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By careful analysis, I can say that, the trend have been changing from years and the people in the
England in 1918 have prefer to stay in a rented accommodation than comparing with owned houses
from this, we can say at in 1918 income of the England peoples may be less than comparing the
present income so they can’t build a own house due the huge cost for construction of house and
loans with high interest rate may affect their lifestyle.

While in 2011 it’s totally changed the people’s opinion on households. They prefer own houses than
rented households, whereas this illustrates that the rented houses are been too expensive than in
the past so, most people’s took the loans for houses, which seems them worthy than staying in
rented households.

Although some peoples who prefer for rented households may say that we have too many choices to
choose which house is convenient, comfortable and near distance to office and other important
daily essential items or may be some security reasons. in my word I would say that it is better to the
people who are not too much worried about the future planning and not having too much prefer to
be in own houses.

while the people who think about planning the future and to be peaceful at 60’s may prefer to own
a houses at early age because they may not be fully healthy and also the money can be very
important factor because to bills and other extra activities and children’s fees and miscellaneous
expenses which will be very hard at that period. So I prefer to stay in an own house than the rented

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