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Summary completion

5  Take eight minutes to complete the summary (on page 62) of the rest of the music
There are signs that the brave new world of subscription music is not that far off. A recent survey
found interest in subscription services highest among consumers in the all-important 18-24 age
group and those aficionado s who spend large sums of money on music each year.
Musicians themselves are also adapting to a service model. The key is to build online communities of
fans who feel engaged in the creative process, giving ' users' an unprecedented degree of
participation in the music they listen to. Some famous artists, such as Metallica, Prince and David
Bowie, maintain online collections of live concert downloads, exclusive digital-only tracks, videos,
online journals and interactive forums where like-mind ed fans can meet.
Young listeners, it seems, are increasingly unimpressed with the album format - however cleverly
the songs are arranged and attractively designed the cover art is. The album is ' traditional not
inevitable ' according to William Higham of Next Big Thing, a London-based youth trend consultancy.
The next generation of music fans is growing up in a 'compilation culture' , he says, pointing out that
the single-track purchase s make up a much large r percentage of digital music sales than singles do
for 'offline ' music purchases.

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer

The Young Market

Selling music by 1………………………… is popular among buyers, particularly young ones aged
2 ………………………… Musicians are aware that they need to encourage large groups of their
3 ………………………… to take part in music-making through live concert downloads and other
4 ………………………… activities. The fact is that young people are losing their appreciation of the
5 ………………………… even though it may be well produced and packaged. According to one expert, in the
world of digital music sales, 6 ………………………… much more common.

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