSOP BYALS WEAN By) 2324 SaseD UL P>ULEAGO 9g HEUS syouno3 siounsiq] snowouoiny a4! 40 siekeyoUre oq Jo U9sUoD yD YEN PapLADIY, pang) 2140) DY aI B40 DY FEMI, J9pun_uoneaynou ¥ Jo ansst axojaq “fouatiun Jo ase9 ut vownsinboe inbor pun} Jo sase9 2 uy "pourergo aq |!Bys *9q Kou 9509 24) s2qpo ue 30 “19y 840) at 0} 31M youn03 iai1sig snowouorne a 40 siesey 2) jo 1s3su09 ied 94130 BYQES UID paws ad aun “SeaLy PaINPOY>S AY U! PUR] Aue Jo uoHEUDy]e 30 uoRsINbse Jo ase> UI /F) 1y0s01 150) ajqensuowap v se Ajuo 2uop 2¢ ayn 9 a ans ar9yA (2) ‘eau poinpauns oy: w apet 2q peys pre Jo uonnstnboe ou 2|qissod se 28; SY (1) "TE yfayens pue Aanoas a ‘yt asn9 ut pred aq 01 PE OU TEU PIPIAOAe twonoas 1 uo9q aacy sBuIpasaoud ysiUa Jo uo! 49) husde, 102 24 Ka pred aq E45 “Zz woHDas 1opun pai ‘se vonesuaduos peo) 241 Jo 1429 40d aAyj-AiuaA2s Jo uoHeSuadui0a iBuoWNppe UY (¢) 1 wonas jo (/) uonsas-ans 01 wondes-qns (7) UoHve8-3 yoiyss 01 puny Luv jo ase> 24 4 (F) areudoidde aun ‘ayqeayidde aie (6) rang areyidosdde ay Jo Jo] Yon 40} oHesuoduIod oxp Jo "UBD Jod AiyBi2 Jo wawed apuaL |eYs 20122110) ‘24 (z) won2as-qns 20 (7) uonas-qns s9pun pue| Luz jo wolssassod Buyer 230598 (€) ‘gousquoauoout Auessagauun {no90 yons 2jqeua or te sooseq satdnao0 ay 01 BusalF ynoyim uordes-qns sip z9pun yo ued 40 Buypyag due jo uorssessod aye) 1ou [JeYS J0129]10- 919 Tey} PapIAo%d aur seq Jo yeacudde ayp pia ouaBiow zoyio Aue 40 sanyurejes jeuneu yo no 8 sofouoTuou Au 100 Aaand9s fpuoNeU 40 eipu Jo 30u9}9p 9120) Paxinbau VAP TUM 941 OY [paionsou 99 feys (/) woH}s9s-qns s9pun uawuus2A05 areudoxdde ayp jo siomad a4 (2) val AIVNIGUOVULG VIGNI 4O3L137ZV9 3HL 0 vrs pe ss) Scheduled Tribes shall get land, Government free of cost for community and s predominantly inhabited by the Scheduled Castes and the such extent as may be decided by the appropriate ‘gatherings. ing to members of the Scheduled ‘being in force stall be treated as to the Scheduled Castes. ( ( ‘Tribes has been displaced due to the acquisition of land in proportion 10) The affected Scheduled Tribes. other traditional forest dwellers ard the Scheduled fishing et or pond or dam in the affected are shall be given or hydel projects. 11) Where the affected fam ing tothe Scheduled Castes art are be paid an ad ble to the Scheduled 1 in the resettlement are. ifth Schedule or the tribal areas referred ide those areas, th being enjoyed by them under this Act sal of whether the resetIment areaisa Scheduled th oF a tribal area referred to in the said + Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of For ied in monetary amount and be paid to th ights) Act, 2006. the lual concerned who th his share in such ‘community rights. 4 woluntary displacement of persons due to acqui Department to be the Admini (2) The Administrator sh CHAPTER VI PROCEDURE AND MANNER OF REM FPTION AND RESETTLEMEN 13. (J) Where the appropriate Government is s fied that there is likely 10 be by such officers and employees who s appropriate Government may decide. Secreta 44. (/) The State Government sha Fy of that Government for rehabi this Act, to be called the Commissioner for Rehabilitation and Resettlement. Appointment of ‘adm spzenve fenpia!pur ssed |]eyS 103991100 aun “19 sty) Jo suosstAoud ayp dod se ouoIsstUsWuOD a £q panoudde swoysg wowajnasoy pue uouritjiqeyy ay) uodn poseg (F) ‘uouia}nasou pur wore qeyp4 0 pare|2a oY sip Jopun suoisiAoud weA2|24 24 40) ssuoIss|UNIUOD 24} 0} JW a4} 39401 01 40)901109 24 Jo KiNp aK 26 ppasoysind 99 01 spue} so sxeynonied (9) =a rayioads wea Sau suossed ‘apoui Buj9q s1 aseysund yons yoryy soy asodind (9) ‘un £q paynou aq Keut se “su. yons wep asou 40 0} fenbo Boxe UE 304 su (nosp pu Suiseyoind 51 uosiod poysods e uous 4ayio wosiod Aue 2194.44 (/) "OP suotsnona 9q Joys somuwoD wowoR2sey PUR U Due uoxs2s sip ut uaatS sseooud axa yo atueyasip ayy oyoy 20y sores aepy wnbay a1p go axnewasaad: & (1) dau aanpaccad ay, (6) ‘ous,uoz-soquioyy ayi se iuawo 12504 puE LON pur ikpog 3 3auwow soy) 30 Wau pauaou0> au go Aiquiassy aaneis/807] atp yo 19quiayy pue wuouTeied Jo 39qu2}y OW (Y/) ‘soutuow sty 20 2anytuwoD SuyuUE|g IaENSIC] 249 Jo wosIOdNeYD 941 (3) ‘soouyuou 24p 20 wae sdjoqunuy 20 sweeysued ayp Jo suossodivey an (f) poraayge oy ut pa1e20} son ‘neafosd atp Jo 282140 wonsinboy puey 2m (2) ‘ueg posifouoneu e jo aanctuasoidose (p) eave ol ul Buiuom uones|uess0 Arewunjoa v Jo onreitasaxdase (0) swaxe pornayse ayy ur Buspisas SOqHiL painpayss aun pue sarseD paympayas ay Jo Yor aarvewuosaudas 2 (9) ‘eare poroaye ayy uy Burp)sau uswom Jo anneiuasaidase (0) 1209 areysdoxdde omy \qBtoy OUL (2) vase wequn wy Aujodkojunus pue sease 305 uorrewow}dursod ino ues juauua|dun yo ssaroad 24p 21491 Kyau ‘sioqurow Buoy aun" _jostao1yjo woy uede “apnyout feysoanqutUOD wwoWe]asey puE LON Jeans uy eyges wes aun yi wore ‘1 pur aways wowoyn2soy pe woHeIN!Qe>y 2140 ub soj}uour o ‘sannuUOD EUS pe Ue susqn9s32 ue eu ‘seaze uequn ut Aediorur pue seaue youna ut eygeS wes aX Wi Uy upne etoos uorewvoutojdun-asod ayp sos a1q)suodso1 9q(yeys souorssiunuD ay (¢) -sawayos yons yo wonventoto|duy Jadosd pure supjd1o souroyps aura asau pe worn gets. Jo woneynuios a4) Bulstaradns soy ajqisuodsaa aq {joys s9u0IsstWOy a4 (2) aval AYVNIGUOVYLXA VIGNI JO BLLIZVO AHL wz See.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 2B resettlement provisions on sale or purchase of land in its State and sh for the said purpose. any land has been 1 Sth day of September. 20 nd, ifthe same land is acquired ‘Act, then, forty per cent, ofthe compensation paid for such land acquired withthe original land owners. thased through private ons by a person on or nal land owner” refers to the owner of the land as on the Sth day of @ ‘September. 201 (8) “specified persons” includes any person other than— appropriate Government: Government company: D) association of persons or trust or society as registered under the Registration Act, 1860, wholly oF partially aided by the appro controlled by the appropriate Government. satisfaction of such obligations, tered by the Administrator appointed under section 43, under the 0. supervision ofthe Col CHAPTER Vil [NATIONAL MONITORING COMMITTEE FOR REMABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT (ee may, besides having representation of the concerned Mi and Deparments of the Central and State Governments, associate with it eminent experts from the relevant (21 The procedures to be followed by the Committee andthe allowances payable tothe ‘expen shall be such as may be prescribed. (4) The Central Government shall provide officers and other exmployees to the Committee necessary for its efficient functioning. 49, The States and Union territories shall provide all the relevant information on the Reporting matters covered under this Act, to the National Monitoring Committee in aregularand timely requirements ‘manner, and also as and when required. Monitoring Committee for plans under this Act. (2) The Committee may. besides having representatives of the concemed Ministries and ids. the Departments ofthe State Government, associate wih it eminent experts from the relevant (2) The procedures tobe followed by the Committee andthe allowances sayable ‘experts shall be such as may be preseribed by the State. Pauly ‘51 Aoueoen oun yiyse a8 oBeys axp wos AsoUINY 24} 210}2q panunUoD aq few su1paaa01d ‘pu Aoueaea aun ty 01 V {UM souepros9e 4 uosiad JoyouT js owu1aro9 sreridosdde oxy HOMIY ue Jo s291yC Fuiprsaxg ay} Jo ‘sunaoo Aaueaea fue “souasqe resoduioy wey Ja4y0 woseas Ave 404 2ayyo am :ounujodde saye aBeweApesip sp 61 P2104 99 EUS SI9=144O Buypssoig pres 4p Jo 21AI95 jos Jo.891}0 Buypysoug a4 Jo (s1joueq ous Jo Suom|puoa pur sua soyio ayn pur 01 a1quded saoutm paquosaud aq Kew se yons 09 i1eys AoyIny we Jo seaKojduta pu s4901YO J00 jue senstBay aip Jo a94496 Jo suoj!pude sa\po pup saouEMo|TE pur soLEyes yL (F) Q yadns jeioua8 2qp Japan suontuny a s901yo 12490 pul seNSHFDy aM, (Z) 39014}0 Suyptseid au J0 30 sfumyosip jreys Koy ue Jo saeKojdwa pa utp Kou awards run £0 e20Kojdus puw ex901\0 29410 YR tys wuausuzas05 areudordde ayy (/) “SS pu snsisfoy wy. “eg S| 29AaYDIUN “sawak aayArxis Jo 988 ou 3 01 pasodioud s} Asoyiny 24 w Insuo> wy woustuan0n areadoxdde 4p Xq pot vw J ss01N0 Butpseig a se wotuw}odde 40} payenb 904 ony soqyour jo s20140 Spe juny au0 Jo 00140 Bulpisaig oun 2804 Ke A yURISUANION (2), nou kqpaquodde 2q 04 20140 Suptsag su eqs Kyou a4 () "8 ‘241 Jo Suonduiny 24 osje a€seyosIp OF qutuaaop areudosdde aun) uauliuanon arepidoudde amp £9 "uon ‘a sv 01 pautgjau oyourai2y) Aju0 wosiod au0 Jo ‘p9 wona9s jo 1998-qns 0} ostaoud puodes sepun ide 20 49 vo!n99s Jopun | 012p0u 2 Kou Kuyougny 249 Yoru Asjoods osye Toys WoUIWI9NED 9) "BV SII) J9pun 40 59 1 Uo passaju0> windov anv 40 LNAASTHONAS ‘ressaaau 29 few se aonUiwuo.) ayy 01 soaKojdura soyjo pue si90qyo Yans aplsoud 1184s mauuNOROH-aInis ay CF) CUVNIGNOVYLXS VIONI JO BLLaZV9 SHL ue os 22010 suaunuiedde 5 of 1908 45 of 1860 8 45 of 1860, 25 successor enters upor ine expiry of his term of office, whichever is earlier. (2) The Presiding Officer of an Authority shall not be removed from his office except by ‘an order made by the appropriate Government on the ground of proven misbehé vy after the case ofthe Presiding Officer of an Authority ade by a Judge ‘Court in which the Presiding Officer concerned has been informed ofthe charges respect ofthese charges fice or The appropriate Government may, by rules, regulate the procedure for the mn of misbehaviour or incapacity ofthe aforesaid Presiding Orficer. 59, No order of the appropriate Government appointing any person as the Presiding Officer of an Authority shall be called in question in any manner, and no act or proceeding before an Authority led in question in any manner on the grounc merely of any defect in the const same powers as respect of the following matters, nami immioning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him iscovery and production of any document or other material object producible (0) receiving evidence on affidavits; tioning of any publ record; (@) issuing commission for the éxamination of witnesses; (P reviewing its decisions, directions and orders; (g) any other mat ‘The Authority shall have original ‘which may be prescribed, fon to adjudicate upon every reference not be bound by the procedure laid down in the Code of Civil and subject to the ave the er receiving reference under section 64 and after giving the parties concerned and after affording opportunity of spose of such reference within a period of six months Yom the date of| The Authority shall arrange to deliver copies ofthe award to the parties concerned within a period of fifteen days from the date of such award, 61, All proceedings before the Authority shall be deemed to be judicial proceedings igof sect in Penal Code and the Authority shall ‘court forthe purposes of sections 345 and 346 of the Code of Cr (62, The Member and officers of the Authority shall be deemed to be publie servants ‘within the meaning of section 21 ofthe Indian Penal Code. Resignation and removal proceedings. Powers of Authority and procedure Proceedings before proceedings ‘Members and pure :papseme uonesuadwios ain jo msuiXed a4foa0u 01 wsaroxd mows pa1uasuos ey se wionp 40 (Aue 31) yans xda0xa “uon9a{go au) ul parsaiomu suossed i129) ‘aueotidds oun (9) —:hypuu ‘suosiad 2p su0joq soueseadde noun Susyaaup pur ‘ue 2) YOIYN uo Sep atp Buykys0ds aoviou e asnea vodnas2y uo paaios ag 01 ‘ep 1898 wo AaLOWINY p auyuusiap 01 pa9ca.d ts Awsoynny reys Aowpny ay, “99 adsas parssuniy suosiod 241 jo smjnaqyed ‘Aron p20 ape uj wy squauores a4 0 pue “uodn passes s2on0u ay ys (7) wonDas-qns Japun aur ayy, (2) fq pasaai ip Aujai3 ajnpayss & poysene 2q jap Sem uorresusduso9 Jo wunoure ay 2 24) 01 2q woH}9aFG0 243! (0) pu ay sp Jo suojsinoud oqo Aue sopun pausodap 40 pred sunowse ou (p) pa yo1gM uo spunoa8 ayp “uonesuadusod 241 jo ‘nay sua go suorstaoud 241 Jopun papseme wonesuadusod Jo wnowe 24 pure “¢1 wontaas s9pun pasapuay.o pred pue safeurop Jo) papsesve tunouie 47 (2) ‘pus tyans ut parsosouuy yu 0} uosvas sey ay woys suosiod ayy Jo SaUNoU 9U8 (9) :uossoyp sdoxs Buypurns 20 spying "soon ue jo sseynoned ya ‘puy a4 Jo uarxa pu worms a4 (0) amowny puny siy sopun Sunt un “GUOHINY — oy yuausies 2p Jo uoyreunseyuy 24 395 ares toys s0%D9q]03 ayy “souaxa}ox aq BuryoU! 4} (/) "SO rae ‘osinoad ysay 24p ut payoads polsed axa uns a Sugy 10u 40j asa uotouyns sem 424) Yetp paystes s] 24 J 3294 auo Jo poled JayUny e uy ‘poviad pres ip go Aujdxa ayp saye voneay|dde we wyeyoiua Seu 30192{[0> out YU JOKLITY PapI Aol sn 'S0509 10410 UI(q) 430199]]0;) 94 Woy 31N0U ax Jo.1dI091 at) Jo S4a9MXIS preae s,301991199 a4nJo ep 2p oy Sao xs UPS prEwe sy pew oy aay UN sig 20%90(109 248 210}09 paruasoudss so wosssd —speuu aq 84s voneoyde yons £942 wey) paPIAOId dee 4 (2) “sop utp go potsed @ un 1 01 2ouaz9ja1 ot aye 0} 401291109 yt 1991p bau ‘99 our aseo 24 se “KyouIny aun o% Ade ew rueandde

110 a4p WE PIPIACIE vosiad ay Huowe uornsuadwios ou Jo uouuomiodde a1 10 14 pur A ssadeyp spun muawamnesoy pte uorrentaey>y| Jo swt aM) ‘ayqessed s} 1 wou o1 uosiad 24 uonesuadwoo o4p yo unowe 249 “puE| 4p 0 wwayuosnseaUL ‘aur 0} 99 wonetqo sty sayso4s “2q Kou! asv9 a\p sv “AiOWINY 241 Jo UoHeUNUDIa ‘2p 405 sor9}100) 242 Aq po1sayss 9q s9HeU ay) ey axInbay “0192109 24 oF uoLTEON|dde lusniam aulasdng 24) 40 uo ui 30 £22 aYotue 40 97 2fosue s9puN UNO YBEH MeYp 49yF0) UNOS [AP ON “ED ] "AUVNIGOVYLXA VIGNI JOBLAZVO BL 9 5 of 1908, 5 oF 1908 45 of 1360 2 of 1974 45 of 1860, Ste.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY. 25 58, (1) The Presiding Officer of an Authority may, by notice in writing under his hand Resignation addressed to the appropriate Government, resi his office: and removal Pro ing Officer shall, unless he is permitted by the appropriate Government his office sooner, contine to hold office until the expiry oft ‘months from the date of receipt of successor enters upon his office or (2) The Presiding Officer of an Authority shall not be removed from his ffice except by an order made by the appropriate Government on the ground of proven misbehaviour or incapacity after inquiry in the case ofthe Presiding Officer of an Authority made by a Judge ‘ofa High Court in which the Presiding Officer concerned has been informec ofthe charges jim and given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of these charges. by rules, regulate the prozedure for the investigation of misbehaviour or incapacity ofthe aforesai fing Officer. 59, No order of the appropriate Government appointing any person as the Presiding Officer of an Authority shall be called in question in any manner, and no ac: or proceeding before an Authority shall be called in question in any manner on the grounc merely of any defect in the constitution of an Authority. 60, (1) The Authority shall, for purposes of is functions under this Act, shall have court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 in ioning of any publi record; (e) issuing commission for the éxamination of ‘ons, directions and or {q) any other matter which may be prescribed “The Authority shall have original jurisdiction to adjudicate upon every reference mer setion 64 ity shall not be bound by the procedure aid dow inthe Code of Civil e guided by the principles of natural justice and subject the ct and of any rules made thereunder the Authority shall have the own procedure of such reference to all the parties concerned and after affording opportunity of ispose of such reference within a period of six months from the date of ference and make an award accordingly. liver copies ofthe award to the parties concerned the date of such award. roceedings before the Authority shall be deemed to be judi sn Penal Code and the Auth 345 and 346 of the Code of Criminal te purposes of (62. The Member and officers of the Authority shall be deemed to be public servants ‘within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. pue :papreme uorresuadiuoo aif Jo tuauaked aafanos 0} so}01d ogy: pa1U3sU09 ‘anny se wayy Jo (Aur 1) yans 1429x9 “uo} saunaiidde aun») —:Ajowueu “suosiod Sumo a1p uo paAs9s 29 OF‘Cep rey wo ALOWINY auoyaq aoueswadde sotp 2 yous uo Sep aqy fuydyfoads aoqow » asne9 wodnasoip ‘Sjaanpadsox parssizut suosiod oy 1s uy uous oi) jo pus-“uodn paxuos ssanoU ap jo sue|noqed as-qns sopun wowsres 241 (Z) hq pasanyjap 40 apew 3 ‘uy BuIA: ainpayos e paysene 24 {1eU5 (7 [pauuueuap sem uorresusdwsos Jo yunowte ay '2 94) 01 9q woHsafao ay 3! (0) pure oy sty Jo suoystsoud saqpo Aue sapun pausodap so pred yunowe ay (p) 04 s1ig go suostaoud a4) sopun papsmme uopesusduros Jo ynowE aq puv ‘gf vonses a19pual 10 plod pur sour ue} tyons uy parsauaiut yur 01 upseay sey ay Woy suossod ayp Jo soweU 24 (Q) ‘woasatp sdoss Buypums 1989001 Ku Jo sueynayiced ya pu] auto awanx9 pus uosrems 243 (0) puny siy s9pun Bunn uy uoqny ys 401091103) a4) *29UR19}91 240 s0sdu ap Jo wolreuioyuy 24 acs ayes ‘osinoud asa ayy ut payfoads povied axa urgui 31 Buy 104 205 sm au049 JOYE pastes S194 Jf 42K ayo Jo porsod sayLiNy e UNyIn “Pouad pres ‘Audxa ayy aye uoneaijdde we weusiu> Seu 401901105 up way JoKINy PoplAcid aw, :ouidx9 sig eys poued tn. 30 "|Z wouo96 sopun ys "s9se9 19470 01 (4) 3431494 pUBMe 5, 10129]]0D D440 4Ep a4 HOY = s0199]]03 949 wo4j 39110u a4 JoAd}2001 axp Jo S4a9H XIS UN _pataves,10399]102 242 J0 910P 24) Los; SION NES UHHH prea sy BPW oy HOU QUIT ‘ap we 10139[,02 axp 210j09 payuasouda4 10 uosoud sex Buryous uosiod a4) (0) peur oq joys wonea1jdde yans diane wey) paptaag uo St prom 24p 01 oFaa{qo Yor Uo spunouT ayp ers [Tey “sop utp so potiad vu ‘01 y Buysonbas ‘9q ew ase0 ay Se 4 pouad ayn ua 2ouadayad Yons ayet 01 sIRj 30199 po; Aidde Aows weayjde cyt “payzads os 2 ae ey Ip Jay PEpIAOd -Auuowpny aierdosdde aip 01 souaraja1 v ayeur“uoreayidde yo 1}2001 30 0p aug woy Sop Au yo pouod eur 02 24) UI PEPIACIE jpaysazayuy svosiad ayn Ruowe wonesusdwo> eyt jo wuowuoniodde ayn 20 1A pur suaidey sapun wwawolnesay ue uonEHIGeYaY Jo SYS a4 ‘aigeded sx wou) of uosiad aup ‘uorresuadwoo ay) so 1unowre 4 ‘pue] 2420 wWoyLaunseOUT ‘ayn 0} 99 uonaa{go sty 49y}9yN ‘9q eur ase> aip se “Aa¥OYINY ay) Jo Wo!TEULLUZDIOp ‘2th 40} s0199}102) B42 Aq pa1s9j22 2q soNeUE ay) eM auINbas “20}99;10D aXp oF uOLTEOK|dde wont yt 40 a 30 09 ‘owtestadues vea\nOw Sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY. 29 the compensation in the Auth submitted: to which a reference under s tion 64 would be Provided that any person admitted to be interested may receive such payment under protest as to the sufficiency of the amount: Provided further led who may receive the whole or any the same to the person lawfully entitled thereto. 78.( of section 77 and it appears that the land in belonged to any person who had no power to shall— (q) order the money to under the I money shal (by if such purchase cannot be effected forthwith th ‘as the Authority concerned st that nothing herein contained shal ‘of any compensation awarde invested in the purchase of oth ile and conditions of ownership as the land in respect of which such ve been deposited was held; oF 1 no person who has received the amount otherwise than under make any application under sub-section (/) of section 64: of any person, this Act, to pay say money is deposited in the Authority concerned under sub-section (2) respect whereof the same was awarded ate the same, the Authority concerned Jands to be held in such Government of nk fit, rect the payment ofthe interest or other proceeds arising from such investment to the person or persons who woul of the said land, and such moneys sh applied— shall order the ‘expenses incident thereon, to be paid by the Col (0) the costs of such investments as aforesai adverse claimants. ime being have been entitled in 80 deposited and invested until the same be in the purchase of such other lands as aforesaid; oF ‘ment to any person or persons becoming absolutely the possession led thereto. ection applies the Authority concemed reasonable charge and .e costs of the orders for the payment of the interest or cther proceeds of 's upon which such moneys are for he Authority concerned of the ing thereto, except such as may be occasioned by litigation between the time being invested, and for the of such moneys, and of all 79, When any money shall have been deposited inthe Authority concemed under this ‘Act for any use other than the causes mentioned in section 78, the Auttority may, on the ‘pplication of any party interested or claiming an interest in such money, order the samme fo such Gover give the deposited or as near thereto as may be. shall have been so paid or deposited: Provided that ifsuch compensat period of one year from the date on percent. per annum sh {he amount of compensation or part thereof which has not been paid or date of such expiry. for other approved securities as it ay think proper, and paid parties interested therein the same benefit they might have had from the land in respect whereof such money shall have been before imerest ‘or any pat thereof is not paid or deposited within possession is taker be payable from the date or expiry of the said pe-iod of one year on terest atthe ate of fifleen ted before the fa oe v0 s1eaX 2anyt 01 puarxs Keut josicd yns 1949" nod 2440 Ave Soxenenuos uosiod A gs Jo wauystund wo 214 Uoriesuoduios yo mowed 0} ‘Azowjdiosip ain se uy v Suypnjous wouystund yons 02 2|Qet} 9q |TBYS “DY Sly Jo UoISNoAd uw 0 ioadsas ui uonae apif opp v yo Ayn 2q 04 panoud 4) oy “VIBALS fe yureSe Asoyime Areujdiosip ayy Kq dn uawap 24 Ae sBuspasnoud &s paquosasd 9¢ Keur se isu ay ys suvaw iuajnpney yaa 1uson00 aieudordde a4 £q pasonoses 94 01 21g01 3 40 uuejo ase & Suryew Aq Jo poqteae nyauag mewopasou pue uowege4sy Say (2) "yiog yam 20 “saadnu ye} uo 0} pusrxa Kou YoHyy Ut} YIN 30 “SqIUOUL KIS © PURINA a» -wonse ‘Kew yonyn way Joy uorduosop sous Jo yusuuostidut yum paysyund'9q or a1qet} 99 Ieys ae FW 24 ‘uatun20p asjej Aue soonposd 40 Buypeaysiut 40 ase s} eq! VoMBUIOyU! Xue sapldoud ‘NOY su) 4apuN oHDaNp 40 iweuauIMbax © YK UoRD>UUOD UI ‘uOSIAd ® J} (/) “+8 Smuts axv SiON UX waLaVHO ‘powieouod Aiwo4ny a4) JO UoIsi99p auf 01 301932, s9yas reys yuawrooue pres oy yi perpeuuoa zaneut Aue 01 se 30 “uLI9) aydxo ox {won puco aup 0} se 3241p pawsouaqu suosiod pue 30120110; aN 9509 UI “ER soeqeg poo 10 rw pur) omy ‘asodind ai,qnd e 405 wuoueuuiod popoou sem 1415 pur] ayn asinboe (or yy sigh s9pun pasdosd joys AULA axetdosdde ayy “asIMbs1 OF WfeUS pe suossod au 1 pe “z04 yans Jo wwoursauswuo9 24) 210429 f|ayeIp=wLN Asn SEA 3! YONA 404 asodind 24 40y pasn 2q 01 iyun KjuauButiod awodaq sey pl ‘uyosoun poysasotut suosiod ayp 61 puvy ay au01893 247 &q 205 poprroadlyot Suosiod au 01 Japuat 40 oy if Wzod 10 asn pue “pu 430 worssassod aye) pus uodn Jowu9 Aeus 10199]}05 ay *b9 UON9S Japun souoLa}24 e Suryeut Auwoyny aig so uoysioap aif 0} aauazayp ons J2J22 {Joys 20%P2|[09 94} ‘Joaso4p wsUUEIUOdd? Jo uoytestadwos ‘tp Jo ouatoryzns axp 04 se s2U1p parsazaiu suosisd 24 pue sor2aqj0-) 9 a6e9 Ul (¢) ‘Ajannizedso1 suosiod yons pur 1 se “suouded IRo1pouiad 12410 20 Ayynuowa £q 40 ‘Xouow so wns ss0u wut 29419 “uOL.eSJadwOD Yons LOY. 01 Ked "wiosja.ouy uoyer aq 03 (Ku J) sfeuatew ay) 405 pue plesouoje se uuon yon 40) soasoun 2asn pue uoriedn200 ay 30} *[eys pu “papaau st ates 241 YIU 40) asodind a4 Jo pu] Yons uw parsaionuy uossed 241 07 Buna wt 2onou 9ai8 uodnalsip jeYS 1019903 24 (Z) ‘uonednoa0 Jo uursououiutos ayp moss savax aastp Suypaaaxs sou yy Yu 1 5.419) Yons 0), ‘41 Jo 2sn pue vorrednon0 out aunooud of J0%22I]03 241 1991p Abus wuauTUIaAD ayeysdo.dde fy) “asodind owqnd Aue 203 popaou axe purl ajgore so aiseas Aue Jo o¢n pu Ui Aresoduiar ay yey) uoussnog aredosdde ayy 0} sueadde 1 sonouay (1) “18 ‘ONV1 40 NonwaNao” AxVHOUN, IxyadVHO 2 of 1974 the company for the the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded agai Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such person liable to any punishment if he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. committed with the consent or connivance n 0° the offence is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed t0 be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. Explanation. — For the purposes of this section Judes a firm or cther association fon toa firm, means partner in the firm £87. (/) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by any department of the shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and punished according! proceeded against Provided that nothing contained in this section shall render any person liable to any ‘such person proves offence was committed without hs knowledge or that such person exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. ) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (/), where any offence under this Act has been com offence has been comi neglect on the part of (0 that of a Metropolitan Magistrate or a Judicial Magistrate of ry any offence punishable under this Act. 90, No cour shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act which is alleged have been committed by a Requiring Body except on a complaint in writing made by the Collector or any other officer authorised by the appropriate Government orany member of the affected family 91. Ifthe Collector is opposed or impeded in taking possession under this Act of any a Magistrate, enforce the surrender of the land to himself, an I apply to a Magistrate or Magistrate or Commi the Collector. Government eparments. Secvie of asodnd aup 20) 2ouapia2 2onppe pur seadde Kew paussdu00 KPO ip saseo yans ui paii2au9 Kso¥pny 4010129103 © H0}94 PIM ons £q 20 woy paseyop 24, june [e00} © Aq paBeuew 0 {¢2 wortoas Japun pavave sy ayeu! 03 pazdoud 321760221 uosiod o1p 0) yuauuiaa0n aredondde ayn Jo s2pr0 aip jo doo e ystusny A }2p M04 105 Bip yng :Azesso90u 2q jjeys (SAIsnyout YI0q) “6E 9} || ston} JopunN aby &uv Jo ase> 241 ul (2) sued suas pasiatoe 2q 01 1200s 1y puey ay yor Jo pry a4n Jo a}04r 2tp Jo WosINboe ak AOpI0 “PuBwe sy PELL Sey 105 at 0z0j09 9uNN Aue ye “ew 3 ‘9ntsSa0x9 40 eyquuoseouuN eur woruydo {ost wuouruienop ayeysdosdde ayy pur] ‘yo wnosae uo “parsaiayuy uosiad vq "DVS! 40 Suoyoeynueus “osnoy ayy Jo asm pomedwuyun ps sodoad pure] 24) saqioym uorssanb 2qp or pusas amet Tuonos-qns 01 osiaoud ap sspun apew souaiaje1 e Yons Uo Buypir9p Ul (2) 4 Aroroxynueus ‘asnoy yons so oy £28 jo ! e!>Y=Ue Siow su94jo ag & Jo wautuZanod axp Kq pauuedy Aayjod B30 my avers © as3HA\ (Z) one ais A ap jo Koyjod yons 40 we] aes Yon zapun quaUHo| ESD! Pur uoHTEN|IGEYP4 puELOrTESUadLOD uoryesuadwio> See aaes tone of yl uondo sy ve Kes Au sy JoJequou! 40 Ain 30 su0sied “Spay aaa ee fipuetjounnrsmboe ams oy ska pun pore eZe> ues LoHEsIEMOD AYE" poaye Pa senond ayers o wauuonod oq pours oyjod e20 Ne SHS EAA CL) RO ov spy sup sopun popisosd ee pote oa aes zou st yotum juousopasoa pue woneMiqeyad 0) suoisinoxd aus 40 29 stunsepun ajgesed {ueyy uoutesuaduroo J0481y siajuoo Yory oy stat aapun to a0ueyua 0} vr} Aue SuneUD Wo aTeIG Aue uanzad [FEYS TY SIN Ut BUINPON “LOL soured Jo s9snoH ut jog 4a uodn pate aq Kew se wos payipousYons u Kuo panss aq je4s ‘09 Kou a6n9 at + spao pansst 2q 204 [foys uoHayroU ay ‘uo NOU ap pour Aue Butyew ut asd Sasno}] qiod J0 uoHeoqjioU oip Jo anss} ayi Suimosddesyp wl aasBe sosnoH wo “presse Sorssas ansce99ns ot 20 015595 24p ulmo}joy AreLpauy woIsses O49 50 Aa yp 230309 "pub "SU0}s598 antSs320ns 8101 JO OMA Ui JO Uo|SSaS aU I pastadioD 29 deur you¥N sep ‘Ruin go pousd jor e 4y ‘uotssos ust] aya “WUaUTEy[ed Jo ASNo}] YHA 20:09 YeAP UE PITT fq reys“() wot}o9s-qns sopun ponsst 9901 pasodoud wor#aynou AtaA0 30 Adoo v (2) juswiayyasea pure uonriqeyos so uoResuaduios 02 BUNRI>LIV-SINJO —_aypaxos -suoystaoud aip Surnjp 40 uonesuadwsoo ain Buronpas Kes Au ul noua PY’ $403 S2INPAUPS, Pusu fy) Jo Au soye 40 puawue “uoneoyou Aq ‘Reus yuaunuianog yerved oY, (1) “9OE evam0d a eg Jo sosnoy 241 4x09 q vod paaiSe ag ew se wuoy pay}pow Yons ut Kuo pansst 9q jes "4 AEw ase> ayy se uo pansst 2q10U j[04s UoneoyNou tn ‘worreoyltoU ayy Ur oNeayypoU Aue Fupye Uy 2arFe ‘osno}y yioq 10 UoHTeay OU aq Jo ansst ayn Buiaouddesip wr ansBe sosnop{ yog ‘presaioje Suoissas aniss290ns at 40 WoIssasatp Sumo. Aatepouut uorssas ayp go Kdx9 arp a0}0q Sj pur “suoqssos anisooons sso 40 oat W 4 woIss2s 240 Uy pastduso> oq Aeus YoU Sep ‘uno pouiad eo e 44 uosas uff 9.4 “iwoUTEZeg 30 sno} YHD 230} YIP UI PEL tq tes “(e) woHaas-qns Jopun pansst aq 01 posodosd voneaysou At2A9 40 A400 v (p) -9q Kou asvo oy set yu ayy ut porsroods oq Kou se wouopuesad pue eyes a0 uonesuadutos 01 Hupejas oy styl Jo suoistaoud ayn ainuip 10 wopesuadwoo bi annpas tou op exp stuonB2ytpoU 30 suondaoxa Yons yim Kidde yeys 20 apaHS Huo a ut payoads siiotsnoeu ayy Jepun wontsinboe pur Jo saseo aun on Aide (regs “Sone parsayje ayp 09 orousiag Huq [pte puoaag ain ut poyroeds auawomnasas jue uoNeuyige4 pu 2|Npa4os 1H. atp fm aauepYos9e UF UOesuadwod J9 UONRUIAIP bin on Zunejas oy sii Jo suors}aoud at) Jo Aue Teyp 2oaNIp “DY stHp Jo wouTad¥aUNOD jo atep ayy wou) 3vak auO Uy ‘uoRWaytiOU Aq “Joys IwSUUAEROD [eNUOD AUL () voeauigou aqnpayos yanod ayn us payroods swauneu9 e1p jo Aue 0 ppe 40 yO “voHEDYHOU Add ot 10 fq “Kou wuouitsaros yenua9 aut "901 woH39s Jo (Z) YoRDas-qns 01 roHfans (2) so uteLD> “ajnpausg qunog aip ut payjoods uonsinboe puc] or Suypjau swsunoeLe ‘yp oy Kidde you yreys 12 sIyp Jo suo|siacud ayn *(¢) uordes-qns 01 199f9Ns (7) "SOT =120¢) ‘RUVNICOVULXG VIGNI 403.1192 V9 IHL ve ) of sect (c) the manner and the time limit for carrying out social impact assessment study under sub-section (/) of section 4; (a) the manner of preparing and publishing social impact assessment study reports under sub-section (/) of section 6; (© the rianner and time for conducting survey and undertaking census under (/ the manner of preparing draft Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme under jon (2) of section (g) the manner of conducting public hearing under sub-section (5)of section 16; (othe mannerin which and the period within which any excess ampunt paid may bbe recovered under sub-section (3) of section 33; the form in which the Development Plan shall be prepared under sub-section vi (the powers, duties and responsi (Q2yofsection 43; - the procedure of Rehat (3) of ection 45; (m) the procedure to be followed by the Rehabil Committee and allowances to be paid to the experts under sub- section 48; and Resettlement Committee under sub-section (1) the procedures to be followed by the State Monitoring Committee and the allowances payable to the experts under sub-section (3) of section 50; lowances and other conditions of service of the ‘employees of an Authority under sub-section (3) of the salaries and rar and other officers a section 55; (P the salary and allowances payable to and the other terms and conditions of service (including pension, gratuity and other retirement benefits) of the Presiding. Officer of an Authority under section 56; (g) any other matter under clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 60; \c manner of recovery ofthe rehabilitation and resettlement benefits, availed claim or through fraudulent means, under sub-section (2) of, (x) any other matter which is required to be or may be specified under this Act. rule made by the Central Government under this Act shall be laid as soon as isin session foratotal period 3F more successive sessions, the session or the successive Houses agree in making any gree that the rule should not be made, the rule shall thereafter have effect on} set Jo oF sjwadss o 12449 au) 01 psvou yA L681 IOV 5281019) je1sus6) aif 40 9 ones Jo wonvoyjdde jpususH ain 129498 40 aoxpnfoid o1 piay| 2q TOU ys (7) wons9s-qns sepun jeadas ayn 29 sign Ul paprAcid asimuDIpo se anus (Z) oY woRysinboy PurT ay. (/) "PIT ‘uaur20g Jo 98r0}{ Yowa 210}29 jaye ag Kew se woos se “pre 94 [fe4s UoH}D9s sip zapun apeUl 49pr0.41943 (2) ‘payvados Kqauny st ¥68! ‘apes "oy sty Jo wauizousuiN0D a4p t0M) ‘s109« own Jo pousad eyo Aandxo ay, saye pasiouaxo aq joys s9qod yons ou eI PAPHOS yp 40) worpadxo 40 AsessiBou ag o1 1 01 svadde Kew se 1>W sii Jo stosna1d ‘uaisisuoout tou Suon9ou1p yans 94/840 suo|siaoxd ons aye 9pu0 Aq UYU yenap ayn “eg sip Jo suostaosd ay on 2040 Suir8 um sasze Anau Aue} ()°EH Luonetiqnd, snoysoud soye apo Fug *s2jn1 241 Jo woHIpLIOD 2p 01 r90KqNs 34 reys roy sya septum wusulusanon areas 20 fosiuay aye q sajmu ayeUI 01 9NOC YL “ZIT ‘asnopy 1e4p 210399 “2eNO} 2u0 Jo sstsUOD aanye|sHBO7] Yon exDq JO “sasNO}4 (307 aleig aul Jo aso} Yora axoyaq “apeus st Jaye ag KEW sapun quauuuaso9 are omy q epew ans 203 “111 syn ey Jopun auop stsnoyaasd Suipsue Jo Aupyyea ay} 01 2oxpnfaxd ynowpim 2q jLeys waWW]NULE 30 ‘uoneotnpow yons Kup eM s9A9MOY 0S :9q Kew aseo ay 1994) OU Jo.2q 9 WHO Pay!poW font Jo sisysuo9 1 2204 2m ss uoos se pro] 9q 11eYS PY: 1a) "AAVNICUOVYLXA VIGNI JOALIAZVO AHL 9 Suyaes pe ty 4 apes 2905 See.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 7 ‘THE FIRST SCHEDULE [See section 30 COMPENSATION FOR LAND OWNERS. ‘The following components shal constitute the minimum compensation package to be given to those whose land is acquired and to tenants referred to in clause (c) of section 3 in ' proportion to be decided by the appropriate Government, Serial Component of compensation Manner ofdetermination Date of No. package'in respect of land of value deter- acquired under the Act mi of value ® e% Market value of land To be determined as provided under section 26. 1.00 (One) to 2.00 (Two) based on the distance ‘of project from urban area, asmay be notified cease of rural areas by the appropriate Government. 3 Factor by which the market 1 (One), value To be determined as provided 29, int to one hundred factor specified against seri rhumber 2 for rural areas or seri 6 Final award in rural areas against serial number 1m by the factor specified agai serial number 2 plus value of asses attached to land or building ‘mentioned against serial number 4 under column (2) pt ‘mentioned against serial number Sunder column (2), 1 Final award in urban areas Market value of land mentioned against serial number Im by the factor specified agai serial number 3 plus value of asses attached to land or building caquunu peu9s ye '9q pinoys pauruuorap ase (2) uno ——— — aval RIVNIGUOVELX VIGNI 40 3.1929 IHL 8¢ Sec.2] ACQUIRED) 16 Abt Serial No. ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY THE SECOND SCHEDULE [See sections 31 ( 38 (J) and 105 (3)] 39 ELEMENTS OF REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT ENTITLEMENTS FOR ALL THE AFFECTED FAMI- {UES (BOTH LAND OWNERS AND THE FAMILIES WHOSE LIVELIHOOD IS PRIMARILY DEYENDENT ON LAND 1ON TO THOSE PROVIDED IN THE FIRST SCHEDULE. Enttlement/provision Elements of Rehat and Resettlement Entitlements a Provision of housing units in ‘case of displacement be provided as per the ‘Awas Yojana specifica- ns. IF house is lost in urban areas, a constructed house shall be provided, which will be not less than 50 sq mts in plinth area also be extended to any affected fam is homestead land and which fas been residing in the area continuously for a period of not less than three years preceding the date of notification of the affected area and which has been involuntarily displaced from such area: Provided that any such family in affected by acquisition shall te given more than one house under the provisions of this Act. Whether provided or Se aval o parsayye 159 (0 parsyjo pure pans pur padojanap au jo u20 se ‘Avan ‘sasodind wonesiueqan “ay poarnboe st pu 247 2569 Uf soos s2aatpuy sae EY-BUO suaqeaynbo p Sql. PaINPY>S a 30 pojnpayas yy 01 Sursuo} pue pu} Hujso] suosied asoun roafoud Kiox9 pauinbae st pur} ayn yay 405 r9afoud 2110 ‘ayy Jo aoulonbasuos e sz 'sey, ‘oy. 40 50] 40 pasinboe w99q ‘sey pun] soy pu ease pas3ayye i Ut puny eumnoyBe BuyuMo ‘jtuuey paroaye youd “pasmnboe ‘pure 203 pred 9q or uosresuadiusoo sod $0 20 St Jo 9809 21 UL -soxejduioo Suypiing parioys-pjnu ut papiaoad 9q Kunssa0ou 1 Meu sease ueqAn uy sasnoy a4J—worrounydy © ‘RIVNIGOVALXA VII uouoydurg, 420 Aaynury 30 20104, Y purty pado}2120 PYRO © puso) Puc z @ Oo INISOSLAZVD HL oF Sec.2) ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY 4 @ @) @ (a) where jobs are created through the project le skill development inthe required field, make provision for ‘employment at a rate not lower than the minimum wages provided for inany other law for the time being in force, to atleast ‘one member per affected family inthe project or arrange for a job in such other project as may be equi (b) one time payment of lakhs rupees per affected fami or (©) annuity policies that shall pey not less than two thousand rupees per month per family for twenty years, with appropriae indexation tothe Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labourers 5 Each affected f placed from the of one year fora period of one year fro date of award to this amount, tke amount equivalent to fify thousand rupees. Incases of displacement from the Scheduled Areas, as far es 6 ‘Transportat displaced fami and cattle. jo SoU panojre asnoy Jo ple aL (€) saoueuqunou {fe w04} 224) 9g greys saying paraaye aun OF 393 puet iLL (2) 23 uonensiBa: pur np dug UL souenotiy ouppsy au ol yuntuen0g ayeudordde ayy Aq paquissesd 0q Acui se nue yons Ur “SuOM9sa1 2 Suysy P: wary parsaye ayy ‘sio9ford iy 40 woRAL JO sose9 UL sufi fuysty 6 soadra punsnoyy 2n1j-A10989 fans Kyoeds pafo|duso-y12$ 40 s9pen jfets sHatpo ureso pu slope ‘esr up go Anum parsaye Gor “este “9g Aeus asea oun se doys Aniod 40 pays ope> Jo worransisu0> oy soadns— puesnogy aay-Aiuaa Jo f {on yaofqns Ayjoeds “uore2tjnow ‘hq ‘Kou uaunuson0y arradosdde if se unoUre Yons Jo 20UcIsse uo 198 1104s wes vistas oot @ a Ne aaa lewd "RUVNICUOVULXA VIGNI 40 3.L142V9 SHL w Sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY a ‘THE THIRD SCHEDULE {See sections 32,38(/) and 105(3)] PROVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURAL AMENITIES Forresettlement of populations, the followit amenities are to be provided atthe cost of the Req resettled popula ge or colony can secure for themselves a reasonable standard of community life and can attempt to minimise the trauma involved in displacement. 1 the esetted villages and an all-weather road .eca road, passages and easement rights 2d families be adequately arranged. 2 Proper drainage as physical resettlement as sanitation plans executed before 3. One or more assured sources of safe drinking water for each family as per the norms prescribed by the Government of India. Provision of drinking water for cattle. Grazing land as per proportion acceptable inthe State. Panchayat Gh 4 3 6 A reasonable number of Fair Price Shops. 1 88 appropriate 8 @eunos 4epun puey Jo s2xinboe au £q pareoiput aq pinoys ¢z 02 | ssoquinu euas wuIeBe {@) ouanjoo sopum pauoruaws saryuaure yeanyanuaseaj yo wawoduios yaeaJo eq —3LON na “TaUOU ibd 98 SHUR BOIAIDS AIBA SE papoou oy papysoud ag snus siuowaSueLe Ay w Jo sooanos presaiose ayn 01 fous ‘1 uuoo nu oq "UORD1AD Jo 290 ty Auedoud wouswioo 30 15040) Yons ‘anuyuoo we Aju ys ue ase ut pte wwowp0s jo30U a yene 31 “seo3nosau Kyodord uous pur 2anpoud 15910) jou wo SSL 15940} s1ouN LIN “ajqyssod aroun ‘papisosdaq isn sau} Joomp 35030} 21 equa jeuorupen soy payseuurea oq smu pur] Zz “ware paroaye a suoysuauutp pur suoquanajo Kiquiasse Aun ‘uy Axono Joy uuopejd aosyedmoys pure diysiom 30 soe 4 ‘somes pospuny Ki9n330y aua> Ayumumwsor sug OE uaspyyp 105 punasieeld “6 yo uounanop ay) £q paquosaid se anuay yiteaH Ammuttg = BL “ales somaumoypy oma unm anuad eaANS LL (600750 $8) 6002 Y9V woneonpa Kiosindiuo} pue aang o1uoupyD Jowsry atayo suojstrosd aqsodse coups ON “sooqnuas jevonianu Teuswoqddns sour pue py Buyprrosd sypemuetuy — “st ‘SuySyy onagnd 205 pur pioyasnoy yoes 4293 "(62sau9 30108 ox} AB1aU Jo saounos jeuorU2Ado>-UOU ‘yBnoug uo}}22uU09 £0) suorsouUoD 9uN29,92/8uIs Jenp AIP © @ 004) ‘RYVNIGHOWULXA VIGNI JO ALLIZVD AHL wy Sec.2] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIAEXTRAORDINARY. 4s THE FOURTH SCHEDULE (See section 105) LIST OF ENACTMENTS REGULATING LAND ACQUISITIONAND REHABILITATION AND RESETTLEMENT ‘The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (24 of 1938). ‘The Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (33 of 1962). ‘The Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948 (14 of 1948), ‘The indian Tramways Act, 1886(11 of 1886) ‘The Land Acquistion (Mines) Act, 1885 ( ‘The Metro Railways (Construction of Works) Act, 1978 (33 of 1978). ‘The National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956). 3 (Aca £1885), eae awn ‘of Right of User in Land) Act, ‘The Petroleum and Minerals Pi 1962(50 0F 1962), ‘The Requisitioning and Acquisition of Immovable Property Act, 1952 (30 of 1952). 48 (60 of 1948), 1987 (29 of 1957). 10. The Resettlement of Displaced Persons (Land Acquisition). 1. The Coat Bearing Areas Acquisition and Development, 12, The Electricity Act,2003 (36 of 2003), 1B, The Railways Act, 1989(24 of 1989), PK MALHOTRA, Secretary to the Govt. of India. "PRINTED BY DIRECTORATE OF PRINTING AT GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS, MINTO ROAD, [NEW DELHI AND PUBLISHED BY THE CONTROLLER OF PUBLICATIONS, ELH, 2013. GNGIPURND—28966S4)—27-00-2013.

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